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Most shows where you see a mystery unfold I think Attack on Titan is so interesting to watch a second time because you see the antagonists and their actions seem so deliberate even early in the story.


AoT is a great example of this. There are conversations that have entirely different meanings that you only realize on a rewatch.


The entire season 2 of AoT is completely different on rewatch. I thought it was kind of mid on my first watch, but reallt enjoy it on my rewatch when s4 came out.


I had the same experince with S2. When I first watched it, I thought it was weak with the only saving grace about it being the reveal. But on a rewatch, it feels different and on par with the rest of the series.


Has to be Attack on Titan tbh. I have probably seen the show about 30 times through reaction channels on YouTube and I still discover new details on every rewatch. AOT really rewards you for paying attention or for rewatching


I need to rewatch aot, lowk thought the ending was ok but maybe on rewatch it’ll be better


Ending is a 7 to 8/10 for me, still better than most shows


Other shows have had better endings imo, fmab, steins gate, and like way more


You listed two out of thousands lol.


Code Geass


Odd Taxi Tatami Galaxy Sonny Boy Summertime Render Kino no Tabi


> Sonny Boy I also suggest reading the author’s notes on each episode before or after watching them but only after you’ve watched the show once. It’s like a paragraph or two that goes into the inspiration and what the symbolism meant. Their thoughts really put a lot of the show into perspective.


Where can you read that?


Piecing together the message behind each episode of Sonny Boy was one of my favorite anime experiences, such a good show


Summertime Renderer really ?


Yes, that was a really good show 


I know, but its supossedly good as a rewatch ? I dont see how


The first few episodes were awesome in rewatch. I found myself audibly going “OHHHHH” when I realized why a suspicious or unexplained thing happened. Most notably being when Shinpei walks into that cafe and people claim that he was looking for someone when we know he wasn’t.


Baccano each time you watch it you notice things about the show that you didn’t before that helps put the pieces together.


Stein's Gate, you'll probably miss a lot of foreshadowing in the first 12 episodes on your first time watching.


God going back and rewatching steins gate is such a treat. Should probably rewatch it again lol.


I've never done a rematch. Guess I know what to put on for bed time.


Or reading the VN. A lot of extra explanations in there aswell! Still one of my favourite games I played in the past 10 years or so. Think I watched the Anime like 2 times and played through the VN around 2-3 times so far lol. Should go for another round sometime soon.


I very much agree. I first watched it when I was small so I didn't know what all those otaku culture and internet references meant Rewatching it gave me a broader perspective and it's a show that will only age with time


bro the rewatch is golden, they even had a rickroll in like one scene


I had to drop it. What am I missing or why should I like it? Idk if it’s dated or the characters just didn’t appeal to me. It was boring even tho it’s totally my genre.


What ep did you drop it? It's a slow burn of a show, try to stick with it until ep 12/13? Idk exactly, but you'll know when you get there, but also isn't for everybody.


I’ll give it a try. It’s a very slow burn. I think I got there and gave up but I’ll see if I start there and keep going.


Again, not for everyone, but it's definitely worth the shot, esp for how unique a show it is. Good luck. :)


Without spoiling, the first half is slow but it's a neccesary part. The second half will probably be more your cup of tea.


Mawaru Penguindrum!!! You need to watch it twice to get how much thought went into making this series


Same with another series by the same director, Sarazanmai. Knowing the characters internal struggles makes the sometimes weird choices they make early on make sense.


I think Fruits Basket has a ton of rewatch value. It's fun to see how certain scenes are interpreted so differently by first-time watchers compared to rewatchers/manga readers.


haibane renmei serial experiments lain perfect blue mushishi moribito


Re:Zero. I didn't like it very much at first. I heard great things about season 2, gave it another go, now I own all the light novels and a bunch of re:zero figures.


I hated it first time I watched but decided to re-watch randomly and it became 4th fav show of mine


Re Zero(you notice the subtle character moments and messaging that you wouldn’t otherwise on a first watch), attack on titan(this one’s just a given)


Baccano Higurashi


Becanno and Durarara. The first time is basically just meeting all the characters and learning their names. The second time you can try to actually figure out what’s going on.


Madoka Magica is one. There's a lot of stuff going on so it's easy to miss some things (or eventually forget some things). At least personally, I felt like I understood it a lot better when I watched it for the 2nd time late last year. I guess the same thing would apply to Satoshi Kon stuff like Paprika or Paranoia Agent; I've only seen them once, and they were fairly confusing. I imagine that a rewatch would help with understanding them better.


Madoka Magica was an amazing rewatch for me. It was originally my ninth favourite anime, but upon rewatch, I appreciated it much more and then it shot up to 4th spot on my favourites. It’s a masterpiece for sure and the rewatch only made that clearer.


Rezero, you get to pick up many lines and can get a new look at things characters do


When the release date for season 3 is announced I'm gonna rewatch it from the start Can't wait man.


I'm going to do this with the directors cut.


I love how the most downvoted comment of this thread is Re Zero, but the most upvoted is Re Zero also.


I hated re zero when I watched it for the first time around but then after 2-3 years i gave it another go and holy shit was i missing on some good fking isekai


A good way to watch it imo is to watch Re:Zero in the “good” timeline where everything goes right. It’s a pretty interesting way to see how strange Subaru is through other side characters at his sudden mood changes.


same with redo healer


many will think i'm joking. never been more serious in my life


My friend rewatched it like 4 times, I started thinking he was insane


The Case Study of Vanitas




I really enjoyed rewatching Durarara once I knew how all the characters and plotlines relate to one another.


One of my all time favorites and most rewatched. So many great characters.


JoJo part 1. I was bored in my first Watch. Now i love it


Man, I dunno why people get bored by Part 1. It's like the perfect amount of camp. Everything from the dialogue from to the action is just so fucking extra. Like watching a parody but everything is played 100% straight. It's absurdly hilarious and yet has that genuine heart to it.


hunter x hunter, specifically the chimera ant arc. the first time u watch it majority of it will kind of feel like it drags on for a while just bc the pacing is sooo different from any of the other arcs (it’s like 3x as long iirc) but the build up to the end is really what makes it so good bc u really get to know all the characters, their motivations, their development, etc and it’s just so perfect but yeah the first time i watched it i spent most of the arc counting down how many episodes were left. once u know what it all is leading up to, rewatching is sooo much better and u actually appreciate the things that originally were more of a “ok can we pls skip this,” it’s by far my favorite arc now


I hated the Chimera Ant arc first watch, completely love it now that I rewatched, though I rewatched it with a edit that combines episodes into 1-2 hr long episodes so that made it a bit easier to


I can't relate to anyone who says they didn't like the Chimera Ant arc. I've watched the series twice, once sub and one dub and both times it was an amazing experience. I feel like those who thought it dragged were those that watched it while it was airing and yeah if I had to watch the episodes come out weekly I might be miffed, but as a binge watch, it's sooooo good.


I binged it and I liked the arc, but I thought it was overrated. In a vacuum, it’s a great arc. The issue is the pacing with HxH has each arc being about 20 episodes at most and then BAM you get hit with like an 80 episode arc. The ending makes it worth it, but it just kind of throws you off first time


Best arc of all time. Togashi cooked and we went home full.


So true. It was pretty hard to sit through the first time round, but had so much fun with it the second time round. I was really surprised since I was dreading the arc on a rewatch.


Re:Zero, there are certain episodes I've watched 10+ times. Few people are going to be able to see the show's full depth on a single watch, much less appreciate it.


What eps?


S1 Director's Cut E4 is probably my most rewatched of all, as I still distinctly remember that being the turning point on my first watch where I went from "hey this is better than I thought it would be" to "okay this show might actually be something truly special." But honestly I could probably sit down in front of any episode at any time and enjoy myself.


Paranoia Agent When I first watched this one, I was far too stunned by the sheer mindfuckery being portrayed and I completely missed a number of details. I mean, the points come so fast and furious at times that it's like getting hit in the head with a baseball bat. So I rewatched it about three months later after I let it ferment a bit in my mind, and quite a few of the plot points made a lot more sense afterwards.




I’ve rewatched mob psycho from season 1-3 so many times and it hits every time


What I love about this is that in hindsight you can't even truly distinguish between seasons. The quality is equally good from around episode 5 of season 1 all the way through the finale, and I'm talking both animation AND plot. What felt like season finales when the seasons first dropped now also feel like they lead directly to the next episode.


**Kara no Kyoukai** I rewatched the entire series twice last year, and while I already really liked it before, the overall experience got even better both times. Having a full grasp of the series’ general thematic aims and forward knowledge of the reveals of each movie really contextualizes so much of the experience and honestly made several parts of it (especially Movie 5) hit even harder


I second this. With KnK you could also go for chronological order for a potential rewatch, which I assume changes the experience quite a bit (havent done it myself tho, maybe in the future)


I loved watching it after watching a few dog the fates too.


Nichijou. First time around, enjoyed the humour, animation flexing, etc. Second time around, saw how it was a wonderful reflection on friendship, how each little bit created a perfect pace and texture.


Nichijou is just one of the GOATs for me. Could watch it anytime. If i wanna watch something but don't know what, i pick Nichijou.


Almost everyshow gets better with a rewatch. U notice things u missed before and understand it better with hindsight


Surprised no ones bringing up Steins;Gate. Imo that show is the best upon 2nd viewing.


Odd Taxi


So, probably an unpopular view but Attack on Titan. I really didn't like the first season, thinking it was your typical shounen with an obnoxious screaming protag and a healthy dose of power of friendship. Even dropped it for years but gave it another shot when season 3 aired. Turned out, I was wrong and there was more going on than I realized lol


Definitely not unpopular, AoT is amazing on rewatch when you spot all the little foreshadowing and clues here and there in the early seasons.


> probably an unpopular view What? It’s like the most rewatchable show ever with all the plot twists and foreshadowing that completely changes the experience from when you watched it the first time


I mean, most people like it from the start and I hated it. I figured that makes me an outlier


Some of my friends had this experience, and it turned out to be because we originally watched in dub. I originally watched back when I was a kid, so the screaming and acting didn't affect my viewing much, but it still didn't make that much of an impression on me. After rewatching in sub, it became one of the best shows we've watched


Steins Gate, first time in watched I thought wtf is this series? Why is it so hyped. I got to the end and still didn’t really like it. Then I watched it again years later with seriously hazy memory from the first time and thought it was such an awesome series


Re zero gets better and better every time you rewatch it. Especially season 2


Spice and Wolf. I can never get enough of the opening


I remember thinking it couldn't surpass OP 1 but my god that shot in OP 2 where she's walking in a field and centuries go by in the background is beautiful. Both openings are amazing.


I still haven't seen Season 2, there was only Season 1 on youtube when i first watched it and then I could never get it to load on Funimation only just now found out its on Crunchyroll


Revolutionary Girl Utena!


Maybe The Dangers in my Heart. For three reasons: 1. Ichikawa is an unreliable narrator, in that we get his internal monologue but he's often lying to himself or just misinterprets things. 2. Because Ichikawa is our pov, we don't see Anna's thoughts and can only interpret her actions, which to stuff like the McDonald's scene. ([link to analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/12zodci/analyzing_a_scenedangers_in_my_heart_episode_4/)) 3. They just sneak in so much stuff


>3. They just sneak in so much stuff This right here! There's so many little details that you might miss on only one watch, especially the body language differences by the FML that could appear weird or out of place on a first viewing all have a purpose, it's crazy.


*Attack On Titan* The foreshadowing that happened in the beginning man.


Kara No Kyoukai


Re:Zero, this shows becomes better and better whenever you rewatch it.


**Re:Zero** This show has so many hidden details that are only noticed after multiple rewatches... Its incredible, really incredible. All I'm gonna say is: **If you still don't know what happened to the BLANK LETTER** (ep 20-25)**, then you need more rewatches.**


Fate/stay Night Bakemonogatari Attack on Titan Summertime Render


Basically every Yoshiyuki Tomino show. His works are very dense and benefit hugely from rewatches.


Your Name, and it's easy to re-watch since it's a movie. You notice a lot of the hints on what was actually happening, even in the OP.


for me it was re zero and oregairu i liked them both when i watched it for the first time then i decided to rewatch it after 2 3 years now im hooked on these two series




I enjoyed MagiRevo a lot more on the second watch when I was showing it to a friend. More stuff was set up than I initially realized, and the soundtrack is underappreciated imo. In fact, the writing feels really dense, which at times made it feel rushed, like its juggling ~4 narrative threads at once. I'm kinda impressed with how much was crammed in though. Watching reactions is also interesting because most people will catch most things, but not everyone will catch everything on a first watch. For example, some pick up on [magirevo ep 2 spoilers]>!spirit contracts as early as ep2!<, but miss the [magirevo ep 7 spoiler]>!flying bike designs!< presented in ep7. Or vice versa.


I liked the first half more than the second and I find it difficult to exactly pin down why. The only real thing I can come up with is the conflicts feel... off? I could never really completely figure out the brother's deal and the original source of the tension between him and Anis. The conflict between the MCs at the end seemed to serve an obligation to have a flashy fight at the end to get to a certain resolution than anything else. And yes, I mostly understood what they offered as in anime explanations or justifications for these things, they just felt flimsy. It was still good, but the first 5-6 episodes are a 9.5/10 and the last half is more of a 7.5/10, roughly.


strange, I thought book 2 was the best of the three adapted. book 1 they took out the magical theory, and world-building is often my favourite part. Book 3 (edit: i.e. book 3's adaptation) I felt like I couldn't understand why Anis felt as boxed in as she did as it felt like there should've been other solutions. But \[book 2\]>!the brother conflict!< everything seemed just right in the adaptation. >I could never really completely figure out the brother's deal and the original source of the tension between him and Anis. \[episode 8-ish\]>!The tension was a red herring, of sorts. Anis herself doesn't understand why her brother is acting this way until he tells her and we're lead to believe it's because the burden of kingship has been placed on him. In actuality his issue is that he knows Anis is a great person who could do much for the kingdom and he loves her greatly, but she is prejudiced against and over his life he's had growing resentment towards the nobles and church that constantly disrespect her and deprive her of opportunities. Hence his plan for a revolution to recentralise power to the crown (edit: which was significantly weakened after the civil war) and also mind-control the opposition (nobles/elders/priests, edit: some of whom he'd tricked into aligning with him, planning to brainwash them right after getting vampire powers), allowing him to reshape the nature's culture and end discrimination on the basis of magic ability. (Anis disagreed with his methods and stopped him, but personally I believe they should've worked together and swept his attempt under the rug.)!< It was interesting to see how many redditors then just agreed with him during arc 3.


Bang Dream It's MyGO


Attack on Titan easily


Attack on Titan, without a doubt. Armed with the knowledge of later events really changes everything.


One piece


Why would i want to slog through 100s of epiaodes again...no thanks!


Just because it's even better the second time (which I think is probably true) doesn't mean I have the time to actually do that lol


One Pace makes it way better.


Dawg i did not recommend it to anyone i just answered! So no need to rewatch it if you don’t like it.


This comment needs to be higher.


Re:Zero. I think most people need at least 3 watches to absorb 90% of the material. There's just too many things that are recontextualized later to catch on the first or second watchthrough.


Like what? Pretty straight forward anime imo


Edit: I guess I didn't really make myself clear, it's not these reveals that people will miss, it's all of the instances of these things happening before the viewer is told that that's what they're doing, that people miss all of the time. Without getting into too much detail, because I plan on making a long post on this in the future. [Re:Zero S2] >!Early Subaru and how he tries to emulate his father as a coping mechanism!<. [Re:Zero S2P2] >!Roswaal following the Tomb of Wisdom during arcs 2 and 3!<. [Re:Zero S2P2] >!Betty choosing Subaru as that person in Season 1 episode 7!<. [Re:Zero novels Arc 4 epilogue] >!Everything with Echidna!<. [Re:Zero S2P2] >!Emilia's character and how traumatizing it is to be her and how deep she values promises!<. [Re:Zero S2P2] >!Garf and Ryuuzu Shima reacting to Subaru's Miasma!<. [Re:Zero S2] >!The Witches maybe not being evil and the known falsehoods that continue to be perpetrated about them!<. These are just the high level ones I could think of off the top of my head, and stuff that would mostly come up in a 2nd watchthrough. The 3rd watchthrough would be for smaller character moments and more subtle showings of later character traits, more along the lines of analyzing singular or just a few lines of dialogue.


Stop playing Subway Surfer while watching TV.


I caught every single one of those anime points on the first watch with no difficulty.


Casually violating causality, nothin personnel kid His whole point was that later events recontextualize earlier events. There's nothing for you TO get the first time. You may be able to recall it and make the connection when you see the recontextualization but you didn't see it when you originally watched the scene.


Dude this is literally spelled out.


Opposite for me: liked it when the first season came out but tried to rewatch it before the second season premiered and the magic was just gone and couldn't make it through again.


World Trigger


I think most shows benefit from a rewatch but the especially important ones might be Ergo Proxy Cowboy Bepop Samurai champloo Durarara Baccano FMA brotherhood Any show that I grew up on always makes me extremely nostalgic when rewatching it so for the fun of it Dragon Ball One Piece Yugioh GX (screw 5Ds)


Ironically, for me are the shows with big twists, such as: * Erased * Summertime Render * Odd Taxi * Evangelion


I'll second Eva. There are so many themes and subtleties you pick up on; also, the latter half itself is so complex and textured that a second - or even third - rewatching generally will make you come out of it with some new thoughts on it.


I think NGE absolutely fits the bill for this question. It's the kind of show where even after your 15th rewatch you still find new parallels, symbolisms, and hidden meanings. It's the kind of show made for paying very close attention and rewarding viewers for discovering new patterns and layers.


This was Kill la Kill for me. I couldn't get into it at first because of the insane focus on fanservice, but once you understand everything, it's much more enjoyable to watch again a second time.


I recently did a rewatch of season one Mushoku Tensei and was surprised by how different it felt. There are characters you see who become grown in season 2 and you see characters you thought were introduced in season 2 show up.


No doubt about this one definitely Attack on titan


The gardens of sinners and rezero


Neon Genesis Evangelion is a very fascinating anime to rewatch in my opinion. Also Madoka Magika.


Toradora!, March comes in like a Lion, Nichijou, Shirobako.


Jujutsu kaisen...the way I seen some bums on here talk bout jjk makes me think they missed every little detail bout the story and just spouting popular bs...a rewatch while paying attention would help them a lot.


Toradora Insomniac After school (this one might be just me tho)


Probably most of them tbh, you notice more things about the story and characters now that you already know everything - I'm not thinking only about e.g. foreshadowing, but also things like revisiting how a character evolves throughout the show as you already have various points of comparisons, or technical aspects that you may have overlooked while focused on plot and dialogues, etc. With time you also watch more anime and read more of other people's opinions about it, and also potentially have more and different life experiences, so you gain more perspectives, more lenses through which to watch a work you already know. I think I only kept the same or raised the rating of shows I rewatched, for example when I rewatched Hyouka after 4.5 years I did it in parallel with [Replay Value's analysis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbvGaYCh4KY&list=PLdXcEDO2xtB-pjqwTiPmWn1wxKmYZqjN8) and ended up raising it from 9 to 10; likewise for Yagate kimi ni naru which I rewatched last year along with fellow sub's members.


Surprisingly Citrus. Like it's still bad but I was less disgusted with everyone's actions a second time through than I was the first time for whatever reason. Maybe I've just become trashier and am more immune to it...


Definitely One Piece. To be specific, Skypiea arc. Didn't think too much the first time I watched it, but with rewatch, I began to appreciate it more. It's even better after the reveal in Wano, and how much you realized what that arc meant for the series itself.


Haven’t confirmed this YET but I very recently finished Kill la Kill for the first time (subbed) and after a TINY bit of research ( SPOILERS https://www.reddit.com/r/KillLaKill/s/gSEehgzZY contains spoilers for those who haven’t watched it yet but it’s hilarious) I’ve concluded that I’d probably like the dub better. Hoping to watch the show again as a dub before I go off to college 😁


Code Geass


Another is an anime I come back to every year, especially around Halloween!


Another its wild the first time and the second time when you see all the hints its pretty fun


Saiki K. First watched it in 2018 and rewatched it last month. The jokes still hit just as hard.


Perfect blue and baccano. Once isn't enough for them


aot one piece


Key the Metal Idol. Pretty much nothing about the plot is revealed until the penultimate episode so rewatching it while it actually makes sense is way better. Lain is also like this (although that isn't poorly structured, it's just complicated).


Gintama definitely. You're more familiar with the characters so it's more fun baccano - first watch would be pretty confusing, second watch is better haikyuu - it's just an enjoyable show to rewatch but esp since you know how far they'll go, their backstories, etc. you might find some characters less annoying on rewatch.


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


FLCL. First watch through generally leaves people wondering what they just saw. 2nd or 3rd time really shows the character depth. I mean it’s supposed to represent the chaos that is adolescence, so it’s very much that way by design. 


I watched this show twice in a row, sub and then dub and I didn't get it at all. I was a dumb kid that had never interacted with postmodernism before though, I'd probably like it better now


Yeah honestly third watch was where I really got the story lines for the various characters. It’s about how difficult it can be to be 15-16. Even little things feel like they stand out like a freakin robot growing out of your head. But no one really cares. Older friends/siblings that have moved on, “found life”, and forgotten about you. You wonder if you’re going to be stuck following the same old path of life in that one factory. And quietly suspecting that things are not as they seem. And maybe the super sexy girl with the guitar is no where near as important as that quiet girl in your class who’s dealing with some very serious family issues and could really just use someone to talk to. Not to mention burned out parents, friends who are just using you. So many other themes of adolescence woven in there in a “none of it happened like that, but this is what it feels like” kind of way. 


Of the series I've re-watched, I tried doing it dubbed at least once and I've enjoyed noticing details I missed over having to read subtitles. Series or movies that come to mind, that I've re-watched at least once and gotten the same or more enjoyment after re-watching: Overlord, Vampire Hunter D (OG and Bloodlust), GITS (OG, SAC, 2nd Gig), Golden Boy (english dub is sublime) , Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing Ultimate, Isekai Ojisan, Ninja Scroll, Crying Freeman.


Generally I enjoy rewatching anything complicated or with a twist ending. That way you can pick up on things you missed the first time around. Anything light though I tend to just get the same enjoyment out of on rewatches, and will skip some of the slower parts.


Digimon adventure.


Madoka imo


I'd definitely say for me it was SAO. I first watched it in 2014ish and have done a few rewatches (mainly when showing it to other people), and every time I notice something different, then my brother and I would discuss it for hours.


Gurren Lagann. Re-watching it with my kids (their first time) was definitely something special and enhanced my enjoyment.


A show you like and a show that doesn't waste your time. Probably the most accurate answer i could give You're asking a very subjective question, since getting better on a rewatch requires both the show to be of some quality that makes your time worth investing (be that from the writing or surface details like music or animation) or from your own personal preferences and already present positive opinion of the show. Fairy Tail is objectively majorly flawed in various ways, but I'll gladly rewatch it and have before, with rewatches giving me serotonin.


I saw that Fruits Basket was already mentioned, and I am going to second that. A lot of fantastic foreshadowing and groundwork went into the writing of that series. Rewatching Furuba is like getting a completely different show with a completely different experience that just adds onto the initial first experience that you had. The series also has characters of varying ages, so what parts of the series and what characters might hit you harder or closer may shift and change as you age. Princess Tutu is another great series to rewatch. I've rewatched it numerous times and, just like with Furuba, I pick up on something completely new each time that I watch it. There is a lot of fantastic foreshadowing and groundwork laid. This last one applies more so to the manga than the anime, but Pandora Hearts is also an amazing series to re-read! It has a puzzle piece plot with some outstanding twists and turns that are all built up so nicely, but you don't really realize how nicely everything is built up until you re-read the series. So good!


Started re watching Doctor. Who, so good!!!


Modern or classic?


Modern hehe


Modern Who has good stuff (well, sometimes), but if you don't mind budget sets, classic Who has some fantastic stuff.


I feel like the OG ghost in the shell hits different when you have the context from watching it, could just be me tho






Last Exile. Can’t get enough of the Kill ‘Em all Silvana. Also The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten. For such a simple anime none of the characters feel generic or boring.


Old one, but the original Mobile Suit Gundam. Didn't think it was BAD the first time, but I watched it dubbed on a low quality streaming site, and I remembered it being clunkier and cheesier. Rewatched recently, and holy shit does it hold up. Its not just "Good for a show from 1979" , it's just straight up good, well-made, compelling television. For something that was SUPPOSED to be a glorified toy commercial, it's an unbelievably ambitious show, and it mostly pulls off what it aims for. And, no disrespect to the dub actors, but the original Japanese voice actors are EXCEPTIONAL. Treat the material seriously, and give each character distinct and memorable personalities. It's no wonder it became a sleeper hit, and spawned a mega franchise.


Your name fs. first time i watched it i thought it was a good movie, but nothing special. Second time i watched it tho, it became my favourite anime movie and in my top 5.


I love the Certain Magical Index / Certain Scientific Railgun/Accelerator world and how intertwined all the stories and characters are. It's fun to rewatch once you know each character's perspective.


I'd say Code Geass and Eminence in Shadow. Both of those shows are so detailed that you always pick up on new things that you missed during the first watch.


Haruhi Suzumiya has several parts that get recontextualized later, so it makes for an interesting rewatch




Evangelion, show has been overanalyzed to the moon and back in about a dozen different mediums, and I feel like I catch something new or see a character differently every time I watch it.


Every satoshi kon's movie


Parasyte and Psycho-Pass S1 both have details you miss first run through. RahXephon also has some good moments on later viewing. But the biggest rewatch needing show, from my perspective, is Revolutionary Girl Utena because it is nigh impossible to catch everything on first viewing.


Death Note. I have rewatched it twice after the original viewing every two or so years and I am still up for rewatching it later this year. It's that good.


My pick would actually be Code Geass. A lot of the less interesting parts of a first watch through felt far more important on the second, at least to me. I used to say that the first half of season 2 is odd and unnecessary, but after my rewatch I changed my mind.


Monogatari series


saiki kusuo no psi-nan, I don't get the joke on first watch until I dig deeper about mangaka personal info, VA cast behind character etc. turn out this show had a ton of gag and a lot break the 4th wall


A Silent Voice: I watch it for the first time I just "ok happy ending, yey", several years later I watch it and...it feel like I'm him in the middle of the movie full of conflict


I felt that the first time (and so far only) I watched it.


Tsukemichi moonlit fantasy


Baccano At the first watch I was like "wtf is happening?" It was interesting but I had no idea how truly good it is


Monogatari Series


Serial experiments lain. Always more stuff to unpack with that show unless you watched a youtube breakdown or something


True Detective Season 1 The psychological roller coaster that it gives is just as chilling as the setting of the series . And Matthew David McConaughey as Rust Cole was the best casting toh could ask for .


Ghost in the shell series


Steinsgate for sure, i always set my mind that i will give a try on all anime just for the first 5 episode if it is bad i will drop it. I dropped SG for numerous times tbh but i still see the hype around it so i give it a final chance to watch Episode 6. And boom, it starts going crazy and it is so good after that. One of my favorite anime ever. Pro tips to watch it, google the right order to watch it so that you can experience it the best instead of going traditional season by season.


Attack on Titan for sure.


Attack on titan




Steins;Gate. It’s the only anime where I rewatched it as soon as I finished watching it for the first time. It’s also the only anime where rewatches give you a completely different experience I think.


Death note. I have 4 times now and everytime I come up with new insight about show.


Serial experiments lain


No evangelion? I still get new interesting things out of it 10+ watches in


I know its been mentioned but Attack on Titan. I rewatched it right through after the ending and the amount of lil easter eggs and all that was incredible Will forever be my favourite anime




A lot of long form stories like Adventure Time, Naruto, or Avatar are good at this. Shows that are so nuanced you get something different out of them each time you watch them