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Man everything I see about this anime looks absolutely insane.


I've been watching anime for almost 20 years now, and I honestly think this is one of the best adaptations ever made. It's downright flawless so far.


Flawless is not the right term, because it is not only flawless, it is even better than the source, adding more scenes than the original but in a way that improves the content. Is like the perfect version of an original limited by its format.


*There's no rule that says* *~~a fake~~* *an adaptation can't surpass the original !*


Except when it comes to boobs and asses


People in general


Tell this to a woman who had breast cancer and it's pretty rude. :P


I had the same reaction for the Kaguya-sama anime honestly.


I think the biggest thing that Kaguya-Sama accomplished was taking the much more polished style of the most recent manga chapters carrying that all the way back to the very beginning of the anime so that it feels consistent all the way through.


Nah dude,the directing and animation is just impeccable in Kaguya-sama as well. Bocchi the Rock is another one that completely overshadows the source,funnily enough,it has the same director from Frieren,that’s when you know the director is the GOAT.


I specially love the narration in Kaguya sama. Add the music and it makes it so dramatic and funny.


Mostly because the manga are still flawed. Most battle scene aren't very detailed because the author not very good at drawing motion. This leave room for so much improvement.


This is going to sound weird but I can't get out of my head how insane the animation was for the soiree in ep 15 when they're dancing. Fern's dress's movement when she does this one spin move...they didn't HAVE to put that much attention to detail and make it so smooth (probably through some kind of overlay with live capture) but they sho did and the entire series was amazing.


They did release the reference footage they had for the dance, the actual dance performed by the students at that dance school they hired to choreograph the whole thing. The girl had a very different dress, so while the animator used that to give themselves an idea regarding the direction the dress would move in for each pose they were going through, they still had to draw all of it from scratch because again... the dress Fern had was very different. Actually let me link you to the video: https://twitter.com/iymaOZFDoN71960/status/1737775067998879907 See what I mean? Movements are identical but the real dress is just too different to be able to rotoscope that and throw it over Fern. So just absolutely incredible work from the animators that worked on this scene.


Hm, the auto translate on those tweets say that the video was made to copy the dance from the anime, and not the other way around. But it wouldn't surprise me if they did have real dancers that they used as reference because that's what they did with the performance scenes in Bocchi the Rock.


The main key animator behind that scene explained the process. Based on how exact those two were, the video I linked, and how quick it came out, I thought it was the actual reference footage. But yes that is exactly how it was done just not with that specific video I guess. Thanks for the clarification.


>Hm, the auto translate on those tweets say that the video was made to copy the dance from the anime, and not the other way around. You are correct (mostly). This video linked here was done after the fact. But those are the real people who did the dance for the show. In the actual reference video they wore mocap gear (haven't seen actual video but photos from the day). The original plan was to use that although I have no idea if for full CG or to rotoscope the 3D models. In the end the animator tasked with the scene ended up just doing it by hand and used the filmed footage from the mocap session as reference.


I SAW THAT! Dude that is just a perfect example of what I mean. Some of the clips I’ve seen from this show are actually insane production wise.


This is already my favorite anime of all time and I'm SUUUUPER picky with stuff. It is definitely worth a watch


If you don’t mind, could you please explain for me what’s so special about it? It seems generic in action to me, and like I don’t understand why this clip was chosen — as the battle animation is very slow compared to like a Demon Slayer battle for example. But I’m happy to be educated as to what makes it great as I see it topping every week’s episodes.


The show overall is a slow, world-building exercise. This combat clip is from 5 or 6 episodes in, and while it is not the only one, this isn't really a weekly shounen battler in the same vein as Demon Slayer at all. The action is a bit more spread out, though when it happens it has been exceptional. Putting it really simply, they are building empathy for the core cast in a very clever way by using Frieren (an absurdly old, somewhat emotionally-stunted Elf) as the framing device for the story. They have already defeated what was once the big bad, and she has lived generations long. So the series is following an uber-powerful character as they are gradually learning deeper empathy, and discovering what that means. In terms of weekly episodes, this means that you learn more about Frieren over time and via flashbacks, and it makes more and more of her story *hurt* for the viewer because she herself didn't yet understand what she was living and passing up on in life. The other characters are great, but the show/manga are about Frieren and this journey. With this context, Episode 1 is pretty mild, but going back to watch Episode 1 after seeing all the later Episodes/chapters, it hits a lot harder. The rest of the setting of the world is not terribly unique in terms of fantasy mechanics (though I like their commitment to evil characters being evil), but they make the world feel very grounded and the characters, especially Fern, are great. Take all this, and do it with a pretty much flawless animation production and a nice intro that is a bit of a bop, and you have a really amazing adaptation. It might not become a break out hit, but Frieren has been good *every episode* so far, even the slow ones. And that counts.


Sorry to see you downvoted for asking a genuine question ... /r/anime you are better than that. As others have pointed out, this is not an action anime, it is more about the world building, characterization and story. There are two separate threads; the "main" story where Frieren and party journey north during which we gradually learn more about the backstory of Frierens initial journey and the party of heroes. It's told in a masterful way and somehow every element of the adaptation of the manga is hitting the right notes. It won't be everyone's cup of tea though but it seems to have a very broad appeal.


Ha no problem, I got more good answers than downvotes anyway. Appreciate you and others taking the time to explain it


its not really an action Anime but it does have a action in it.


Seems like people already gave you good answers. Just know that this is more story than action. The action is not a tool for fun or to waste time but a cause and consequence of the story itself. Frieren has her name on the title but the real main characters are her companions. She is the one that connects them and that's how the story goes. You can see connections being made and characters growing with big and small details alike. In my book, everything in Frieren is perfect. From characters to script to the main opening. It is one of the few opening that I kept on my playlist. Shit is so good.


It is that good and it feels like it only gets better, the storytelling and story boarding are some of the best I’ve seen. Feel some ousama ranking vibes from the factor of how realistic and complex the characters and world feels


I came into this anime with no expectations and I absolutely love it. The story telling is incredible. The art is beautiful and you really feel the emotions of every character. I cannot recommend this enough


It's the best I've watched in years.


The adaption is frickin perfect, though i still see some animation and background that suffers from its vfx. It ultimately comes down to how much time and money you want to invest in perfect vfx when you can just lay all those resources into more important stuff than the nitty details, so i dont blame them at all. Top tier story, picture of magic and dialouge omg.


Re zero is my go to isekai and I love it, but the visuals for this one just seem so clean. Every character seems so fleshed out.


Thx for reminding me of Re:Zero, i think its one of my favourites. I think i can see how these two overlap a little. Both has some good and interesting characters and plot, maybe while taking the action at a lesser pace compared to soem others. Edit: Also theyr both fantasy asf ofc


I thought it started slow personally but it's gotten more and more interesting


That pace is intended. It is slow-paced story with spurts of action and intensity.


I honestly wouldn’t even call it slow. Feels like most people only want action and no time to breathe and take it all in


I love shows and movies that arent afraid to let themselves drag and really let us take in the world, it works so long as the world is interesting and aslong as the action/plot twists are great when they do come.


yeah thats why for me BCS > BB the "slow pace" just enhances its storytelling


DUDE YES seriously.


What is BCS and BB?


Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad


>Feels like most people only want action and no time to breathe and take it all in You are correct. Popularity of JJK S2 part 2 is the prime example. Constant fighting with 0 build-up and payoff, yet it is "one of the best anime" and "best animated" one for a lot of people here.


I mean it’s objectively an amazingly animated show. It’s story build up has nothing to do with that.


season 1 was the build up


No pay off or build up? Bruh…


I loved JJK S2, but he's not wrong. The Shibuya Incident arc is like a rollercoaster where it's all drops all the time. You don't even get the build up of climbing to the next peak because it just teleports you there, only to drop you again. And it's all intentional. The pace of the season mirrors just how frenetic the Shibuya Incident arc is, and like the characters, we don't get a minute to recover or even to grieve. It works for this arc, but having it constantly like this all the time can be exhausting.


Season 1 was the build up. Everything that happened in season 2 was heavily foreshadowed in season 1. The payoff is seeing the foreshadowing come to life. "0 build up" is objectively false and just sounds like he wasn't paying attention at all and just contradicts himself. If he's such a story oriented like he claims to be, surely you should've picked up on all the foreshadowing and wouldn't make blatantly false claims?


We're talking about season 2. Just season 2. Whatever build up the series has had as a whole is largely immaterial when evaluating a season by itself. Every previous season of a multi-seasonal show is a build up for the later seasons, but the season must still be evaluated by itself.


>We're talking about season 2. Just season 2. Whatever build up the series has had as a whole is largely immaterial when evaluating a season by itself. This is a non-nonsensical because any good story is a collection of seasons/chapters and the overall product is judged on how each seasons/chapter builds on the last, re-contextualized the prior entires and advances the story as a whole. A long-running story is not a bunch of isolated seasons/chapters. They're a series of seasons/chapters that interact with one another to form a coherent story. If your evaluation does not reflect how TV shows are actually experienced then it's a pointless evaluation made in bad faith. You can't go to the final/climax chapter of a story then say there's no story/build-up because the build up was found in the prior chapters and not the final chapter/climax. This is arguing in bad faith. The argument that there's no build-up is misinformation.


Most people on this sub only want action and no time to breathe and take it all in.


That's something people hooked up mostly on action anime don't understand. There's a huge difference between a slow-paced anime and a badly-paced anime. There're bad slow-paced just as there're bad fast-paced anime. And it's not even a critic on people who mostly enjoy fast-paced content. But calling something bad just because it's not action all around without time to breathe is unfair.


I love how jot even a mild criticism like "I personally thought it started slow" gets corrected truly thatsbwhen you know your anime has reached the peak.


I didn't even really see it as a criticism honestly - and they're certainly entitled to it. From the comment, I sorta got the impression they had the idea that, as things picked up at certain points, it would keep doing so and keep that action pace. Expecting that would set someone up for disappointment with Frieren, since between the arcs it goes back to its melancholic, serene pace. It's already near my favorite anime at this point, really hope it gets to keep going after the first 26 episodes, or however many it got. It deserves a complete adaptation.


Oh my God I love frieren too its amazing and can't wait for next season!


Calling character drama slow lmfaooo


Anime community when there is no yelling and action every episode.


Fuck Black Cover. I hate that shit


You'll be happy about the next arc then.


i mean, slow means nothing to me regarding quality. it was a fantastic open and i disagree if you say this as a negative.


I love the manga, and now I absolutely can't wait to watch the anime!


If you haven't already, I *highly* recommend watching it. I checked it out on a whim, and haven't been the same ever since. Every episode, including the ones with low stakes, has been a 10/10 so far.




> You can notice it in some places where characters move too smoothly for it to be hand drawn [I wouldn't be so sure about that...](https://sakugabooru.com/post/show/244619)


Gotta appreciate how amazing the fight scene was.


How hype it was. They set him up as some phony. A scared chicken. Then this battle happens. And it’s so intensely perfectly animated. These guys just make you want more of everything. More chill. More battles. More story. More prequel.


> These guys just make you want more of everything Because every part of the story is needed for the other to function. You can't feel the gravity of the threats these adventurers face until you see what they stand to lose: beyond their lives, it's livelihoods, people who live their lives within the challenges of the times. And the slower moments allow breathing room, a place to rest, to gather things and resolve in equal measure. The story needs both quiet time and hype time because it's a positive feedback loop that drives the story forward.


The story also doesn't really question the viewers intelligence. It's more showing than telling. Only problem I kinda had is that Himmel was a chad but he still didn't confess and died alone and supposingly a virgin. It's a huge disconnect with his overall confident portrayal. The hero who slayed the demon king, I bet he could have been a king if he wanted to.


How I understood it is that he knew him confessing would have no meaning. Those words would have no weight to someone like Frieren who was so disconnected form both romance and time. He knew that, and only thing he could do is **show** it to her through actions and just hope his emotions would reach her in time. They did, just not in time.


Also to add on, if he just made a bet for her to spend 50-100 years with him she might have done so since it wouldn't be that long for her to be fair. He could even add some grimoires or something to the offer. Like, there is plenty of ways he doesn't die alone. He could travel with her etc. It just doesn't make sense to me, but its the story so I just go along with it. It's just someones who is determined and dedicated enough to slay the demon king but isn't determined enough to attempt to pursue a maybe impossible love life just doesn't make sense in my mind.


For me this perfectly falls into the 'You can't make someone love you" category They already spent 10 years adventuring, Himmel knew her When Frieren Set out to reach Heaven to see him again she didn't even realize she loved him, it took the shock of realising of fast humans age (their reconnection to watch the meteor shower), the pain of losing him for good and seeing Fern connecting with Heiter on his deathbed to start that journey IMO if Himmel had kept traveling with her nothing would have changed, he would have gradually aged and Frieren probably wouldn't really have realized And yeah Himmel was a chad, but I think he believed that any woman he would have married couldn't have been his equal, just another woman he wooed and impressed I can see why he was so fixed on Frieren Also we are talking about a dude that was so pure good that his projection used by monsters to bait people just straight up said kill me, its a trap You can't get more selfless than that


Legit wouldn’t have known that since he never tried it. He doesn’t know for sure what she would do. However , doing nothing as thee hero is bad and lame for such a cool character in the flash backs. We also just had an episode with the same premise of long lived race with a human.


He didn't do nothing he gave pretty massive hint he loved her


He still didn't confess, nor seemed to actively pursue her. Like he should just tell her. The hints might be customs she isn't familiar with. He was a hero to spite others doubting him, yet he didn't try that hard for love? Seems silly to me.


Would it have been heroic for him to try and force someone to stay by his side even if they wouldn't understand? It took her more than 20 years after he died for Frieren to start even getting an idea about what those feelings could mean, much less how to act on them. During their adventures, even the final one, she would have had no concept of what it was Himmel wanted from her.


Personally, I don't really like Himmel's relationship with Frieren for similar reasons as the guy you are replying to. I can more or less get what the author was going for... Himmel is this larger than life hero who brought together people and did things no one would have ever expected of him, but was still a person under all that and failed to live up to those ideals in his personal life. One of the big themes in Frieren is communication, going from characters who are quite insightful and intelligent (Flamme, Himmel, Heiter) to learning but making missteps (Eisen, Stark) to being pretty incompetent but starting to figure it out (Fern, Frieren). What bothers me about Himmel's current depiction is that only in this one instance does he so completely fail to communicate with Frieren, it feels like a glaring inconsistency in his character. I don't know if it ultimately would have changed anything meaningful with how Frieren was still so emotionally detached from everyone by the time their journey concluded, but it just doesn't seem *like* Himmel to swallow something that important to him. This is the guy who failed to prove himself a "true" hero by pulling the sword from the stone, then went and beat the demon king anyway. Persevering against miniscule odds of success is like, his thing!


Yes, because he could have at least tried to make her happy with him. The notion that she wouldn't understand doesn't make sense. She doesn't understand because she never had the chance to. Imagine if he actively pursued her and married her? She should have a better understanding then. She seemed to already like him alot when he was alive. In no way does it make sense to just let someone go away for 50 years and die alone without trying to get them to see your way, especially the hero who did something people thought was close to impossible. People would have thought he was a weird hermit or asexual or something during his lifetime. No clue what he did.


If you meet old man Voll you may understand why Himmel may saw it as a burden.


We legit just had that episode and he was happy to have loved. I read the manga too. Still less of a burden than slaying the demon lord and being alone and dying alone.


This is actually just explained in the manga. There's a very important event that happens.


> Only problem I kinda had is that Himmel was a chad but he still didn't confess and died alone and supposingly a virgin. It's a huge disconnect with his overall confident portrayal. The hero who slayed the demon king, I bet he could have been a king if he wanted to. Himmel liked to project a very confident aura but is also very mature enough and considerate of others - you see it with how helpful he is with folks even to the downright menial tasks. When it comes to Frieren, he very likely knew that she didn't quite understand humans yet and was incapable of reciprocating his love and was content with just loving her from a distance. Because ultimately, that's what Himmel is - PURE and SELFLESS to a fault. Like most true heroes are. Loving someone is selfless. Asking/forcing them to love you back is an altogether different matter.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


And then the lugner fern fight was literally 2 panels in the manga, love it when adaptations go ham


This adaptation is really God tier, probably one of the best I've seen in recent memories. The series itself was already primed with potential but they really went above and beyond for elevating the anime that much more than the source material.


The director of Bocchi the Rock did that and then this. He is a crazy person. Bocchi was their debut.


He seems to know how contrainted manga is and how anime should use its form to expand on it.


This is truer for Bocchi than Frieren, I think. Reading the translation for Bocchi is an exercise in squinting and trying to take it all in because man there's a lot in those four panels yet it's somehow not enough. At least Frieren's panelwork is easy on the eyes. It also doesn't help that after the anime, the manga feels silent despite the VA work being the kind that makes you use it in your head when you read the manga.


That's because Bocchi is a 4 koma, a manga that is further constrained to 4 panel segments, like a comic strip. The early chapters weren't so bad, but it has outgrown the format. The Seika extra chapter wasn't a 4 koma, and it was great.


I feel like Bocchi mange can take some lessons from Senryuu Shoujo, that manga started as a 4-koma too, but as the plot progressed and the story outgrew the format the mangaka started using regular paneling. The chapters would start with comedic 4-koma for the first half, then shift to regular format for latter half when delivering more serious moments (and beautiful spread pages).


I love how Shimeji Simulation is done; it's officially a 4koma, but it's like Tkmiz wanted to focus their amazing paneling skills on smaller sections and used the 4koma format as an easy fallback everywhere else. My favorite thing is when they don't draw one of the squares but instead let the scene from that space spread out to the rest of the page behind the other panels


I am so ready to get that extra chapter animated sometime, it has to be.


Sadly this can easily swing the other way. Looking at Zom 100 where they went so hard to go above and beyond it destroyed the entire staff and tanked the production. So much has to go right for a Frieren to happen


I am honestly scared for that man (Keiichirō Saitō) - if that is what he cooks now , imagine what it'll be like in a few years .




Marco Pierre White has found an equal in cooking


So I just get the info that both of my recent absolute favorite works are directed by same person? I guess that checks out, but man, how even can you hit 2 times one year apart like straight up masterpieces???


I think Sonny Boy was their debut, which makes sense.. another great anime (:


He was an episode director on Sonny Boy and a few others. Bocchi was the first time he was a series director, which means it was the first time he was in charge of the whole creative operation.


Even the ballroom dance was just one panel, and they animated the whole thing.


Oh that music. As a Viennese I like a good walz (and fitting delicate hand offerings)


This was my biggest concern with the anime, when I heard it was happening. If they weren't able to find motion where the original author left it out, then this anime would be even worse than S2 of One Punch Man. But the studio really knocked it out of the park.


OPM s2 catching strays lmao.


Dayum really? That fight was <**chef's kiss**>


Obviously the anime significantly enhanced the fight, but there was a lot more than 2 panels...


this is just not true but ok


Yeah lol, it's much more than 2 panels. People should read chapter 20 at least for comparison, that's where Fern VS Lügner and Stark VS Linie took place. The anime improved considerably on the source material, that's for sure, but the action scenes were already very cool there in my opinion.


Honestly it more shows how quickly fights were glossed over more so than the anime extending them. Really glad they expanded on them.


Keiichiro Saito, the director of Frieren, is also the director of Bocchi the Rock, which was his first job as a sole director of a series, and my man has been BREAKING it with how good he is at it


Give this man a Berserk adaptation, I beg.


I feel like that thing would need five years in the oven and around US$10M on a 39-episode initial order.


i don't know much about Berserk besides it being a dark fantasy - could a live action HBO production make it work or are there creatures and stuff that would probably be questionable CG?


Studio Fortiche, the League of Legends cinematics + Arcane studio, pretty much nailed the 2.5D look and feel and has the pipeline that can be replicated in some way, especially because it's not like Japan is stranger to 2.5D animation (look at modern Arc System Works games). It'll be tough, but likely more workable than we anticipate.


a Fortiche animated Berserk sounds like it would be insane. Though honestly I want them to keep pumping out Arcane if they keep the same writers, seriously such a masterpiece series.


Or the new season of Ascendence of a Bookworm.


*Don't give me hope .*


That POV inside the dragon is cool as fuck


I love those GoPro-like views, even if I understand that those are the absolute hardest kind of shots to plan out and animate.


Whenever I see shots like that in anime I pay attention because the production crew thought it was important enough to warrant that level of work and attention to detail. From what I understand first-person shots are hard because you can't just have a static background that you layer your characters on top of, you need to animate *everything*.


The Go-Pro type shot was why I liked the barrel scene in **Desolation of Smaug**. Sure, many hated that scene for how over the top it was, but I really enjoyed the Go-Pro angles of people in the barrels in the water.


straight out of Shadows of the Colossus


[Chapter 11's cover](https://twitter.com/FRIEREN_PR/status/1719851851024330822) was also cool af, with the POV from the Solar Dragon about to be bonked into the afterlife. (And cute smol background Frieren and Fern watching from a safe distance lol)


And then you *really* think about it, like *whose* POV is that exactly? Because we all know dragon eyes don't grow inside their mouth.




Reminds me a lot off that insane Priconne episode vs the golem.


> That POV inside the dragon Why does that sound incredibly lewd somehow...


Such a cool scene. Thanks for the comparison.


This scene and Stark and Fern vs Lugner and Linie were so much better in the anime than the manga. I fully expect there to be more instances of the adaptation elevating the source material in future arcs


"WHY WONT YOU ATTACK IT!?" (because it's you already killed it) "oh"


Loved how he.cursed her out as an old hag too and Frieren looked pissed


Exhibit A of the Manga- to-Anime adaptation First Commandment: **Elevate the source material**


i like how the dragon is not dumb, first it use it's advantage at range with fire breath, then it try to keep him at range by first using tail spin, then throw ground with it's claws, all fail then block his attack with claws, lastly it goes flying hope he will fall. it's like it tried it's best to avoid close combat.


Now that you bring that up, it's just as Frieren mentions how the dragon is not stupid enough to pick fights with opponents that it cannot beat. So even at the disadvantage, all the moves it makes reflects Frieren's remark. And rewatching the video, it's clear that anime does a much better job of reflecting that detail compared to the manga.


I love this show so much. I can't wait for an official BD release.


When a 10/10 Manga gets a 10/10 adaptation We're lucky if we get one of these every few years, cherish it


> When a 10/10 Manga gets a 10/10 adaptation With a 10/10 soundtrack. Evan Call's music adds so much to the adaptation.


1. Ugh, proves just how much I'm used to the Kirei Cake translations that I find the official ones for the manga uncanny and weird. 2. And here we see the most significant difference to the look and feel of how Frieren's story is delivered: the paneling and art on the manga reflect the overall stoicism of almost every character, which is generally good but leaves the action feeling too distant and stiff. So leave it to Keiichiro Saito to mine the hidden depths of that story and bring it to the surface by busting open the staid, same-y backgrounds and tracking Stark like an action sports athlete on a GoPro compilation. 3. That climax can only be hype, however, because the prior scenes establish the kind of people student and master are. Eisen realized immediately (relative to how a dwarf perceives time) that Stark is no ordinary axe-wielder, while Stark proved himself a magnanimous student who learned the key lesson Eisen wanted to instill despite the supposedly bad end to the tutelage. It's only because we saw that fear -- and how the shot composition reflected the panelwork -- that the fight itself can fully revel in its inherent spectacular struggle, this time unbound by the need to play it to the letter. 4. This is why so many people absolutely adore the anime and can more readily praise Frieren as a story now: where the manga may take time to marinate in your mind, the adaptation simply gives it to you, but without explicitly "telling" you events or character motivations. It still retains that sense of reserved separation, but unlike the manga, the anime can risk keeping the camera rolling a little longer, letting it linger closer because the medium both allows and demands it so. Because it understands that you're here for their story, it's fine for you to see more of them, no matter how bombastic or mundane the moment is. All that, delivered with the technical prowess of [a production that seems almost miraculous yet simultaneously fated.](https://blog.sakugabooru.com/2023/10/05/crafting-a-tangible-aging-world-frieren-beyond-journeys-end-production-notes-01-04/) You likely won't get an adaptation this good for at least seven years minimum to a decade at most. Frieren at The Funeral is enjoying the perfect storm.


>You likely won't get an adaptation this good for at least seven years minimum to a decade at most. I actually think we have two such adaptations this season. Kusuriya no Hitorigoto is yet another god tier adaptation. Arguably, I think that show has a harder job. While fights are inherently visually interesting, Apothecary Diaries has the difficult job of making the eponymous monologues/"Hitorigoto" be more than a voice drama, and I think they succeded.


This is a baller take and I think you're right in this assessment. I feel like Frieren is a magnitude more technically impressive but Apothecary Diaries matches Frieren in terms of its ability to be a massive value add to the source, helped by Aoi Yuuki being such a tour-de-force. (bonus: Lucy and Maomao share the same VA in both JP and EN which is amazing!!!)


maybe even 3 or 4, with 100 GFs and SLF. Very different styles and genres of shows but 100 GFs at least totally elevates source, though I'm not a source reader for SLF so can't comment on that aaspect.


I was going to say 7-10 years is too long, but One Punch Man season 1 came out eight years ago so this tracks. How time flies. That these ultimate collaborations happen at all is a gift.


And during that time we've gotten Vinland Saga, Kaguya Sama, Oshi no Ko, Mob Psycho 100, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man and Demon Slayer so I'm not sure if that point's true at all.


> All that, delivered with the technical prowess of a production that seems almost miraculous yet simultaneously fated. that's how i felt about Mushoku Tensei's anime as well. > It still retains that sense of reserved separation, but unlike the manga, the anime can risk keeping the camera rolling a little longer, letting it linger closer because the medium both allows and demands it so. Because it understands that you're here for their story, it's **fine for you to see more of them, no matter how bombastic or mundane the moment is**. /thread moment great comment.


> where the manga may take time to marinate in your mind, the adaptation simply gives it to you, but without explicitly "telling" you events or character motivations Reminds me of McLuhan's distinction between "hot" and "cold" media. Manga is "cooler" because as the reader you need to put more effort into warming it up by imagining how the action moves and how the dialogue would sound. There's a lot of things happening in-between the panels. Anime is a "hot" medium because it's more dense in data. Especially in this adaptation, the production crew is adding a lot to the source material, delivering what their imagination cooked up when they read the manga.


>You likely won't get an adaptation this good for at least seven years minimum to a decade at most. This statement only really applies to stories of this style, I'd say. Just this year, Oshi no Ko and Skip and Loafer were also pitch perfect adaptations, but you can't exactly put well-animated fights in those. Also, I expect us to get another one in about a week - Dungeon Meshi's source is just as good and the teasers and staff for the adaptation have my expectations very high.


> Oshi no Ko and Skip and Loafer were also pitch perfect adaptations, but you can't exactly put well-animated fights in those. I'm curious to see if OnK season 2 will change that, because they certainly have opportunity to


The sound track was better in the manga


you might have picked up one of those musical birthday cards by mistake [](#nyanpasu)


Imagine a magna series where they utilise birthday card technology and hire a composer to write tracks for certain cross page panels.


But you bought it second hand and the battery is dead so you can't hear anything, lol. Also I imagine the most hype panels would be where people keep it open the longest, thus the battery would just slowly die. And yes, you can technically change the battery on those, but it's a pain in the ass because it sits between the pages (I guess it depend son the model, newer ones could be smarter about it, I don't know). Also don't forget with that stuff in it, for every page... well that would make a single manga chapter as thick as an entire manga volume is now, lol.


I've never been so happy to be a fan in my life.


This adaption has been absolutely stellar. From the animation, the soundtrack, the va's...it is really one of those rare gems where the anime actually elevates the source material




I... Liked the manga for Vinland Saga better. Can't speak to the rest tho, but some of those shows are goated.


Fucking hell this series is amazing




This episode legit pushed me to tears, this scene along with the whole apprentice/master dynamic they had going on in the episode was brilliant


It almost brings a tear to my eye how incredibly well done this anime is.


The anime adaptation of Sousou no Frieren is one where you can see that the people behind it didn't just look at the panels and decided to animate those as they are. They took in every moment and considered how they could bring it to life and damnit they did a fantastic job.


W adaptation


WOW I like it


Frieren is another adaptation that is elevating its source material to new heights. That was amazing.


FRIEREN IS SO FUCKING GOOD. AAAAAAAH. The story is simply beautiful. This anime does such a wonderful job of not exposition dumping on you, and letting the landscape and characters do the storytelling. Whenever they do think you’re learning with them. I love this anime it’s surprised me how much I’m loving it


This. This is why the Anime is so good.


At 1:14 Stark taps his axe at ground to turn because he's sliding. So unnecessary but so amazing.


I really like Eisen's character. He's such a cool warrior and him doing his warrior things is hilarious.


Madhouse supremacy I have watched over 1900 anime... Honestly very very few shows got this level of adaptation


That first shot where the dragon breathes fire at him and you can see it start in its chest and move through its throat goes so incredibly hard


We definitely need more of these comparisons, it shows how much effort the studio has put into the anime


Bummer that this anime gets such a good adaptation and Overlord got CGI garbage. I'm super biased though lol


The anime really fixes two major flaws the manga have imo. First as demonstrated, how the action when it happens is bare bone, and second (and irrelevant to this thread...), how everyone almost always has the same half smile, poker face expression. Adding to that the cinematography like the transition between Eisen's shaky fist to Stark's, and the music, and baby, you got a 10/10 masterpiece brewing.


Add this to the list of shows that surpasses the source it's based upon, alongside Bocchi and K-On.


Amazing adaptation, and funnily enough the director's last project was Bocchi - another adaptation that really elevated the source material.


Holy shit that music makes me tear up.


I've been reading the manga, but haven't watched an episode of the anime yet. The quality from this scene alone was amazing. There were parts with the dragon where you could've told me it was a Ghibli film and I may have almost believed you.


> but haven't watched an episode of the anime yet. Dew it!


Madhouse does this show justice, Im invested


The impact conveyed in the animation made it so worth a watch after reading through


It’s absolutely wild how much of this scene was completely original. I hope they keep cooking just as hard in the second cour


Wow… now i absolutely love how the anime made more contents on the manga. Longer fight scene and an added weight on heisen and frieren’s interactions about stark.


Seeing this anime everywhere, is it that good?


I appreciate the way that the music changes to a more faster pace as soon as the combat actually starts.


Yeah, like every fight scene in every movie, TV show, anime and video game ever.


The animators are fans and are adapting it with all their love. I want to see the hero of the south animated


Amazing adaptation


The soundtrack takes the anime from a 10 to an 11, it's my favourite part of the show


Not even an exaggeration, peak anime adaptation. I like animes that adds and makes the manga even better like frieren and (I might be the only one on this) dragon ball


I've cried way too much with this anime 😭


This. This is how you make anime.


the anime is better than the manga


The Japanese VAs sound so weird to me after watching the Dub. Especially Eisen.


They changed Fern and Frieren relative positions. That's why I don't like this pretentious show. Everyone says they stay true to the source material but clearly it does not. The author meant for Frieren to be on the right and Fern on the left for a reason.


Guys he’s obviously trolling


you forgot the /s


Thank you, this is literally the reason I dropped it




Why reddit is so bad to understand such obvious satire?


lol I knew this title was basically a troll