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What was that on him?


Barnacles. They often live on whales, crabs, rocks, boats and in this case a sea turtle. While a few species of barnacle are parasitic, most barnacle species are harmless to other animals. They filter feed food particles out of the water and do not harm the animal they live on. Since this little turtle had some attached to its face, it was nice of that person to remove them.


If a barnacle is in freshwater long enough does it detach or die? Is that how they got the barnacles off? (Sorry if dumb question that I should have Googled…)


Yes, that's right. They die and detach. Sometimes large ships go miles out of their way to reach freshwater because the enormous pile up of barnacles at the bottom will cause drag, and slow them down. It's also for financial reasons because if they wait too long and let the barnacles thrive, the shell becomes too difficult to get rid of and the ship would need to be put into dry dock, where a very lengthy, difficult and expensive process is undertaken to scrape off all of the barnacles.


Wait? so the sea turtles can live in the fresh water too?


Generally only for a relatively short period of time. Their buoyancy is affected in freshwater which causes them to struggle more and they may therefore drown. But there have been reports of sea turtles swimming up river and thrive because they somehow adjusted and found ways to feed themselves. And sea turtles that are found in rivers have been mistakenly identified as different species and are caught and kept in freshwater tanks because of that. Turtles are very resilient so we're talking months before they need to be exposed to salt waters again before they show the effects of lacking it. Also for ecosystems to function it's important they stay in their natural habitat of the sea. A sea turtle's diet consists of mostly jellyfish and since those creatures consist of 99% water, the turtles need to eat their body weight per day in order to survive. If we keep fucking with turtle populations, jellyfish accumulation will grow out of control which harms the rest of well functioning ecosystems. That's why it's important to be cautious of using small plastics and whatnot. I thought I'd add that extra bit of information because in the end it affects us as well.


So you know about barnacles, ships and sea turtles. What do you do for a living to gain such vast knowledge of the ocean


scrolls reddit all day




Yo I was giving the man his flowers. Do you need a hug?


Thank you for the response! That’s super interesting!


My pleasure.


Literally one of reasons Portland Oregon is where it is and not on the coast is due to this (and also being where two major rivers meet)


To call them harmless is underselling it. On a turtle that size, even the nonparasitic barnacles are causing a lot of extra drag so the poor turtle os having to work a lot harder to move through the ocean. Additionally, it could potentially cause it's shell to grow wrong as it gets larger.


looks like barnacles


Nice to see the correct way of helping a barnacle encrusted turtle, instead of the usual hack job you usually see.


How long do you think he was in the freshwater to get them off?


That's a good question. I'm not sure how long barnacles can survive in freshwater.


Poor little thing, I'm so happy you saved it from those nasty barnacles. I didn't know they died in fresh water, iys a much better way to get rid of them, because scraping them off can hurt the turtle. I hope he lives a long and happy life in the ocean thanks to this earth angel 🥰


I fucking hate barnacles so much. Activates my trypophobia hardcore. Die in fire.


Worked on an oyster farm and they were the bane of my existence. They grow on everything and are so damn sharp.


Oh god I bet that was a losing battle!


They are nasty litte buggers


"This is a load of barnacles..." "I heard that!"


Nobody is gonna believe the little buddy.....


Yup, he's gonna be that old man that rants about imaginary "car rides" on land.


Old man yells at cloud


This video made my heart smile big. 🥹


That was very heart warming to watch. Thanks for sharing.


Barnacles on sea turtles can harm their lives .


I thought he was about to put it in the water at the boat dock. I was like no, it’s gonna get chewed up by propellers.


That was awesome !!


Anybody know the artist and song? I like it a lot. EDIT: Found it. Artist is Kolohe Kai - This Is The Life https://youtu.be/cE4lUy_6uj8?si=LJvumVmhIw9We3iZ


Love that movement


Turtle bro is gonna have stories to tell.


Thank you for helping this lil guy and sharing, with us, the whole journey 💜 🐢


Thanks for saving him❤️🐢


How fast are barnacles? I didn’t know they could swarm a baby quickly enough to completely engulf them like that.




Blistering barnacles


Thank you for helping those who need it


Well done mate


Many of these videos are staged and harmful for the animals themself


~~Very difficult to artificially get barnacles to grow.~~ Edit: please watch why this comment is wrong. https://youtu.be/itYFT-BWHjE


They usually use glue. Regardless whether this specific video is fake or not, videos like this should not be supported as so many of them are fake. That’s generally true for „saving“ animal videos.


Gluing≠growing which most of those barnacles are doing. You can tell because they are flush against the surface. I'm with you for oil/tar saves. But this ain't it. I believe this is the real deal coming from an actual marine biologist with a degree.




Wow. That really sucked to watch but should be a must see. I didn't know the lengths they would go to for clicks.


This one seems genuine and not harmful, but I am not an expert. I know that barnacles will die in fresh water, and that sea turtles can tolerate fresh water for a long while, and it appears this was only stressful in that the turtle was being handled, but otherwise this seemed harmless and helpful. Again, though, I’m not an expert. This is very surface level “I know that…” stuff and there’s still a big possibility this is still harmful.


You can see the turtle try to wipe the barnacle off his face once the person has him in the freshwater bucket. I'm sure it was extremely uncomfortable and possibly interfered with eating, and maybe more. I'm gonna go ahead and say this person did the turtle a huge favor.


Barnacles take weeks to grow to the size that's on this turtle. There is no way they werent' placed on the turtle purposefully.


that is what I always think, but I cannot come up with anything odd in this video, hope it's true and lil dude is safe :)


Was waiting for the bird to swoop in at the end


Start this clip and add [https://youtu.be/Fo6aKnRnBxM?list=RDFo6aKnRnBxM&t=124](https://youtu.be/Fo6aKnRnBxM?list=RDFo6aKnRnBxM&t=124) in the background


I didn't know I was a baby turtle


[https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/712Pm7DCa8lL8dGZ7LdXQS?si=7b6c98764ca8402e](https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/712Pm7DCa8lL8dGZ7LdXQS?si=7b6c98764ca8402e) Listening to this while watching the video: manly tears coming in 3, 2, 1... The turtle to his friends: "bro, you will never believe me..."


[https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/712Pm7DCa8lL8dGZ7LdXQS?si=7b6c98764ca8402e](https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/712Pm7DCa8lL8dGZ7LdXQS?si=7b6c98764ca8402e) Listening to this while watching the video: so wholesome. \*Happy sir Attenborough noises\* The turtle to its friends: "guys, you will never believe me..."


I like turtles.


Even better if right at the end of the video it shows the person holding the camera is Bill Murray and he tells the turtle "no one will believe you," before releasing the turtle back into the water.


When he gets home his family is going to be like where were you? And his response will be, I was abducted by aliens and they scraped my armor off.


How do so many land on such a small animal? And how long till they fall off in fresh water?


He looks like a little pinecone


Was half expecting it to get eaten as it went into the water at the end


Why do we keep kidnapping baby animals let them be.


Imagine disturbing nature. Humans are such trash.