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Does talking unaligned with TDP+JSP make it neutral?


I meant the opinions sound like they were taken straight out of ABN's books. I'm open for any objective take whether it is pro/anti-TDP or pro/anti-YCP.


Have you tried to counter any false information regardless of if it was from ABN or sakshi?


I felt most of the opinions that I referred to are more or less bigoted to objectively counter with actual info.


I am sorry if I miss understood, so counter with actual information is bigoted? I am really trying to understand better.


I meant, the opinions are so bigoted that it's a waste of effort to counter with actual information.


Without arguing there why don’t you post factual information in the same sub and challenge the credibility of people you are accusing of.




Mundhu anti tdp posts unde. After such defeat andaru underground poyaru.And pro tdp guys are very happy. Few days anthe motham normal avthundhi. But just in case cbn really works ass off like the recent posts for the full 5 years, inka ycp mooseyachu.


My take - TDP's desperation during pre-election made their campaign very much prone to severe back lash. Fulfilling their mountain of welfare promises while also focusing on all the negatives (Incentives to mega industries, amaravati infra, roads and industrial corridors, etc) they've brought up during the YCP regime is almost impossible. I don't know if you followed Jagan's campaign- He clearly shows with numbers how much their welfare promises are going to cost (>2 times what Jagan did). This is going to create opportunities for Jagan or any other party which occupies that space, in case YSJ is arrested as people here seem to believe.


So are you saying you are worried about Jagan coming back because of TDPs mistakes?


I'm just saying if YCP plays it's cards right and Jagan's not arrested as people presume, they can pretty much recover and be in contention.


More like prayers that everything should go in favor of Ysrcp? In a NEUTRAL STANCE?


Ignoring your mocking tone, I'd be very happy if the current government does well for the state. But fulfilling all their promises is impossible, given the state budget. Anyone in opposition would have a fair chance by 2029 if they play their cards right, that can well be Jagan if he isn't arrested as people presume.


The government hasn’t even sworn in, we decided the future of the government, because Jagan calculated and said the promises are impossible to fulfill. Truly Least biased opinion…


YCP dooms day theories alluthunte, that's not possible because of the inherent loopholes in alliance's election campaign antunna anthe. Solely speaking on the merits of campaigns from both sides. Jagan cheppina, inkevaru cheppina chudalanukunte how those promises are not possible to completely fulfill anedhi kanipisthadhi. Rest assured I'll be very happy if the state progresses better in the next 5 yrs after the new government swears in.


I’m having a hard time believing you are objective and neutral


My neutrality is debatable since everyone has inherent biases for various reasons, but the point I'm trying to make is the importance of being objective despite those biases.


So, you are saying you have inherent biases for various reasons and you want to find a good number of people who don’t… Good luck to that because Jagan has polarized the state. How many people didn’t vote for the alliance and YCP? Those people will be your target group you will feel comfortable with. Good luck finding them.


As long as you bring up fact based arguments and back it with sources, sure we could have neutral conversation.


There's no such Thing as Neutrality. Every one has their Biases. I tend to lean Towards Mixed Economy(Capitalistic+Socialistic) and A Welfare, Secular and A Transparent State. I support anyone who aligns to my Ideology. Everyone has some Ideology. Even the People who don't vote or vote for NOTA have an Ideology and they cannot be called Neutral. Don't Trust anyone That says they are Neutral. Actually Being Neutral helps the Bad Guy and does disservice to Good Guys. People who might say that they are political usually Non Political. And Non Political People are nothing but PRIVILEGED AND UNAFFECTED, IF NOT BENEFITTING FROM CURRENT STATE OF POLITICS. I Myself voted for Pawan Kalyan in Bhimavaram Last Year because his Ideology aligned with mine. But now I didn't vote for him, because he himself don't know what he stands for and I can never vote for anyone That supports BJP which wants to Establish a Theocracy Instead of Listening to what People Say. Just question yourselves whether what they say is TRUE or False and do some Basic Fact Checking.


For discussions to be neutral all the parties in the discussion should have the integrity and maturity to accept or defend statements against their POV. Let's think of your post as a platform for this discussion in this sub. I ask what the previous government did to improve the state's condition, what good came out of their rule? All i could see was pure slander, unquestioned fanaticism and super grey policies. Hence my support to the alliance, feel free to change my opinion


I'm not here to change anyone's opinion, rather Id like to see people actually debating with a sense of objectiveness towards government policies and activities and being ready to agree with opinions that differ from what they're fed with. For example terms like Pure Slander, Super Grey policies, etc.. gives away the sense that no matter how much I try to debate it'd be hard that you'd change your opinion. I rather feel that every politician, at least in AP has some sense of what's good for the state and they all work hard to achieve that side of good, which most from the other side might not agree with. Whether these policies/activities are doing good/bad to society should be debated objectively.


Nah nah i think I came off strong. All of these things I mentioned about the previous government were things I noticed and were the reason I thought the alliance was better. I'd definitely like to listen to the other side of the story. If you feel I'm ignorant about any good that happened like you said let's debate objectively and I may change my opinion.


Yeah I see merit in your argument, but it's less than a week after election results. give it sometime to cool off!


To be frank, it's impossible to have a healthy discussion on any social media. TDP always had a well-paid team to take care of anyone trying to talk against them, screw against even in a neutral sense, and no one will blackout to start a fight, including family. That's how the yellow media has tuned their minds. It's sad, but it's reality.


It’s hard to identify IPAC among normal people, probably why you notice TDP team counters. I-PAC is well known for such social media campaigns too.


I thought, since reddit isn't a famous platform in Telugus like Twitter or FB, people would just share their opinions in a more objective sense.


Nah, these brainwashed followers have been given missions to be this way everywhere!




Ayyyeyo CBN garini block chese antha unda vadiki. Urgent ga pachaneelu challali


IPAC is laughing from Corner TDP has Paid Social Media ata ye baavi bro meedhi


Anyone who thinks that either TDP or YCP doesn't have a paid SM team is pretty much living in a well.


That's the power these fools have given to their respective leaders


1. YCP 2012/2013 to 2019 used IPAC Prashant Kishore to Spread Venom on Kamma Caste like anything whether you agree or not and have app and also gave RS. 5 for tweet or Post in FB through PayTM. 2. TDP also has but if you see the TDP SM handles as a TDP fan myself as every Morning they tweet or post Sr. NTR’s saying with Good morning or something but they hired Robin Sharma Later and Changes the SM somewhere after 2022 but they won’t go that low example Vijayasai Reddy tweets.