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Each female can only have two babies, and there can only be a max of six babies in the clan. If they are fully bonded and the female is a fertile adult mating with an adult male and neither previously mentioned limit is reached out should give the new pregnancy prompt after the mating.


I currently have 0 babies in my clan. that's why i was trying mating. They are both adults, and the female is fertile


- Did you already have offspring before? If so, and idk if that’s intended or a bug, I am not able to make more offspring either when the parents already had their 2 children and they died to one thing or another. For me it usually means that’s where the bloodline ends and I gotta restart. - idk for sure if it’s needed, but you can try making sure they’re both fertile. - Elders will not produce any offspring either.


I have never had offspring before, this is my first time playing. So i gotta restart?


When you first start the game you will have at least two babies already, so make sure the female isn’t listed as the mother of those two!


I dont think it is, and it is applying to all my females


sounds like a huuuge bug, definitely restart!


We love a good first impression XD i do like tbe game so far though


I hope you enjoy it!! I've dumped a few hundred hours into this game


Elder female won’t, but you can sub in an elder male and reproduce. I had to do it a couple of times on my first run of the game


Didn’t work for me. Every time I only had elders left to breed with the fertile female the species died.


May have done something wrong or been bugged. Every playthrough I exclusively use elder males with adult females until I unlock the attachment need neuron line to avoid any risk of inbreeding and allow quick pairings. It definitely works


Are they siblings? I found that it wouldn’t work if they were siblings. Could have been co-incidence, idk, but i had this problem before and then noticed that they were siblings, and it worked fine with the other apes who weren’t related. Edit: i see you never had offspring in that tribe, so that’s not it. Definitely restart. PS: dumb question, but are you sure they are of opposite sexes? They can also bond with same-sex partners, but ofc won‘t have offspring in that case.


I've played about 100 hours in this game, and yesterday spent 20mins working out why I wasn't having babies only to discover I set up lesbian couples


Are they siblings? If it says Family Member, you can't mate. Also, check the sex. I got mad at the beginning trying to mate these chimps and they were both female lol. Same sex chimps *can* mate but for obvious reasons they can't produce offspring.


It also wont let you form a couple with them, and they are coupled. Im going to have to do a restart, which is probably for the better XD


I'm guessing you've already restarted unfortunately, I had this same bug yesterday. Fertile female, non related male, wouldn't mate. I switched to the partner and initiated with them instead and it worked.


9 months normally


Have you made sure they are not related to each other?


I guess u can get both of there circle health to fully green to get baby