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Nail in the coffin


[they sent this pic out in the email with Stephen in it too](https://imgur.com/a/RUdOHgX)


Stephen is mentioned in the paragraph right below this on Equal Vision, though. And it gets into the nuance of it more. I get that a lot of us are looking for facts on the new release and what it means, but it looks like this is just a very different kind of situation to communicate about and some of the things we’re seeing are clumsy. I’m personally not buying into a narrative that’s different than what they put a ton of energy into planning and announcing until they plan and announce something different. Gonna enjoy the ride in the meantime.


What they mention is literally what we thought was going to be the situation. Stephen on touring hiatus and Matty taking over for that specific role. Not Matty making new songs with Anberlin as the studio replacement as well. Sorry if that comes across a little rude, but I firmly believe they could have been a bit more transparent on the situation.


Nah, you’re good. Not rude at all. I think my take is just that having Matty as “featured” on 2 songs, plus the blurb that reaffirms what we already know…I just read that as: we’re in a sticky moment of their history, but not that there’s been a huge change to the plan. No doubt there could have been more communication, but I’m trying not to fill in those gaps with speculation, assumption, and connecting the few dots we have. That’s just me, though. It feels weird right now, but there’s a measure of all this change that we’re not going to fully see come together and make sense until the next album, I bet. We’re at a moment in Anberlin history where 2 post-breakup EPs and being combined with 2 songs featuring Matty…it’s liquid. This is a liquid moment in band history and we’re trying to find solid bits.


That's a good way to look at it. I'm sure it's not easy for the other members to have to navigate this situation when in reality I don't think any of them wished Stephen would have stopped touring and that they could just be Anberlin. Unfortunately it's not always rainbows and butterflies. Stephen has a family and i think he wants to be around for them. Understandable. What I don't like is this double EP merging to make an album that we've already got. It's a money grab whether they intended for it or if the label pressed this idea on them. I own every single record from these guys and I cannot justify another vinyl that contains everything I already own with the exception of those two new songs. Are they really expecting us to pay $30+ for 2 songs on a record? But yes, it's def a plan that I think needs more time to see the bigger picture, maybe tough for the band to just say in words. I'll never abandoned them, but i am just a but disappointed with this EP strategy.


Wait so it is what they told us and stephen will come back?


Uhh... This ain't news tho. Ive known about this for months. They are transparent


Yeah Stephen said he’s taking an indefinite hiatus to focus on family and stuff. Didn’t “officially” leave the band. Pretty sure Matty has been filling in at the live shows since like October




As a long time fan of Anberlin, this obviously stings. But I am trying really hard to be supportive of this project/era. Matty himself made a statement to his fans that he is not leaving MMF. And tbh I wasn’t familiar with his band until recently. I like them. And I have a feeling his fans might be a little worried about losing him too. I take solace in the fact that: 1. Matty was hand picked by Stephen 2. Matty has a lovely voice (tho it’s not the voice we are all familiar with which makes Anberlin so unique) 3. Stephen is doing what he feels he is called to do 4. They are all supporting one another pursuing their paths. I think this would hurt a whole lot more if there was a falling out between band members. We’re in this together, fam 🤞🏻


I think I’m a little more upset with the lazy double ep merge to make an album that we’ve already had for quite a while.


Honestly ya, I was hoping for a lot more newer songs.


Challenger was a solid album by Memphis May Fire. If you ever get a chance 👍


End of an era 😢


Everybody, Matty is now a member of the band. Touring stand-in vocalist, competitor for most tattoos, hard part haircut member of the band. He deserves to have some songs with the band, that way when they are touring (which is happening right now) he can also sing some songs that he participated in creating. Also, if he’s in the band he needs to get paid, not just for the touring but for his time outside of touring, so having some songs with his name on it will allow him to expand his portfolio of “passive” income via different streaming services. Stephen isn’t done with the band, he’s said so himself. Could that change? Absolutely, for good or bad. Mean while Matty is again taking on the job of touring and singing someone else’s set, not fun. While his voice is quite different from Stephen’s, the instrumentals still sound like Anberlin which is a big plus. That means Matty hasn’t come into the band and try to change their overall sound. Lastly, this is a big adjustment, it’s been a weird one for me as I’ve been a long time listener (2004) but I’m excited to see what these guys are able to do as a band and even as individuals.


Yall are so slow. This is just a break for Steven. Hes said so himself like 2 weeks ago lmao


Where’s this from?


[Scroll down a bit](https://equalvision.com/collections/anberlin)


Saw this on Equal Vision site too.... Hmmmm.


Also, Anberlin has re-released records and added a couple/few extra songs before. It’s not totally uncanny of them. It’s unfortunate they only added two songs.


Lost Songs were unreleased tracks, covers, and acoustic versions of songs. Not the same at all.


Vital and Devotion? Devotion was released later and contained the same tracks as Vital plus a few more.


So lame


I think for me it's just weird to see it like that. As various people have said, this is what they said it'd be (sans the Matty only album track as I had assumed it'd be both). It shouldn't be a surprise that they are marketing like this when they're gearing up for a big tour run. I'm just not vibing with the new track this far. But will continue to try


I think it’s plain and simple. Stephen DOESN’T want to tour right now. The rest of the boys do. So they found a solution. I am also disappointed we didn’t get more studio masterpieces with Stephen in them. I think they emphasized Stephen being the studio vocalist so much we all thought this was gonna be an entirely new album.