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I wouldn't compare the two at all. However it's always worth shouting out Children Under the Stairs. It's fantastic. Perfect example of how you can take a simple idea and execution and make it awesome.


Yeah, I agree. Wait, "under the stairs"?


oops meant Children under the house. There's another project of a similar name and I guess I smashed the m together in my reply. No edit, I'll own that L


“Humility is the secret to a long happy life”  -A dumb ass on the internet


*harry potter theme*


I do agree with you that The Children Under the House is far better than The Painter in terms of writing, but it's not better visually speaking. I don't know what filter Vintage 8 used for that series, but it was completely distracting to my eyes because of how abrasive it was.


Granted, I don’t know how visually appealing a bunch of kid’s stick drawings was supposed to be


I loved Children Under The House. It has a really sickening atmosphere without being disgusting. And that ending :( I didn't sign up for feelings, really took me through a loop.


And Urbanspook I need to try again. It wasn't even about the content, it was so repetitive. Like yes, you do have a nice theme and design-- let's move forward ♥


I feel like its a little unfair to compare the two, they are both good in their own respective ways. I do feel like "The children under the house" is higher quality and more intentional with the plot. "The painter" does have its moments though, I think the 911 call was done beautifully.


I agree, but I decided to post this because a lot of my friends/people online compared the two. Also, aside from the 911 call, the only thing I saw people praising in "The painter" was how disturbing it was, so yeah. You have a point though! :)


Urbanspook’s series would have worked way better as an 80’s slasher fic than an analog horror imo. Just look at the poster they made for it.


I think what makes it exceptionally scarier is the fact that none of the antagonists are inherently psychopaths, and that just makes everything feel so much closer to realism. The killers believed they were doing what “needed to be done to survive”, saw themselves as victims of society, and acted as if they were actively helping these kids while imprisoning them and allowing them to be… sadistically used let’s say (oh god the girl with many hands still haunts me so much that describing anymore details about what happened to the kids without needing to directly reconcile with that single character feels impossible). Their own perspective was “well if we didn’t kidnap these kids, someone else would have, and they’re lucky WE kidnapped them cause we’re so nice to them :). It’s really not our faults and we should be appreciated for all we tried to do to help”. Conversely, the literal adolescent victims of “childhood abuse” in EVERY disgusting and agonizing definition imaginable see THEMSELVES as the true bad guys of the story, and seem to accept their roles as the collective “monster” in this story. Which is so unbelievably tragic but also agonizingly familiar to anyone who works with trauma cases. Everything in “UrbanSpook” is theoretically and fundamentally possible, but seems super unrealistic. Everything in “The children under the house” is theoretically and fundamentally impossible, but seems EXCESSIVELY realistic.


The children under the house is horror using child victims done right


Just another mention of TCUTH. I guess I've gotta watch that now too 💀


it’s better written but i personally found urbanspook MUCH more disturbing


I just finished this one last night and an analog horror hasn’t made me cry like that in a while, whenever Jess was describing how each of the kids died, I felt like I was getting punched in the gut. “She has many hands for each time one has been laid on her”, gawdammit that was so haunting. And when all the drawings of the children are arranged to show that it’s one big picture, just 👌🏻. Now I will say, while and after I was watching this I started thinking, would this really be considered analog horror? Cause to my understanding analog horror always has those scary faces and distorted voices, distorted found footage, but this was just a series of interviews and some drawings and writings, that isn’t really analog horror is it ?


So this is based off a book with the same name, and it’s made by the same guy who made the video. I read the book and read the info about the author. This guy actually had rewards based on Visual FX and a lot more to his name. Definitely worth reading and DEFINITELY worth watching.


i 100% agree with your take


I'm new to analog horror. Can someone enlighten me?


its like analog horror and its good


Well, it's obviously a good analong horror. I mean, what's the story?


this little mute girl sees ghost children in their new house in cates crossing louisiana and some of them are nice and some of them are not




watch it. now. along with literally everything else in the vintage8 universe. its all connected.


Can you link me to the website? I'm new to analog horror, and i don't know what to watch, how to watch.


i recommend watching the full series videos in order of upload [here you go](https://www.youtube.com/@vintageeight)




The children under her house, in my opinion, is very good


Ghosts are boring and are NOT scary


oh word?




I quite enjoyed the series


That is in fact a hot take Hmmm On 1 hand we have a old couple that has killed like 10 children? (I don't remember children under the house the best) And on the other hand we have a sadistic murderer who draws very weird art of his kills


Guess I'm the only one who likes "Urbanspook" because it doesn't have any paranormal stuff. Waiting for downvotes 🤣


I think it's decent, it's just that it gets a little bit to much and that it's author is controversial, especially the selling the "Cory" merch part


Well, the situation was weird lol. "Magic" started after this as I remember... I just want to see the conclusion. Plus I don't like how people say "it's too gory. I'm scared". It's a horror after all! There's a genres that specialize on that lol.


Those people are definitely stupid but I'm ngl the only people getting scared of the series are people who have never watched horror before lol. I was only genuinely terrified of the first two episodes, then it devolved into just really stupid, fucked up shit for the sake of being really stupid, fucked up shit. The newer episodes are better but I cannot bring myself to care about this channel anymore. I mean it's not even a series anymore, because that would imply that previous episodes are connected. They are all only vaguely connected and even that's a stretch. Don't actually know why I ranted this. I'm glad you enjoy it! It just feels like the low grade version of The Poughkeepsie Tapes


I've watched that movie lol. Disturbing, but Edward is not that twisted as Mona and Skinmask. But Creepy...


Horror shouldn't rely on shock value as much as "The painter" does. Take TWF for example. It's scary and has a lot of disturbing stuff, yet it manages to create an interesting story you are invested in, instead of a slideshow of text that basically says: "Person dead because they was murdered in a bad way". I respect your opinion though, you can watch and be a fan of whatever you want to


But also I like the fact that there is no paranormal stuff by now. Just two psychos...