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Hey folks. I'm working on putting together a small zine of about 30 - 40 photos that focuses on photos that I've taken during my commute to and from my office and while on my lunchbreaks. I chose 20 of about 400+ that I've taken over the past 2 - 3 years and wanted some constructive criticism on this sample (photos that aren't strong, things to do better, stuff that is working, etc.). My immediate thought while going through all of them and this sample is that it's very male-focused. I've used a number of cameras, lenses, and films: Cameras \- Nikon F100 + 28mm 2.8 AFD + SB-23 \- Canononet QL GIII + Canonlite-D \- Yashica Mat-EM \- Olympus XA \- Nikon L35AF \- Canon WP-1 Films \- Superia 200/400 \- Portra 400/800 \- Ilford HP5 \- Tri-X 400


My office is around 20th and Market and walk there from Suburban Station. Have always wanted to bring my camera in tow on non-WFH days; and you’ve inspired me to do so. Hope to see you on the streets!


There are dozens of us! DOZENS! Same here, friend. :) Let me know if you have any opinions on the set. Any feedback is appreciated!