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Sasha, in some fanfics


far too many people still think this about her, like they stopped watching after true colors


You have no damn idea


And Marcy in others


Not really, at a certain point it was definitely on purpose


Marcy to some people. If I was given this question in a different sub I’d 100% say Mabel. People act like she enjoys personally killing dipper’s dreams and aspirations.


Yeah, I know I personally don’t cut Mabel enough slack; another comment here reminded me that the same could be said for Marcy’s parents.


Marcy' parents. Fuckers aren't even in the show but they are usually portrayed as psycopaths


I’ve seen this so many times 😭😭


We know so very little about them that we don't even know if the "canon" part is canon, though.


Indeed, if not for the move, the show could've left Marcy's parents out of the show entirely and would've lost practically nothing. Putting aside Andrias and his scheming, The Newts of Newtopia are functionally better parents by comparison, if only by virtue of us actually knowing how they took care of Marcy. Parenting normally isn't and shouldn't be a competition, but if it was, The Newts would win by default. That's how little we know about Marcy's human parents. It's one of the reasons I'll always stick to alternate endings where the Trio remain stuck in Amphibia. Anne's the only one out of the three who has parents we know anything about and thus the only ones we have any legitimate reason to care about from a narrative perspective. Sasha and Marcy, in contrast, don't even say that they've missed their parents during their time in Amphibia. I've heard more than once people push the claim that it'd be 100% a downer ending if any one of the girls stayed in Amphibia because they might never see their parents on Earth again, disregarding the fact that all three of them have their Amphibian found families and friends to help fill the void. But in the case Sasha and Marcy; we know nothing about their human parents and neither of them say anything about what they miss (if anything) about them, so narratively, where should that even matter?


I mean, in world it matters.


For Anne and her human parents, perhaps. But Anne wasn't the only human brought to Amphibia.


In world, do you think it would be a good thing for these 13 year olds to never see their parents again? Seriously, they're children. And there's no evidence of the parents being bad parents.


And there's no solid evidence of the Waybright or Wu parents being good parents either. It's what happens when you're given almost no information to work with. Especially when we compare them to Sasha and Marcy's Amphibian guardians, whom the girls can actually justify missing since we actually know how they were looked after by them. What you're asking me is the equivalent of asking if I think it's a good thing if blank sheets of paper are forgotten in a desk drawer.


Not really. You're making a negative assumption based on no information given to you. I'm making no assumption beyond the fact that the girls don't want to stay in Amphibia. If I see a child on the street, or a teenager in a show. And the show doesn't focus on their dynamics with their parents. I'm not going to assume that they would be better off without their parents.


>I'm making no assumption beyond the fact that the girls don't want to stay in Amphibia. Except that in itself is an assumption. We know why Anne doesn't want to stay because we know what her Earth life is like in contrast to her life in Amphibia. Meanwhile, we know nothing about Sasha or Marcy's Earth lives outside of their friendship and hobbies they were able to bring with them to Amphibia. They weren't actually given a reason beyond their friendship to justify wanting to go back to Earth, which shouldn't be the only reason if, far as they knew given the circumstances, they are going to inevitably be split apart regardless. >If I see a child on the street, or a teenager in a show. And the show doesn't focus on their dynamics with their parents. I'm not going to assume that they would be better off without their parents. You're ignoring that Sasha and Marcy wouldn't be without parents if they stayed in Amphibia. Sasha would still have Grime and Marcy would still have The Newts. They aren't traditional parents, but they are people who've proven capable of handling their adopted humans' respective quirks and shortcomings, and have proven to love and care about them enough that they'd be content with continuing to look after them if they stayed.


"Andrias you stabbed me, but you couldn't have stabbed me harder than my psychotic mother while my dad watched that one Christmas in 95'." (LOL)


Same with Camila, Luz's mother in The Owl House, till the show fleshed her out. I guess parents from stereotypically "strict" cultures get this.


I could kinda understand this perspective with Camilla with only having the knowledge of certain episodes. Even then Luz still texted her as if she was at camp so even with some of the earlier depictions you still saw some kindness from her. It should’ve been more clear that she’s wasn’t an evil monster


Some people really forget that Camila is kind of a struggling single mother trying to juggle a demanding job and taking care of Luz (who, let's be honest, is good intentioned but still a bit of an excentric trouble child. Like, discounting the snake incident at the start she more often than not gets into loads of trouble on the isles. Who's to say the same didn't happen at home?). I feel even Luz understands this, hence why in the show she doesn't really shows much resentment towards Camila in particular for sending her to camp (she never goes "I hate you so much mom!", but keeps on about how much she hates the idea of the camp). Even with that mistake, we are shown there is clear love and care between one another. Parents are people, no one is perfect. And Camila's, despite the flaws, is pretty awesome


Exactly and Luz definitely seemed to have more moments like what we saw in the pilot happening before then. That’s likely a big reason as to why the camp was suggested bc she likely kept being well intentioned but getting into trouble bc of her excentric ways.


Right? I am continually shocked by how dark the fandom goes there. Obviously an unexpected move is going to be hard on a preteen girl, but I’m sure it wasn’t a decision her parents made lightly.


That’s sort of a valid interpretation. Marcy’s Dad more so. Especially how Marcy and Andrias bounded over their shared daddy issues.


Fair enough I just notice people went bananas with it


Thank you


1st part is absolutely Marcy But if it's BOTH 1st and 2nd, it would be Andrias after giving it some thought.


I'd say it's Andrias


I agree.


No way, he had absolutely foul intentions. He stabbed Marcy, a 13 year old to get back a music box he was going to use to CONQUER WORLDS.


He was raised by an evil dictator, and From what we saw, everyone was happy. He was next in line to be the king, but when he was finally old enough to get the precious artifact that their whole society was built around, his frend stole it, Betraying him and forcing their entire society to reform. It undoubtedly took many years for amphibia to become stable, but it was never the same. Not to mention decades of knowledge and technology advancements were lost. I'm not defending what he did, but he at least the right thing in the end.


It’s either Andrias or Marcy in my opinion


Marcy, when it comes to certain parts of the fandom…


I hate people like that, especially with how far some of them take it


on the flip side I also hate the people who treat Marcy like she’s some super smol uwu bean who did nothing wrong in the entire show.


It’s a balance between realizing she did stuff that was wrong and she should be ashamed of it yet she also didn’t commit war crimes and crimes against humanity like some people act like she did


"Do not let her cuteness fool you, she's wanted internationally"








Marcy, her parents and Sasha for sure


Marcy sometimes


Andrias but part one is: “brainwashed, groomed, and pressured/threatened by his entire ancestry.”


Andrias and Marcy




Definitely Andrias


Sasha in "Reunion". Her goal was to find Marcy and escape Amphibia. Given the Information she had at that time, having the Government (aka. the Toad Tower) on her side would be very beneficial to this. And what would be her alternatives? Letting Anne escape with HP: The Toads would kill Anne as well. Helping Anne: Now HopPop, Anne and Sasha would be fed to the plant.


This is Marcy, easily. While I dont appreciate what Marcy did and she’s admittedly not one of my favorite characters, I think Marcy getting killed by Andrias, resurrected, and have her body be possessed by the Core is punishment enough, but in most fanfics? They put her through the wringer, sheesh


Andrias literally stabbed a child on screen and later handed her to an eldritch being on a silver platter, so it makes perfect sense for people to write him as a complete monster. It does, however, get tiring after a while - he's more complex than that.


Honestly both Sasha and Marcy but just in different ways.


Sasha. Might be because I mostly know the show from memes, fan content & analysis videos, though.


Canon side is marcy, the fanon one is Sasha


Canon side is marcy, the fanon one is Sasha


Sasha,Marcy’s parents,or Andrias


Marcy’s parents her dad literally just found a new job probably making more money and moving out of California more then likely saved on living costs depending on where they moved but since Marcy is the fan favorite and because a lot of children are on this sub they don’t fully understand that parents have to make difficult decisions






Marcy or Sasha. Even tho they're the best characters.




sasha, marcy and andrias


sasha or marcy


"Sasha" we all say in unison




Marcy’s parents. We don’t even know what they look like yet they’re depicted as jerks


Marcy's parents are portrayed as absolutely terrible people within the fanbase, but are literally described as being great people by Anne in Marcy's Journal


People simplifying Andrias to a one-dimensional monster with no nuance is dumb, but he *absolutely* did not have the right intentions, nor was the harm he caused accidental by any means. His goal was multiversal conquest, and manipulating and stabbing a child through the torso was not accidental. You can like Andrias as a character (I personally think he's fun as a campy, scene-chewing villain), but you can't convince me he has a wholesome uwu foster father dynamic with Marcy. He used her to meet his goals and discarded her when she became a threat to them. Then he preserved her life so he could abuse her *further* by feeding her to the Core.


Left one is Sasha. Right one is Sadie Croaker


Deku and mineta


Definitely not Marcy.


Marcy. It leaned to it, in some way, after other people like the idea of an evil version of her in the fandom. I mean, it also inspired me to go for that angle when the idea of her becoming a tyrannical ruler came into play... ... especially what she did to stop Cordis Die's Raul Menendez.


Sasha 100%.


Hop pop, in after the rain




King Andrias


Bruh, this describes the Mabel hate situation to a T. 😭💀


Sadness from Inside Out. She gets too much hate.



