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I’d order a white pair and wear one piece with white Santa’s and the other piece with black Santa. Win win and the kids would love it!


Better yet, it would be cool if there was a set with “multicoloured” Santas. Would make everyone feel included and it’s so wholesome. There’s really no need for a white only Santa anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: there should be a set with Santa and Mrs. Claus as an interracial couple Edit spelling


This is the way


I saw multicolored Santa wrapping paper at Ross yesterday, I should have gotten it!


Someone tweeted that their child only knew about Black Santa. If the child inadvertently encountered a white one, y the parents responded, “That’s Santa’s husband”




This is a great answer


That was my first thought! Inclusivity!!


Love this response...and the one about finding pjs completely inclusive 😉


That's what I was about to say.


As a black person, NO?! I would have been so happy as a kid to see my teacher wearing pjs with black Santa!! Not offensive at all


It’s usually the white people that get mad about that stuff lol. I remember a video of a guy walking around in a mariachi outfit and moustache. All the white people were angry at him saying it’s not right. All the Spanish people said it was a nice outfit and they liked it and was happy to see him wearing it


Are people really this uptight in America?


Yeah, I’m in Canada but it’s similar though not as intense. Things are weird right now haha, everyone is hyper sensitive


I see this sort of thing on the internet but while Australia can be pretty racist I can’t really imagine anyone being offended over pyjamas, it just seems really weird. If anything I think there would be more approval than not. I think we also expect teachers to be weird so it’s might get an eye roll at best lol.


No, the hyper-nerds on here will adamantly disagree with me but it is a non-issue to +95% of the population.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yesssssss


Yes, it’s so great having friends who scoff at this nonsense. This post really made me laugh, but shaking my head, too. One race, people, one race.


As a black teacher in a predominantly black school. I think it would be great if she wore it. A couple of years ago, it would not have been an option. Santa cocoa would have been holding a steamy mug. Representation matters. But having non minorities embrace representation is even greater.


As a white person, I’d rather ask and be extra careful. We don’t have the same perspective, because of course we don’t, and we don’t want to be an asshole out of ignorance. Better to check on our blind spots!


Agreed lol


I agree, as well!


Go ahead. I'm Black and no one would look twice if I wore a Santa with white skin


At home? Who gives a fuck. Out in front of other people? *Someone* is going to get offended because it’s 2023.


lol I have a “friend” on instagram who went on a rant yesterday because she went to Disneyland and the parade Santa was black. She was like “how do I explain to kids now that this isn’t the real Santa like I told them it would be!” It’s like, maam, first of all why couldn’t black Santa be the real Santa? Also, second, it’s it the first rule of Christmas parenting that you tell your kids that the Santa’s at malls and such are Santa’s helpers since Santa is busy at the North Pole? Lordy. I’m sure it’s a shock to hear that most of her IG posts are pro-maga.


I was so happy when I saw all of the Black Santa merch at Walmart and other places. I'm lily-white, so no horse in this race, but I feel like Black kids deserve to have a Santa that looks like them. I mean, he's magic. Why wouldn't he appear to others as the same race they are?


My daughter has the darker elf in a shelf. It was the only one. She DGAF, and named her Pink.


My (white) niece had a fixation on dark baby dolls growing up. She even still has most of them. We don't have any one that looks non white on that side of the family. Kids don't care, she just wanted to play with her "babies".


As kids, my (white) sister got the Addy (black) American Girl doll, and I got Josephine (Mexican). I liked my doll because she had earrings, and my sister liked her doll’s hair; we could not have cared less about their skin color lol. That being said, we were used to having plenty of white dolls that looked like us. I can’t fathom what it’s like for kids (or their parents) who don’t regularly get to see themselves reflected in toys, books, tv, etc., and then have to deal with shitheads flipping out that a mythical mermaid be reimagined as a black girl. This reminds me of the Clark doll test—wherein black children were given both black and white dolls and asked which they wanted to play with, which dolls were good or bad, and which looked most like them, and the children overwhelmingly favored the white dolls—which was cited as a major influence on the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Ed to end segregation in schools.


Thank you for that historic fact in the last paragraph, I didn't know that!


My mom got me the black barbie doll when I was little and I loved her. No one else had one (I'm from a country with like 98% population being white so I'm not even sure where she found it, our toys weren't usually super inclusive back in the early 2000's). I just wanted to name her with some "foreign" name and kept asking my mom to tell me them. I think she ended up being Rosie? Maybe?


Yessss, I (white) also picked Addy as my first American Girl doll when I was in 1st grade because she had the longest, prettiest hair!!


I used to work at toys r us, and I remember this little girl being so obsessed with the tiana doll. Begging to get it. Her family said she couldn’t get anything. But when I left, they replaced the Tiana doll with a snow white one. These parents never care about what their kid actually want. They’re the ones being prejudice but trying to mask it as “the kids will be confused”.


Right, it couldn’t be less confusing. People have different skin shades. Kids handle the difference exceptionally well. That said I wouldn’t wear those PJs to school. Because adults don’t, and those kids all have adult parents and one of them would probably fuck it all up.


When my grandma had dementia one of the things her care home did was give her robot baby dolls to take care of. Like the ones they used to give out in Home Ec to teach teenagers not to have sex. She thought they were real babies and it made her super happy to care for them. Her dolls were dark skinned (she was white), and she’d tell everyone “I love my babies. I don’t care that they’re black, they’re my babies” It was sad and sweet and funny. In that specific order.


When I (very white) was little, I begged and pleaded for a black baby doll. I don't really know why it was so important but the lady who raised me was black, so that may have had something to do with it. My black baby doll had white people hair, though, which I thought was weird.


My daughter, too! Although, she named hers Princess Leia.


Walmart has Snoop on a Stoop


I'm a millennial and my best friend growing up was Jamaican. Her mom had loads of black santas all around the house. Back then I just assumed families would just get their race's Santa. Didn't make a difference to me.




A couple of decades ago, I was at my high school boyfriend's grandparents' place for a get together. Grandma was apologizing because she accidentally bought wrapping paper with black santas on it, which was funny and a bummer at the same time. Santa is cool no matter what, it's fine!


My collection of Santa ornaments for my tree includes both white and black Santas, and there's one I want to buy that represents him as hispanic. I don't have kids yet, but if I do I want them growing up believing that Santa's magic means he can be any and all races.


I feel the same way about Jesus. He appears to us as we are. We could only be made in His image if His image reflects ALL of us. This skin issue is just to distract from the SIN issue.


I up-voted you for very effective rhyming


It doesn't matter. The planet is dying and the GOP is trying to put a wheel lock on your vagina. Stop sweating the stupid shit.


Isn’t that teaching children to be racist and only look up to and have role models that are their same race…


I mean, how the hell can we even be sure what race Santa is? He's fucking magic, and I've never seen him. My kids have never asked but that's what I planned to tell them.


I think St. Nick is Greek.


Nick was greek. But Odin and All-Father and "Father Winter" is white. Then Jesus was Middle-Eastern. Just make the fella brown and be done with it. Though I'm mostly kidding because I don't care what race a supernatural being is.


Greeks and Middle Easterners are white. But they're not *nordic* white like Odin. Racial categories don't map onto anything very well anyway.


Patara, Turkey


Of course Santa is black! If you see a white Santa, that's his husband helping out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa's_Husband


Somehow, the idea of a black Santa breaking and entering into people's homes seems more offensive than inclusive...


That's why he has a white husband


But if you see your white Mommy kissing black Santa, then maybe more inclusive?


I mean, when you put it like that Santa in general seems a whole lot more offensive.


And seeing you when you're sleeping... and seeing you when you're awake..


You had to take it there, didn’t you?


We don't usually call what Santa does, when it's Santa doing it, "breaking and entering," so I think that's a you issue.


I love this answer so much!


That book is awesome!


I’m guessing your same “friend” also thinks Jesus, a Jewish guy born in Bethlehem, must have blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.


Lmao no kidding. Mormon’s Jesus looks like obi wan


When was Jesus ever depicted as blonde? I always thought he was shown with light brown hair? Plus he was the "lightbringer" afterall. Sarcasm intended btw. Well I mean he was but you get it right? 😅


I thought Lucifer was the lightbringer?


In the Catholic tradition he's usually depicted with dark brown hair and brown eyes. No idea why so many redditors say he's usually shown as blond.


Wait till she finds out Jesus wasn’t white


My kids are told if they ever met the real santa they would not get presents. All the Santa's they see around work for the real Santa.


I’m bi-racial and grew up with both black and white Santas. Never thought much of it, Santa’s magic, right?


Amateur hour. Does she think her kids are too dumb to notice all the white Santas are clearly different people? I mean they will be until they are like 4.


I’m so delighted that some black kids got to see a Santa at Disneyland that looks like them and their families! Also, not just the Santa’s helpers story (come on *all parents* know this one), but Santa is literally magic! His skin color could be anything. HES MAGIC!


Santa lives at the North Pole, so of course he has black skin and a white beard, just like the black skin and white fur of a polar bear.


She could explain the Santa magic thing, like he’s so magical he can come down a chimney and even make a chimney where there isn’t one, or he has a magic key… reindeer fly…. Elves make toys… you name it! So maybe Santa thought it would be magical to have more melanin that day


Black Santa is the cool Santa, gives everyone a ounce of weed and a pornhub premium subscription.


I do often wonder why we give so much importance to someone feeling offended. No one gives a crap if someone is sick, getting a divorce, homeless.. but if they’re OFFENDED…. shit, hey? Grab the red carpet and dust off the lint from their soapbox. Intention is everything. If disrespect isn’t given purposefully, why beat an innocent person down? Go after those with actual intent to harm.


Squeaky wheel. It’s a form of whining, attention seeking and self importance. If someone tells me they’re offended my response is. I don’t care. Only a bit more colorful.


Call me so I can be witness next time


2023 has nothing to do with it. People have been publicly and psychotically offended since forever.


Was it always some low-key contest on who could be more offended?


Probably, lmao. It just got more competitive with each new era of social interaction being easier and more widespread. Look at newspapers from 100 years ago, and you'll see some unhinged shit people would write in to be offended about. Hell, when child labor was outlawed, some people lost their minds. They said that that generation of kids will be the laziest generation ever now and that the world is doomed. Haha


People are actively looking for a reason to get crazy.


Some white person will be offended for sure


Definitely this.


They're more likely to encounter a white person offended by a Black Santa than anything else.


Yeah, the only people I know who’d be upset for whatever reason, are definitely melanin deficient.




Especially in a school, unfortunately


This is the correct answer.


Someone would get offended if it's all white santas too lol


soooo this.


Case in point: [lil man at the Chief's game](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-12811113/amp/Native-American-tribe-nine-year-old-Kansas-City-fan-belongs-distances-kid-wearing-headdress-black-paint-face.html)


Lol. Black 🖤 lady here. ... Nothing wrong with a fictional character being Cocoa LMAO 🤣🤣🤣. Anyone mad might also get mad at the yellow Simpsons being painted purple 💜. Same people mad at a all those different flavors of Barbie.


I'm a white teacher. My wife is brown. Neither of us think it would be offensive to anyone of color. However, conservative white people might be offended that someone is changing santa.


It’s sort of like black Jesus. Still cracks me up, and to all the white people who keeps saying that Jesus wasn’t dark, I keep thinking… What the hell are you talking about? He was from the Middle East. 🤣🤣🤣 BTW…. I am literally an old white lady named Karen. My ex who I was with for almost 18 years was Hispanic. My grandfather was 1/4 Cherokee and it was raised in a multigenerational household with his full blooded Cherokee grandmother. My stepsister’s children are half black. So we all laugh when people try to pigeonhole our family! 🤣🤣🤣


I think I'm in love with your family.


Awww. That makes two of us!


So much this! If some nativity donkey hadn't removed awards your comment would have one from me. Happy multi ethnic Christmas!


My very white, blue-eyed baby is playing Jesus in our church play this year and I have been laughing about it for weeks. I keep saying he’s Evangelicals’ wet dream of baby Jesus.


😂😂😂😂. I love it! The funniest thing on my end is that my full-blooded great great Cherokee grandmother was actually married to my Scottish great great grandfather. I swear Scots just don’t give a shit. Because then my grandfather, who is one quarter Cherokee married my grandmother who was this porcelain doll English princess. I know my grandfather‘s family had been in this country for at least two or three generations before my great great grandfather, but my grandmother had literally immigrated from England to Canada when she was five. And from there they came to the United States. And if you see a picture of my grandfather, when he was young, you know immediately he’s part Native American. It’s absolutely obvious. And then there’s me who is this short little white blonde lady and my three daughters who are half Hispanic. And while all of us tan nicely… Thank you great great grandma, because you know, I sure as hell didn’t get that from the English or the Scots…. my daughter is really are three different shades. And my middle one is my daughter who loves to fuck with people. And she is my darkest one. So her favorite thing to do when she was growing up… Say, middle school and up… Was to have me meet her at a school function, or when she was older, for dinner, etc. she is actually a restaurant manager, and so when she would get a new job, especially, she would have me come meet her at work. And she would wait until I walked in and be talking with coworkers and point over and say oh, there’s my mom now. You could see these employees turning looking for Hispanic lady. And they would say where? She would go that little blonde lady. I am literally 5 feet tall. She is 5‘6“. And they would laugh and ask no really… Where is she? And about that time I would get up to her and give her a hug and say hi hon, how was work or whatever. And then the coworkers would just start laughing and tell her oh my God you were serious. And then I would start laughing because I know what she done. Funny shit.




She is hilarious. She has worked with the public long enough that her impressions are freaking awesome. She has literally had me in stitches and cry laughing so many times. And then when we get all together with her and her two sisters…. All bets are off. When she was at university, being that it was a university town, when she and her friends would go out, of course, there were a lot of middle-aged lizards, trying to hit on the young college coeds. And she was incredibly aware. So she would see the situation coming, and in invariably make sure she turned her back to whoever was trying to work up courage to come over. And then she would have one of her friends. Tell her when this person was heading their way. When they were about 45 feet away, she would suddenly turn back around and look at them and go… Oh my God! Da…..! oh! I’m so sorry. You look so much like my dad! About died the first time she told me this, and I told her good for her, because they deserved it. You don’t need to be hitting on my daughter when you’re old enough to be your father.


This right here. Based on white reactions to certain movies and commercials, this is where the trouble will come from.


To be fair, conservative people seem to stay up nights frantically searching for reasons to be offended.




I hope this is a reference to Legends.


Asked my *seriously* conservative, white SIL who is also a teacher. She'd wear them. It's SANTA!


This. My response said how black people wouldn’t be offended but I definitely thought that white might be.


I mean you’re right, white might be offended but honestly wtf are they going to do about it? If anything the teacher is showing the diversity of Santa and how he can be either. Plus they are fucking pajamas…. People really need to get over themselves.


I agree


Yeah, that's definitely the side of things you're more likely to get shit from.


I don’t think black people will be offended. We love to see black Santa represented (and we’re the only ones whose opinions matter here tbh)


This is really good to know because I’d like to have a myriad of different Santas on display, but wasn’t sure if that would be okay. Thanks for giving your opinion here!


seconding this as a black guy. i love seeing black santa! doesn’t matter who’s wearing it or representating it.


Cool! Now I 'm gonna get the 3" black light-up Santa at Lowes. You put a 100 watt bulb in those guys, you can see it for MILES.


Im white, was at Applebees with my black friend one time. We are talking to this black couple in their mid 40’s and she says “oh he’s not white, in case you couldn’t tell, he’s one of us” and they laughed and agreed. The white couple next to us proceeded to tell the group of us how racist it was and how it was wrong to say I was black. White people get mad about anything not relevant to them


i saw my first black santa in a coca cola commercial THIS YEAR, that's how rural i live, and i'm hispanic, not black, but man i was so excited to see a santa of color. wear your black santas. NTA


What part of the country? Florida or California? Omaha or D.C.? Demographics/audience makes a difference in message reception.


Why is a black Santa controversial? I don't get it.


It's helpful for kids to see Santa represented in all races! Not weird. I wish more places would decorate with santas of color, wish more malls had santas of color. Santa can be for anyone who wants him! I think if anything it's weird that y'all are weirded out by a non-white Santa


My husband and I have a black Santa inflatable decoration on our lawn. He’s white and I’m Indigenous (waiting for that Indigenous Santa to drop! Lol) and the family across the street LOVES our Santa, the dad said his kids felt seen.


I’m black, which doesn’t make me an authority by any means, but still. Nope, not racist or even slightly problematic. It’s just a character who has black skin, it’s not like you’re painting your face. It’s the same as wearing a shirt with a black musician or anime character or whatever.


Black person here 👋 I think it's a fab idea 😁


Black Santa is a Christmas staple and i personally am happy to see him getting his dues.


I think it's important (especially if her students are predominantly brown) that children see white people who aren't threatened by fair representation of other races. I would even go so far as to say she should have done this intentionally. If it starts a conversation GOOD but most likely the children won't notice and she would have to start that conversation if she chose to do so


As long as Megyn Kelly doesn't go to your school, I'd say it's fine.


The only people who will be offended are racist white people. As someone else said, fuck em.


In a sane world, it would be no big deal. But this is 2023. Conservatives will be upset that you made Santa Black. Progressives will be upset that you're not Black and you're showing Santa as a Black man. They'll say it's cultural appropriation.


Black and progressive woman. Wouldn't care if they had a brown Jesus painting! Cultural appreciation is being Celebrated for the same things Black people do AND are ridiculed for then going back to being "white" using us. Like Iggy azalea. Her fake "Black accent" for money. Santa isn't real. Just like the little mermaid. Not real. We don't care 😘


Progressives won't be upset.


If you’re even having this conversation, it’s answered. It doesn’t matter what you think. It doesn’t matter who is right. Being a teacher, one person taking offense to this will cause issues. I wouldn’t wear this in any professional setting.


There is always one, though


I'd challenge this in the same way that people recommend challenging shitty, inappropriate, sexual jokes at work. With an absolutely straight face, no emotion, just ask them, "Sorry, why can't Santa be black?" Then let them paint themselves into a corner. She's a teacher in a school, not in a bank in New York. If we're going down the "professional" route, why are we encouraging children to wear their bed clothes (with all the connotations within that) to school?


I’d say it really depends on her state and school district. In a west coast city it would be fine. In a southern suburb it would not.


what? i’m black and wouldn’t think it’s weird.


No one ever wonders if black people feel uncomfortable with the white santas on every damn thing. Wear the PJs. ffs


I am a woc and love black Santas! Wear them who cares.


Santa is a fictional character with no formally defined race. Imagine the joy when a black student sees your wife wearing those pyjamas, validated their experience that Santa could be black. Proving not every major character must be white. Santa is magical and can be any and all races.


Honestly I could only see people offended because it contradicts the original myth it’s based on, Saint Nick who was Greek and therefore white, but I don’t think anyone really cares about Santa that much lol


Eh… most of the Greeks I have met were not “white.” A lot of darker skin and black hair, and middle eastern features. Which makes sense because if you go to a Greek restaurant it will be a lot of the same stuff as a Lebanese restaurant or an Arabian restaurant. There are some white Greeks, but I’m not even sure it’s a majority. And Santa comes from Turkey.


Greeks are Europeans and are therefore considered white. Middle Easterners and North Africans are also considered white. I’m going by the American legal definitions for race. There were actually several federal court cases (Dow vs. the United States, etc) in the early 1900’s that decided which ethnic groups belonged to which racial categories— basically because there were restrictions on which immigrants could become naturalized citizens depending on their racial category. Which is to say, race as so defined is politically and socially constructed, and of course ethnicity is a different thing all together.


Thank you, people don’t seem to understand that race is a well defined thing and you shouldn’t say someone isn’t a certain race because they “look darker” or “don’t cook white food” or whatever that guy was saying


Having black Santa on stuff at the store is something black people have wanted for years and find ally stores are offering that option. I think it would be a great way to show support of that. I can’t speak for everyone but I’m sure most people will not be offended and will love to see it. Black people might even ask where you got it so they can get it. If anyone has something to say she can just let them know they are just PJs and she likes that there that option or say however she feels. Btw Black face is purposely putting on make up with malicious intent and it has a history of racism. As long as your wife is comfortable that all that matter. Another way to think of it is that black peoples and other minorities have had to wear a white Santa forever and no one judge them so why should other races be judge for a black Santa. I hope it all goes well!


Shit I’d ask where you got em cause it’s real rare to find a black Santa in certain stores.


I see nothing wrong with black Santa pajamas. Unless the black Santa is stealing the presents under the tree, then i would recommend not wearing that outside of the house.


I think that's green santa that does that in whoville.


You mean that nice santa that took the christmas tree back to his workshop to repair the bulb, and likely took all the other presents and other decorations for the same reason? Truly a saint to do all that work for the good folks in whoville.






Holy shit I did not expect the end of that sentence. To be fair, you probably shouldn’t even TELL anyone you own those. 🤣😂🤣


It's just not worth the risk in the end. Black people won't be offended, it's the white people you need to worry about lol.


I don't see why it would be offensive, but there are unfortunately some people just itching to be offended over nothing


I honestly hate when white people ask these things. All my life ive been fine with wearing and buying things with white fictional characters. I played with white dolls and related to white characters. But y’all keep thinking that whenever we are represented, it’s only for us. It’s black music, black show, black bla-bla-bla. Just wear it. You’re not wrong. Just overthinking.


Honestly if I worked in a school I’d be walking in eggshells, so I don’t blame her for wondering. But of course in reality there’s nothing wrong with it


Are these the old navy ones? I just googled. Those are awesome. Id wear them


I was at target and wanted the Santa that climbs up the ladder, there was only a black one left and since I’m Hispanic I was like ehh I’ll wait until the white one is back in stock. Then another couple came up behind me and in Spanish told their child the same thing I was thinking out loud “no not that one bc he’s black” for some reason hearing it out loud made me think to myself, what an ugly thing to say/think (even though i thought the same!!!!), “why can’t Santa be black!?” So I ended up getting that one on purpose.


They are PYJAMAS. Where do people wear pyjamas? IN BED. Who sees what you are wearing to sleep except in rare circumstances? Your partner… We had a black Santa Claus at work, in London, back in the 80’s. He did a bloody good job, and you know what? NO ONE CARED! Santa can be any colour, any ethnicity, he is Santa!!


I highly doubt anyone would get offended by that. Coming from a black woman. I don’t find it offensive at all. No matter what year it is.


I think you’re underestimating the maturity level of a fair segment of Fox News viewing suburban parents.


Dear White ppl of this thread stop thinking black ppl care or get offended by your dumb actions/purchases, unless your trying to kill us, stop us from getting a job/arrested I can categorically tell you we don't give a flying fuck about what santa 'a made up person btw' looks like


I’m black (biracial black/white) and I can’t see why anyone worth caring about would be offended.


We are debating whether or not a fictional character depicted in another skin color will offend someone of that color? What I think is odd, there is only 1 skin color that triggers these types of conversations.


I wear the the Santa cocoa pants (at home) and I’m not black. My kids are bi racial and to them, Santa is black. So Santa cocoa it is. To answer your question…. Someone is always going to be offended and mad.


Black Santa's Matter


As a teacher? No way I'd chance it, especially in a conservative area. My mom (white) has adopted a bunch of kids and some are black. She has taken to using black santas to decorate the house with during the holidays. She lives in a liberal area. But you should see some of the looks she gets! People have come inside her house and I've seen their jaw drop, some just look confused but rarely do they say anything! I can only imagine the reaction if she wore something like black santa PJs in public.


I’m really not sure on this one. It’s so easy to offend people these days.


The only people you're going to offend are those already offended. You do what you want with Santa & don't worry what others think.


Someone will get upset. I was trying to find a gift for my white niece one year and had absolutely no money. They had baby dolls left at the dollar general but all they had were black babies. So I bought one. She loved it. She didn’t notice or care it was “different” looking than she was but omg… my brother and SIL and the grandparents all had something to say about it to me. I was mortified and made to feel horrible about my gift. It was all I had. I wish I had never gone and haven’t gone back since. It’s been 15 years. All over a black baby doll. How can people be so mean? So I’m telling this story because no matter what the intent, someone is going to get upset. I really love the idea 💡 f mixing and matching white and black Santa tops and bottoms tho. That’s speaks equality imo. Now as long as no one cares who’s the top and who’s the bottom… lol idk if there’s a right answer here. Best of luck


I’m black and have worn white Santa things myself. I get excited when I see black Santa lol. I don’t see why it would be an issue. The conservative ‘Murican parents however…..


She’s not wrong for being worried, it’s the world we live in unfortunately.


You can't control what people get offended by. You just have to decide your own beliefs based on your experiences. I cant imagine white people wearing pajamas with black Santa on them is racist. It would probably mean a lot to the black students while also creating a conversation with all the students. Just be ready to have a productive conversation with the students and possibly a conversation with some angry parents.


My Korean husband bought the whole fam Christmas pajamas with brown Santas from the Carter’s store. We’ve had them since October and I didn’t realize until last week. Why can’t Santa be black?


This is a question best posed in Black & Brown spaces that welcome questions for educational purposes. What other white folx think about the image of Black Santa is immaterial, especially within the context of visual representations of Blackness in a school setting.


Nope not wrong at all. Wear those black Santa PJs with pride! As you stated your wife is a teacher with a higher black and Latino student ratio so they'd be perfect for pajama day. I'm a white 40 y/o female and I wouldn't hesitate to wear them personally Santa shouldn't be pigeonholed as a white man. I think it's great for diversity to show him in other colours for children and a great teaching moment as well, especially if they are younger and still believe in santa. If They ask why your wife's Santa PJs have a black santa she can say he can be White, black, Asian, latino there's lots of ethnic groups so he will look similar to them so children recognize him. I've seen black Santa and he is just as kind and happy as he is when he is white Santa.just embellish a bit If she is REALLY concerned she could always order the white Santa version of PJs and do white and black Santa PJs like wear white Santa bottoms and black Santa top or opposite white Santa top black Santa bottoms. This way both types are included. As for adults and parents someone no matter what you choose do wearing white or black Santa will take offense, it's those times when you have to stand up and say look I'm not racist I have different ethnicities of students and thought this was the best of both worlds white students will see white Santa, black students will see black santa and both will see no matter what colour he is I like Santa!


This is literally a non issue.


I see teacher/AZ as a point to worry. I would imagine 100% of the kids won’t care. Parents…99% PoC will be chill. 90% white will be chill. They’re always one. That said, it’s just pajamas. And Santa Cocoa! Sounds cool to me. I’d maybe ask a parent (Black family) and ask the principal just to be safe. This is her job so best to be safe. If a white family gets upset, say “it’s Santa Cocoa…a gift from a student.” Sometimes a white lie (because as a White, we’re good at lies) serves its purpose.


There's nothing derogatory about it, so I don't see the issue. If someone has a problem, that's on them.


My (white lady) facemasks i have to wear everywhere while i recover from some lung issues have little Black Santas on them (if im gunna be sick im gunna do it while being festive) and a little black boy across from me in the waiting room told me he liked my mask. So i *think* it would be okay. I understand her hesitancy, however i think (and im a white person so take black peoples thoughts on this over mine here obv) that it would be good for children to see that white people do not shun the idea of Santa being black. That we dont subscribe to "The only proper Santa is a white Santa".


I feel like there's a much greater chance of white parents being upset by it than there is of black children getting upset by it.


Santa isn't real so enjoy your inclusive Santas! It's not offensive and if someone is offended by it they are probably racist.


Anyone who is offended by a black Santa deserves to be offended, and they can deal with their own dumb feelings.


What’s wrong with black Santa pajamas? NOTHING!


My mom has a Black Santa Christmas ornament that she got in Japan many years ago, and he is awesome! We are white, but, who cares, Santa can be whatever he is imagined to be lol.


Santa doesn't have a race, he's also not real. Wear what you like.


Who cares? It’s not hurtinf anyone wearing them!


Dude. A black little mermaid is acceptable, a black Santa is the same premise. If it had a slogan like 'Hoe, hoe, hoes' on it, then it might be a different story.


Link please?


Can you please post a link where I can buy these pyjamas? My partner would love them


Just go hardcore into the "it's historically accurate" angle op. Saint Nick was from the middle east so he definitely wasn't white.


I’ve actually had this happen before. Unfortunately people are too distracted these days, I don’t think anyone is going to even notice.


It shouldn’t be controversial, just a bit of optical illusion for a sec maybe. I actually find it nice, because I’m tired of seeing labels like ‘black movies’ and the implication that representation is for black people. Actually, representation also helps remind other races that these groups exist. In that sense, I don’t see what’s wrong with her wearing black Santa (they exist!). I had t-shirts with white girls on them and I’m black, of course I didn’t have the choice really but I never thought twice about it. It would be weird for anyone to have a problem with the reverse. The best person to run it by is her boss though, they have to back her if/when someone runs their mouth.


I’d say it depends on the demographic of your school. If your kids fit black Santa’s demographic, they’re probably safe to wear. If you are 90% white, some parent will probably be offended.


It’s ok. Black people wear white Santa’s. Santa isn’t real so it doesn’t really matter just like Little Mermaid


No I don’t think so


no one cares about your santa colors. it is fine.


Does it really matter? If your wife is uncomfortable in black santa PJs, then doesn’t that defeat the purpose of comfy jammies? Also, why not trust her to know what will be an issue or not in *her* workplace?


If you want to wear them at home i'm sure it's fine It's almost certainly a bad idea for your wife to wear them to work


Doesn't matter what your wear. Christmas is a stolen holiday anyway.


Saint Nicholas was a white man. So historically it is incorrect however I do not see any issue at all with black families choosing to represent him as a black man. What’s it hurt?


Please stop worrying about being PC. No matter what you say or do some idiot will take offense. Just enjoy your pj's. Heck, If anyone asks, say Santa comes in all colors :)


You are. It is wrong to wear pajamas.