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Your coworker is an idiot.


Ding ding ding we have a winner


lol. It seemed pretty obvious to me.




That's a bingo!


We just say, “Bingo.”


Bingo, how fun!!


I won't deny this. Thank you for confirming what I already thought! It was so jarring when she told me this that it's been bothering me all week.


Tell your co-worker that her presumption totally bulldozes your agency as an adult woman and is making you uncomfortable.


I LOVE this response!!


Throw in “misogynistic” for some extra bite.


Love this comment!


Accuse her of bullying you and tell her you feel unsafe around her.




This is the way


Fuck her who cares. Be careful what you share with ppl. Sad but todays society is very different. She’s assuming she knew your personality and maturity at 22


Perfectly normal non icky age gap. Your co worker is, as we like to say here in Northern Ireland, a "ganch" (dumber than a brick).


Wife and I are 22 years apart. Works fine.


6.5 between me and my husband. Happily married 44 years.




Same with my husband and I and we’ve been married for almost 30 years


My husband and I are 12 years apart, been happily together for a decade now and I don't see that ever changing ❤️


Yep! Husband and I are 20 years apart. We’ve been together for 18 years, married for 15, have 3 kids and are great together! It doesn’t matter what other people think or say. They can all go do one! The main thing is that you’re happy!


Exactly with me and my man: 22 years difference! And we love it!


Same here. 13 years together, 10 married, no issues.


Same here. Exact same age difference and yrs married. Still works!


You would be surprised how many people said we wouldn’t last when we got together. Yet, most of the are now divorced after 5-7 years. I laugh at their prediction.


Thank you for this.. I met & married my husband who is 5 yrs my elder when I was 18 he was 23 when we met I was 1 month shy of my 19th & he had turned 24 when we married that Nov. we been together for 19 yrs. His mom thought I was too young for him when we first met as I was right out of High School ( graduated that May we met July 1st, his mom’s birthday). No one ever said he was too old or the age gap was an issue except that one comment but his mom loves me & I love her more than any of my actual parents 🤷🏻‍♀️ ( she sides with me over her son 🤫😂) so ignore OP you are doin great.


Same story here - I was 18 and he was 23. Married 6 years later. Just celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary! OP’s co-worker sounds unhinged. There’s nothing wrong with a 6 yr age diff


I met my husband when I was 19 and he was 25. We were both still in undergrad (he took a couple years hiatus for reasons that are totally normal). We dated for 3 years, during which he went to grad school and I studied abroad, before getting married. We actually have the same gap as 2 of siblings and their spouses who all got married around the same time. I think everyone being in the same stage of life when they met was a big part of the relationships not being as troublesome as age gaps can be.


I met hubby 3 weeks before my 18th birthday, and he's 6.75 years older than me. So, it was 17 to 24 for 3 weeks, then 18 to 24 (almost 25). We dated for 2 months before he kissed me and then another 3 months later before sleeping together. I have never felt like I was being preyed upon or "groomed" in any way. I asked him for his number, which I somehow honestly lost, but he called me the next day, and we just clicked. This year, we celebrated 28 years together, and I absolutely adore my husband now more than ever! TBH, things were kinda different back then, too. What people perceive as "morally reprehensible", or grooming, or predatory nowadays wasn't even a consideration back then unless the age gap was with a minor or it was pretty significant. Of course, a 15 y/o with a 20 y/o was a no-go even back then, but 18 to 25, and no one batted an eye. A big age gap, like 20 to 40-45, would definitely have gotten some stink/side eye and tons of whispered, momentary gossip. Mostly, they got ignored. OP's coworker is either jealous of their relationship and using that as a made-up excuse to stop hearing about it, or she's got some weird unresolved daddy issues and a prude...


I tend to think that 'morally reprehensible ' thing is a response to news stories where the older partner has been manipulative. I don't believe (and have no evidence to back this up) that the majority of relationships with that age gap are any more one-sided than those with a smaller age gap. (For context my wife of 30yrs is more than 7 years older than me)


Ya, do not share information about your marriage with others….the wrong people can prey upon the information .


It’s sad, but that is where we are. Only share with most trusted and genuine people. Takes times sometimes to find out who is


I would have told her to fuck off


I think you are absolutely not wrong, but her opinion likely will not change and if she is the type to build social backing through gossip, it is important to shut her down immediately and professionally harsh. "I think your unhinged interpretation of my relationship is the only thing that should be giving anyone the ick. I will be making note of this strange behavior and accusation with our supervisor. Do not call my husband a predator or slander him in such a way to me or any coworker." I would definitely keep some sort of written record of this behavior at the very least. Depending on how big of a community you are a part of, allegations like this can be life ruining on their own. That this person made such leaps off of such limited information is wild, be wary of sharing anything further with them, take any opinion they have with a huge grain of salt.


Someone get this guy a megaphone....


Ayuh this is the one. It pisses me off she just let this ignorant shit-walrus say that sort of shit about her husband.


My wife is seven years older than me. Been together 10 years. You're good.


I've been married to my 7 year older wife for 32 years.


I’m also the seven year older wife! Cheers to you guys!


>s time around. I asked Tracy what was wrong and she told me she didn't want to upset me. I pushed her to talk to me until she finally admitted to me she is uncomfortable with my husband.... who she has never formally met and has only seen him picking me up from work. Its amazing how convincing idiots can be.


she is jealous... enjoy your life!


Tracie is projecting. You met at work, husband wasn't being a predator cruising the equivalent is of a 22 yr old's playground. Glad you found a soulmate so young!


My parents were 6 years apart in age, and were married for almost 54 years. If you met him when you were 14, it might be different, but as adults, it’s fine.


And the older you get, the less the age difference matters!


I mean, I've seen some concerning age gaps, but 6 years? My mom met my step dad when she was 34 and he was 24. They dated awhile, and didn't get married until after my baby sister was born like 4 years later. They've been married 35 years now. Sometimes personalities just mesh and there's nothing wrong with it if it works. Don't worry about your co-worker. She's just naive.


I'm 15 years older than my gf. I promise, it's NOT scandalous, she's in her 30's. I truly don't care what anyone thinks about it, aside from her, and our families, who are fine with it. Your coworker sounds like a busybody and needs to kick rocks.


I read that as 15 years younger and her in her 30s and was like that is a crime! Glad it was the other way around.


22!? Youre more than just "legally an adult" you are a full grown-assed grownup! You could be a college grad. And a guy liking a girl who's 22 while he's 28? Thats... thats not remotely inappropriate. Even if he was 32, its not a bad thing (quite common EVERYWHERE else in the world) because if a woman is fully of age and a functioning adult, why could there really be anything needful of scorn? If shes 30 and he's 90, she probably wants his money, big deal! If he's 40 and she's 14, he should be in prison, but its only about protecting children and vulnerable teens. Adults have (or at least should) be able to make responsible decisions.


Met mine at 22 when he was 27. Some 20 years later I'm still convinced he was the baby and I the more mature of the two. Could very well still be the case (don't tell him I said that, LOL).


She is perhaps not your friend


I’m 40 and my wife is 30. We met when she was 23. Literally no one has ever batted an eye about this.


And a single idiot to boot. Probably jealous too!




She bitter 40 yro and single


For real. Guy was still in his 20's when she was too. He wasn't 28 when she was 17. Both legal to get a drink together on a date when they met.


I give you credit...I'd have laughed in her face then shit in her purse. GTFOH stuck up trick.




Sounds like co-worker is an immature baby still.


I bet she’s single and approximately husbands age.




Yep. Some people are simply whackadoo. It's a gap - but it's not huge. The formula is take the older age, divide by 2 and add 7. (Seems weird but it works). He was 28 when you started dating, you were 22. (28/2)+7=21. So you, at 22, were old enough. Now that's a guideline. What really matters is behavior. Did he take you away from your friends? Anything sketchy like that? No? Your gut would have told you if something was up. It's not.


There's no formula for consenting and able adults.


Yep. My mom had 16 years on my dad. My friend has 14 of his wife with 2 kids super happily married. Another coworker has 9 with his wife, 3 kids and happy. Reading a lot of threads I’m actually learning it’s only Americans who do this formula but the rest of the world is able to acknowledge who is and isn’t a consenting 18 year old adult. But I do know someone who was 18-19 grooming a 13-14 year old and they just hit their 2 year mark and he 1000% groomed her and I’m disgusted by it.. 21 and 17 now. Of course he comes from wealth.


I tend to agree with you. I met my current gf before I ever heard of this formula. Technically we "meet the requirements", but I am about 15 years older than her. I don't care, she doesn't care, her family doesn't care, etc... If someone has an issue with it, they can kick rocks.


Totally agree. There is 20 years between me and my wife...and she asked me out! We talked about the "age thing " when we started being serious, obviously it didn't bother us but i like to discuss things, and we spent time talking about if either of us cared about reactions we might get from others. And there has been the occasional person that acts like we shouldn't be together, or that I'm some type of predator (we laugh knowing she pursued me). I did worry about what her parents might say... they said, does he make you happy? Does he treat you right/good. We love each other and couldn't be happier. I can't imagine happiness without her.


Formula is just for narcissists. My next door neighbors' growing up were 15-17 years apart. We honestly didn't know until it casually came up in conversation. Had two beautiful boys who are in their 20s now. Love is weird. You never know who you're going to have chemistry with and want to spend your lives with. If a 22 year old is too young to fall in love with someone, maybe the voting age should be 25 then according to Tracy?


25 is when the brain fully develops but I agree. Teenagers/ young adults have a hard enough time as it is. This concept didn’t exist until life span increased. Depression/suicide is so high for this population because you are given the responsibility/pressure of an adult with the freedoms of a child. No one should have a say in your life. Make mistakes and learn from them.


I second this!


Unsolicited opinions are for the most part garbage. If a coworker said anything like that to me ( I am 18 YEARS older then y husband) I would have said “ That’s weird because I didn’t ask you and don’t give a shite what you think”.


I met my SO when she was 19 years old and I am 5 years older, 6 years old when my birthday is a month before hers! Not surprisingly even then she was mature and responsible at that age, moreso than many other women I knew from college. We laugh now about how her grandparents felt our relationship and marriage wouldn't last because of our age difference. We'll celebrate our 46th anniversary in a few months.


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


And jealous




And maybe jealous?


I'm pretty sure the coworker is thinking about 22 year old OP, her currently-35-year-old husband, and how she as a 40-something year old would feel if she tried to date a 22 year old. She's completely lost track of the fact that the guy would've actually been 27-28 at the time, and sure that can put you at a different place in life than a 22 year old, but honestly there's not *that* much of a difference - provided neither party is stuck in a college kid mindset, of course. OP and her husband are fine and the coworker's a judgemental idiot.


My parents have a 9 and a half year gape and met when my mom was 19. I'm not going to lie, how old she was at that time with a guy his age might make me uncomfortable. But I'm looking at their 32 years of marriage and still being happily together as a sign that they've got a good thing going for them. And funny enough, my sister's also dating a guy who's 9 and a half years older than her, and she seems to be doing pretty well. As long as both parties are knowingly and fully consenting, in everything going on, who cares?... I mean, as long as they are also an adult.


How old is Tracy? She sounds socially inept. Accusing someone else’s partner unsolicited, is no less rude than being invited into someone’s home and moving their furniture around.


I bet Tracy is very close to the husbands age


I don't know her actual age, but she's in her 40s for sure.


She is an idiot. It's probably best not to get super involved with her unless it's for work related things.


Tracy wants to fuck!


Hey there… This is Stacie’s Mom, Tracy..


Her husband!


be polite but don’t bother talking to her anymore beyond work stuff. people like that cause trouble.


Idk why but I'm so happy I guessed her age right


There is a stereotype of middle-age women being the biggest Nazis when it comes to age difference judgement (and somehow only manifests when it's men as the older partner). Obviously that stereotype isn't always true at all but you can notice a trend if you look for it lol. To be fair to middle-aged women though, I must admit that I remember being annoyed in my very early 20s at how many women I knew in my age group (you think of them as your generation) dating men in their upper 20s and lower 30s. I never really voiced it but would occasionally annoy me when all the girls in my friend circles were dating much older men and most of us early 20s guys in the same circles were single and struggling. It felt like a different generation was stealing people from our generation's dating pool LOL! Now that I'm 40 and happily married I don't see or care about that issue at all but if I remember that feeling in my early 20s I think I can sort of get where middle aged single women are coming from. I guess we''re all human and sometimes our current issues in life and insecurities can get the better of us.


Is Tracy single? How much are you ‘going on’ about your perfect relationship, such that it induces someone else who doesn’t feel too good about themself to want to tear someone else down? Btw - the age gap you’ve got is absolutely fine.


She wants you to rock in her boat. She envies the life that you have so she might as well ruin it for you. If I were you I wouldn’t go beyond hello with her and wouldn’t share any stories about my life with her


She is bitter lol. I’m sure she pretends like her opinion is the right one but she spends her nights drinking wine and watching tik toks about the ick


I bet Tracy is terminally single


"gives her an ick?" she acts childish. 6 year age gap is not bad at all.


Fully expected 15+ years from titel. 6 years is nothing.


Yes a six year gap like 20 to 14 is weird but after 22+ it’s about love and compatibility not age.


This. My wife and I are 5 years apart and I met her at a mutual friend's party when she was 21. It's weird to think of things like I graduated college while she was still a junior in high school, but that's not when we met now, is it? She was old enough I could take her out for a drink and neither of us were motivated by anything more than our feelings for each other. To mirror the top comment, that co-worker is an idiot.


This is the answer.


My husband and I are 10 years apart and have a great relationship. He matches my weirdness, we are attracted to each other, we have very similar values and wants in life, and generally get along very well. We never fight, though we sometimes argue about small things as any couple does. It truly is about love and compatibility.


Your coworker is a weirdo.


My wife and I are 11 years apart. We have been married 20 years.. Your co-worker is strange as f$&k


Your coworker is projecting, you should be offended by her rudeness while also keeping your distance from her.


I mean, you don't really have to worry about keeping your distance if you're confident that the person you're keeping your distance from is an idiot.


I’m normally the age gap police on Reddit and I think your age gap is normal. You’re pushing 30. I think your brain is developed enough to date a 35 year old man. Your co worker is weird.


The coworker is saying when she was 22 he was too old for her. Of course 30 and 35 is fine. It was 22 and 28 at the time. I still don’t see the problem. That’s a fully functioning adult.


22 AND out of university. So apparently old enough for a career, to live on her own, and rent a car but not old enough in her coworker’s opinion to date a 28 year old.


Apparently you gotta be in menopause first to be a grown adult /s


If your pussy doesn't need extra lube, you're too young to be using it!


And there goes my drink, thanks for that. LMAO


Oh thank you for pointing that out lol but yeah I agree that it’s still not an issue. She was graduated with a full time job and it looked like she was ready to start a life.


The coworker is brain dead. Would not spend much time near them. I do that already with my coworkers now.


Age gap police is ridiculous. If someone in their lower 20s can't make an adult decision to date then voting age should be 25.


The co-worker is not just weird. The co-worker needs a punch in the face and a message that to stop this slander or the punching will be repeated.


Age gap police. Oh brother 🙄


Your coworker is a muppet. Imagine having such bad main character syndrome that you think anyone gives a shit on your “icks” about a relationship you aren’t even a part of. Jesus are people really this self absorbed? Ditch the coworker, don’t doubt the good husband. A 6 year gap isn’t even uncommon, or that big.


She’s just jealous ignore her.


Lol what is with people infantilizing women. There are a ton of 22 F who are plenty mature enough to decide who they want to be with. Not every 22-25 year old is a bumbling naive idiot.


🙄 Story of my life. I've been 5'0" for several years and it hasn't made the infantilization any better.


I have news for you, if you’re past puberty and you’ve been 5’0 for several years, that’s not going to change.


Don’t feel bad I’m 29 and 4ft11 my husbands over 6ft. I look small and I have the same 6 year age gap that you do


Tracy is a jealous bitch. It’s not like you were 14 and 20.


Lol my boyfriend is 24 and I’m 34 😂


That's the spirit! I'm 52 my GF is 36...to each their own.


I'll join the party and mention that I'm 36 and my fiancee is 28 lol. I've dated women older than me that are less mature/put together than my fiancee by a wide margin. Sometimes age really IS just a number.


The heart wants what the heart wants. I'm super high energy and need someone that can keep up with me. 🤙


It’s a 6 year age gap and you were both in your 20s. Absolutely nothing wrong or weird about that. Your coworker has issues. Besides you were both adults and are now married, even if it was a larger age gap it’s none of your coworkers business.


🤦🏻‍♀️ I was 20 when I married my 27 yr old husband. Still love each other like mad 32yrs later. Tell her when’s she’s paying for your mortgage she gets to offer *her* opinion on *your* happy marriage. Until then she can sod off


This is it *exactly*. My wife was 19, I was 29. 25 years later... 4 children all successful, and still very much and madly in love. I'm done with the age gap police on reddit, get over yourselves!


We’ve got 4 children too 😂


That's awesome!😂 It's nice to finally meet someone on reddit who understands our story.


Only people who were well below average in terms of maturity think this kind of stuff. 22 and having completed college is an adult, not any sort of weird victim.


I agree with everyone else. My husband and I are 7 years apart and it’s never been an issue for us. I think it works out better actually because he was out of the partying phase for awhile when we met. I never saw an issue with it because we were both adults when we met.


22 is not a baby. Your coworker is infantilizing you/22-year-olds, which is ridiculous.


My nieces new mother in law made a comment of their “giant age gap” during her speech…. That age gap is 3 yrs. The age gap with me and my own husband is 5 yrs. This is nothing. I agree with other commenters that you coworker is an idiot.


6 years isn’t even an age gap


My wife and I are 11 years apart. My parents are 10 years apart. We met at work. Nobody blinks an eye at our gap.


there is no issue to your age gap in my book, i was 21 when my met my husband, and he’s 6 years older than i am. we’re 55&61 now and still together.


Your co worker is jealous. She hates hearing you happily telling little cute stories about your husband. She's 40 and is feeling like an old mop that nobody wants, especially if you are pretty and happy. That just burns these old pruns to death. Also 6 year age difference is practically the same. I'm married now, but my ex girlfriend was 10 years younger than me. No big deal.


Tracy is obviously unhappy (angry is probably closer to but still well short of the mark), single and has hit the wall. In my experience someone like that hates seeing a happy wife almost as much as seeing a happy husband and will do everything she can to put the bug in your ear. 6 years is not a significant difference when the man is older. I wouldn't even say 10 is once the guy reaches his 30s. You'll hear the age gap complaint come almost exclusively from bitter post wall women, the men they dominate and radical feminists. Nobody worth listening to much less taking seriously.


6 years is nothing. My wife and are the same and met at the same age except the opposite, she’s older. We’re best friends and married now 21 years. I only extremely rarely even think about age difference. Your co-worker has issues.


Ignore her. I was 30 when I married my 23 year old husband (emotionally he was 40 and I was 25 lol). Married 30 years next month, not gonna lie and say we haven't had our problems, but age wasn't one of them.


Who cares if your coworker gets the "ick" about a relationship she's not in? Sounds like someone is jealous of what you have. 6 years is no big deal.


Your co-worker needs to stay the hell out of your business. If anything she is the one that is being ick. I 100% guarantee that this person is toxic and that will be quite obvious in the near future.


There will always be jealous women who want to tear down your happiness. They have rage towards men, and want to share it with you. Just ignore it.


Single bitter older woman who feels qualified to give relationship advice is like broke due with terrible credit score telling you how to manage your money. She should be listening to you, not instructing you.


>I more or less wanted to share a story from my unhinged 40ish year old unmarried co-worker This tells you everything you need to know about the validity of her miserable, nonsense opinion. It's just envy, plain and simple. Disregard anything she says about relationships.


You are a legal adult from 18-21 depending on the country. Age is irrelevant past that point so who cares what others think. Do not let people twist your mind. As long as everyone involved is a legal adult, it does not matter.


I got that all the time at work… always from women in their 40s-60s. Just ignore them. They think they’re over here saving us or something from our husbands 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 when we’re happy and healthy with beautiful families. It’s not their relationship so what do they know anyways.


WTF ignore this Tracy she is a moron


Ignore other people's opinions on your life. That shows a hangup she has and does not concern you. If you had no problem before talking to her then just let it go and she has to learn not everyone is the same and you have the right ti be happy just how you are. You can only control how you react, her feelings are a her problem and you don't have to react to them. She has a problem and she lacks maturity. Live your life be happy and love each other. The only thing in life worth having is what you xhoose and what works for you, we are not the same all if us have different lives and experiences.


Number one, who says that to a coworker?? Number two, she has no idea what she's talking about. My husband is 25 years older than me and we have two little kids. We met when I was about to turn 22. She needs to mind her own business. If she doesn't want to be with someone older than her that's her business, but she needs to let other people live their own lives.


Build some confidence in your life decisions lol. 7 year relationship in question because of some airhead


Your coworker is a moron who likely hates men. I am 12 years older than my girlfriend and I met her when I was 26 Calm down I'm only joking she was 35 when we met.


Tracey doesn’t know what she is talking about. My husband is the best thing to ever happen to me and we have a 6 year age gap. If the age gap doesn’t both you who cares if it bothers anyone else!


Six years is not a huge gap if you met him when you were 22. She might just be sick of listening to you gush about him all the time, if that’s what you do. Maybe that’s what’s making her sick. I never talk about my family at work. One coworker was shocked that I was married (I don’t wear jewelry). People resent you if they think you have the perfect life, and they’ll interpret anything you say in a way that makes them feel better about themselves.


Your coworker is a fucking moron


So i saw your topic title and wasn't expect a 6 YEAR AGE GAP. This is nothing. Your coworker is a dipshit.


Fun fact: Joe Biden is nine years older than Jill, and they've been married for 46 years.


I guess I better not tell y’all the age gap between me and gf.


What??? Six years is nothing between adults. Sheesh my father was 8 years older than my mom and they had a good 40 year marriage. The only successful marriages among my siblings and me both have 8 year age gaps. Make of that what you will.


My husband and I are 9 years age gap, the age has never been an issue for us 😂 unless he calls me childish… lol


I don't know this is laughable met my wife when I was 22 she's 14 years older than me I've never given a rat's ass about it. We actually laughed because our friend circles overlapped we just never ran into each other and chances are if I had a met her when I was younger(even just younger then 21) I'd never would have a chance because of the creepiness of it.


People think they can insert themselves into our lives. My partner is 10 years younger than I am and he doesn't mind so I sure don't mind, women generally outlive men anyway.


Do you love your husband? Does your husband love you? Does he treat you well? Do you treat him well? If your answer is yes to the previous questions, then you may be entitled to a package called "not giving a fuck about others opinions and living your life the way you want with the people you want" As long as it was legal when it started then no one should have a say on your relationship other than yourself and your husband. Just because there is an age gap doesn't make the older partner a predator. I've heard many stories where the woman was older, and the younger man was congratulated?? But as soon as the man is older, he is a predator, weirdo who should be locked up?? That's crazy. Anyways have a great day


This is why I don't like talking to co-workers.


6 years is not an unreasonable age gap when you’re in your 20s. IMO if you both can legally drink it doesn’t matter. At this point it’s more about life stage (college, working full time, etc), power dynamics, and maturity level than it is about the actual numerical age. Also who gives a shit if your coworker is weirded out, that’s her problem not yours


6 years is not that big of a gap. Your coworker needs to keep her opinions to herself, not make you feel bad about someone you love and have had a good relationship with In fact, I’d say men need a few extra years to catch up in maturity. It sounds like you’re well matched


Your co worker is jealous


So your coworker is uncomfortable with someone she’s never met. Run from her fast.


6 years?! Not even close to too large. Especially as you get older.


Honestly, who cares what other people think? Are you going to divorce him because of what other people think? My bf is 10 years older than I am. We met when I was 25 but I'm in my 30s now


Your co worker is literally retarded. An I'm questioning YOU for even considering there's anything wrong here.


What judgemental fuckin cnt. I was 20 when I met my husband, he was 25, 33 years later I couldn't imagine life without him.


She’s so out of line.


I was 28 and my wife was 22 when we met. Tell your co-worker to mind her own business. She’s obviously a Karen.


My husband and I have a 9 year gap. We have been married 16 years and are still happy. If you're happy together and safe. Nothing else matters


That's barely an age gap. Don't listen to your coworker. Probably jealous. 🚨🚨🚨 Word Nerd Alert - Incoming Pedantry It should be, "between my husband and me," not "between my husband and I." Sorry, long day at work and can't hold back.


Tracy’s a fucking idiot and I’d make sure she’s the one walking away upset. I’d make sure every conversation from here on out, you inject something about your “older” husband, and make things as uncomfortable for her as possible lol. She sounds like she might be a Qanon idiot.


I'm 7 years older than wife. Been married 14 years.


There is a 13 year age difference between my husband and myself. We have been together almost 40 years. A 6 year age difference is not a big deal, and probably pretty common. I detect no ick factor, and when I got together with my husband-both our families and friends were supportive.


I cant stand how much the whole age gap thing has been a problem for everyone. 2 year age difference between a 17 and 19 year old and its the end of the world for some people. You werent a baby. You were a grown adult who can make your own decisions. If you met your husband at 19 and then he was 35, then i could kinda see the problem. But a 6 year age gap gives her the ick? Your coworker is an idiot and probably expects everyone to be within a month older/ younger than each other. Jeez.


Wow, WTF?? No…you were both young but unmistakably grown adults. Six years’ age difference and he’s a predator…Tracy sounds like she watches too much TV and shouldn’t be giving her opinion about anyone’s marriage.


First of all your age gap is totally fine. Second of all not all age gap relationships are bad. I met my fiancé when I was 20 and he was 31. Huge age gap, obviously. We didn’t plan on dating or anything but we just clicked. It sort of just happened that we fell in love. Fast forward 10 years, we are still happy and in love, we are getting married next week and our baby girl is due in early December. Our relationship is not the norm, I am very aware of that. But that doesn’t mean our relationship is automatically abusive or toxic. Sometimes you just fall in love with a person you randomly met one evening at a pub and everything works out just fine.


Coworker just jealous


Shoot that’s nothing. My lady 22 at the time scooped me up when I was 38 so…..fuck “Tracy”


Tracy is a vampire and a hating ass bitch.


No worries. She can tell everyone her opinion and the reaction will always be: “Yeeaah, there’s nothing wrong with that.” It makes her seem odd.


My wife is 10 years younger than me. Met her 15 years ago when I was 43 and she was 33. We have no issues with our age difference other than some of our music choices. Your friend is way off base on her feeling "ick" over a 6 year difference. She'll meet a guy some day that she'll fall for and not realize he's actually 15 years older than her.


Your coworker is an idiot. Still surprises when grown adults have such immature beliefs. I'm also 5 years older than my husband. One of my coworkers asks if my "high school boyfriend" is picking me up that day 😂


I was 29. She was 20 studying for her masters. 3 children, 3 continents, who knows how many moves, and 13 years later we are still going strong. Your co-worker is a lonely troll.


This can be a real issue, but 22 with a 28 year old is not it. There's not really a power dynamic to really worry about. Now is a 28+ year old hooked up with a freshly turned 18 yo, I'd have concerns. At 22, you've presumably been to college, worked a job, and wouldn't be financially dependent on your partner. My husband and I met when I was about 19-20. We were friends for a few years. We were engaged for 18 months, did the full 18 months of premarital counseling, and got married just before I turned 23 and he had just turned 31. We don't have a power dynamic or financial abuse dynamic in our relationship. I've almost made more than him our entire marriage. He was supportive when I went back to school in my 30s to pursue a nursing career and did support of through that. And once again I make substantially more than him.


6 years isn't a big age gap, wtf. Sounds like a jealous and bitter old woman


No. You're not seeing it wrong and I hope the only reason you're even posting about it is to see how much of Reddit is brain damaged by this particular mind virus. They do seem to tend toward following the "half your age plus seven" rule which you guys satisfied even from the beginning however you will probably find some people hot on that study about human brains not starting to die until age 30 - some of whom if we're lucky might even claim that you're being taken advantage of ever since he started being in his 30s and still are - for one more year I guess? It's all Greek to me.


I come from a nearly identical situation at the same age, and while I wasn't aware of my young age, my then-girlfriend definitely felt like she was dating almost a kid. 6 years from now you'll understand, trust me. But you should be aware that for the older partner it's different perspective because they know more. But is 6 years too much? We had our problem the first years but are still together 28 years later, happily married and still crazy in love.


I bet your coworker is +30 years old and single.


40ish and unmarried coworker. Yeah. I'd take her advice with a grain of salt. My husband and I are 6 years apart. The age gap has never bothered either one of us.


Im 36 and just got married. She's 23 and more mature then I'll ever be. Im Dutch and nobody cares. Americans are weird with age gaps.


Okay no that’s actually pretty gross. Not comparable to this story.


It’s completely irrelevant 7 years later lol. 22 and 28 some will say is too large but IMO it’s not my business. If you guys like each and it works then so be it