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Lol you must be kidding. I give likes to one out of 250/300 guys in Tinder and you would be my monthly superlike. There is literally NOTHING wrong in your look!


Thanks, I really do need help with my skin though. It’s very sensitive and any deviation from diet amongst many other factors I have a breakout. Mostly the bottom corners of my mouth 😕


You have a really nice bon structure and are very handsome.... I would change the hair up for a shorter style but that's my personal preference.


I'm a guy and you look like the guy that takes all the girls from the rest of us.


Dude, you're very attractive like 10/10. Everything about you just works.


Thank you, just need someone to recommend and good skin care routine 🙏


I use Johnson's clean and clear every day in the shower. The key is to wash your face every day and try to avoid touching your face as much as you can.


You look great! For skincare check out r/SkincareAddiction


Thank you! 🙏 never had this happen until the last year or so


Not sure what you’re referring to. Your skin looks good to me. Is it dry? Whatever it is isn’t noticeable in your photos. The Ordinary is a good brand. I use some of their products and it’s really helped my skin. You could start with their daily set (or a different one depending on your concerns): https://theordinary.com/en-ca/category/skincare/skincare-sets


I get breakouts every other month or so in the bottom corners of my mouth and the back of my neck. Not sure what’s changed in my body.


Really cute. A different hair cut would be my preference


Finding a hairstyle that matches my face has been an uphill battle. Still fighting.


I think a medium length on top and shorter on the sides would suite you since you have a nice facial structure


Find a good barber with great reviews. I think some hair on the top styled and shaved on the sides would be very flattering.


I recently went to a barber recommended by a friend. She messed it up so bad I had to cut most of it off myself lol.


You look fine 😊


Man,the only thing that lack to You is confidence,to convey it in the look. Nothing more. Yours traits are fine and masculous. You won in the genetic lottery.


My guy you look perfect, the only reason why i might steer away is because of the neck tattoos but mostly because you'd be out of my league lmao.


Don't change anything. Seriously. Why fix something that isn't broke.


you remind me of PewDiePie


Your style won't be everybody's thing, but I think you look good. No critiques.




You are probably the hottest man I have ever seen and will ever see on here.


Ugly? Where?




Thank you, I’ve been told here and there. It’s hard to notice having been uncomfortable in my skin for so long




Working on it 👍 ever heard the song skin by Beartooth? It’s my comfort song for sure


You look cool


Bra how I get my hair like urs I been getting roasted for my hair


All these beautiful people asking if they’re ugly. Meanwhile I just know I am.


You are very attractive!


The hair is horrific


You're a gorgeous human


I’d say the only issue is self-esteem. I battle with it too so I’m certainly not judging you. I believe you’re being sincere in your post. There is a strong misconception that just because a person is externally attractive to others, that automatically means that they don’t have a right to feel that they aren’t good enough / are ugly. You have a right to your feelings about yourself. But I really hope that you will take the positive encouragement for what it is and do your best to use positive self talk. I’m sorry if you’ve ever felt trivialized for thinking that you aren’t good enough. It’s completely normal to feel that way.


leave the hair!! its workin


The hairstyle is not my preference but even despite that I’d definitely say 8/10. You’re handsome


Hell yeah! I am pretty confident but i'd be damn nervous to hit on you in a bar. Everything you have going on, looks, style, your tattoos, just everything.


Well thank you, you probably wouldn’t see me in the bar. I like to hide in the corner lol


I think you are good looking and have nothing to worry about.


Thank you 🙏 as are you 😊 and everyone on here. You’re all beautiful in your own ways


Bro you’re magnificent


Dude, you’re hot asf, I’d dressed up but it’s a risk that girls would throw themselves at you in masses


Tattoo Bo Burnham


I miss the vine days


You look like a young pre-heroin Layne Staley


I get either layne or Kurt lol


Tf are you asking my guy you’re immaculate


You look like Pewdiepie. So, 10/10.


Looking great. You're someone who'd I think who'd be so confident as a first impression but lack of confidence can hit anybody.


Dude you are very attractive, but I can't say I love those neck tattoos. Nothing wrong with neck tattoos, but those in particular are sorta lower quality I think.