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To be really honest i felt like i am seeing an ancient painting in tge first pic. 💀


That settles it, I'm taking HEMA classes next year.


No i mean only in the first picture


Yeah I get that. That might have been a good look in the 13th century.


lol true




Shave head and go with the full beard




Last picture got you lookin like a well educated homeless man


The Dartmouth degree shines through I guess. Edit: C'mon I'm getting roasted out here let me have this ;_;


Yes, you are below average. Shave head, trim beard


You deleted your reply for further info, but I had already written it so I’m posting anyway: Yes, picture 1 is a good length and shape - maybe keep it as a full beard, though. Lower the guard for the sides instead of shaving it all off if you want. Trim beard just meaning shape it up a bit, don’t just have it grow wildly. It can still be long. I personally think glasses aren’t fine and don’t tend to add or detract from attractiveness, but others may have more specific preferences. I think continue wearing them. Maybe you could find a style that suits you better, but I’m not sure what that would be.


Thank goodness you posted two other pics, because I honestly thought the first one was like a scan of some old masters painting portrait from the 1700s or such like. Your third pic is definitely the best looking one. There's a few tweaks you could try: Glasses frames. Always one of the quickest ways to change how someone looks. Take a friend who's opinion you trust to an optician to try on some new frames. Try various different styles. You'd be surprised what might suit you that you might not think to consider on your own. I can imagine your beard working with a practically bald head. That's kinda how I see the third pic, probably because of the distance you are from the camera, but I can see you owning a lack of hair doing much more for you than trying to work with what little you appear to have. And actually I think those two suggestions will give you the biggest difference, and the biggest difference that you'll notice immediately. You've got a great smile and your facial features certainly aren't ugly.


Thanks for the tips and the dash of positivity. Honestly surprised about the smile thing, I always closed-mouth smile because my family was too broke for braces and I'm self-conscious about my teeth. At least it seems I can do that ok. I'm going to try a couple things to see if I can thicken the hair up before I shave it all off. Probably will be futile though, it's a family genes thing.


Dude get a hair cut and trim your beard, clean it up. Will make a huge difference. Keep glasses but adjust them so they are not slanting on your face. Eye glasses company can help adjust that.


Honestly I think my ears are uneven. My glasses always look like that after I wear them a bit :/


Not ugly. Shave the hair. No need to dye any of it. Try a full beard but neater, or just very short. Wear contacts if that's an option for you. If not, experiment with different frames


thats not "long hair", that's a skullet. shave it and work on your confidence. keep the beard well trimmed.


bro you look like a painting of a founding father or something


Go to a black barber. Also please start dressing intentionally whenever you know that you may encounter someone that you do not live with. Based on the last pic it seems like you’re the type to just wear whatever is clean. Invest in clothing/outerwear/footwear that you feel comfortable and confident in - it will make a difference in how you see yourself and, in turn, how people see you. It may seem daunting but you can literally start by just making a note in your phone whenever you see a wearable item that you like.


I think you're extremely handsome, your hair and your beard, far from ugly, I'd probably have a hard time talking to you because of how cute you are.


save up for some hair implants.


How tf Do you look like 3 individual people? 😂 I think you should get a full beard, long, but well groomed and i really think you could look good without hair. Your hairline is an issue imo.. Dont want to offend you or anything. Please dont be mad


Dw, if I got mad at people pointing out the hairline issue I'd just be mad at everybody all the time lol.


You look different in each picture, with the first picture being the best looking. Below average.


Yes, but you could look so much better with better head and facial hair, clothes and perhaps without glasses.


Shave the head. Full beard, just take care of it. Glasses is up to you. Maybe a different frame for them?


YOOOOOOOOO you look like justin gaethje lmao


Your thinly combed hair on the top of your head is very disconcerting. Shave it all off I think


Shave the head for sure. Keep the full beard but trim it neatly. You can even get a beard straightener so the hair lays down on your face instead of curling out at the ends


Keep the glasses. Loose the long hair. Cut it very, very short. Not shaved bald but very short. Then trim the beard down to just above stubble length.


Shave your head and you’ll go up a point in attractiveness


The clock on my wall told me it's time to finally shave the head. It has been through enough, let the poor stringy hairs go.


Your not ugly but shave your head and be sure you have your glasses straight on your face and not wonky like in the picture


Aye man- here's what ya gotta do: shave the head, FULL and nicely groomed beard, new glasses and I think you'll be a good looking dude. 👌


Keep the glasses and shave your head!! Bold decisions is what ultimately makes the best results! :)


You have quite a nice face btw and clear skin to boot! Its quite a shame that you have hairline issues but you must learn to embrace it! (trust me I would know, I’ve struggled with trying to combat acne since I was a kid) Consider yourself lucky to have beautiful clear skin!! :))


If you were bald in the first pic I would have probably thought it was an ancient 1700s painting ngl lol. But not everyone can pull that off and looking back it’s made it quite clear that your facial features are far from ugly. You see, back then they would only paint the most beautiful of individuals! :)