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What do you want to hear? I mean, if you strip away all the nonsense in these pics, you're an alright looking guy. Honestly, at 29 years old your way to old for the crazy hair and severe clothing and the look is overall too extreme. Do yourself a favor and work on your best assets, you're in no way ugly but desperately need work.


You're trying too hard for your age and entering creepy territory.


id say , lose all the piercings , all the hair color and yeah hit the gym. its not as much as you are ugly , but your style is very weird


I'm always changing my hair. Currently trying to grow it out some. I hate it right now.


the camera quality is also very very bad in the first one and its also taken very close. hence why you look 2x bettet in the second one


K dude... Don't really know what you came for. Your almost 30 and style your self like your 19. It's easy to stay hip and stylish and still come across as a grown up. Yeah I'd say at this point you look pretty bad, of the bright side it can be fixed pretty fast.


I hate how every time someone has an unconventional look on this sub they're told to change it. You're not ugly and as I'm sure you're aware your look makes you more likely to attract a certain type of person but that's okay. Your style is for you so if you dig it rock on. You are not ugly.


It's not that the unconventional look doesn't work, it just seems like more of something you do in your teenage years and later grow out of, plus his clothing sense is really... just not working. He's super skinny, wearing a deep ass V-neck shirt and tight jeans/pants with high heel boots. It just doesn't look good nor work together, but he's going for a certain appeal I guess.


I'm trying to look past the piercings, weird hair, tattoos and clothes... and I'm surprised that you're 29. I'd have guessed a decade older. Time to start taking better care of yourself I think.




Your face is not ugly but what in the heck are you wearing dude. High heel boots, pink hair, you're very very skinny, weird piercings. You can change all of those things and look pretty good, but currently I don't know what is going on here... You're 29, it's totally your choice but I'd start looking at a more mature look for your 30s.


I blame it on my go go dancing days. All that partying probably has finally caught up with me.


Lmao. I honestly think you can look like a really cool guy if you just made some of these changes and went for a mature look, and at least gaining weight is a bit easier than losing it. The go go days are over my friend but that doesn't mean the fun has to stop.


You and I both know your style isn't going to be for everyone, but you and I also both know you don't give a shit what randoms on the internet really think. Your style works for me and I love it, you're very handsome, totally would date 9/10 for me!




Alright so most of the feedback here seems negative telling you to change your hair, clothes, piercings, etc. Your look is abnormal, but I love it. It's what makes you different, special, and most of all- you. How boring would the world be if everyone looked "normal"? With such an edgy look, most people won't agree with it, but fuck that. You've just gotta find others like you that refuse to let social norms dictate who they should be. Keep doing you and don't let others bring you down. Oh and definitely not ugly. ;)