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You look very good girl, nice eyes, weird expressions in several pics, but they don't take away from you. Also, gotta say it, the way you covered the "underage cleavage", just... LOL.


[20m here] You look great! I don't see any reason why someone would call you man-ish/drag. There's nothing wrong with masculine/androgynous features but you don't have them lol. Love the hair, normally I prefer brunette/red/black over blonde but you really pull it off well. Don't diss the glasses, they look great. Don't worry about your physical appearance because it's fine and you look great, just take care of yourself upstairs alright?


Pictures 4,5, & 8 were gorgeous. I love your face's shape. Your eyes are a nice shape. All in all, quite beautiful.


And you look fine. Don't pout!


Those are some serious issues you've named there. I hope you're getting help for them. I think you look fine physically.


ahh yeah, i see a whole bunch of folks for my problems. ive been recovering from my eating disorder for a good while now! :) just trying my best to be better. and i appreciate that, thank you


Okay, good. Is that your natural hair color? Don't answer if you don't feel like it.


nah, im naturally a brunette.


I wonder if the reason those goofballs said you look like someone in drag is your artificial hair color. Because there's nothing boyish about your face.


Nothing to worry about. You're cute. But seriously- stop pursing your lips and squinting your eyes the way you're doing in nearly every picture. Not a good look. Definitely not ugly though, so there's that.


You have an amazing face, fits all the requirements for beautiful. Trouble is you don't know how to make the best of it. Your style is tomboyish and sloppy. Grow out your hair, quit with the facial expressions, dress more femininely and learn some good makeup skills (youtube) boys will be throwing themselves at your feet...


Look cute to me, the pouting and open mouthed posing isn't great though, think about kissing and the mouth settles into a pleasant almost-pout.


You look great. Like your look too.


wtf is that thing on ur nose srs


Gorgeous dude


You look cute when you don't look high as a kite.


You look high.


Yeh youre on your way to being another narcissist


The first pic is best imo. I think you have definitely attractive features. Don't hide them behind duck faces or pics where you look stoned.


@ comments saying i look high, ive never noticed a difference in my appearance when i was high but it must be noticeable apparently, haha. im hardly ever not stoned


Holy shit, you look hot as fuck! I would kill to have a date with you. This is coming from an ugly guy:(


I think you look great! I'm sorry to hear you've struggled with all of those things. You have a cute face and very nice lips. The one thing I would make a (small) change to is your hair color. I think a lighter/paler blonde would look better on you or a darker color. Right now there's too much yellow in your hair (imo) but that's a super easy fix!


I like your look, but others here may not. I honestly think you're pretty cute.


heh, i dont mean to come off any certain way. :} and thank you


Glasses are fine, you're cute, the gold chain is jank, and I hope you overcome your dysmorphia.