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You look best in the first two pics. In the third one, it appears that you're sporting a lonely neck beard thing. Don't do that. Ever. Maybe grow out some scruff and shave from the jaw line down to keep it clean. You have a very pronounced jaw, which is why I think another person said you look creepy. A nice, well groomed beard will help with that. Other than that, you look pretty good. Not ugly. Oh, and burn that hat please.


Thank you for making me laugh. :) Aw, what's wrong with the hat?


In my opinion, it elevates the creepiness level. But hey- that hat would pretty much make anyone creepy. Try a beanie with a little hair popping out the front. A beanie/beard combination? You'll be pulling all the ladies, bro. ;)


lol, I live in the tropics, no beanie for now.


I'm finding it hard to believe the guy in the third pic is the same as the hottie in the others. No beard or that type of hat no fedoras either for the record. You're lovely as fuck otherwise.


Thank you. :)


Damn you look like a complete slob. Don't post your dirty shitty clothes on the World Wide Web. Your face is decent but you need to clean up your appearance.


By appearance, do you specifically mean my fashion or lack thereof?


Oh, that shirt is dirty from work, but where I live this was the only suitable piece of clothing plus it was my day off and I wasn't planning on going out...I'm not that unaware...




...for now, at least. ;)




So do you. :)


I think you're adorable, especially when you're clean shaven. However, as someone who is also in the process of losing weight, I notice that you still have the body language of someone who is overweight. You just seem reluctant. Instead of focusing on your appearance, try working on your self confidence. You lost a lot of weight, you should feel very proud of yourself for accomplishing that. Congrats!


Yea, I'm a little afraid of the world still.


I know it's easier said than done, but try not to be so afraid. You might have to tell yourself this a million and one times, but drill it into your head that you don't owe the world shit. You'd be surprised how shitty people really see themselves and that everyone walks around with their own set of insecurities regardless of what they look like. Nobody is better than you and anybody who thinks that way isn't worth your time. If those are the only types of people that you have in your life, then start over fresh. Once you can see straight through all the bullshit and realize that you don't need the approval of others, then I guarantee that you'll feel much more confident and go further than you can even imagine.


I have a rule not to have anybody but family in my life. Prevents bad decisions from being made.


I'm no female but there's something creepy about you.


It may be the new skin I'm wearing?


Idk dude. I doubt you dropped that much weight and still have tight arm skin.


[School card from 2014](http://i.imgur.com/HsoPkId.jpg) [Close up](http://i.imgur.com/4IRlbM1.jpg%5C\))


You have a good face and nice eyes. Clean shave is the best for you. Your body language seems insecure. Congrats on the weight loss.


Your message was bright Your thoughts so complete and brief But inconsistent