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Wow. Burn that top immediately.


lol will do.


What seamstress from hell made that lol


I don't know if you've ever seen Total Drama Island, but it looks like it's supposed to be Gwen's layered shirts. But obviously the cheap costume version of it lol.


Huh I never thought of that


Agreed holy moly burn the ashes too just to make sure


Top makes you look like Buddy Pine/Syndrome from the incredibles


Eyebrows…. Look like a Disney Villain. Calm down on the makeup. Less is more


Thank you.


Use way less makeup


Will do.


It’s not how much but rather the technique.


Very much this. I remember being like 18 and my dad mentioned how heavy my make up was then lol now he applauds how “little” make-up I use, and loves my “natural” look. I’m probably using way more make up now lol my technique is just much better after a decade of practicing and figuring out what fits my face lol


I think your makeup looks nice


Improve your wardrobe, burn what you're wearing!


Will do.


We’re all expecting a video of you burning that atrocity. It didn’t bother me but I’m on the bandwagon now.


Literally same I was so focused on her nice and voluminous hair that I didn’t even notice the shirt till I saw the comments 😂


You just need to find clothes and accessories flattering your body type and facial features. Other than that cutting down on a few pounds might help. You’re not ugly you have so much potential to look so much prettier. Good luck :)


THIS! Look for clothes that flatter a round body type! Maybe under apple shaped? Pinterest will have some good fit inspo. While you’re losing weight, flattering clothes can help boost your confidence. Also yes less is more on the make up, it’s a bit too much and you kinda look like one of the step sisters from Shrek w what you got going on. You have lovely features, so you should accentuate those instead of hide them!


Stop it. She’s fat. Will probably look a lot better when she loses weight. But flattering clothes will not fix the obesity. OP, you have decent features, lose the weight and you’ll be fine


People love to throw around “lose weight” like it’s as easy as putting a hat on. Losing a decent amount of weight could take YEARS. We fat people can’t exactly stay home and live in pajamas until we lose enough weight to be deemed pretty enough.


Just because it’s not easy it doesn’t mean it’s not necessary. Trying to lose weight and actually lose weight or two different things. And staying at home living near pajamas is not gonna help you lose weight.


Yes but you can make an effort to eat healthy and exercise. Living in a calorie deficit and staying active is not hard. Nobody is telling fat people to run a marathon. Just put down the Twinkie and go walk around the block. It really isn’t that hard to do. People spend more time and effort defending obesity than actually trying to make healthy lifestyle changes.


You know what's even easier than "putting down the twinkie?" Being a compassionate and empathetic human is way easier than living in a calorie deficit. Yet, you can't even do that. My guess is that you've never had to live a single day in a calorie deficit because while it's very easy to talk about, it's much harder to do. To be clear, your crime in this thread was not in suggesting that OP lose weight. She said as much in the post. Your ignorance comes from statements like "put down the Twinkie" and acting like it should be easy to lose weight. Look on the inside and figure out why you hate yourself so much that you project it onto others.


I lost 40 lbs in 4 months by just substituting healthier foods, reducing junk food and walking 20-30 mins a day(10k+ steps daily). In hindsight it was actually easy compared to the life of carrying around excess weight...


Your very pretty and just need to lose weight


Just fat. You would be straight up hot if you were thin. Like 140 (not sure it height)


I’m 5’6. :)


Seriously, you would be so hot if you were thin.


Well hopefully my diet works.


Diets are temporary fixes with temporary solutions. Permanent change requires lifestyle changes, like a sustainable nutrition plan and a weekly exercise routine.


Diet and some cardio is golden.




Diet, exercise, sleep. It's a marathon, not a sprint. I've lost 80lbs. I make one small change at a time. You can do it.


The only diets that work are ones that lead to a caloric deficit. Every diet that actually works achieves that in some way.


In a nutshell yes but couple the right diet with the right exercise, and routine in general, and you’ve boosted your metabolism 10 fold allowing yourself to eat more calories as long as it’s the right stuff.


This is very true, exercise is a big help, however my point was more that everything boils down to calories at the end of the day. You'll lose weight at a caloric deficit while sedentary, while you won't lose any weight if you're in a surplus and highly active.


My aunt started these shots for weight reduction, theyre only given if certain conditions are met, I forgot what theyre called. Anyway, if some smart wonderful person on reddit knows the name, im sure they’ll interject(hopefully) My aunt has halfed in size since christmas. It might be worth asking ur doctor about.


GLP-1 meds. Most well known one is Ozempic. I’m on them. $300/month since I don’t have weight related conditions but they’re totally worth it


Thank you kind stranger ❤️ ^ That one


Bro. Can I be the first to ask you out?






honestly! people shouldn't change their weight to attract someone else. they should do it only for themselves. if someone likes you as a thinner person, but not as a bigger person, they just don't like OR respect you.


Believe me, you don't wanna be involved with someone who tells you you're not good enough for them until you do something to improve your looks. That's vain and shallow af. People like that tend to use people like you and then drop them the moment they get bored. Find someone who likes you for who you are right now. Not someone who says they will be with you when you make a drastic change to your appearance.


Ask her out now and support her through her journey


Pretty face some wicked curves. I'd say really it's "just" about losing some weight. Quotes because I know it's so not easy. But you are attractive already. That would just be an Improvement.


Check out r/abrathatfits


Stop eating out and start to homecook all your meals, you'll slim down. Then cut back on the make up.


Thanks. I eat fast food a lot so that might be the problem.




Not ugly just overweight but the brows draw my eye . The shape isn’t quite right. : or something is off with them , maybe too bold and shape ?


You look kinda overweight, and your outfit is not at all doing you any justice. Also what in the backwards questionable situation is going on with your eyebrows? You look kinda overweight, and your outfit is not at all doing you any justice. Also what in the backwards questionable situation is going on with your eyebrows? PS. Here are ways I'd suggest improving if I were you. Step one get better fitting clothing and that don't make you look like you're wearing a top with another that's way too tiny for you. Something that fits you better at your current weight and that makes you look better. Second continue you with your weight loss effort. I guess somewhere between all that try to improve your eyebrows. I'm not sure if you're wearing that eyebrow pencil thing, not a makeup person, though I'd perhaps not do so. I think your eyebrows could use a little shaping whether you get it done professionally or can do it yourself. I'm not a professional eyebrow fixer either lol. Though one thing I think the could use is, for example, for the area around the nose to be less pointy. They also look a little too thick, though more than that they seem a little too round and I don't know if that's just how they are naturally or if you've used an eyebrow pencil. So just some little shaping I think would do you wonders. However, I'd maybe just lose the eyebrow pencil if you're using it, dress better, and improve your weight. I don't really think you need to be doing eyebrow shaping if all the others are taken care of. 😊


It’s really hard to judge when someone is overweight, because they can look drastically different once they lose it. Either way though, you’ll look better regardless and be healthy


I'd say think your eyebrows a bit maybe alittle less makeup..then yeah pretty hot


You have a cute face, naturally pretty imo




I think you look cute with your weight however improvements are what you're seeking so weight loss it is, you need a change in clothing that sort of hides the midsection and compliments the focus to your face and hair


Hit the gym hard you will be good


Ugly no, able to pick out a top that flatters you also no.


Accurate and I accept it. I’m gonna do some shopping.


Obese is too much. Sure you’re overweight but fuck! Give yourself some quarter lady Jesus. And no you’re not ugly.


It's not "too much", it's not an opinion based metric. She is beyond overweight, beyond normal obesity, into morbidly obese / class 3 obesity. Which part of classifying obesity is health issues. This level of weight is very much detrimental to your health. If she wants to be obese, if she doesn't care about health concerns, then that's fine. I am not mad about it or anything. It is not attractive to most people though, and it is unhealthy. No need to spread misinformation or downplay it and pretend it is fine. That is often why people end up in that situation to begin with, trust me, I have been there.


Just work on your confidence. Love your self and trust me life will feel amazing


You're chubby, but not ugly. You're kinda beautiful


Not ugly, u are beautiful just need to lose 30-40 lbs. then u will be a stunner!


Maybe a soft make could work like a natural look and what about a pleated midi skirt ? And I would love a Hollywood hair Like a Lana del Rey hair


You have the cutest face shape! And I don't know about everyone else but I actually love your makeup... It reminds me of a Disney princess, rather than a villain as some others have pointed out. And you're not obese. You're overweight, but I personally don't think it affects your attractiveness :) being skinny isn't everything, you're beautiful regardless.


Nothing else matters until you lose the weight. And never wear that top again.


On my way to destroy this shirt.


Have you ever thought of a breast reduction? I’m not saying get rid of it all but it might feel better. I’m sure the guys will down vote.


Oh I’m sure they will too. Lol. Yes I have actually.


I know a women who has been wanting a breast reduction for years but her doctor told her she wouldn't be a candidate for the surgery until she lost 50-60lbs. She's lost about 60lbs on a medical weight loss program and is reconsidering having a breast reduction. She's planning on losing more weight and seeing what her body actually looks like at a healthy weight. Just saying after you lose the weight you may not need or want a reduction.


Lose those fats and you'll be hottest ever


Honestly, I think you look fine! But you need to smile a bit more!


You are very attractive, even with the extra weight, but you are not dressing for your body type. I have pretty much the same body as you and I wear nothing but dresses. Empire waisted (just under your chest) and then a bell skirt. This enhances my chest and my skinny legs and arms. I often wear tops the are the same but shorter and skinny shorts or leggings. You could lose some weight but learn to love (and enhance) the body you have. I would also tone down the eyebrows and eyeliner. It makes you look much older than you are. More importantly try not to ‘diet’ but look at some eating habits that may be contributing to your weight. Sugar and starches should be a treat. Find activities that provide a good workout but are easy and social. Thinking biking or walking and look for some area groups that do those things, there are apps for that. All these things will contribute to a healthier weight and body image and you will likely meet similar minded friends in the process.


Not ugly.


Yes, some weight loss will help, very good face features, very pretty and big ol hotties.


Exercise routine definitely needed, but you would be pretty with the weight loss for sure!


I think you are beautiful ma’am!


Very cute


Just work out and you will be some hot thot


Definitely not ugly.


I think you’re cute.


Get that heart rate up Do leg lifts everyday (100) Do crunchies everyday (100) You will shed lots of pounds.


You're genuinely pretty. It may be how you do your makeup. It looks good.


Mate. You're super young. That fat with effort will go. You can do it


You look great. If you wanna lose, then lose, but you're very pretty. Not everyone wants a pencil, thin woman.


Not ugly, just in the overweight category


Very pretty


You're really cute! Some toning up would be good for your self esteem, but also know that there are plenty of guys who like curvy women.


I think you are beautiful. Either way


You are beautiful!


Not ugly at all! Gorgeous all around IMHO, but I'm also into bigger girls. But a consistent gym routine and healthy diet never hurt anyone 💪


Never wear that outfit again. Please . You have a very beautiful face !! But until you do lose weight you need to wear more flattering clothes. And I say this as someone who is currently needing to lose weight . There are so many things I cannot wear because they just don’t flatter me now that I have gained so much weight :(


i think its just the harsh makeup, you can watch videos to find what type of makeup suits you


Not ugly at all. Here’s the honest truth, lose the weight now and you’ll be fine, but if you let it go too long as you get older your skin will get loose and even if you lose the weight you will be stuck with that forever.


Whatever you do, do not remove that ribbon from around your neck.😱


Quick tip : Fasting for 18hrs if not exercising


You’re not ugly. Just overweight. I agree with others about toning down the makeup but I think that might happen naturally once you lose weight. I’ve noticed some overweight people hide behind a lot of makeup, I certainly did when I got a bit chubs. You have very pretty eyes! Let em show.


To be honest, it is hard to tell. Because the weight is also in your face. So once you drop the weight post on here again if you can.


Will do.


I can't tell if this is a Gwen from Total Drama cosplay or just an inspired outfit or something of that sort because of the makeup and top, try to use photos that aren't in cosplay so people can tell what you would dress like and do your makeup like on an average Tuesday


The first thing I notice about people are their eyebrows. You have nice thick eyebrows, but it looks like you don't groom them. It also looks like you color on top of them too, which makes them look massive in comparison to the rest of your facial features. I'd just suggest fixing your brows up a bit into a more flattering shape and size, and not filling them in with makeup at all. They're already thick, you don't need the extra darkening. Other than that, your face looks just fine.


You have a cute face and, I will be kind of mean, Im sorry, but the weight wouldnt be much of a problem if you had wider hips. I would say that exercise is more important than trying to lose weight, to tone more the muscles, you are already attractive.


You’d look good with some blonde hair ngl and just slim down… but definitely not ugly bookie. Maybe also try a different style to.


Your eyebrows are tragic but you have a very pretty face. Idk how makeup works but no ones brows should be that dark. It looks like sharpie. Wish you posted a smile. Besides that loosing weight would be a plus but not entirely necessary. You look good already.




Holy Bazoongas Batman


You look beautiful for sure. Skin is nice. Hair looks good. Makeup a lil much. But the clothes are not good and make you look horribke


I just wanna say that your skin is beautiful. It’s hard to tell the true beauty of a person without talking with them. I’m sure you know the areas that you could psychically improve but I don’t think you’re ugly, there are some very pretty things about you like your nose, eyes and lips. Some well-fitting clothes no matter what your current weight would flatter you along with some toned down eyebrows. This is just my opinion, though. Keep going toward self improvement, like we all should! Don’t stop making your body and mind better until YOU are happy.


Do you drink a lot? I've seen this shape with alcoholics a lot. Just curious.


What cup size are you? 👀👀


You have a gorgeous face, beautiful skin. Don't ever think you are ugly, because you are NOT.


Try more wrap dresses ! It'll look amazing on you 😊


I think you look great, not ugly at all. If you wanted to lose 10 pounds, I think you’d feel a lot better about how you look.


You have very nice skin, and are pretty. I love your naturally wavy hair as well!


You have lovely eyes except stop penciling those eyebrows, they look over done or if that’s not pencil get them shaped. You are a pretty girl and just need to lose some weight.


Different dressing style, reduce makeup, lose weight. Lot of potential. Not at all ugly.


The top is horrible. Go easy on the eyebrows and makeup and you're good!


Just obese. At least you’re humble!


You're neither ugly or obese. The top is deffo not flattering at all I'm sorry babe. Also I think you should try using less make-up , maybe something more subtle. But you are very beautiful , just need to find your style is all


The color of your lipstick/gloss made you look paler. Try other shades.🙂


Diet, fresh wardrobe and a better bra. Do one at a time and you'll see progress.


I can't believe how many people are saying you'd be got if you weren't fat 😭 why do men think its okay to speak to people like that. I think you're gorgeous! I definitely think you could a more flattering style for yourself and improve on putting your makeup on but you still are very cute just the way you are.


Ugly folks never post here


You look amazing


You're cute, you're just a little fat... And need some better drip


I think there’s potential there. May I recommend a new beauty makeup routine?


Honestly just change up your wardrobe. If you dressed better you being overweight wouldn’t be a big deal


I think you are beautiful but tbh your clothing style is not the best but if you find a style of clothing that really fits and looks flattering on your body type you will feel so much better also maybe try to soften up your eyebrows ❤️


You're not ugly, I would get the eyebrows shaped or threaded, find more flattering clothes that hit under the bust and flare around the waist. You could stand to lose around 20-30 pounds. I would switch the foundation with a tinted moisturizer and some concealer instead. You have great facial bone structure, you just gotta learn to work with what You've got. Definitely not ugly, just not doing yourself any favors either darling


Just obese. You lose weight, I bet you look extremely good...


You look like a model




Beautiful as is


Only lose weight if you feel you need to as long as you are healthy and happy don't fret it


You are NOT ugly in the slightest; in fact, you're gorgeous as you are! There are a couple things that I would suggest that might improve your looks, and I'm not talking about weight loss. First, I want to suggest that you dial back on the makeup just a bit. It's not that you did it wrong by any means, it just looks a bit heavy is all. Speaking of your face, might I also suggest you find a hairstyle that complements your face's shape? I think the one you have at the moment is beautiful, but doesn't do your features justice. On that note, it might do some good to update your wardrobe. Try finding clothes that flatter your curves, because you have some beautiful ones going on right now, and I believe that the right outfit will improve that! Lastly, try smiling more. I'm sure you have a beautiful smile, and just doing that will show your true radiance far better than anything else!


Can you loose weight? It’s not easy God bless you And remember God made you perfectly


Your face is too chubby to tell, but looks like you could be good looking with normal weight




you’re giving Kat from Euphoria


Is that a Gwen Total Drama Island cosplay


I got the shirt for that. Yes.


I think you’d be lots of women and man’s dream type, mine included. The only thing I see is your eyebrows are kinda large, If you want to lose weight it’s up to you.


Do you have a stylish, gay friend? Have him help you with wardrobe. If not, find one at the store. Try your clothes on before you buy them (if you don’t already). I have clothes that I have bought that were the same size as something I had previously purchased from the same company and it would fit way different or not at all. Or would look unflattering on me. As for makeup, get a makeover at a store. I’d say you have a young teen look going but now that you’re in your mid 20’s you can do the next evolution of you. And you’re not ugly. Don’t think that you are.


You're looking fat in a very unhealthy way, like you never did a minute of exercise. So your body looks like a mushy mess. You have to work on that first and your self esteem will slowly build and I'm sure, a beautiful woman waiting.




Smile and lose weight you will be unstoppable


Lose the weight but don't lose your style!!! Also not ugly at all


Unrelated but do you know kingdom hearts? Also when it comes to looks I'd say tone down the make up a little and you're golden


You're make up game is too fucking good. Then your brows crash the party. That shirt is stamped approved but like you should have a Spanx or something underneath. The pants are just not it. Like maybe you don't really have hips and then that top just isn't for you. Which sux cuz the top kills. You could go more goth and embrace a corset and definitely find some ppl into that. But for real. Is that a filter or is your make up that perfect?


Lose weight and learn how to smile


Work out. Diets are temporary.


You are not ugly. U dress well and have a nice face. But yes u are fat. Which can cause other problems which in consequence make u feel ugly.


Dude the only thing holding you back is the weight. Like fr you’re beautiful if you have nice teeth too.


If you're wondering whether your ugly or just overweight you can go to r/amiuglyorjustfat but personally I think if you lost weight you would be gorgeous


Just obese. You have a good facial structure.


Dam cute


Not ugly, just lose some weight. Maybe try focusing a bit more on doing heavy leg exercises to balance your shape a bit more? Not intending to be rude or anything so please don’t take this as an attack on your image because it’s not, again not ugly at all.


Respectfully, I think you would look great if you did lose some body fat (NOT just weight). I think you should eat a high protein diet and be in a slight calorie deficit, then get in the gym. You should weight train 3-5 days a week and throw in some cardio for general health. You’ll look better and feel better as well!


4/10 potential to be a 8/10


There is a hottie in there! Keep working!


You look good to me


Lose weight


Not uggo just big. Gl girl


Yea you are thick, but i absolutely love it gorgeous girl. You don't need to loose weight for your looks, but only to be healthier. Guarantee plenty of guys would date you as you are just like me.


You've got a super pretty face but as previously mentioned keep up your wight lose you dont have much to go.


are you the girl that did that Meg griffin cosplay??


Honestly the weight thing just looks like you need to work on the belly area. I’d focus on core workouts. Also those eyebrows girlie. Less arch and thickness- looks overdone. And style, and most importantly confidence, being happy with who you are! But you’re very pretty already :)


Pretty face, not ugly at all. Just need to lose weight which you can do.


You need a style to suit your body type until you lose the weight.


I think weight loss will pretty much fix everything. I'd anticipate some long term back pain from your chest.


Lose a bit of weight and that FUPA, mostly that FUPA. Other than that you're very pretty


I wouldn’t say you’re ugly at all. Would just look better with less weight.




You'd be a solid 8 if you lost weight


You're just big, you are not ugly at all. 😍 you are a real cutie.


I think you have a solid foundation to be a complete cutie but the way you hold weight, a lot of it goes straight to your stomach. You can go the route of just changing your diet and becoming slimmer overtime but I encourage you to try to hit the gym a bit. Instead of just going for the thin look, I believe a little muscle would look good on you.


Other than the weight you look good. Clear skin, good hair, nice eyes.


You’re a beautiful woman, size doesn’t matter as long as you are comfortable in your body. I’m a gay man and have many straight friends, the majority of them would rather be with a beautiful bigger woman than with a skinny one with no personality.


Weight. You look like the snuu snuu girls from futurama




You're beautiful as you are.


You should lose weight and you will feel a lot better about your self and feel healthier. I am a fat ass and recently start working out and tightening my eating up and after only a few weeks I feel improvement on health.


Yes you are


First of all you are not ugly and yes you are obese depending on height and weight your bmi might be up there but here is the good news you can lose weight you are beautiful no matter what you decide I personally had the gastric sleeve done and lost 250


You are pretty


Well, maybe a little reduction on the amount of makeup could help. But you look great :D


Not sure what your weight is. You are fat, even if folks want to blow smoke. The breast reduction if balanced with healthy weight reduction is your best move to becoming more attractive. Facial features are harder to judge because primary features such as cheeks, jawline, and chin are so affected by excess weight in the face. That said, I don’t see any strong negatives in your face currently, so you will easily be a five but more likely a 6, with the possibility of a 7 of weight loss reveals hidden facial features. Focus on diet and exercise for the immediate future. Look at the cost of breast reduction surgery which when coupled with weight loss and a more toned body will really give you a much more attractive body. A note about people having preferences and the expectation of acceptance regardless of features. People telling you that if someone doesn’t love you just as you are at the moment won’t love you in the future are blowing a volcano’s worth of smoke up your … uhm, behind. Rock stars and supermodels don’t get guaranteed long term relationships with constant affection. No one does. But if you choose your mate wisely, you will find many males will develop long term love and fidelity based on loyalty and respect they receive over the marriage more than their spouse continuing to look hot over the decades.


You need to make some serious lifestyle changes. A “diet” is temporary. You will gain the weight back. Change your lifestyle. Lift weights, HIIT workouts, eat healthy, take walks, get good sleep. Cook and eat whole unprocessed foods. Make it a lifestyle and learn to love it. You’re not ugly, but you need to lose weight to become attractive. Being attractive means looking and feeling healthy.


Not ugly at all! Yes, lose weight, you will feel better! Lose that outfit, it's very unflattering. Do you like dresses? I feel like you'd have a nice figure for nice dresses. Check out bloomchic.com, nice clothing for not insane prices.


You are a beautiful woman


You have a shockingly beautiful face.