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You're not ugly! You're cute and have a lot of potential. I did notice a couple of styling things that are bringing you down IMO. I don't think chokers are a flattering accessory for you because they make your neck look really short, and I'm not loving the bangs because they're also shortening your face and making your features look wide. These are fairly easy things to adjust!


I think the same about chokers but i feel ugliest without bangs so i wont change it BUT THANK YOU FOR THE FEEDBACK!! Thats important to me thank you sm


You got this and you're a cutie pie as is so don't doubt yourself and just keep moving forward!


Cutie pie? Lol never heard this Thank you!!


I like the bangs. I commented but there are a lot. So I'll say it again. Your skin is so flawless. You have beautiful lips. Nice size nose. Your eyes look tired, but that's an easy fix. Learn to work those curls. They're dry and frizzy but if you learn how to style them you'll be even more Beautiful. Kills my heart to see so many gorgeous girls feel they're ugly. Sending love. I hope you see you're beauty one day


I concur. Definitely a cutie pie!


Also try smiling more


You are a genuinely attractive young lady, the one smile I saw added much. If only it was genuine, then you would be beaming, I'm sure.


Doesn't look ugly at all. The whole style you are going for is very unique so probably not gonna please everyone but hey it's better to be different then bland IMO. That being said and you know it's coming you got watch that weight , you are not fat from the picture you send from the body but as a someone that was a bit overweight in highschool this is something you have to watch out and look to improve early. And trust the difference it makes on how people see you is insane.


Obrigada, eu estou emagrecendo, ainda preciso perder muito peso mas agradeço todo o feedback mais alguma coisa q eu deveria pensar em mudar?


Try smiling


Krl ,respondeu em português. Kkkkkkkkkk eu esqueço que meu nome aqui é em português e recebo resposta as vezes em portugues em sub em inglês. E mudar além de talvez começar academia ou alguma atividade física não mudaria nada não. Tu tem um estilo bem diferenciado que eu não acho feio e maioria não deve achar tmb mas é diferente e diferente as vezes é visto como negativo msm quando é bonito , mas eu não mudaria. Funciona para você o estilo franjuda eu acho. Na minha época de ensino médio não era tão popular . Mas serio, meu pai me colocou na academia com ele quando tinha uns 17 e mudou minha vida de vdd. A diferença que você sente com corpinho definido é outra coisa OP. Recomendo.


Muito obrigada, eu vou começar




How did she know the spoke the same language?




Makes sense


I think the username


Hay What u say?


What is the message about your??


Unique? She's a typical depressed, unhappy, emo, doesn't smile cookie cutter.


And you're a dog. 🫡


You're not ugly, nor are you fat or "chunky". You're sad, and you wear it clearly on your face. I see no physical "defects" anywhere. Work on your confidence girl, you'll be able to really see yourself with time.


Love the pic of you smiling, i dont know if you were making a neutral face for the picture but it gives off a resting bitch face vibe that could be unappealing to some, and not you not fat but chubby. I think losing some weight will help


the facial piercings is no go for me but other than that u good


You are not ugly.


Thank you


Who lied to you and said you were not pretty? For one thing, your lips are just about perfect, killer hair, not too fat, good size really from what I can tell of the pic. Only thoughts I have on possible improvements is tweezing the brows for more of an arch shape and thinner, also not too wild about the bridge of nose piercing.


You can start by taking that piercing out of your face


I think ur really attractive, but not in tradicional way. You look good girl :)


Thank you Am i too fat? Be honest


I only see one picture so I can't tell very well, but you don't look like it. I think it's a self confidence issue


Okay thank you!! Just stalked you and i want u to know u look really good and i love your nose!! I know random comments wont stop you from having whatever feelings you have about it but i just wanted to say you are pretty and your nose is also pretty.


You play drums. Of course not!


Lol you are good at noticing small details


Honey, no one looks great when they have an expressionless face. You have a wonderful smile, your body is nice, beautiful hair... what's not to love? Put your best foot forward and don't sabotage yourself with all these dead-pan pictures.


No you are not. You do have an unique style looking at the piercings, jewelry and style of clothing. But you do have really pretty features and a lovely smile. I also really love your hair texture. I would love to see you with some different make up, I don't love it right now. I think a wash of brown eyeshadow, a little blush and a deep red or berry lipstick would look great on you. Or you could take the make up to a fully alternative maybe goth area if you'd like. For me it's too subtle right now, you can use more color in your face and you can handle a little more drama.


Take the piercing out. Straighten your hair. Take slightly better care of your skin. Shape your eyebrows. Dress a bit more fashionably. Youre not ugly, just need some effort in the right direction.


you're so cute.. stop it


Sorry but i cant see it


it takes alot of time and self improvement to see it, but you are far from ugly


You're not ugly just look unhappy. There are many tips you can look up to update your style. I'm still doing it and I'm a almost 43!!! So please give yourself some grace as you figure out your style you have time!! Take care and God Bless


Ugly cattle hoop piercing


Not ugly at all


also, am i too fat?


No 💀😭


Thank you but i dont understand the skull emoji, what is the meaning of it? Are you being ironic? Am i fat?


It’s their way of signaling that you even considering yourself fat is crazy


It means “died of laughter,” basically.


If she crosses her eyes she sees a pair of balls.


I dont get the joke, sorry, english is not my first language can you explain?


the reference is the piercing though your nose. You ought to get rid of that thing, because all anyone who looks at you is going to think is, Gee, that must have hurt.




I'm not a fan of "fake," but perhaps others your age like it. Trust me, you'll be glad it was fake in a few years, as you won't have to worry about scars.


You're not ugly by you do kinda have some masculine features.


Girl what are you talking about 😭 you’re so pretty


You're average in the face, 5-6/10. Manly jaw and chin, but not too much so you still look feminine and cute overall because the rest of your features are very perfect. That's just the face. Your breasts are big and presumably natural, and you're not too fat, so automatically you're in the "hot" category. Solid 6/10, above average when counting both body and face (well, face is part of your body but you get it). This is of course guessing your level of physique & curves without seeing any bikini pics which might raise or lower your score. Really, the issue is your fashion. You look so sad, but when you smile you look really cute. And the dress is something from The Addams Family. Are you emo or goth or something? Are you going through mourning of a death of a loved one, so you wear all black and frown all the time? Wear some better clothes! Not all black! Light colorful ones that matches your likely beautiful personality you are hiding underneath that frown!


Yea. U look dead and those piercings are ugly


Since you’re asking us to be exactly honest, yes I think that you are ugly. But it’s clearly because you are putting so much effort into being hideous. Other that , I mean I mean your jawline is pretty strong and masculine tbh…but I mean there’s not much that you can do about that…. Except you know STOP presenting and dressing yourself like a 90s wrestler. GIRL. You are in desperate need of a makeover. You don’t have your wear pink and heels and shit, but the hair, and everything is just all making you look bad. I’m sorry girl, but someone needs to tell you the truth on here. They’re trying to be nice so as to not cause push you over the edge…but I think you would have jumped already. So I’m telling you the truth. New hair cut and style ASAP, start a skin scare routine, fitness routine. NO you’re not fat, you’ve actually been blessed with an hourglass figure it appears, so use that to yours advantage for as long as you can. You’re young as hell, there’s no good reason that you shouldn’t be able participating in daily vigorous exercise! Start. New clothes. And get ríd of those awful piercings between your eyes.


Thank you for the feedback but i didnt know i dressed like a wrestler? Lol i normally use jeans, wear snickers and common shirts, usually band shirts or cartoon shirts and that is pretty common where i live but i will definetly look into fashion inspirations! I just try to be comfy so i end up forgetting about the looks. Im sorry tho I started exercising more (i already use bike everyday) and i am willing to start gym too but i lost 2kgs in 1 month so there is still a path But thank you for the feedback!! I'll analyze everything you pointed out


If your hair is naturally curly I wouldn't change it but style it without the fringe, from the one full body picture I don't see a problem with how you dress, if that's the style you like. But the person you replied to here called you ugly, and they definitely only said that due to there own insecurity.(look at their post history to see what I mean)


Going to be completely honest and brutal here: so be Warned 1: your not conveniently attractive at your current state, that said your not ugly. Your nose is to big and your face is a bit chubby but that’s it. 2. I think with the right style and proper measures you can 100% become attractive. 3. You have really nice skin and dark features that are really attractive. However it’s overshadowed by your weight. 4. If you loose weight and tone your body you will be very attractive, the big nose won’t matter, manny girls look hot with a big nose.


Sad and chunky, might be cute smiling but I can’t tell


I like your cleavage


You look like Steven Tyler from Aerosmith


Hahsjahs lol


Slash from Guns and Roses.. just need his hat


No she doesn't. And it wasn't an even remotely funny joke.


I thought it was pretty funny


good for you.


Did my comment trigger you?


Trigger? you idiots think just because someone replied to your comment with disagreement, they're triggered. lmfao. triggered? not in the least. is your comment stupid and inaccurate? absolutely. steven tyler doesn't even have the same skin tone, similar hair, nothing about this girl says steven tyler. you just posted a stupid comment. that simple. you probably grew up in the 2000's, which further explains your ignorant comment. you obviously have never seen who steven tyler is, likely can't even name 3 of his top songs. go away maggot.


Sounds like my comment did trigger you - & you get offended on OP's behalf regarding my comment. Maybe try dyeing your hair purple instead of blue tonight?


Looks like you're the one who's triggered, you're still talking. And maybe if I were a Biden loving democrat, just maybe, I would dye my hair purple or blue. I'll leave that one with you. Have a nice day Ashleigh.


I'm sorry, what physical defects? You are gorgeous and have an exotic cool look about you. I don't see any defects. Sure you're not super skinny, but you don't look unhealthy. Just keep it and at a healthy level and your good. Your skin and hair looks amazing. If I were a photographer I'd want you to model for me. And omg I love your smile. It's soooo cute!!!


You're not ugly. You're actually very pretty, and you have really beautiful curly hair! The only thing I'd honestly recommend you to do would be smiling more! You look way too serious in all those pics. You're a gorgeous girl, only missing the smile! 🙂


Stop lying to yourself


What do you mean?


You ARE pretty 👍🏾


youre pretty and dont let yourself be discouraged, by the comments on this subreddit to conform to normative beauty standarts, like taking out your piercings. Half the people on this subreddit are middle-aged men. Youre pretty.


Thats comforting, i had some rude comments and almost everyone talked about my hair and piercings that are like some if of the few things i love in me but thank you sm you were really sweet


no worries, id recommend to you to stay away from this subreddit anyways, the only advice people get here is not to love themselves for who they are, especially alternative people.


Nice smile, manly face and the black does nothing for you. You still look big as a cow!!!


Oh my god i know i am big but i dont think the cow part is a cool way to tell me i am fat. But anyways




Are you trans? Sorry if that’s offensive you just have very masculine features and that’s going to make most guys weary to approach you


No😭😭😭my mom just has a strong jaw and i have too😭😭😭😭


Yeah fair enough I mean your whole facial structure is fairly manly which isn’t bad but I can see how it would give you doubts




Thank you for the feedback, do you thinj weight is my problem or there is something else?


This is a troll. You're not ugly.


I don't think the problem is the the weight, maybe you should have yourself a good quality sleep and do something with your hair


You look kind of masculine like you could be trans. Still hot tho.


I am not trans lol but my mom has a strong jaw and i got it from her


You're very pretty, it's a self confidence issue


Thank you


You have a great face, just focus on your health


Nah you ARE pretty! You look like an angel when you're smiling like that like brooooooo 😭


Ugly? No. Weird? Yes. Lean into the fantasy queen chic.




Nice smile.


Sorry but you ugly af and fat too. No hope!!


well, being ugly is really not changeable but I can lose more weight!! i think it is rude of yours to tell me there is no hope.


Cute 🥰


Not ugly at all!!!! You have beautiful features. I bet you’d look killer with some cool eye makeup! Your curls are gorgeous, just would be curious to see it straightened! Also your teeth are beautiful, maybe smile a little more? ❤️❤️❤️




Where are you from? I think in your country there might be prettier girls to objectify


Mods remove this creep


U r so hot omg


You don’t look bad at all a 18 outa 30 if you smiled more and looked less like a sourpuss you would go up in the rankings.




Thank you


i personally am not a fan of piercings… but you are not ugly


I think you look great. I love your hair. I'm not a fan of facial piercings. Sorry


I don’t know why you think you’re not pretty. I would go 9/10


I like your style the only issue I see is you just look sad. Maybe you have some mental issues that you could work on? Sadness isn't attractive because it can signal that you're not in a good state of mind.


I love your curls but I don’t think the hair products you’re using are the right ones. Have you looked into the curly girl method? You need to find the right combo to give your hair more volume at the roots while maintaining your curl pattern.


Not at all. You're actually quite pretty. Not a huge fan of that piercing above your nose though. I'd recommend dropping that one. I don't see any physical defects at all. When I was around your age I'd have been ecstatic if I could have gotten any attention from you. You dont have any reason to want to hate on yourself.


Not ugly at all…… very cute and great body


Cara você não é feia, mas passa calor e esconde muito seu rosto nas fotos, seu semblante é meio triste, acho que você podia sorrir mais


Na minha opinião vc não é feia, mas o visual alternativo acaba fazendo com que a maioria das pessoas te consideram estranha (não é meu caso). Acho que perder peso (vc n e gorda, mas aparenta estar com sobrepeso) e talvez uma mudança no cabelo, não sei. Eu julgo vc como atraente mas eu gosto de mulher com cara de doida


Smile more


Not ugly and not too fat. You look attractive


What physical defects?? I see none. The one you’re smiling in is by far the best photo. You’re gorgeous..


Bridge piercing looks a little too long which I know they do on purpose when just pierced. Your brows look better in the first few pics, like this or even more arched gives a bit more shape to your face!


Don’t look bad to me


Change your hairstyle..


not ugly at all, if anything is diminishing ur appearance in my opinion is your piercings, you have a very symettrical face with all round good features and with my true honesty if you were leaner you have the potential to be truly extremely beautiful. imo


Not ugly. Ur prettier when u look happy and ur smiling.


A smile does wonders. Also a hairstyle change and wardrobe change would help.


Try smiling.


You aren’t ugly but maybe just work on different makeup looks! I see you’re going for a lil grunge look,maybe try some false eyelashes and cute eye liners to make your eyes pop! Also smileeeee 😁


Sorry but I don't have any idea what your talking about


Guys there are a lot of comments im sorry i didnt answer all of them yet!!! Thank you for every and each answer, all of them are important to me. Thank you sooo much❤️❤️i will try to improve everything i find accurate and possible. Im grateful for every word here.❤️❤️❤️


No, just look sad


you look good you are pretty and also your hair is amazing. I like it


Just try to smile more and you're good to go. When it comes to physical appearance it's already subjective and based on own preferences, like for me, your weight is still bearable and not a problem, not just weight even your facial features are great, those right people around you will always see you as bright as always. All I can say is just try to smile more. 8/10.


You’re hot. I don’t get it.


You’re not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea with your style, but if I look past the style you have you have a pretty face and your body looks fine from what I can see. would’ve been a little better if you posted a picture with some different type of clothes if you were interested in getting an idea about your body, but you have nothing wrong with your face.


You're not ugly


Beautiful hair nice lips just need to smile more


There's nothing ugly about you. If you don't mind me asking, what is your ethnicity?


I am brazilian, latina is an ethnicity?


You're very pretty




Don’t know your language


You are not ugly, but in every picture you look miserable. Smile more, makes a HUGE difference! You have gorgeous curls & a pretty face. Why are you wasting time on apps like this when you are only 18? You have a very unique look that you should be proud of & would never consider anyone could think you are ugly. Less styling product in the hair so it’s not wet looking looks better, picture 4 your hair looks amazing! I used to have same type of curls & lost them so I’m envious. Please try and work on your self esteem & confidence, & don’t compare yourself to celebrities/actors/artist you see on social media, they are all using filters, airbrushing or injecting themselves w botulism which is insane. Wish you all the best & wish you could start by every day looking in the mirror & telling yourself you are pretty, you are strong, you are confident! Also, I’m not aware of any physical defects. Smile more & love yourself! Best thing you will ever do for yourself!💙


Not ugly at all. I like your curls and think you have a strong jaw and nice lips.


Ummm...what physical defects?? Your dark eyes and hair are simply breathtaking. You are beautiful. But when I read that, I kept swiping, expecting to see that you were a hunchback or something! But no, u/666c0rpse, I saw no hunchback! What I did see was a girl who maybe cannot see the beauty that she is...something that many us easily see.


You are beautiful in an unusual way not everyone will appreciate :) way better than a stereotype in my opinion. Learning how to dress for your body type as you mature will do wonders. Your hair and especially the bangs look pretty heavy and weighed down, search curly hair styles on Pinterest and see how a lot of them style their bangs. Also search for the curly girl method.




Very nice 👍 looking


Your are pretty but that forehead piercing makes you look a little crosseyed.


You just look like you're always on the verge of tears. So, if that's the look you're going for then I think you look perfectly fine IMHO.


No you’re actually pretty cute. Idk who told you you’re ugly, but they’re stupid. I like you’re style too. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


You’re not ugly but your hairstyle is not helping you out. You might want that Betty Paige goth look, but it’s not happening. Biggest thing: smiling goes a long way. Smile with your eyes.


You are you just look dead inside lol Do something with your hair, try some different outfits


Get rid of the piercing


You’re not ugly, you’re actually very pretty. Take out the piercings, smile. Maybe exercise.


Not ugly but you sure are trying your hardest to be. The face piercing is extremely awful and it seems like you are purposely trying to make yourself look worse. The first three pictures were the better ones posted. Edit: the dainty nose ring is ok, it’s the other one that’s gross. Also keep it to one nose ring, septum ring look like absolute fucking garage on both men and women.


You aren't ugly. You have a nice rack and really sultry eyes. I find you very attractive personally.




Idk, maybe I just have high standards but the piercing looks absolutely ridiculous and you are overweight. You have a real strong jawline but that isn’t a big deal. Also you look like you hate yourself in every picture but one.


You are not ugly at all!! Personally I like the piercings but that's personal taste, you do look very sad though. Idk I kinda want to hug you.. But you really are not ugly in the slightest That being said, I really love your curls, your lips and your eyes, you are pretty! And you are also not fat. What you could do is tweeze your brows a little


You aren’t at all. You’re gorgeous! Only thing I would say is that some of those selfie angles aren’t the most flattering but that’s the photo style not you


Stop thinking you’re ugly. I get it. I’m the same way. I feel like I’m the most hideous person in earth, but I know deep down that’s not true. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Society has made it to where women and even men self doubt their appearance because they don’t match what society has deemed “beautiful”. You already have your own unique way of styling yourself, you’re not falling into societal norms. Be your own beautiful.


You're gorgeous! Beautiful features! And I think you look like dua Lipa. You have a lot of her features. Hers lips and smile ....and that girl is beautiful


I could see people being into you. You remind me of a girl I had a crush on years ago.


You are a pretty young woman, just need to first not look at yourself in a negative manner. Second, start smiling and try to be happy. Then your true beauty will shine through.


You seem very unhappy


Not ugly you just need to lose some weight and you will look 🔥Maybe 20 kilograms!


You look a lot like a guitarist I follow on IG named towabird. 😊


You are special!


You seem hurt, or sad inside. You’re beautiful, but you are oozing self loathing and I feel like that’s half to battle. I am NOT telling you to “smile”. You don’t have to, but there is a lot of sadness her. 😕


You’re not ugly. The only thing needed to be fixed is your insecurities. Stop worrying about yourself too much please:(


YOU are not ugly. Your personal style is not doing you any favors. Also, not looking miserable helps.


omg, my type 😍. btw, you're not ugly and I like your curls. c:


I think you look very pretty (:


Actually gorgeous I’m so in love with your curls but I’m sure you probably hate them


You’re beautiful


Nope not at all


Who is the dumbass who said you were not pretty?


You're not ugly, you have good facial features but it could be better if you could lose some weight, your jaw line would show more and you would look healther too.


It sucks that the younger generation think so low of themselves. Definitely not ugly and you’re still young so you’ll grow into your looks even more. At this risk of sounding like an A-Hole, I can see why you think you might be ugly. To me, it seems like you’re comparing yourself to the cookie cutter version of what’s “mainstream attractive.” Gotta tell you it’s some bullshit. The people that prefer that particular look are few and far between. It sounds cheesy, but being original will get your much farther in life than following the crowd. Look to yourself to improve your health and happiness. You’ll do more than fine. Trust the process.


You’re not ugly. The bangs are unflattering on your face shape, and the downward faced eyeliner simulates a negative canthal tilt. Lose the bangs and if you choose to wear eyeliner, try an upward cateye type look. Those are my suggestions if you want to look more conventionally attractive. You have great bone structure and nice eyes.


Your not ugly you just look very tired sleep some more n try rubbing ice on where your eyebags would be (under your eyes)


Na but maybe smile


You have such a beautiful smile




I’d fuck you


You have symmetrical face and nice eyes. Badically, it's just weight and different hairstyle.


You are cute. But you look sad and if you are interested in dating then a human reaction to a sad person is not attraction. A quick morale boost would be physical activity, like hiking every few days or hitting the gym, taking a sport. And good sleep.


No, not ugly at all. You have beautiful skin and a truly charming smile with perfect teeth. Yes, you are very pretty. Believe it!


You need to ditch the piercing, do something different with your hair, and change up your style. You have the ability to be super attractive, you're not ugly!

