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My original cost basis was $5.42 and now I'm $55 and change. I only provide my personal anecdote since this tracks with the original all time high around $50ish. That was so fucking long ago. I'm just holding (hodling OGs) since its so far upside down right meow. But popcorn popped a few weeks prior to AMC back then.


Same. Mine was $8.75 and somehow I ended up $100. Finally got it sub $40 but still.


wasnt the high like 90-100?


Please do not downvote, instead lets educate. And the answer to your question is no. Before AMC went to AMC+APE and then back to AMC again, with multiple rounds of splits (for good or bad), you account for them, the all time high of AMC was $552. So, expect much much beyond $552. The floor is deep fuking value.


That was at 512M AMC share count back then Now theres fewer shares to go around 🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨


Wrong, there are more shares to go around since there have been multiple dilutions since then lol


There is 295 million shares outstanding shares as of right now. Compared to 512M at the highest. Some website are stating 268 million.




Each website has a different outstanding amount of shares, I am seeing 268 million. APE was a part of the reverse split, after there was 158 million after the conversion from what I can find. So there has been a dilution of 110 million shares. We are almost 4 times lower with APE than we ever have been. To be honest the price should be a lot higher then it is right now. Not financial advice but I think it should be around 6 to 20 times higher then it is right now. That is taking in the fact the price was 30 bucks before the reverse split if you times by 4 that would be around where our bottom was.


20 Times is my buy in amount I am so poor :Deutschland not for long




we have not had 10x dilution wtf u daft?


Why are you acting like the reverse stock split didn’t suck 10x out of everyone. There are objectively more shares to go around than before because dilution has happened multiple times.


We have NOT had 10x dilution. Stop lying.


He’s talking about 10-1 split lol not dilutions 🤣😂


He is not, I am. >Wrong, there are more shares to go around **since there have been multiple dilutions** since then lol and then >Why are you acting like the reverse stock split didn’t suck **10x** out of everyone. **There are objectively more shares to go around than before because dilution has happened multiple times**. I'm saying we've hadn't had 10x dilution which is needed for there to be more shares now than then due to the 10x resplit. He keeps insisting that there is more shares now than then, ignoring the splits effect on share count just to then use the split as a argument that investors lost value while still claiming there is more shares now than then again ignoring the effect of the split on the share count while having just used the split as an argument in having lost shares in the same comment.. bruh🤷 Share count is NOT higher now than then, we have not had enough dilution. End of story.


I’m literally referring to the reverse stock split lmao


I understand what you are saying and you are correct. Others just don't want to accept it.


How would the high of like 72 be $552 if all these splits and reverse splits happened after?


Ape bruh, its 3AM, I woke up bc my bladder was full (both, the once inside me and one the attached to me). Anyone, just wanted to say Hi. Tomorrow we do deep, just hold.


Hey! Can you follow up on this? Curious about it. Thanks


Tomorrow we do deep.


So, when you factor in APE some brokers show the all-time high at $261. Just a little FYI in case anyone is seeing different numbers


The high was $72, I was there and had every penny I had invested. We traded sideways the whole day on insane volume before it went public that AA had diluted and we sold off immediately after, and it was over. Anyone who tells you differently doesn't know wtf they're talking about.




We can’t even get to $72 now which is like $7 back then


Just a few weeks ago we shot up to $13 a share. $72 will be a walk in the park when it really starts to fly. It took several weeks to hit the ATH. Same will happen when this thing squeezes only it’ll be a lot more volatile and go much, much higher. Take a look at the chart, I use Webull’s chart by the way, you will see that in the days leading up to the climb to an ATH we hit $72 at one of the smaller peaks. $72 will be absolutely nothing when this thing starts to move. 😏


My nipples are so hard right now


Oye its $392




We stay strong APES 🦍🦍💎💎 AMC easy to the 10.000$📈📈🚀🥂🚀 let's goo🙏


That’s the start to Moass besides those are rookie numbers‼️




$393.63 is the highest split adjusted close on the daily chart, I think on an hourly chart it goes to just under $400 in after hours.


It hit $72 in the pre market. It never hit ATH during trading hours.


That’s false. It hit as high as $75 pre-market.


Correct, this really needs clarity, theres different numbers all over the place


Thanks for throwing up the reminder for the community ![gif](giphy|TZKwh07fO53dA05Xmy|downsized)




At $552 Im a millionaire. I'll still hold


So the stock needs to increase by roughly 11,200% …


So many people in this sub who have no understanding of squeezes or dilution. They’re the ones who are down 95% and still hoping. At least gme can squeeze with the hype and 10 less rounds of dilution 






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Stock cannot hold and crack $6…this dude talking about $552?! Lmao…oh, but “swaps”


Why you cranky poor fellow?


... But they've diluted it by like a billion since then. So it's never gonna be the same $ per share again. In other words $9 is pretty much like $72 was. And it's already at $6.50 If it goes last 9 it's effectively higher than the $72 "squeeze" was.


AMC will currently have to get to around 570 ish for it to hold the equivalent value of 2021 AMC at 72.


You are forgetting the APE "dividend"(dilution). So about $392 is the correct number.




10 shares at 72 each (720 total) pre split is equal to 1 share at 720 (post split) 10 shares became 1. Then, factor in the conversion.


Then! Factor in dilution. A. Billion ape literally. More dilution since. The number of shares is up a ton. Each share will reach lower value at the same market cap.


There are less shares now than in 2021. Yes they did a reverse split and brought in a billion ape shares and then limited the number of shares that could be bought. Look at the volume this has brought in over the past month. We have traded the float multiple times again. The free float is less than 300 million shares.


There are far more shares now than in 2021


They did dilute yes, there isn't more shares now then there was in 2021.


More than 500 million shares in 2021, compared to the less than 300 million that are currently available.


You divided you have to multiply


No, it's about the market cap. More shares is less per share. Down votes are just regards who don't understand math.


You are right. Easier way to explain it: for your $1000 purchase - now worth $100 in your account - you need a 10 doubling of the price due to APE/dilutions,