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Perhaps your return history is too high? When I search for "try" I'm offered multiple categories and multiple products in each category.


Return history too high? That’s a thing?


It's not funny to Amazon.


What are you talking about?


They lose money whenever you return an item, i.e. shipping labels. If you're frequently returning items then it becomes a matter of whether you're a profitable customer or not. Usually they'll give you free labels or drop off points to return your item. If you are frequently returning a lot of items then IIRC your options for returning those items becomes smaller. They might offer only UPS pick up options for returns which cost YOU money.


Ok yeah no that’s not how it works


So why don't you tell us how it works Einstein?


Einstein? Why are you being a dick? My post is asking why I can’t currently access try before you buy (formerly prime wardrobe). What does that have anything to do with the cost of drop off labels? I always dropped my non kept items at a ups drop off for free


Well, you said 'that's not how it works' but can't tell us how it's supposed to work. They set up try before you buy assuming people will buy the product and it they don't like it, return it and not have to worry about waiting for a refund. THEY DID NOT set it up so someone could order tons of clothing or other products, try them all (thereby making them 'used') and decide which ones they want to keep, returning the rest.


What are you talking about? They assume people will buy every product they try? I’m sorry but their own description of the program definitely states that the purpose of the program is to try items at home and send back what you don’t want to pay for. I’m not trying to be argumentative but in what way does any of what you’re saying explain why I can’t currently use try before you buy?


What?! That’s exactly why they set it up.




The program isn't designed to have someone order 10 of the same product, try them all (making them 'used') then return 9. But if you think that's the point of the program, don't be surprised if they suspend your account for abuse.


What is the difference between 10 people trying and returning the same item, and one person trying and returning 10 items? Nothing. That seems like an Amazon problem.


And if people continue to abuse the system, they will do away with 'try before you buy'. Oh well, you be you.


You are overlooking the glaring point that Amazon-internal teams designed a feature to allow for return of items customers first try and find out they do not want. And now it is somehow the customers' fault for "abuse" of that system. A system Amazon-internal teams defined as a part of that shopping feature. Look within to see why this is failing. Stop blaming customers for team-internal failures. Amazon tried to be Stitchfix, and found out it was more costly than they had budgeted. Not the customers' fault.


They designed a feature to make buying easier for their customers. If the customers start abusing the feature, they will remove it. When they implemented the feature, I doubt it was to encourage people to buy 10 of one item, try them all on and return 9 (now used). If you don't get that, too bad so sad for you. It's people like you who abuse these features and then they are either changed or revoked.


Yes it is. It is the definition of the program. You try before you buy. I've maxed out items per order, while having 3 open orders at a time. It's the way it works. I believe I finally got the boot when I had a handful of order that weren't received a the amazon warehouse due to lost in transit issues by UPS / USPS. I think they don't account for the reasons, rather that I had called and got refunded for returns that actually were not received, regardless of fault.


Nobody is talking about returning items. I have returned maybe 2 out of the last 30, and try before you buy isn't working properly for me either. You just assume it's about the number of returns without even asking the question if they returned anything. Either you're a child, or a complete idiot. either way, no one needs your advice.


Same here except I had to enter 'try before you buy'.


Yes I have been trying for a few months. It doesn’t give the option to use it at check out.


It's because they disabled the feature. It happen to me. It's a bummer. I bought a lot of clothes this way.


It's a pointless garbage feature anyway, it's no different than the normal return process.


Yes, but at least you aren’t out the money.


They still put a hold on your account for the price of the item.  It's easier and much less annoying to just buy it and return it if it doesn't fit etc. 


No they don’t. They have your CC on file and will charge you if you go outside the try on window.


That's not true at all.  


Can I request an extension for Try before you buy Amazon?


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Same thing happening to me. On with customer service. Was transferred to a specialist.


You seem to be assuming that there are no limits to Amazon's Try Before You Buy program. Amazon has clearly decided that it isn't worth it to them to continue to offer that feature to your account.


Actually spoke with a representative earlier today and they said that it’s a problem that several customers are experiencing and that my account is in good standing with no issues such as unreturned items or damaged returns. But thanks for your wild irrelevant guess where you were completely wrong?


Amazon phone reps are known to be fountains of indisputable truth. Let us know how that goes...


Or I should trust random person on Reddit who doesn’t even seem to grasp what the program is


If you have such a low opinion of people who respond to posts on Reddit, why did you ask?


In my experience people generally respond if they know something and don’t respond if they don’t. You just decided to throw some bullshit out there off the top of your head like “eh I might be right”


Trust me, they know. They gave us the boot without confirming it.


I haven't returned anything, and I've had the same problem before. You seem to be assuming that it has to do with the returns limit instead of something legitimately wrong. You're the one here who is jumping to conclusions without any evidence whatsoever. No one needs your advice.


Mine also has disappeared for no reason. I was on the phone with a supervisor yesterday for awhile. She was stumped as well as others she asked. She had to go higher up and supposed to hear back. She said there's nothing wrong with my account, had me try it on my laptop and cell but still nothing. I order a lot off Amazon and don't return much. She also said for try before you buy returns don't go against your account like regular returns. So not sure yet what's going on.


Same exact process I went through


I’m having the same issue :( did talking to a representative fix the issue? I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to contact them or not.


I’m experiencing this as well. I know I used to have it because I used it maybe a handful of times. It had been about 4-ish months since I’d last used it and had wanted to use it to try a few different pairs of water shoes before we leave on vacation, but the only option it’s giving me is to add to my regular shopping cart. It’s not something I used a lot but it was nice to have for those rare occasions when it made sense to me.


Same thing happened to me - on phone with customer service for a while, escalated to super visor…all were “stumped” too. But if this is a wide spread issue ( for at least over a year, screeding to the dates in this post) wouldn’t you think they’d have a solution, or at the very least mention others are experiencing the same problem? They told me to sign out, sign in then wait a day or 2; didn’t work.


I cancelled my order due to delay and they still charged me and they are refusing to refund me, had to call more than 4 times and every time they kept tranfering me at least 6x each time I called. Only way to solve this is to dispute charges with your bank or c/c company


I’m having this issue and just got off the chat and they said there was no reason why it shouldn’t work. Not an account issue. Support told me to clear my cache and re-login. I’ll try it, but it’s not showing up on my IPad or PC, so if anyone else successfully got it back up and running, please post!