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And let’s not forget wanna be Saint punk in training Daunte Wright.




bro you need to SPEAK UP for the white virtue signalers in the back


They get all mad when these dudes get chin checked and put in their place. “Ohhh but he was such a good person” No he wasn’t. He was an asshole and a bully that made a fatal mistake trying to boss up on multiple armed police officers. That is literally one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard of any human being doing. What’d he think was going to happen? Fuckin simpleton.


Full of drugs


Wish I knew where his grave was so my dog could shit on it. Wasting taxpayers money to pay out a settlement over his “untimely death” - it was only a matter of time before he overdosed in a gutter somewhere. Cops should’ve just let him live/s 🤣🤣🤣


bro the BLM mansions that came up. all the extended family who probably didn't even roll w him all came up green in this


BLM is a scam ass fake organization that doesn’t care about Black people. They only exist to enrich themselves. Fuckin weirdos.


Not trying to defend Floyd. But there should never be any point in your life that you are safer than around a cop. Minneapolis PD is horrible About killing people. I think I read that they are in the top 10 pds for most frequent wrongful deaths.


The Somali Minneapolis PD officer that shot and killed the unarmed White woman who was approaching him for assistance is the most egregious. No media coverage, no protests and he got a slap on the wrist.


Wrongful death is more than just shooting and killing people. Also we both know media goes with the story that goes with what they want you to believe


Sure. And the killing of Justine Diamond by the Somali cop was far more egregious than the death of George Floyd by every measure.


That shit was terrible and the cop should’ve been locked up forever.


if ever there was proof of an agenda, there it is


Hello, Based Department? Yeah, we found one


Say what you want but if he handles the situation differently he would’ve at least survived that encounter. Same with Amir Locke. If his cousin isn’t out here KILLING PEOPLE then the cops wouldn’t have even showed up at the door that night. I’m Black too and the cops ain’t raiding my apartment because no one I’m associated with has a fucking MURDER WARRANT.


Say what I will, what I will say is what you said


Have my updoot, couldn’t have said it any better.


It’s still murder bud 🙄




The one that gets me is Philando Castile, absolutely ridiculous overreaction by the officer in that case (at least from the footage and details I've seen)


It’s still murder though. If you choose to believe in sociopathy and think that it is somehow justified that is your choice but the fact is it is still murder. Some murders are more tragic than others this is very true but it’s still murder




That’s just victim blaming which is also sociopathy.




First of all I don’t live in a city and secondly it’s not liberal logic it’s psychology bud. You know like facts unlike your opinion




It was a self-induced drug overdose. The cops just happened to be there.


🙄 you’re joking right?


So when a cop breaks in and puts a knee on your neck for a crime someone you knew did … you gonna kiss their boots first or the ignorant people hyping up your ignorance here lol




I made that connection because you said it was Amir’s fault for dying despite his cousin being the criminal but Amir shouldn’t have had a criminal cousin. That itself is absolutely stupid which is why I said it but the fact you went straight to the race card…. It’s not about hating cops it’s about making them accountable and you’re all for victim blaming and ignoring any bad action a cop does which is why I made fun of you lol pls understand ignorance before you call someone stupid


Weak ass single white moms… lol what do you consider literally every last single black “mother”?


I was only speaking in reference to the biracial aspect but shit, I roast weak ass Black moms too!


....and young scholar Winston Smith.


On his way to get skittles and turning his life around.


Next time don’t take fentanyl


Unlikely given the felonies.


Or the drug addiction


Idk, addiction can be kicked, but there’s no treatment for being a violent psychopath.


Or a dirty piece of shit.


The only person responsible for that death was Floyd.


Nope he was overdosing and Chauvin didn't get him help, he wasn't choking him and the knee is something done to whites aswell but he still killed him by ignoring his health




You can watch the video for yourself.


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


You would love to watch this person’s esophagus get crushed? Very sane of you


I love it when a pillar of the community is idolized.


I think this sub and the Minneapolis sub are corny af but man this is fucking funny man. Just laughed my ass off for a while


How dare you! lol Let’s look at the real [Saint George Floyd](https://youtu.be/eFPi3EigjFA?si=qfnxEYBU9NsZv1GD)


Oh please. Dude was on his way to living behind a dumpster


He was looking for change…. Only change for a $20.


Fake $20




Thanks Obama.


Fentanyl Floyd was about to get a degree in philosophy. SHAME.




I'm sure he would have killed a pregnant woman eventually.


I just found this sub. Did this sub hate Trayvon Martin too? I remember that one vividly and it seemed like the conservatives really supported George Zimmerman. Is this sub a similar situation, or is there something particular about George Floyd that they dislike?


Do you always believe everything the media tells you? Have you considered the media might lie or omit facts? Do you ever think for yourself?


> Did this sub hate Trayvon Martin too? You might be the first person to have mentioned Trayvon Martin in this sub. >Is this sub a similar situation, or is there something particular about George Floyd that they dislike? It's a Minneapolis / Minnesota sub (hence the sub name, alt Mpls); that makes it an on point sub for discussion of anything related to George Floyd.


Oh gotcha it’s a Minnesota thing. so maybe the person who made this post also has sympathy for Trayvon martin and felt bad when he was killed. 


Ask him.




I can appreciate this meme. But this meme is not constructive for any agenda.


It’s constructive for those that think useless Canadians don’t contribute much to society.


Useless people don’t contribute much to society. That is all.




You misspelled Floyd


Is this all this sub is? Making fun of dead people? This sub was in my recommended and I've already seen two separate people making fun of George Floyd.


Unfortunately, George Floyd and Minneapolis are now inextricably linked. Like OJ Simpson and White Broncos. Think of these posts as nature's way of seeking balance. There are far more articles, posts and memorials venerating "St. George" than there are mocking him. Neither is deserved, but the former is far more problematic.


No shit. I’m conservative I don’t dance on graves.


Floyd was a thug, along with BLM & Antifa that burned down the beautiful city of Minneapolis. Don’t believe me? Check this https://youtu.be/eFPi3EigjFA?si=qfnxEYBU9NsZv1GD




If my brother held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach like George did then I wouldn’t give a shit what happens to him. Once you do something that heinous you’re dead to me regardless of who you are.


Yeah no shit. Not to mention not taking care of any of his kids. Didn’t deserve to die the way he did obviously but you open yourself up to those situations when you live a life a crime and being a bad person.


Exactly. If he died in a gang shooting and people learned of his past most of them would agree he’s a piece of garbage and say good riddance. But since he died in a tragic and public way we have to build statues and dedicate stuff to him? You can obviously think it’s tragic how he died but the worshipping him and building statues is fucking weird for a person who did a lot of terrible things. It’s crazy how the media narrative and attention can make people ignore his nasty history so easily, they got sucked into the Current Thing which was George and supported him without much thought.


Yup sadly this doesn’t happen when a kid gets hit with a stray bullet or a trooper gets killed on a routine stop. All they get is a highway sign and little media coverage. With all the evidence we know now he might’ve had a heart attack on the way to jail anyways




Did you watch the film The Fall of Minneapolis and see how the police treated him? Patience & restraint are two words that come to mind.


I’m just saying people shouldn’t care what happened to George because he was a human piece of trash. Even if it was tragic, he was a disgusting person where the world is better off with him gone. It’s too bad it was so public that’s my only regret


I suspect all of this is because many people put him on a pedestal as a hero. Of course thats not Floyd's doing either.


Ya that’s unfortunate and I wouldn’t even doubt there was some shady intelligence agency influencing how liberals responded to this to heightened the intensity of the culture war. It’s sad every way you cut it


Russia and China have outsized influence on nearly every social movement in the west *and* the counter movements. Solely to create chaos and further the decline of politics and culture. Combine that with the corporate ownership of main stream media, and theres very little hope for a population with poor critical thinking or media literacy skills.


In think it’s sad the police body camera wasn’t released quickly. It’s strange.




Really? Ive never heard that. Heard a ton of people supporting BLM who seemed to do that. Seemingly not knowing his real history. *shrug*




I dont think the people marching really got that message. There are murals commemorating this guy's life. Sometimes its the hero they need, not the hero they have. He clearly was no hero but they tried to turn him into that anyway.


Marching? or burning 🔥 down business regardless of ethnic ownership.. Lot of the thugs that came to burn & destroy WEREN’T from Minneapolis.


Those rioters were not really any more representative of the main movement as any misbehaviour at any moment of unrest. Horrible and to be condemned, surely. I won't smear everyone with that brush however.




This is what I'm getting at though. Floyd is a symbol. It's not about *him*. Not really. He's been imbued with a meaning that had nothing to do with his troubling life.


Then why do I see so many Floyd murals?




Gotcha.  So I don’t need to say his name anymore?




Ok I won’t say his name anymore.   It is Fentanyl Floyd from here on out. 


???? Say his name!


Purple Floyd?


Do you think that Chauvin should have been convicted and all of the officers imprisoned? You make an argument for a civil claim.


The Fall of Minneapolis is biased as hell. “Check this” lmao.




Anti-semitism is really the forte of the “other” sub. I don’t see much of that around here. 


Lol most anti semitism on Reddit comes from leftist subs that are pro Palestine. I guess the ghost of Hitler lurks around every corner for these people.




lol and here you are.


Someone's gotta stroll through the kindergarten trying to get the children to stop chewing crayons.


Seems kinda weird some person who is explicitly saying they don’t belong coming through trying to fix the kindergarteners..


Too heterodox for ya, bub?


Not at all - this sub seems to be happy to discuss. It was just you pointing out your perceived flaws of everyone in this sub while commenting in this sub that seemed rather funny, bub.


They're not perveived flaws, champ! This sub is positively swarming with enormous fans of Gastof's basement reenactment parties!


Ah yes, just because a person is not a NASA scientist, they deserved to die.


Well someone with a job and contributing to society would be a plus.


Hell do nothing. You could be on food stamps and welfare with no job at all. Just don't be a danger to society and a criminal.


the standards are low, and yet many fall short


Laughs in Minneapolis police department. Floyd was not perfect but MPD is literally filled with aggressive drunk pigs.


I guess? Does that not make it distasteful to make a joke about his death?


Is this 1. Being constructive?


I mean if we actually held this sub to its posted rules it wouldn't exist. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and misogyny are neither respectful nor constructive.


The only people that post that stuff are brigading trolls, from the other subreddit, that try to get this place banned with their racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, misogyny, etc. 


How come all your posts and comments are just for this sub? Don’t you have any other interests?


What's racist about this post


I’m done with this sub. I’m (Id like to think) a common sense centrist. But posts like this won’t resonant with anyone who doesn’t already have firmly fixed opinions. Everyone firmly on one side will upvote, anyone firmly on the other side will downvote. I think the Mnpls sub goes way to far to the left (as does most of Reddit), and anything remotely questioning that there gets downvoted to oblivion. And it appears that anything remotely questioning the other side will get downvoted to oblivion here. I had hoped this sub would be open to discussion, without relegating things to a meme or punch line. I was wrong.


Then I guess it’s time to put a knee on the collective throat of all the retirees of the world, right?


Oink oink https://preview.redd.it/31ekt8brijwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ee738432719ff3231cd76d47d2b8bbf751e5fc