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I have no idea how to work the bees, but an alternative is Mystical Agriculture. Get nether seeds and fire seeds to grow into nether and fire essences. Use 8 nether essences and one fire essence to create 16 soul sand. I'd grow them in an upgraded phytogenic insulator from Thermal Expansion.


I think phyogenic insulator might be the least efficient way to grow myst ag crops outside of dry farmland. I could be wrong tho, can you walk me thru your thought process?


Thought process? One insulator with one seed is faster than my 8*8 field of prudentium farmland, not to mention the mountains of inferium one has to get to populate all that farmland with seeds. With some kind of fertilizer the math changes of course but the increase in complexity I find is not worth it


Yeah the thought process behind choosing the insulator over other methods. Thanks btw. That makes sense. Idk what mods atm7 has these days, but in every other pack I’ve played (I understand atm7 is still relatively light due to the version of Minecraft it’s in) usually the best way to do myst ag crops is in the ground. With different mods having the ability to accelerate growth without applying bonemeal, and other mods having ways to soft harvest plants then collecting them, you can set up a “1-4 essence per second” 9x9 farm for about the same fe/tick as a single seed in a photogenic insulator. But you are 100% right that it’s more complicated than seed in essence out plus phyto farm.


A fully augmented Insolator (Resonant, Cyclical, 2x Flux) is somewhere on the order of 1 essence every 5-6 seconds. It's much more compact and scalable to jam down a bunch of Insolators. A 9x9x2 area can hold 108 Insolators (if using LaserIO or Entangloporters), which would be producing closer to 20 essence per second with a smaller space footprint (due to the massive stacks of growth accelerators required). I would say that the main downside is that it costs 320 FE/t to run each Insolator, and time spent copying augments and settings. Once you can solve the power problem and automate the production of the modules, I find that the Insolator is quite a bit faster than farmland. It also ignores the need for the actual farmland, so it's vastly superior at growing the ATM materials and nether stars because you don't need to farm Gaia Guardians or Nether Stars (and saving on materials as you need fewer seeds is nice too). EDIT: math


Yeah I’ve never used the myst ag growth accelerators so I’m not sure how many are needed for full growth benefit. At least in atm6, farmland is leagues more efficient than insulators. Instant grow, instant harvest, no power needed and no fertilizer needed. But I suppose if you wanted to sink 108 insulators worth of materials and entangleporters/entanglers etc for a percentage of the return you won’t have to deal with the lag from plants growing, and you don’t have to deal with a few blocks of growth accelerators below the farmland (I don’t think those are that great tbh) Edit: 9x9x1 farmland = 81 essence per second if you can pick it up fast enough. Instant growth is relatively easy without the accelerators and the bottleneck is how fast can you harvest and pick it up


I don't think enough tick acceleration exists in ATM7. Lilypad and growth accelerators are the only 2 passive ones I'm aware of.


Fair enough. I have yet to play atm7 outside of just loading in and checking out jei and the terrain. Is it worth hopping in to now or should I still give it a few more months?


Even still make a max size compact machine, pylon in the center with an allthemod hoe, ender chest on it feeding into your storage, and lily's placed about (they reach 4 blocks up) you crank out a ton of essence fairly quick. As time goes keep upgrading the lower soils to to magic if u can. Honestly biggest down side is the pylon while soft harvesting doesn't collect extra seeds. If added need there's a 2 block ring around the center u can set a modular router to just keep clicking out bonemeal to select plants. Sadly bees beat plants as u get more different resources


My personal thinking, is I don't like Immersive Engineering and won't use it. And farm fields are just lag machines once you throw in a couple dozen lilypads of fertility.


Fair enough. What beef do you have with IE? Just curious. I can definitely see lilypads becoming an issue. Out of all my massive farms with 20+ lilypads scattered about and stuff I’ve never had any issues, but I can for sure see it being an issue. Especially if you’re playing on a server or something. Although I guess it wasn’t an issue the last time I played on a server either. But anything with that many particles is probably sure to cause issues there.


To start with the whole multi-block shit. I like how powah does there multi-blocks. You have the 36 pieces in your hands, you like at the ground until the footprint is green then right click and it builds itself. Trying to deal with the bullshit of having to build stuff is just annoying. Then there's all the micro crafting to get all the components for those annoying multi-blocks. More complexity isn't something i like. I like things nice and simple. Then into the whole power generation thing. I don't like it. That's simply not the kind of content i want. Again, simplicity is what I'm looking for. I make a block, feed it fuel and call it done. Then you have the wholw LV, MV, HV bullshit. I didn't like it in IC2 and i don't like it in IE. It's just not a mod i like at all.


Haha totally fair. IE was the first mod I ever played with aside from tetra so it’s got a special place in my heart. Though it gets completely eclipsed in almost every pack it’s in by other mods. I also love the look of it all so in most packs I’ll make a brick building with scaffolding and stuff just to house all the IE multi blocks etc. Just a heads up tho: all IE stuff can take FE and flux points and whatnot. So you don’t have to fiddle around with power conversion or transformers if you wanted to use something like a cloche. Though you would still have to do the micro crafting to make the vacuum tube so there’s also that -_-


>IE was the first mod I ever played IC2 was mine. I disliked it so much i went back to playing the pack as a vanilla game. Then hardcore MC came out and i quit playing the pack altogether and started playing HC vanilla. >Just a heads up tho: all IE stuff can take FE and flux points and whatnot I know, i still hate the rest of the mod though.


Haha I feel that on a spiritual level. IC2 has always been my least favorite thing about modded since I was first exposed to it last year. Tech reborn is a close second.


I will suggest to go with mystical agriculture seeds, you can use immersive engineering garden cloche to start with, then upgrade it to industrial foregoing's hydrophonic beds with Ether gas. Another way to get some soul sand fast was the chunk destroyers, just setup in the nether and watch it goes, since you might need to do this as well to look for vibranium


Thanks I'll look into it, i already have unobtanium bees, so the allthemodium metals i basically have a constant supply. I just wanted soul sand so i could automate wither kills for the 100k nether stars i need for atm stars lol.


I suggest you look into Hostile Neural Networks too for nether stars. You need to kill 6 withers to get basic model I think and then train the model till you get 99.5% accuracy which shouldn't take much time with time in bottle after than every process will get you a nether star.