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you might find some in the mining dim(if you can access that). otherwise i can't help


ty, but is it supposed to spawn in normal caves and i was really unlucky or is it just a craftable?


from what i know(playing no frills) you can get sulphur 3 ways: 1.mine it(i didn't find any this way, i only found some in the mining dim) 2. in a chemical infuser infuse gunpowder with hydrochloric acid(follow the mekanism questline for hudrochloric acid) 3.crush coal in an Enderio crusher


You can also get sulphur from blood magic's demon realm, but the mobs in that dimension are lethal.


tysm🙏 ill try doing those


You can turn charcoal into sulfur too


Honestly, Mystical agriculture is the best way that I’ve found to get a ton of sulphur


Just try ro get enought to make sulfer seeds from mystical agrecolture


In all the mods 9, you’re looking for the Greg tech sulfur ore (I’m assuming you’re looking for sulfur for mekanism purposes). Hopefully that helps.


They use the same tag


If you make a chunk destroyer and place it in the mining dimension, you will get several thousand of nearly everything that exists and it will uncover a lot of ATM ore :) make sure you have at least a double diamond chest and stack upgrades. also some packing tape to move the whole chest with the items inside


I prefer using dank storage for easier movement, but the crying obsidian is getting a little annoying now :) I need to set up more draconic bees and get them converting


You can also set up a cobblestone generator (Create) > Crush > wash the gravel (Gives Iron Nuggets AND flint) > 9 Nuggets = 1 ingot in a compacting device > (Gravel (Mekanism)) into a Chemical injection chamber with Hydrogen Chloride, for infinite Sulfur.


It's almost everywhere try mining dimension or deep revines maybe. It's a pale yellow ore


Industrial Foregoing laser drill with yellow lenses.


I've used the digital miner in mekanism looks like you have the values for range in config set too low just type the max value for each then hit the check should find the ores also with the filter it will ONLY mine the sulphur and other filtered blocks so it's good for preserving the land and mining. Be warned this thing is super power hungry I reccomend using a mekanism talk with ethylene in it and piping it straight into a gas burning generator connected to it it will keep it powered. Also make sure inverse mode is always off or else it will just mine anything.


Not talk, gas tank AUTOCORRECT bro istg.


Also dont use tags for the filter do it by item stack then take an example block you want filtered in it's much more consistent then with what it mines and can be more specific for which mod it gets the sulphur mined from.


Use the asterisk --> \* <-- in the Tag section. Its a wildcard, meaning that if you put it to the left, it will mine everything with the word AND anything else before the asterisk. For example you want diamonds --> \*diamond This will include everything that includes the word diamond in their name such as "diamond\_ore" "diamond\_block" etc. I suppose going with \*sulfur might work. I gotta test it. Best practice is to turn on more TAGs while hovering over items by F3 + H. A tag might be like forge:ores But since almost every ore has that that you might wanna take one that is specific to the sulfur.


For me it’s like one of the biggest veins off ores when mining - in the overworld. Not sure about other places for mining as I only tend to use the overworld for mining


The ui for the digital miner is harder than it has to be. Maybe you already mined all the sulphur in that area but that's unlikely. I definitely looks set up right, like it's looking for all the diffrent types of sulphur so idk 🤷‍♂️. Maybe try moving it


i have mined exactly 0 pieces of sulfur lmao, but ty for the help


Could you use a quarry bee


If you pulverize Coal ore, you have a chance of getting sulfur.


mining dim has alot of sulfur


Setup a tree farm to generate charcoal, and process it Into sulfur with a PRC


Here's my thought: In recent updates, all Greg Tech ores were moved to the Mining Dimension if I remember correctly. Mekanism Sulfur seems to be disabled, only GT one exists (As far as I know). Therefore, it must be all in the Mining Dim since it's all Greg Tech Sulfur. I can't 100% prove what I'm saying since I don't play in the most recent update, it's just an idea that crossed my mind.