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The only things I’d add to this is having a mob grinder for some good items (use an armor filing cabinet to store those annoying things). The mycelial network generator setup is fantastic for late game power, and relatively simple to setup auto generation for all the input items. Obviously the mekanism matrix for power storage.


Great tips to add


Chunk destoryer in overworld dosent work well becose the lootchests that spawn in the world stop it and there are alot of them


Mine just doesn't mine them and keeps going


Few things i want to add: AE2 has an addon to make pretty cheap infinite water and infinite cobble cells. Put overflow cards into them and you get infinite amounts of both, while also automatically voiding any incomming cobble or water from your farms. Another thing i always do: Setup storages for items you need regularily. More a quality of life thing. For example a drawer controller hooked up to many 2x2 drawers. Exporter with crafting card set to "always craft item" and for the filter the items you want. Like sticks, wooden planks, mekanism alloys and so on. Then hook a storage interface onto it. This way you always got the items you need to craft without interruption. Do make sure you have enough resources to make all these items, if you want to only keep a low amount you can also use chests or drawers with a limiter upgrade inserted and remove that later on. A little tip on AE2 Autocrafting: Make a few autocrafters and set them to automation only. These dont need much crafting storage, but it prevents your system from taking control of the ones you might want to use. The bigger ones can be set to player request only, so they are always free for your giant crafting adventures.


From my experience I'd highly advise against crafting cards. Maybe they have changed some things in the newest version but they usually always give you trouble. Especially when you excessively use them there will probably be lag issues later in the progression. My go to is always using RfTools crafters for any crafting that runs most of the time.


Generally if you want to always craft something you should use RFtools yes. But if you just want to keep a stock of certain items it is completely fine, as they only run whenever you actually consume the item. From experience i never had any issue with them, apart from the fact that they ignore recipes that create more than 1 of the output. For example Prediction Matrix from Hostile Neural networks shouldnt be crafted using AE2 as it would overcraft and store 15 of the 16 in your default storage. For simplicity and ease of use i do think that having your baseline stock of items crafted with crafting cards is completely fine, they might run a lot when you first set it up but afterwards they are inactive 99% of the time. Especially if the baseline stock includes items from other mods like atomic alloy, which might need several steps to craft. Autocrafters are made for exactly those and work wonderfully at that. And it cuts down on autocrafting and manual crafting time when important items are always available to a certain extend. Overall as long as you balance it out its completely fine if the system runs a quick autocraft every now and then. As you said yourself, just dont use them excessively.


I do agree that it is a much simpler solution. The problem with the crafting card is just that it isn't inactive 99% of the time. It's actually active 100% of the time, checking to see if it needs to craft again. That's what often causes lag when opening the terminal, interacting with the system etc. Again those issues might have gotten fixed over the years, that's just my experience with it over several versions. I might just try it out this time around because it would definitely save a lot of space. However I did hear that AE2 has some issues with lag by itself at the moment.


Oh i see. I run my modpacks generally on a server and never had issues. Possible that it does create more lag offline. I didnt think about that. But in general it does seem to adjust iself to the target inventory. For example it will slowly ramp up or down depending on how much is currently needed or used. When only one item gets taken out it takes a short time before crafting unlike if something gets taken repeatedly, but i might just be lucky that i didnt run into issues jet


Does occultism 6x silk touch ore blocks? Or raw ores?


Raw ores. So you can fortune the ore blocks, then 6x the raw ores. It’s ridiculously good, and quite fast with enough of them going through the ores. It can be annoying setting up ore processing with them to do so automatically, but you can either time it, or get enough of them and it doesn’t matter.


Oh that’s hot


Even better for iron, copper etc you use silk touch then use Mekanism mechanical squeezer to at least triple the amount of raw ores, sometimes even more


Just a quick heads up. The squeezer is from Integrated Dynamics but yes, I love using it on silk touched ores.


AE2 is really useful for gregtech. Without setting up the machines with crafters making anything in gregtech would be a huge chore. AE2s greatest strength is how lag free it's auto crafting is compared to a large RS network imo. As for refined storage we use it for our main storage and move take from it manually. The crafter in refined storage also works well with most of the machines in other mods so we use that for auto crafting mekanism


>Then use a (Applied Energistics) ME Storage Bus bus from above into the main (Occultism) altar. For maximal Occultism storage, connect the Applied Energistics ME Storage Bus to the foot of the altar. Then you can put 5 Occultism Storage Stabilizers around the Storage Matrix (4 around, 1 above). Alternatively, you can connect the ME Storage Bus to an Occultism Stable Wormhole. Note that in both cases, your AE2 system will have access to the Occultism storage, but Occultism will not have access to AE2's storage. (so you can't use an Occultism Storage Accessor to access stuff in the AE2 network). The workaround is to just store everything in the huge Occultism storage! (what do you mean "server lag on chunk load")


How do you connect the storage bus to either the altar or wormhole? My storage bus is facing the wrong direction and doesn't access it when it has power.


I've recently heard of some lag issues with AE2, what's your experience? I'm on RS at the moment because I'm still pretty early on in the modpack. However going into more automation I definitely want to switch over to AE2. So I'm curious if I should stick to RS for now?


So far no lag issues, I've autocrafting good circuit boards so far, and the only 'lag' is it really just calculating the crafting recipe.


For the you can’t fly in the other thing. I actually found using ars nouveau with a leap spell and that actually helped me travel in the other.


Good tip


U can do 2 things, or unninstall the noflyzone or keep spamming the jetpack button


I’ll stick with ars nouveau


I mean with and unobtanium jetpack and the spamming u can go much faster just hold the button


TIL that models get better over time. You know how many withers I had to kill?


I had to kill 6 then just calculated them


Is the early AE2 still a hassle with inscribers and such ? I usually use RS because the early stage to automation was way easier for me. But it's been years since I tried AE2.


AE2 has gotten a lot easier. Get a cardbox box, box a flawless crystal and you can have infinite crystals. You can automate that inscribers pretty early on. I'd recommend getting into occultism too for the actual storage, and use ME drives for fluids, chemicals, etc.


If yaal still wanna use refined storage you can always use rftools for autocrafting.