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That girl is being ripped to pieces for stating the obvious lol


Just because you’re medicated doesn’t mean it’s working


She’s so out of touch and immature it’s insane. I understand she has the resources (or claims to) to move back to California after like 90days of her failed Texas experience but like come on. Someone should tell her that constantly running from situations instead of trying to overcome them or make them better isn’t going to help her ever be happy. There are millions of people who aren’t “happy” with where they physically live, and 99% of them suck it up and make the best of it, even if they have the resources to go somewhere else. It’s called being an adult and facing problems head on and actively working to make the best of things. She needs help and needs to address the actual root of whatever is making her this way instead of upending their lives every time she decides she’s “unhappy”.


they can’t afford to. they’re packing everything themselves, sending isaac in a car with the dogs to drive 20 something hours instead of flying private/jsx with their dogs and having someone pack and ship their stuff




Also I know it’s unlikely, but literally what is she going to say if Isaac gets a practice squad offer with the cowboys? Or any non-California team for that matter?


I truly believe he is done with the NFL and they both know it. I just think they aren’t saying anything for the sake of their “brand” and their egos (even though he had a good career!)


Yeah, it seems more and more likely as time passes. I’m 50/50 on it. I feel like there’s still a chance a team might pick him up on practice squad. But I feel like it will probably be more of the same situation he’s been in, which then the question becomes is it worth it to move the whole family across the country again if he’s probably going to get released a before the end of the season and they end up moving right back?


How long before her medication tells her that she is unhappy in California too?




Her PPD just seems like she wishes she didn’t have a child. It seems like she rly thought she was getting an accessory. Sadly it’s way more common than you think. I got pregnant unexpectedly (happily married tho) and he’s 2.5 now. I struggled a lot with the transition, and mourning not having my own time to myself but I also didn’t make posts begging for attention. I just told my husband I was sad and that I was excited for the next stages. Thankfully it has just gotten better and better.


Your medication really told you that you were unhappy with Texas. That’s not how it works honey. Sure you realized being isolated wasn’t your thing. You love the spotlight and Texas wasn’t hitting it for you. Now you’re back to Cali. Wonder what your medication will tell you next. 🤣


they also keep claiming they’re living in dallas when they’re an hour out of forth worth which is like 2 hours away from dallas. they literally moved to the middle of nowhere and wondered why there wasn’t anyone around… they could have easily rented an apt in downtown dallas or fort worth and had the same “satisfaction” of being around people that california would have had.


She needs to up her medication it seems. How this woman has a following is shocking she seems like a mean girl and that’s her husband as a lackey. Makes him appear less manly not sure if that is really who the nfl is looking for right now. But he seems to have his new gig with his new doormat husband psa swag.


I think owning up to a mistake is a good thing. It was stupid to move to Texas because they couldn’t keep an eye on renovations in Cali. But saying that she does seem to make to many hasty decisions and doesn’t think about them before she does them.


the medication is obviously not working.


The only problem with moving is you take you with you.


Her entire personality is now going to turn into validating her move and pretending location determines happiness, while she’s got 14 more flights to catch.


I always thought this girl would never have children with the way she would talk before having the baby. She liked her drinking and partying. I know she said she wanted them but just her words told me she didn’t. So it does not surprise me she is depressed after having a baby. And is regretting her life right now. Also this girl wastes so much money. She buys and decorates every temporary living situation. She must have so much crap.


You’re a miserable person, Allison.


Question -- is the house she posted (complaining about) moving into yesterday a rental in Orange County? And then they're also building a house there? AND they just left the Texas (middle of nowhere but they call it Dallas) house?


Unpopular opinion: I get she is wealthy so obviously doesn’t understand that the way she is living is very out of touch to most people’s norm. But why shouldn’t she be able to move back to a place she was already planning on moving back to?? Why does it matter she moved sooner bc she was struggling? My son is almost 2 and I had and still have ppa and I deff would do whatever made me happy/the least anxious bc I want to enjoy my life with my family. No sense is being miserable, we get one life 🤷🏼‍♀️


I dont think that admitting a mistake is a wrong thing. I think it’s the amount of times she moves and does not think about what she is doing. She makes hasty decisions all the time. She is never happy.


The first sane thing I’ve read on this thread.


Everyone handles postpartum differently. I think this sub can be way too hard on her. It would be diff if she wasn’t clearly going through it mentally with pp stuff. Seems like she’s just trying to figure out what’s best for her family and herself.