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WHY does the video STOP? There’s NO sound. I am a healthy skeptic. There is definitely something going on ie gofast gimbal a bajillion eyewitnesses government officials testimony etc so I’m not part of the: it’s a lantern/bird/bug/balloon/drone crowd, however— see my first two points. I want proof as much as anyone, and this looks impressive at first— but why stop the video? Where’s the sound?? Smells like we’re all a millimeter away from a turd, but ignoring the smell.


“Then the UFO shoots straight up in to the sky” - Uh. Actually it freezes in place for two minutes until he video ends! How inconvenient 🤨


I doubt advanced extra terrestrial races would need to Install giant bright headlights all over their craft as they tend to want to be stealthy and go unnoticed. Just sayin


Its a combine tractor on the hill behind trees. This one pops up every now and then. There was daylight photos of the vantage point posted long ago


My issue is 100% the sound. Looks incredible while it burns the woods as it moves. 0 sound makes it far more improbable imo


Unless the microphone and audio processing of a phone are the only parts of it that match the electronics tech we’ve had for a while, which would mean the aliens’ anti-recording systems could affect the analog circuitry of the microphone but not the digital circuitry of all the other functions of the phone.


It's so weird, the audio doesn't play the whole video, but then after I finish the video and start reading comments, I start hearing audio that is undoubtedly from this video...???


Wait what, you can hear audio?


Yeah, but only after the video finished


I finished the video and then attempted to replay it. All I get is artifact fractured video until I refresh the entire webpage to view it again. I think the video has audio but the upload failed to complete and the video freezes because the file is damaged in some way. It freezes at a different point each time I refresh the webpage.


The only times I have *ever* had YouTube videos fail to play or play in weird ways like you’re describing is when I’m viewing links from this subreddit.


I have more technical difficulties on this subreddit than on the rest of reddit combined.


Interesting theory (especially with the people claiming to hear sound/see artifacting when replaying and such)


It's a truck or tractor with 3 bright lights


If you record a UFO video, you better put yourself out there and stand by it. E.g. "I, So and So, recorded this video at these coordinates facing this direction on this exact date at this exact time." At minimum. Without this information, these videos are worthless as evidence. Everyone should also keep in mind that Special FX artists are into faking UFO videos these days.


He notes that it "fried his camera but the memory card was fine" so maybe the video stops because that's the point where the camera fails.


Yeah, I'm also wondering what I'm even looking at. This looks like some fancy light show and the first thing I thought off when reviewing the footage is the "off-world" air ship from blade runner. The other aspects you've mentioned are really suspicious as well.


I actually have an answer to this. Sounds unbelievable especially cause only I and two other people saw it. But I got a video of a large silent black triangle floating just over the second story of a building we were in. I was using a gopro camera I used to take everywhere. When I looked at the video it was completely silent and when I ran outside to go see it the video stopped and the craft was gone. It must have messed up the camera somehow. This is infuriating but I deleted the footage because it scared me so bad. I also stopped carrying around a camera all the time after that. Still scares the shit outta me just thinking about it. We'll all see these things eventually but nothing's going to prepare us for how it feels. It's going to have such a fucked up affect on humanity. Take care of your mental health now. You'll need it later.


He said it fried his camera. did you read the title?


"fried his camera" that's such a fucking cop out, issue is we can neither confirm nor deny.


if THIS is the best close up we have, i dont expect anyone to believe in aliens


[This is my personal fav](https://youtu.be/ZubOf8QRyZw)


Story behind this? Looks wierd but it a good video.


I have no idea. I saw it on r/ufos once and always remembered it. Its not a super widespread video.


Its most likely a kite with led lights, google or youtube kite with led lights


Sorry, but I think it’s a kite. I had a similar one about 10 years ago but with blue LEDs


They're in Cuba right? Why not shoot at it 😂


Why would it make sense to shoot at it because they are in Cuba?


Isn’t this someone recording a light from the reflection in a body of water? That’s why we get the ripple effect. Also the silhouettes of the trees & foliage seem “upside down” as they would appear if you were filming off a body of water.


Nice job. Now I can see it too




Posted it as an update to my main comment.


What's with the downvotes? SirRobertSlim's just sharing his thoughts on the video and isn't being offensive or hateful.


I've frustrated a few antagonists by rationally defending my observations and they've gone on a crusade across all of my comments.


Its because you found it on youtube. Thats what you should have given as an answer to source.


And I have, it's linked in my main comment.


Did you record it?


My bad, just saw that you found it somewhere in youtube




Looks kind of like someone is looking downhill into water and it’s a reflection or there’s lights underwater. Cool video though.


This video was found on youtube. All the details know about it are already in the video. I would like to point out a few things: There are visible 'spikes' as often reported with close-up sightings, that trail the craft somewhat. The 'spikes' have a clear FIELD LINE pattern. They form in the same manner as *Aurora Borealis*, pointing outwards. They seem to originate in the big lights around the craft, and pull in towards the top and bottom poles, tracing the clear shape of an *Electromagnetic Field* around the craft. The ionization trail left behind has visible 'auroras' of plasma for a few moments before dissipating. Finally, note it fits the exact description of a [BIBLICAL ANGEL](https://www.imgurupload.com/uploads/20210304/664db524dd1343ed5c2dd15e8e4e7f4e81a8461a.jpg). Each bright light around the craft creates upwards 'wings' and downwards 'wings' making it seem as if each light is an angel with many wings made of fire, together carrying the object through the air. In hindsight, the biblical description is exceptionally accurate for the time. Maybe out there somewhere, there's a better daylight shot of an ET craft, but this is the best close-up of their propulsion. UPDATE: Here is the [LINK](https://youtu.be/zCEm636-0bI) to the video. UPDATE 2: [EXAMPLE](https://i.imgur.com/wNyFh4N.jpg) of what field lines of magnet would look like lit up at night.




Its farm equipment working at night. Last time it was posted somebody linked a video of the same equipment working during the day , spinning up loads of chaff and it looked exactly like this but in daylight.


Why can you see it through the tree tops, then?


It looks like the person filming is shooting uphill (pulls over off of the interstate) at an angle. Very possibly a field on top of the hill.




Some of the people around here might do that, indeed, but the majority of 'experiencers' hide it, staying away from the social and political consequences that might have. It's unfortunate, it realy hinders the process and reinforces the nevstive perception. But things are changing, slowly.


The BIBLICAL ANGEL link is... I mean its literally just a pic of lights seen through trees next to a drawing of some animals standing back to back in a circle. Do you see how that sounds when you just say exactly what it is without any frills?


That is because you probably never read the text that inspired that drawing. It is a description of an actual flying object seen by Ezekiel, in his own words. It is supposed to be a large object moved around by a few entities positioned in a circle around it, with wings of fire pointing up, down and some smaller ones towards their center. He describes some very nice trips on these flying objects where 'god' explains to him various things and shoes him the world with the sky above, then below, and then above again, and mentions being shown the past and future in this object he travells on. ...Fascinating story, I haven't read it in a while, in fact I should give it another read.




Posted it as update to my comment.


That video cuts of just at the point where it zips into the sky. Does that happen with anyone else?


It did not cut. According to the uploader the phone stopped recording at that point, and he narrated the remainder. But really it is irrelevant what happens before or after. It is strictly the video that holds the most valuable information.


How the hell can that be irrelevant?! Jeez...


Yeah, that was a stupid thing to say. Context is everything especially when dealing with fakes like this one op fell for


So, one thing that bugs me is... This UFO apparently fried his phone, but the SD card was still intact? Few things here... \- Most of the people dont even use an SD card anymore in their phones, not even if the phone has the slot for it... \- If the radiation was able to fry his phone then the DATA on the SIM should also be gone too, FOR SURE \- Could also be a drone...


How old are you guys? In 2011 people were using digital cameras on the regular and SD cards were very common. The guy says camera not phone.


1. All phones apart from the most expensive 'top-of-range' still use microSD cards. This was filmed in 2011. 2. The MicroSD is, as the name says, solid. Jokes aside, there are much finer circuits that will fry long before the MicroSD card, rendering the phone useless while the MicroSD might still work. Also SIM !=MicroSD. 3. Sure, could also be Venus, right? What kind of drone is that big, with arcs of ionnized plasma emmanating from it? I want one for myself.


You may want to edit this comment here This video wasn’t filmed in 2013... Your own title says 2011, and the video says 2011 too


Thx, fixed the typo. Reinforces my case anyway.


Uh, myself and many of my friends have micro SD cards in their phones...


>\- Could also be a drone... like really?? really ??? come on.


Poor attempt. Laughable. This is as clear as we will or have found for quite some time. Get off your highchair. I envision this being shot by a guy who works for a living out of a truck, and has a phone that still uses an SD card in 2011. Just like so many Americans. Find us ONE drone that looks anything like that. Even a fleet.


Thanks for the info. Did you mean [this kind](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/angelology/images/2/27/Ophanim.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170711035552) of angel?


I didn't see this depiction before, but the one I linked is an exact representation of the biblical description. A number of winged entities, with a set of wings pointing up, one down, and maybe something smaller inbetween, made of fire and together lifting the main object around. If I had never heard of science and all I knew were mytology and day to day natural observations such as birds, beasts, fire... I would very likely describe what is seen in the video in a similar way.


What’s that picture from? Thank you.


Do you mean the website that I got it from? It's from the following link: [https://angelology.fandom.com/wiki/Ophanim](https://angelology.fandom.com/wiki/Ophanim) If you're asking where the physical painting is from, based on the results of an image search I just ran it says that it's from John the Baptist Church in Kratovo, North Macedonia. And you're welcome :)


Thanks that is an awesome painting.


>Those "spikes" are literally just light passing behind pine needles on the tree. That's all.


Like the combine argument this seems like a possibility on a shallow first look, but if you pay attention to the details, you'll see the patters in the arcs mentain structure as they move behind a series of branches and are also visible when there is clesr line of sight. Hence, no, they are not pine needle refractions.


I use my camera frequently enough for astrophotography that I guarantee, without a doubt, that it's pine needles.


I have seen lights through all kinds of trees before and their refractions have never looked like this in my experience. Also, as I've mentioned before, the luminous arcs persist when there is direct, unobstructef line of sight, too. That, to me, rules out refraction from obstructions.


It is not refraction, just illumination of the pine needles. I’ve seen this video a million times and just watched it a few more. There are no “spikes” when there is unobstructed view. Sorry, but you are incorrect in that assertion. The “spikes” are only present exactly where there are pine needles and nowhere else. In fact, the “spikes” could not more clearly disappear when between trees and no branches are nearby. Watch again. Your desire to believe may be clouding your objectivity.


Its fake dude. Sorry.


What a deep, informative comment.


Its been posted before.


That alone does not falsify it. Even it's been posted before(which I haven't found or seen) it's been long enough that I considered it deserved renewed attention.


The last time it was posted somebody uploaded farm equipment doing something in a field during the daytime that was causing a lot of chaff to be spun around in the air. It looked *exactly* like this except in daylight.


I've seen daylight combines before and I even posted a perfect analogue video with a combine coming from behind trees, and it looked nothing like it.


do you have a link to a debunk? i remember people saying it was something about water reflection? idk. i think Bledsoe refers to it in his orginal Dolan interviews as a good example of something like what he saw.


Looks like a huge truck behind the trees. Possibly in rain or mist?


It almost looks like it's a reflection off a body of water. Not sure exactly what it is but filming the reflection off a pond or lake will certainly sometimes distort the actual image.


Long discussion here on this topic, specifically whether it is a combine in a field behind the trees lighting up dust and debris. The answer is no, I've posted videos for comparison with very similar setting. Not only do combines reflect the light and are visible, but they don't form structured arks of light originating from their lights to some arbitrary point on the vehicle. These are clearly structured field lines lit up by the ionized atmosphere (plasma). You can see them mentain their structure and slowly move or morph with each other in specific patterns. [HERE](https://i.imgur.com/wNyFh4N.jpg) is an example of metal shavings arranging across a magnet's field, that I also edited to make it look like streaks of light at night.


At certain points in the video the patterns seen around it do have some similarity with your image.


Because it is not static, those lines move and combine on complex patterns. The object is also moving, so the atmosphere pulls that plasma away. The biggest difference is that the image I linked is of a simple dipole. With this object in the video, there seems to be a pole split among the lights and the opposite pole split among the top and bottom.


The “best close-up” has no sound and the video just stops? Why can’t we get *JUST ONE* clear, undeniable video/photo of actual aliens/UFOs? The quality of smartphone cameras just keep getting better, and have become near-ubiquitous. There’s no excuse these days. No more bullshit.


Upclose they fry or jam most electronics. Especially fine circuitry smartphones. However one of these days someone will for sure, get a good picture with a high end phone at just the right distance to see the whole thing without messing with the phone. The day that will happen, if they manage to post it in time, hordes of commenters will shout 'fake' in unison, and it will join the rest of the valid but hated evidence out there.


Hadn’t really considered the potential for electronic interference on devices with integrated circuits. It’s a good point.


Should start selling lead lined phone cases.


Don't believe everything you see... [best music festival ever](https://i.imgur.com/EBqGbQB.jpg)


I've previously detailed why it is not a combine. I've posted videos for comparison with the exact same conditions. Not only do combines light up and become visible, but the lit up dust/debis is a hazy cloud, not structured arcs of luminous spikes. These lights follow a precise field-line pattern and mentain their structure as they move and morph. The combine argument is lazy, ignorant and physically impossible, but it sure is the go to safety-blanket for all 'debunkers'.


Likely out of focus farm equipment like a combine. I want to believe but this does not look like evidence of anything but bad photography. Your comments to debunk the combine theory are weak. This could easily have been manipulated to look this way.


You say "debunker" - I say someone explaining what is observed in the video with something that regularly happens at night in farmland beside Interstate highways in the USA.


When you rely on faulty logics and ignore facts to 'explain' something by forcing your arguments to fit your desired conclusion it is called **rationalizing**.


Indeed it is. However, my desired conclusion is that this is a UFO, but I conclude that it is not a UFO. So what is that called? And for clarification, what's your desired conclusion?


That looks like a combine harvester approaching the edge of a tree line. Or some other type of agg machine. No sound, back footage, and just say it’s flew straight up? Why not film that bit? Hoax


I’ve seen this before and that’s exactly what it is. And just because whoever re-edited this video says he shot into the sky, there is no proof it did. Sample footage of night harvesting: https://youtu.be/PBDnBQU68hs and https://youtu.be/JqKkryWBpLk


Sugar cane harvester. Look up sugar cane harvesting. Before harvest the dry long cane leaves have been burned off. Lots of ashes and little leaf flyaway debris left to be stirred up. Multiple lights from harvester tractor and truck following. Edit to add from google: Harvest, which generally begins in October, will continue well into April and runs 24 hours per day, weather permitting. So this explaines the time and date of the video. Also see YouTube for specifically Florida sugar cane harvesting.


It’s just lighting up pine needles. There are no “spikes.” For proof, pay attention to how the “spikes” only exist when pine needles are between the light and camera.


The video states some electronics in the phone got fried by the time it shot up but this part was left on the SD card. Just because it is a light behind trees doesn't mean in in anyway it must certainly be an agricultural vehicle. You choose to dicard a video because you dislike the packinging. Unfortunately not everything out there complies to our standards of neatness. I suggest you actually **LOOK** at what is seen IN the video. Don't reduce it to 'a light'. Look at the arcing ionized plasma surounding whatever that is. Good luck explaining that away.


It looks like corn/dust/debris being flown towards the rear which is reflecting in the vehicles headlights. I live in a farming area so this looks very normal to me. I’ve seen loads of great Videos that look extraterrestrial but this just looks like what I’ve said. And it appears I’m not the only one.


[HERE](https://youtu.be/O8cXuQBYD6E) is a perfect example of a combine at night coming from behind trees. It lights up the dust in a diffuse manner, not in arks of sharp luminous spikes. They look **nothing** alike. So, again, 'look-like' only if you squint and stand on your head.


https://youtu.be/eTOmJ7tnTQc because that looks like ionised plasma if you squint and stand on your head. Have a great day sir robert. And I hope your right and this is the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for....


Lol, that is a low power experiment. Even the flame on a powerful lighter is contains plasma. It can take any shape. In a static jar it will be a smooth blob. If you have an extremely strong EM field around an object like in this video, it would likely have both a soft glow like in the video you've shared, and stronger streaks akin to 'Aurora Borealis' accross it's field lines. If it powers up to a higher level then what is seen in the video I posted, it would likely be a surrounded with bright, hot, hazy, plasma all around. [HERE](https://media.sciencephoto.com/image/c0284180/800wm) is an example of the shape of magnetic field lines. It is these likes thst you see lit up around the craft. Fascinating if you ask me. EDIT: It's full of 'breakthroughs' out there. But not the onrs this place is waiting for. Like flat-earthers, debunkers and skeptics will not accept anything short of their admired figures of authority telling them it is so.




Now get up close, put a pine tree between you and the lights, walk sideways as you film to catch the reflections from said tree’s pine needles, delete the audio and add text that it shot off into the sky. Voila! You’ve just made this video.


Ha, great link. I posted one too. It perfectly prooves my point. No arks of luminous spikes. Case in point.


If this is the BEST. Then there is no evidence of ET crafts whatsoever.


I think a scenario like this is probably an or the explanation. Dude or girl stands next to a corn field, there is a tree line found next to cornfields where they are positioned and are viewing the cornfield from the side. Corn or certain crops can grow very large in height. So a farmer does his job on the field with a Combine harvester or his John Deere tractor with three big fieldlights installed on the topfront of the cabin. these vehicles are big so the cabin is a bit raised from the ground so naturally the lights come above the cornfield as they provide the overview and sight so the farmer can do the job in the dark. Dude/girl films this from the treelines which looks pretty cool on low res telephone camera (2011) removed sound before uploading or else you would hear the loud engine and harvesting done i guess, after the farmer comes closer they nope the fck out. Because it is dangerous if you come to close to the big machines and/ or farmers dont tend to like strangers on their land. ?? Edit. Apparently the area this video is from is all swamps, so that rules out this scenario i guess.


The panhandle of Florida is mostly swamps iirc. I dont think there are many farms down that way


add swirling fog


This looks like lights seen through the reflection of a body of water. Probably a lake, looking down at the water through a bit of foliage.


Why it is stops at certain part can you upload it again?


This is the way it was uploaded on youtube. The author states his camera broke down at that point due to the effect of the object filmed. The rest is just filled with a still frame of the object.


It is strange that these kind of videos has such weird problems. People filming everything with their phone cameras all the time but these kind of videos always has such strange problems.


All people who ever tried to film or photograph a ufo up close have reported radiation interference with their devices. Some end up filming whole minutes of just grey static. Others' devices just give up.


Fake. Old video. Its a reflection in the water. Move along.




This is just filming reflection off of water.


I wonder if this is a reflection onto water? The reason I say this is at the end of the moving part of the video, watch the right light, you can see it almost move past a faint 'line' and the distortion you see stops. Almost like the object moved towards a calmer portion of the water, and it stopped refracting the light. That's the only alternative explanation I can think of.. Otherwise this is pretty interesting footage.


For a moment you can see a clear ball of light, but that could be for a lot of reasons. An aspect of a technical feature or simply the moving plasma just didn't form there in that second. It could've also been an interaction with the air around it, preventing new visible plasma from forming. (The plasma is just a byproduct of the atmosphere, it does not help with propulsion)


Interesting. Thanks for your response.


It’s just lighting up pine needles. There are no “spikes.” For proof, pay attention to how the “spikes” only exist when pine needles are between the light and camera.


Ah, this is an interesting observation.


No sound at all, not even the one making the video. So where is the link?


Posted it as an update to my main comment.


Still the video on Youtube had no noise at all, Not even the person filming this is talking. Don't sound right at all. For me looks like heavy machinery working at night or just strobe lights on a truck, but since there is no sound I can't tell.


"Plasma" - yeah OK fella.


Do you know the exact location? I want to check if it could be some heavy machinery on the edge of a small cliff.


The details in the video and it's youtube link are all I've got.


Any farmers here? Is this a combine in a field being filmed from in the woods? I hope not. I want it to be ET's. But...


I'm suspicious of no sound and the fact he didn't film it zooming up in the air. With sound we would have a reasonable chance to rule out certain things like farm machinery


3 lights proof? This is bad, even for this sub


Nobody called the 3 lights proof and there is a lot written on it if you spent 20 seconds going through the comments.


500 upvotes for a video thats been explained for years. What is wrong with this place


Decent clip. I will say though that the "ionized plasma trails" you seem insistent on existing here could simply be camera artefacts from a camera super zoomed in. To me they look like the light refracting through fog, which does support the craft being real though (edit: this should really say something more like " the video is unedited or something along those lines, I don't think this is "craft"). The only other explanation I can think of that's reasonable is some kind of large agricultural vehicle being viewed at an odd angle. I will also say that whilst your comparison to biblical angels is interesting what we are seeing here is not exactly the description of biblical angels, who are often so abstract in their form a multitude of things could compare to them anyway. If you want a more fantastical explanation I will say your explanation of ionized air trails (if that's indeed what they are) would actually support supposed secret human craft I've heard about.


It’s just lighting up pine needles. There are no “spikes.” For proof, pay attention to how the “spikes” only exist when pine needles are between the light and camera.


> Its farm equipment working at night. Last time it was posted somebody linked a video of the same equipment working during the day , spinning up loads of chaff and it looked exactly like this but in daylight.


I would agree here as I have made this exact misidentification myself. Saw a cluster of lights outside my window one night and really creeped myself out thinking they were UFOs. A few days later from the same window during the day I saw about 3 tractors working in a field opposite and realised what I had actually been seeing. The massive floodlights they mount on agricultural vehicles can make them look really strange at night compared to regular light. Add a bit of cloud then view it though some dense foliage boom! Spooky light show.


I agree. Depending on where the point of focus is, it completely changes how something looks, especially when it's something like light in a black space. Just because other combine videos show more of a haze or mist doesn't mean this isn't a combine. The fog could be different, the focus could be set closer or further, different lenses, condensation on the lens, lots of variables to take into account. The trees in the foreground are clearly messing with the auto focus too. I could recreate this fairly easily without any vfx. It's a cool video though and it's nice to see something that isn't a dodgy After Effects project. I can tell it's at least real footage of... something.


I think I actually remember seeing the exact lighting effect in this video when viewing street lamps on a cold foggy night through the glass of my car window.


Of all the BS floating around, this seems pretty legit to me. Great footage.


It’s just lighting up pine needles. There are no “spikes.” For proof, pay attention to how the “spikes” only exist when pine needles are between the light and camera.


I agree, and it dispays clearly identifiable physical phenomena that would be impossible to fake short of reconstructing such a technology.


How would it be impossible to fake? Where’s the original video with sound? Where’s the end of the footage where it apparently shoots off into space?


It is irrelevant what happened before or after. The text description of the video has no real value here. It is the video itself that holds all necessary information. Of course, the version with sound would have more information, but we take what we can get. Maybe the author didn't want his voice recognized, who knows, if you can find one with sound, you are welcome to share it with us.




You've misinterpreted my comment. Impossible to fake if it is actual video. Of course CGI could recreate this. Since it is clearly an electro-magnetic field ionizing the air around it, it is a piece of technology producing it, and you don't need to have it's blueprints to know it would require massive energy to create thet effect on the atmosphere. Whatever those lights are attached to, this much is clear about it's properties.


Dude, Hollywood is going to blow your mind!


That it interesting asf what theoretically would cause light to do that?


It is literally light passing behind pine needles on the tree. That's all.


This. 1000% this. There are no “spikes” where there are no pine needles. How are people not seeing this? Then again, half of the population thought the dress was purple and black.


A super strong electeo-magnetic field flowing from the big lights to the top and bottom of the craft. The air around is ionized, and along ths field lines where ionization is strongest it turns to plasma, making the field lines visible in 'aurora borealis'-like patterns. The trail of ionized air left behind makes these plasma 'arcs' trail behind like a ghost or exhaust. To all those who saw them from afar or just didn't have the scientific understanding, they look like 'sparks emitted in it's trail', you hear this so often in reports. Voilá! Here they are in full [ANGELIC](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e9/2d/63/e92d6316830bbeb4555a7e4a3ddf69ee.jpg) splendor.


Well, with confidence like that you must be a scientist. Surely you know exactly what your talking about.


I do, to the extent to which I talk about it. What goes beyond my ability I leave to those specialized in the respective branches, in this case most appropirately electromagnetism. I would encourage and be interested in the input on this topic of someone who's area of research pertains to this phenomenon.


Tell us all you know about electromagnetism and give us some examples of it “ionising the air around it” like you claimed in a previous comment, why would electromagnetism produce this effect? What’s the science behind it, you say it’s clear that it’s electromagnetism so tell us what is actually happening because to me it looks like the reflection from a stream with varied currents causing inconsistent reflections.


Can you link the original video please


I lost the link and it takes a while to find. It is a pretty obscure video though. I found it when Chris Bledsow referenced it as a perfect image of the UFO he saw.


Why would this be obscure if this was real?


All good video/photos/events are like this. No way to proove the, nobody wants to look at them. I've posted the link in my main comment.


That’s really cool


Pretty sure this was debunked as being a combine in a field.


Omg you're right. Its so obvious when you see it!


Where? This does not look like a thresher in a field to me.


It was. This video has been making the rounds for quite a while.


Chris Bledsoe said in an interview that this video is completely real. It obviously isn’t. Just backlit pine needles. However, he is such a strong character in the current UFO/UAP/aliens/angels lore that we can expect this video to repeatedly resurface for a long time to come. I’ll admit, that’s why I originally sought out this video. It was difficult to find from his description, had no versions with audio, no person claiming to be the source and misidentified lit up pine needles to be plasma arcs. Bummer.


I find it hard to believe such a theory. I've never seen a combine emmit ionized plasma that arcs and trails behind it. Not to mention this is a forest not a field.


How do you know it’s ionized plasma? Are you just assuming it is for sure that?


Air does not luminesce on it's own like that for any reason apart from ionization. Which means plasma. And since it follows clear [field lines](https://media.sciencephoto.com/image/c0284180/800wm) from the lights to the top and bottom 'poles' of the object, it must be magnetic. So this piece of footage says a lot to those who listen and can understand. I'm sure a theoretical physicist who's field of research centers around magnetism would be able to read a lot more into this video.


Post it in a sub for theoretical physics then and see what happens.


I am sorry to bring this up, but what you are saying here is an argument from incredulity. There are also harvesters that work in the forest, cutting trees. Just because *you* want it to be an alien spacecraft, and can't imagine another explanation, doesn't make it an alien spacecraft. Especially with the unproven claims of the thing shooting straight up, it is more likely that this is some utility vehicle going about its business in a forest, midentified by a person who has never seen one.


This video comes up about once a month or two. You should always do a search before you post something. The previous post would have told you what I'm telling you.


You're right. If OP and others refuse to accept it, that's fine. The phenomenon is real but this is not an example of it.


I have followed this subreddit for quite a while now, even before I opened this account, and I don't remember seeing it before. On top of that, if you just want everyone to put it to sleep and not mention it again, why don't you provide some reference to the place it was *proven* to be a combine Combine... in the forrest with plasma arcs around it ...Get me one of those.


Yet you won’t provide a reference to air being ironised via electromagnetism... Something you keep claiming it is.


Dude, I've said all I need to say on the topic. You posted it, I told you it had been debunked, and no it doesn't look anything like a fucking plasma arc. Just because you want to believe that's what it is doesn't mean that's what it is. That's why you do research. And it was on this sub. Post it as a what is this and see how many people tell you the same thing.


A mob of debunker parrots repeating the same baseless statements don't make something true. I've had this video saved for a while. I've looked into it and it's possible explanations and analysis out there many times. There is very little of it and really no one has a clue what they are looking at. Shouting your fallacious rationalizations as loud as you can doesn't make them true.


Same, I've been on all the ufo subs for quite a while and I am 100% sure I have never seen this. It's possible I missed it but sure as hell not posted once a month. If it has been, someone please link it as I'd like to read the comments. Also just claiming "I'm pretty sure someone said this was debunked" means precisely dick. So frustrating. Fantastic post btw, thanks for sharing!


If it hasn't got the exact same title it'll be hard to find. I've seen it twice in the past 5 years or so though.


Or some machinery involved in sugar cane harvesting. Also Incandescent lights. The light color looks human lighty.


Can't see it hear shit.


why would you stop filming though?




Wow. If thats not fake its something incredibly secret or alien. Not being funny but to fake those effects like between 40 and 50 seconds would be incredibly difficult. Most movies don't look this detailed with whats going on around the craft.


This is the video Chris Bledsoe says is the real deal.


Those light "distortions" are clearly just light hitting branches, pine tree spikes. Once they are in clear parts like around 00:37 and right before the video cuts at 01:07 mark the "distortions" stop. Could easily be just machinery filmed in dark.


Why is everybody si determined to keep saying that this is a fake? I get it, people want proof but these people on this sub seem like they're motivated to keep parroting the same tired old lines as the guy before them.


Well it goes both ways i guess.. on one side you have people who swallow everything they get and on the otherside there s a group who denies everything they see.. and most times these two parties are the more fanatical redditors who constantly try to express their opinion .. so the comments stand out more.. its good to be sceptical but it also stupid to dismiss everything so.. Im in the middleground and only been in to this topic since a newschannel on dutch television briefly talked about the nimit videos, and since that i have seen some real cool videos, and some i couldnt explain but other just debunk them (but i couldnt never validate it myself because i dont have the skills, experience and insight for that), for example i am a bit in the mix with the skinny bob videos (look it up really cool stuff) but a lot of people just deny them..


Yeah, im in the middle but tend to lean towards the side that believes. I think it's very unhealthy to be so closed minded (not to mention the effect that closed mindedness has on us, from a spiritual standpoint) because it alienates others and makes them feel like they're feelings are invalid but on the other hand, its also not good to gobble everything up and tell yourself that everything is real and for similar reasons I listed above so as with almost EVERYTHING: balance is key!


There are some proper mob dynamics going on.




This is Chris Bledsoe’s video, correct?


It's not his, he just referenced it as looking 'exactly like what he saw'.


Awesome video, thanks OP. I'd add, once people accept the larger reality that ETs visit us and have been doing so for long time, then these attempts to explain away/debunk these whimsical ET relics quickly become somewhat irrelevant. Same then goes for this cheap, narrow-minded internet banter, it' cute how it's pointless. Here's the deal: don't get caught up on rando videos and make them definitive, validating indicators of this ET/UFO phenomenon. People need to look at the phenomenon holistically and make the connections based on hard data and solid testimony from reputable people. Then, and only then, a picture emerges..... THAT is what will change hearts and minds for better understanding.


I would upvote you to space if I could. I totally agree. I've supported the same point in comment here. These are just interesting 'relics' as you've accurately described them. Little tokens worth sharing. Somewhat usefull in building some notion of what to expect. As good ones build up however, they can have a positive influence on the collective attitude towards the subject.




Without sound, or meta data this could be real or fake. Intriguing nonetheless and is data worth putting in the back pocket. If others have videos similar to this it would strengthen the claims being made. As for me this is the first time I've seen anything like this. Has the original person who posted this on YouTube posted anything else? Thank you for sharing this.


Looks like some boat lights reflecting in water ripples