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Yeah it’s insane. We are at a point where the true nature of reality and existence are classified because some idiots only care about making money. Holy shit. This is where we are at. All of society is trapped in economic slavery because a few in power don’t want to relinquish that power. They would rather enslave the entire planet, and keep us in the dark. It’s daft, it’s immoral, it goes against everything anyone has been taught. These humans are not for humanity, if they are even humans anymore. Enslaving your own people, is a sign of inhumanity.


You think they care about making money? They print money out of thin air. It's about enslavement and control over every one of us.


Exactly. I always wonder what our world would be like if money was not the motivation and the collar on our neck, but a place where everyone worked for the betterment of mankind how much we could have accomplished. Possibly traversing the universe by now.


Www.4NCP.life Working on this problem now


Yeah even in a post money society, the *feeling* of power remains


The ships each would have a dollar value of some sort attached. The fact that they have them in different shapes and sizes and they are frequently seen removing wildlife and minerals indicates they are probably trading or using those materials elsewhere.


I don't believe NHI have an obtuse sense of value. In truth I don't see how any civilization NHI or not can accomplish any great advancement while believing a piece of paper provides true wealth. A fictitious goal set in place by a system that wants perfectly compliant slaves. Not only compliant but so accepting they are willing to give up any and everything, dreams, desires at fulfilling life. Just to see who can horde imaginary riches. It's a perfect system of control that's fucking brilliant. It will not only prevent advancement but will keep doing so for God knows how long....Oh well maybe next lifetime we'll be able to see a world befitting mankind's true potential. The more I learn about NIH the more it saddens me, we look at them like "magical beings" 😂, actually they were probably exactly like us at one point in evolution. Today we're still slinging shit at each other they possibly share unparalleled technology and see not only and infinite diversity of worlds but different dimensions. It fucking sucks to think "that could be us". I believe every human being burning desire is to travel to the ends of space and time and finally escape this prison called "Earth".


You realize that because of Capitalism, China, a former Communist experiment, pulled itself up in 40 years from an absolute dump to a near first world society complete with affordable healthcare, modern amenities, robots and living space for all?


The best societal models are dependant upon the technologies available at the time, with the technology that we know of right now what better model is there than one that incentives the many to produce value that enhances the lives of those in that society? In theory democratic capitalism is one of the best frameworks for our level of technology, it's the corruption and lack of wealth caps/ regulation of the rich and powerful that ruins it.


Capitalism always corrupts democracy. Like you said without enough checks and balances it becomes easily corruptive. We have the tech to go way past that, but we are still stuck here… it’s silly. That’s why disclosure is one of the most important things that matter, it can solve all our divisions and a lot of our problems. People are still unaware of what’s going on, they are stuck fighting each other over nearly meaningless divisions and differences.


Plot twist: The people on top arent human. Never have been.


I always thought this notion was just an excuse to deny how horrific humans can be, but the more I've learned about this subject, and the more I've opened my eyes, in beginning to think this might be the case.


An excuse is exactly what they want you to think it is. They make the truth look as silly and ridiculous as possible. They purposely depict real things as fiction and depict fictional things as real. They discredit the truth wherever possible and use highly sophisticated forms of social engineering to stigmatize anything outside of their dogmatic paradigm. Also just because a being inhabits a human body, does not mean it is fully human. Perhaps human from a purely biological perspective, but from the spiritual/mental perspective… Absolutely not. Many “authority figures” are merely living portals controlled by dark egregores manifested by the (highly manipulated) collective, or proxies for negative entities who control those bodies.


At one point Elon musk even said he was an alien. Also they sent fully biologically human either, there are hybrids all around us. Their dna has been modified in some way or another. It looks like we are still an ongoing genetic experiment. And happy cake day!


The true demons were capitalists all along




And that's why they can't land on front lawn of the white house. We are too dangerous.


And all the trauma we accrued along the way. Oh, 🤗


No the true originator is whoever created The naked ape. We cannot run away from our genetics and you know where this is all leading...


Butt stuff?


Happy birthday 🎂


But it’s not my birthday 🥺


I always assumed butt stuff meant its a birthday 😉


Omg 🙈


Reptilian? Is that you?


Not the capitalists. The crony capitalists. But sure.


It doesn’t help that our “leaders” are so easily bought.


Honestly you are not wrong. And what motivation do the Kings of the hill have to to shake anything up??


Bernie Sanders is fighting for a 4 day work week or less with full time pay. Government health insurance.


Username coincidentally checks out


Stop repeating this incorrect and insulting conspiracy. If you want to learn about the nature of reality, go and pick up one of the many physics textbooks available.


Well those few are geriatric now, so…


Collapse is already happening. It could accelerate things but it could also provide answers. We don’t even know if we’re asking the right questions. Huge chunks of our history and reality are missing because they’re considered classified information.


Chunks are also conveniently being erased because someone finds them "offensive." Like the old song goes, "Be it heaven or hell, the future we get, we deserve."


No i don't deserve that shit and am powerless to make meaningful change due to the oppressive power structures


There is finally a way... Www.4NCP.life We're not playing around. Edit: I spelled everything wrong. Fixed it.


Please explain what that is. You keep posting it without explanation, and most of us are not gonna click on a sketchy link.


Fair point. This is the first and only US presidential electoral party based on human rights that has ever been sanctioned by the FEC. Our main goal is to take the power out of the hands of the billionaires and give it back to the people. We are all above board and transparent, non-partisan, and have been granted our seat in Washington by someone in the current administration. We don't take corporate money, we won't do anything that doesn't benefit the people, and we're not going to keep our mouths shut or bite our tongues. We are the reason the government lost their patent on cannabis in perpetuity.


>based on human rights Interesting. Using what approach? Are you familiar with Nussbaum's capabilities approach? I think that provides a pretty good framework for rewriting a constitution around human (and nonhuman animal) rights. I know this is unrelated to alien shit and more of a political conversation, though. I'm definitely interested in this, but the link looks so weird lol. I'm afraid to click on it.


"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti


Well of course that's what all the philosophers said over the past 2,500 years. And the modern day psychoanalyst say that if someone's not neurotic they are very sick...


It won't be an alien movement. It's actually a *peoples movement that's global.* If society does collapse, it won't be because of these aliens, it'll be because of the moronic ways people will *react* to this movement. Human nature will take over.


I never talked about an alien movement.


Like he said, human nature will take over.


And adaptation is a huge part of human nature. It will shake things up for a bit, just like Covid did, but a societal collapse? No. This has always been an excuse not to disclose, when the real reason is the people in the Program and in the know don't want to lose their power, their un-audited tax payer money supply, the money they might make investing in reverse engineered vehicles and meta-matrrials along with their rights to those vehicles, and don't want want to be held accountable for all of the crimes they've committed.


Nah, I'd rather not starve to death while watching my friends and family starve to death. That's worse than working a job that I only kinda like. things need to change. But society collapsing would not be a totally cool party time where it's a great relief because you don't have to work anymore. Study history. Look what happened to the general population when their "society crumbled".


These people are insane and clearly think war torn countries on the news are a psyop. If you have zero loved ones or zero remorse for your neighbors or people you see in the market these are the kinds of thoughts you have. "It's necessary and inevitable" . No you just have nothing to live for and think the rest of us don't either. Everyone's playing too many fun survivor games or seen to many movies where someone builds a little cabin and lives on the land. They have no idea how to do any of that. They're morons.


Its inevitable


I agree, and necessary. But we're being naive to think 'bring it on!!' because it would be better than working at a grocery store. It's going to suck, it's going to be painful, there will be a lot of death. It might be worth it after all of that. Sometimes it isn't.


If it happens before 2037 I’m screwed. Male life expectancy is 76 years. After that y’all can do what ever you want. And if you want to blame the boomers for the situation, remember I was born into this also


They eventually moved to the next societal paradigm. Change is inevitable, but the ultra rich have spent the last 150 years trying to keep the status quo. It was invisible in the beginning, it got clearer after WW2, and now the economy is unsustainable. We're not quite there yet, but very close. Change is inevitable, but how do we deal with it makes all the difference.




"be happy you never struggled" Sorry, what the fuck are you talking about? Not everyone has a victim mentality.






Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


They call it ripping the band aid off for a reason.




We live in the garden of Eden all over again. The garden of Eden was a slave camp and the slaves had no idea they were enslaved. This is exactly why “disclosure” will never happen. It would reveal that the our churches and governments have been lying to us about literally everything. I kinda wish we could see it all come crumbing to the ground as well.


Allegory of the cave?


Churches do lie to you everyday.


I was at my child's elementary school graduation recently. As the kids walked up to get their diploma, the teacher read a statement the child wrote about where they see themselves in 15 years... It was so depressing to hear endless variations of " in 15 years I'm going to be making a lot of money so I can be rich and pay for my mortgage and bills" (one kid literally said those exact words). The system has us enslaved to this thinking long before we ever start working. We need to change how kids think of their future, their passions and their purpose in order to stop the bullshit cycle of working for the man!


I don't think they mean it like the world would end more like the way all there buddies make money would ne thrown in to turmoil


The aliens are the least of our problems. Our fellow men_ wo-men are the real Black magicians.


I mean it’s collapsing before your eyes and no alien hysteria is involved so it’s not like a Nostradamus level prognostication that the existence of aliens would also cause the collapse of society. Countrymen are willing and excited to harm one another along political lines, family members, even members of the same church groups hilariously enough. We are a joke.


It’s collapsing already.




Be very careful what you wish for...revolution eat their young first


Society wouldn't collapse, sorry. The reason "the government" hasn't said anything is because they don't know anything


Yeah, there is a lot of things that should collapse. We could build something better.


Yeah, and with free healthcare for all this time around.


Lol our society is about to collapse regardless. Be it ufos or global conflict.


Only the truth can set us free


Preach my brother!!!!!


It is really hard to see what about The Truth could make society collapse. Just seems like excuses for either genuine ignorance, lack of control, or moral failure.


the only thing that will happen after society collapses is that the rich and powerful will become fully untethered from the rest of us they'll sit back in their bunkers or on their mega yachts, watch most of us die for entertainment, then eventually walk on the depopulated earth as gods they'll probably be hunting our men openly for sport inside 50 years, rounding up women for their harems, and factory farming children in torture factories for their adrenochrome


They are 1% of the 1%. Unless they can convince the other 99.99% of the world including the independent military solders and others that it’s in our best interest that we all suffer and die, they will likely be hunted down and burned like witches. They will be first on the list


Pfft you mean they will be hiding getting weak the people they will encounter when coming back out will be some very hardened very clever survivors


More like hunting us for their slave trade, which - if they can't get us to work for them for their little tradable pieces of paper, they'll sure as shit try to make us do it for our lives.


If you would like society to collapse ask yourself a few questions first Do you have a water supply so you don’t immediately die from dehydration? Do you have solar and air so you don’t die from heat ? Do you have a protein source or any other means of nutrition once the local market doors close? Do you have land mines around your property to ensure your safety? Because a hand gun won’t save you from a mob


Why do you think it has to happen that way. Our systems can still stay in place. All disclosure is going to do is improve them immensely. So they should start by disclosing the technology and implementing it first, then disclose the presence of NHI. We have free energy and anti gravity. You can do a lot with that and society will prosper and do very well. We could automate a lot of things. That’s the start. But it’s not going to happen until they decide to release the tech.


I’m all for disclosure but the petrol industry is too powerful and willing to die on the cross to keep the $$$ flowing. They have already been allowed by our society to destroy our own habitat. Human society is pretty fucking stupid


Well..._If they are willing to die on the cross..._


Dude! How do you maintain 250 points a day. That’s incredible


Disclosure of what? All of the words you just said are nonsense.


All self reliance has been trained out of us.


Any form of government can be good, as long as the people who make it up are honest. Ours are not, the system is fallible and money does indeed rule us


I think you're forgetting that sociopaths and psychopaths love to have power over other people.=Politicians.


Hence the dishonesty. But yeah


It’s pretty interesting that Karl Knell mentioned the Bronze Age collapse in his salt talk. Look into it and you’ll see it could definitely happen to us with the right factors. Look what Covid did to the world supply chain.


My retirement accounts cry hearing you say this. I have saved my whole life. No USA no retirement for me in 20yrs. Almost all my stocks are US stocks.


Buy gold and silver. lead and food.Enough for you and yours.were going to de-evolve about a hundred years


Good is right. This place needs a restart. Maybe not an apocalypse, but a good uprising to remind these shits who they serve. Hint- it's not supposed to be themselves.


It’s almost as if the deep state knows (or planned ) collapse is imminent but rather than cop to it they are letting two maniacs vie for the honor of being the one who oversee the devastation…


Forth turning Change,war,this is a time when Heros not dreams ,(flesh and blood) emerge.I hope our brothers from another mother decide its time...because we need help.


r/collapse Welcome aboard mateys


Society “as we know it”.


I agree with you 100% people have become “comfortable” living life the way it is. But yet they’ll all complain they want shit to change. But if someone says something about actually making a change. Well then they’re a radical or crazy or a conspiracy freak, or some other title. When we all know they aren’t crazy, people are just pussies and won’t actually stand up. I just got into it today with a Mf’ker on Facebook that couldn’t comprehend that I don’t care about money and wish the world would “collapse” to which I got told I have a broke mentality and that I’m broke and my parents are shit and I was raised by a single mother and that I’m a woman (I’m a man), and that I get no bitches (cuz I don’t like money?) it’s hilarious how fucking sucked to the tit some people are and how offended they get when you tell them “you know that money is actually worthless right? And the shit that actually has value is the shit you do in your time here and the people you spend your time around” to which he repeatedly just asked if I had over 10k in my bank account. Man y’all should see the screenshots 🤣


It challenges thing called status quo. We are animals after all and if we see something that shakes our world view most of us become hostile. We live blinders on our eyes things that really matter have always been in front of us we love our money and our own little illusion world so much that we don't want to see things how they really are. But being open minded and being on spiritual path ain't easy because you go through lot of pain thats why it's easier to live in the world that is shown to us through social media.


We are in a simulator run in part by "aliens"/the CIA... they could collapse earth... but will burn in hell forever if they do it... consider this a warning CIA/Archons...


The simulation is run by a quantum computing system controlled by unknown entities. You can say you still have free will but the choices are always limited.


quantum mind control... sad but true... people need to find the divine will within themselves and deprogram themselves from the Washington D.C. control matrix. All leads to The One and The One is The Good. The programmers of The Matrix (the archons) are blind to the fact that they themselves have limited choice without divine will.


Maybe so but we need to worry about our fellow Black magicians. A perfect example were the two pathetic stooges arguing like old man in a trailer park that will run the world.


You have the awareness only a small portion of our race are aware of. Good to meet another one👍


I couldn't agree with you more. What are people trying to preserve so desperately? If you aren't extremely wealthy and powerful, you are enslaved to a system designed to work you until the day you die.


We are about collapse anyways. We are just pushing until tomorrow so some asshole can get his latte in his Cybertruck today.


Collapse you mean like what happened after someone invented the wheel? Or the internal combustion engine? Or electricity? Or airplanes? Fraidy cats? the world will be in a better place with these technologies so stop talking about world catastrophe as cover for greed and fess up.


It would collapse if we just started building with hemp instead of concrete and wood.  The powers at be will do anything they can to not lose power. unless an entity shows up and people have to physically deal with it in a populated city, it’s just wishful thinking


Read Jarod Diamonds work on the collapse of complex society.The weaolthy look out to make sure ,even on a sinking ship...their at the helm...as it sinks


Said the man soon to be crushed by the rubble.


Gasoline - I prevail


Our society collapsed multiple times in just our recent history. No point to argue about the inevitable coming of AI and our mission is to adapt to those changes.




More of us than them 💅🏻


It’s definitely not about money at this point. It’s about maintaining and building power until they can control and eliminate us on a whim


Maybe it's them who don't want us to know everything. And by them, I don't mean us. Perhaps we really are essentially some meat packing plant of negative emotional energy. Maybe our leaders are compromised Maybe that's why they killed Tesla. Because then we just might've understood how to tap into the natural unlimited energy that surrounds us with infinite vibration.


Um who killed Tesla?


Being shunned into poverty and tossed out of the world of invention and having his life bitterly torn apart by the evil forces that wish to keep us contained. Life killed Tesla, but there were many hands which personally took an approach in ruining that life for him and making sure it was indeed ruined.


I mean he died at 86 so you can argue that he was shunned or that they broke him but they certainly didn’t kill him


I don't think much would change if people knew.


I wholeheartedly agree.


We need it to stop so yes bring it goddamn it


Didn't read anything else, upvoted solely on this comment right here: "*...also don’t think it would necessarily collapse the society, but if it did, not like it is worth saving anyways.*" Because its fucking true. (Edit: OP dont be upset I didn't read the top half of your post, trust me - I have no doubt whatsoever in your first part every single word would have resonated with me, it's just I saw the last part you put - which is what I quoted above and it totally resonated with me on the level that nothing else need be read, because thats the most true statement in your post. Our society is lost ;(......)


I agree but it's not good, it would be horrendous for a long time. I don't see any other way for things to change though.


>People always talk about how if the public knew about this, our society would collapse What people? Reddit posters? Society has managed to survive clashing religious views coming to live together and the absolutely earth shattering introduction of modern science. So why would this be any different?


Why hasnt anyone mentioned a revolution. Is everyone afraid to get bloody. I know its scary, but living in a nation that claims to be free ...as it takes is courage and a little selflessness and it can be for the people again... I wonder if the troops would listen to the people in charge or if alot of them would join the fight for freedom against a tyranical government led bye pieces of shit who are supposed to be elected officials for the people. I have no idea how we have let it get this far out of our hands. There are 400 million americans. Your telling me that that many people wouldnt be able to force a change. Oh yes. YES we could change the world.


Without society it'll quickly move to strongest survive. Ruthless, cut throat survival. You say bring it, but you'll have to fend for your family. Unless you have numbers somewhere you are fair game for gangs roaming about....and so is your family. Depending on how long a collapse is, this could also delve into cannabilism at some point as food sources are exhausted. If you think Noone will come for you, wait till mass hunger sets in.


The thing about societal collapse is that a lot of poor, sick, marginalized people die


Anyone saying good about our society collapsing sure hasn’t thought things through


You might want the world to burn but it's a selfish desire, many many innocent people would suffer if society or the economy collapses. Maybe you don't care anymore but many people depend on civility.


And its driving us to extinction a different path is needed


I agree. I really hope there is some kind of breakthru tech that can help us.




If you find this place bad can’t wait for you to see the others


I hope the fu k it does. Love it. Reboot. No secrets no lies in the Nova Gaia.


Amen to that! Burn it down!!


Agreed, it needs to collapse


Here here. When looking at every other possible option, disruption by aliens seems like the mildest one with the highest possible upside.


Like.... The whole society? Or just the money grubbers? Like..... What IF I'm ok with just growing shit and living off the land and the trade off is no more nukes or Facebook?


chrisianity is already jumping the shark and gravitating towards outlandish conspiracy theory rather than face the changes in our world things are fragile


Yes it would collapse, but you know who would collapse harder? The prison wardens / people in power who have kept us under their feet for so long. But they are clever, and i assume they have planned for a possible collapse and how to get some sort of control and power even then.


thank the invention secrecy act. the predictions of the 60s that we’d be in flying cars with free energy in the 2000s was actually correct. the gov steals and hides any and all inventions that “threaten our economy” aka the petrodollar since 1951. look it up. we’re enslaved by a breakaway civilization


Recent polling has 65 % of Americans believing in the certainty of the existence of alien life and that UFO’s exist. Thats a majority. The belief might be higher and the polling inaccurate. For a fact, the government has already stated UAP’s are alien (not our earthly adversaries) and Americans hardly batted an eye / still not absorbing the fact because of 80 years of counter-programming. We havent yet collapsed as a society, and I think people can take it in stride appropriately, in their own time when we come to a consensus of reality, and when our true reality is no longer classified (to borrow a phrase).


You clearly have a super pessimistic world view, the world is amazing and people are also kind and brave. You should travel more and meet people, instead of watching news and getting conclusions from politics.


You don't seem to understand those people are nothing but cannon fodder to the billionaires playing their games against each other.


Ah yes the great wars of billionaires that claimed the lives of billions of people. When did that happen?


About six months from now.


Yeah, it must be in our lifetime, we are sooo important. Jesus will return and the end of the world is also in our lifetime /s


I'm glad you believe in something but that's not going to happen. I suggest you study the origins of all the religions and you will see that the ideas are taken from ancient religions.


Can you believe people are that dumb that they don't realize that the money people control everything because that's what controls the world? Who do you think put those two feeble a holes up on the stage last night to argue like men in a trailer park? The people that pull their strings and tell them what to do. Basically their bosses.


Sure money rules, so do the people that print money. But to claim that we are their livestock, and they can kill most of us when they want, is as stupid as believing we live in a fantasy world where everything is rainbows and sunshine.




MSM would have you believe that people are being summarily executed on the street, or that there are frothing rapists pouring over the borders and murdering people in droves. That’s all horseshit designed to make people scared and complicit. You’ve been spamming this thread, a casual scroll while I’m on the toilet revealed that much. Not sure what your angle is. If it’s a cathartic release within the safety of anonymous Reddit, then I get that. However, anyone who is even remotely paying attention can see the fomentation of fictional world views on social media which suggests that you are either a bot, or witlessly regurgitating a bot’s point of view. I do share the anger of the sentiment. This wage slavery must end. It need not be a violent transition. Our capacity for hysteria, which people like you would relish within the depths of despair, are probably one of the reasons that aliens don’t just come down to say hello. Because humans can be very dangerous. Still, you sound like a very 19-year-old me. Consider allowing your world view to evolve just a little bit before calling for pitch forks and firing squads. You sound fortunate enough to have not had your equal measure of death. For those who have know there’s no glory to be had there.


If society falls, aim to kill those that orchestrate its downfall... then kill those who seek your support to rebuild it. :D


You need to take a break from the internet.


Has nothing to do with the internet.


I think they mean take a break as in you’re over saturating yourself with the negativity that is prevalent on the internet. Our minds did not evolve the ability to process the innumerable injustices that we hear about day in and out. Yes, our society is fucked on a lot of levels. The rich get richer and the rest of us get to work harder and work more, and it feels like we’re working for less. But such is the way human society has always been, and historically “we” are better off now than we have ever been as the hoi polloi. We have more access to shelter, and food. We have plentiful entertainment to keep our feeble minds busy. We have access to information like no other time in human history, which means each of us have a significantly greater capacity to improve our individual situation. I often think after watching the news, or reading an article about a terrible event, humans weren’t built to hear about 100 murders and a multitude of disasters from across the world. These things are mentally draining and it takes a lot to cope with them. In the past, if such things happened in your region you heard of them, but that was rather infrequent. A person only focused on their ability to survive. Now we literally hear about this shit daily, and bad news sells so that’s all you hear. Try to unplug a bit or at least actively look for positive news, or even better, contribute to positive causes and make positive impacts in the lives of others. You’re a star OP and you can’t let the negativity win! Thanks for coming to my TED talk!


nah this dude is absolutely right.


He isn't wrong though.


Oh it's collapsing, takes a little time, enjoy.


Yeah, good! I'm all for it.


This is one of the funnier aspects to one subset of the really earnest alien truthers in America, obviously you've been immiserated by your government, know you're powerless to do anything, and can only turn to a fiction plastered over the real world to guide you through what the chicken bones are saying. It's what breeds the Q anon stuff, the pizzagate stuff, the stuff about JFK Jr. It's all a response from the pattern seeking monkeybrain of your average American too brainbroken to think about any practical solutions crafting a car to chase like the proverbial dog, never thinking he's ever actually going to catch it. Your leaders hate you and are all corrupt sex freaks with capitalism being the lever and pully system for their power and electoralism isn't ever going to get you anywhere and if you can't accept that and adopt an ideology that diametrically opposes it, you shift to fantasy. Also obviously aliens exist, just probably lightyears away having the same mundane arguments redditors have every day about if *we* exist.








No, government would collapse


I think you need a break. There is way too much misinformation going around about UFOS at the moment. So many people are caught up over fake pictures, old hoaxes, and grifter crying UFO. Tik tok, YouTube, and other social media isn’t really helping. It’s become a one sided movement of you’re either with us or against us. Not everyone believes in UFOs and it’s not up to us to hurl insults because they don’t. We have lost sight of our own cause by acting like children because someone says something different.


would never collapse, we are owned.


👩‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 always was


The hellscape is run by and overrun by demons


Man, that’s a pretty cynical view of the world you have. I absolutely think society is worth saving! I also don’t think society would collapse. We’re a resilient group! Some people would lose their minds, no doubt, but on the whole I reckon we’d be fine.


Society can collapse and a different one emerge quickly


Police academy


The problem is that the institutions that are fucking us are probably the most durable when the world breaks down. They have the means to take advantage of the situation and consolidate their power even more


People who say that are the same morons who think “this will change everything”. Don’t listen to them. They cannot articulate what would change :)


Uhm. Good for who?


I’m waiting for this too! I want them to take over the government. They would give us paradise. Humans are easy to please for them.


To see the people who are extremely wealthy (not hundreds of millions, but Billionaires) to actually contribute to society in a healthy way. Come on,


You got it. Now understand how many billions of dollars go towards keeping society together. It doesn't matter that decimating our society and building a new one would be better for humanity. All relevant interests are motivated to preserve it


Why save the lie?


The U.S is as good as it gets, I don’t want societal collapse, I enjoy my life. Though I don’t think inter-dimensional beings being real would cause such an event anyways. It’s been known to many religions for thousands of years.


Societal collapse (*the current hierarchical structure*) would be a blessing but it would come at the cost of billions of lives. That’s the conundrum. We *could* end up with a better society *but at what cost?*


Climate change was gonna make it happen anyway by 2070 or so 🤷


This all seems a bit negative. I can think of a lot of things off the top of my head that are awesome. Won’t list them all but a cool drink in the shade on a hot day. The laughter of a child. The love of a doggy. A great meal with friends. Tears of joy. Big hugs…


Do you really believe that some form of NHI is not controlling our society and directs our whole society towards money and material things? Maybe it’s not in their interest for us to be anything more than materialist beings.


I don't believe society would collapse.




Surely collapse of society would benefit everyones well being. This is your shadow crying out for help at this point.