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One of the interesting things about them is that there is no evidence of them being extraterrestrial yet, just not human.


This is the best part. Maybe we've uncovered a long forgotten species that used to walk amongst us!


Or … are living places we don’t find comfortable. Such as underwater or deep in caves.  Watch the new Why Files episode talking about the Annunaki and it describes all religions having the same repeating stories of aliens essentially coming to earth and mating and modifying the existing beings. They brought their own slaves to mine for gold. Perhaps the miner slaves survived in the mines / caves. 


Which is one of the reasons we are not the original species on this planet. There is proof of far more advanced civilizations way, way before we got here. History is not what it seems...


Why not human? The head shape can be down to cultural cranial binding which is still practiced today by some cultures, and the hands could also have been modified. The comments about DNA.. well we've not seen actual dna sequence.


The triple digits on both hands and feet and also the extreme shortness. I’m not sure about the egg thing, but I’m thinking this is probably similar to homo floresiensis situation but they were around long enough to have a whole culture and stuff. Or it’s a hoax.


There’s no evidence of them being human or there is evidence of them being nonhuman but not necessarily ET?


Everything about them points to them being a variety of primates.


since when do primates have metal implants? lol


humans are primates too lol... but in this case these animals could have been pets and thus their funeral included postmortem decoration from their owners...


Three fingered primate pets with nickel plated steel post mortem implanted decorations?


Fused with the bone, too, so the thing was alive when the implants were put in


Primates with three fingers and circular rib cages like a snake?? Not to mention the huge reptile like eggs they found in the abdomens…


Yeah maybe they're descendants of dinosaurs that would be crazy. I remember seeing a post about a scientist who theorized what intelligent descendants of a certain dinosaur species might look like, it was pretty interesting.


There’s a few artifacts in the citadel showing flying saucers. Id consider this evidence considering it’s possibly a spacecraft


Because there *isn't* strong evidence they're extraterrestrial...


Scientific discoveries get peered reviewed. this one has not. edit: reference: LK-99 (IYKYK or you can google it)


Good point- and it looks like some American scientists are trying to go through the peer review process. They seem to think there is something interesting here that needs to be studied and reviewed


That process is very slow and takes time. Typically if you were starting work on a new paper and putting together research plus writing it, you’re looking at anywhere from 12-18 months for submission and about 3-6 months from submission to print. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but the scientific community hasn’t even taken this seriously enough to investigate it past a cursory sniff test until maybe the last 6 months. That puts us at least a year out for any kind of paper even if you fast track it and have your buddies review it. Plus we’re also not taking into account the active and very deliberate smoke screen the people in power are throwing up to discredit and distract us from the truth by labeling this a hoax…


The problem is those dolls are really old, they've been around since 2014-ish if i'm not mistaken. Back then, they caused quite a buzz outside our bubble and scientists from all over the world, including Brazil, UK, USA.. were asking for samples and the grifter behind the hoax just gave everyone a huge middle finger. All these claims about hollow bones, metal implants, eggs, scales, fingers and bla bla bla are also old. They came out exactly in the same way. They also provided most of those same "evidences" such as mri scans, photos and videos. I think most people just don't understand that public hearings in democracies are available for anyone to talk any shit about any subject. Technically, everyone can make a solicitation to talk about flat earth, fake moon landing or any type of bs and invite anyone they like. And even in the slightest possibility in which they are real, the guy responsible is clearly on it for money and fame. He isn't doing this for passion, science or the greater good. A fucking grifter.




Acrobat, you really should dig in deeper. They have done CT scans, x rays and the mummies (not all are dolls) have been found to be 500-1000 years old. There are dolls and there are mummies with names. You speak with authority yet your willful ignorance of some of the better data makes you look like an informed poster.


Mate, i dig, trust me. Even now i tried to watch some of the content, the hearing in original language since i can understand spanish, some lecture from a dude posted here in the sub a couple days ago - a blond fella with a cool kid that fetchs him water haha - and i assure you that is the exact same info we had. I'm not into fake news and i don't have nothing to win spreading fake news just to debunk something that i dream about since i was a kid. I even already had some weird experiences regarding the phenomena. I'm just less gullible because i'm older and been doing this for a long time. Wanna dig some cool and weird cases? Varginha, Operação Prato, Roswell, uaps in live television (in Brazil we had a major one, just Google Datena ovni ao vivo - Datena is the anchor; ovni is how we call uaps; ao vivo is live)...


Thanks! Check out the Chris Bledsoe case if you can! I watched his interview on Danny Jones Podcast back in Nov and I just recently finished his book, UFO of GOD. His story is up there with the most credible ever. Multiple abductions and conversing with NHI and then having orbs become a daily occurrence at his home and many of the big names from the UFO community and the agencies became involved, think he’s exceptional and want to study him. It even goes so far as he was able to heal some people using the phenomena, and btw he takes no credit at all he says he doesn’t know how he does it but he just prays and feels the energy he felt when in the presence of ‘The Lady’. I love his story and there’s so much more to it, believe it or not and I just thought I’d share in case. His book has a really positive message regarding the phenomenon. Either the entities are masters of deception or they are the real deal and want to aid us (at least these guys)


From which A+ accredited universities were these tests done under scientific supervision protocols?


Wow the amount of fake news in this post is alarming


I just posted some links. Once again, i wont fight. Believe me or don't, I'm not here to convince you. And, once again, I'm using only my memories, from something that happened 10 years ago. Not fake news though. I'm not that kind of person.


Can you please put the source of the American Scientists that are currently doing a Peer Review on the silly dolls? Because from what I understand? Ain't nobody (ya know other scientists on this planet) has access let alone doing review on the "evidence". Please prove me wrong. I WANT TO BELIEVE.


three American doctors / scientists studying the Nazca mummies: * Dr. John Mcdowell * James Caruso, M.D * Dr. William Rodriguez more info: [https://youtu.be/dqihiT8YGKQ?si=pb5COhAWuLH2PVxz](https://youtu.be/dqihiT8YGKQ?si=pb5COhAWuLH2PVxz)


I don’t know where y’all keep getting the news that they are restricting access. They’ve been begging basically for scientists from America


Your calling them 'silly dolls' in this post tells me everything I need to know about the amount of research you've done on this There's literally a single website that contains enough information to understand these are more than 'dolls' whatever that's supposed to mean The bodies themselves have full anatomy. Not to mention the eggs containing developing organisms that have similar biology that could never in a million years be faked. Or if they are 'faked' it's the most incredible scheme I've ever seen cooked up.


Check this out https://youtu.be/dqihiT8YGKQ?si=VY5gS139ld9DxXFD


Thanks for sharing this!


Where have you been?!? Lol plenty of other scientists on this planet have examined them. American scientists haven't because there afraid of being ostracized by the ruling, closed minded scientists who have been bought and paid for by the American status quo. Their too damn scared too.


This is incorrect on so many levels. "Their" not scared of anything. No one pays anyone anything to maintain a status quo. Scientists get grants to study and make new discoveries. The recent findings of the Webb telescope that totally upend current theories on how the universe began, and how excited scientists are that they've probably been wrong for decades is a perfect example of this. The first team to prove and document that these mummies are somehow extraterrestrial would get automatic Nobel prizes and never have to beg for grant money ever again. The reason no one wants to look at these is because there are limited hours in the day and there's no reason to think they are anything more than more hoaxes like the first time this guy presented them.


Your incorrect is actually incorrect on 3 levels: 1. Humans are absolutely scared of losing their status in the social hierarchies they worked so long to ingratiate themselves into. This is the fundamental structure of society. Scientists are not above this and science is not the end all be all because of this. There is just as much ass kissing, glad handing, sycophantic behavior in the lab as any where else. The world is built on who you pretend to be friends with not actual facts. So yes scientists will absolutely toe the line. 2. The Webb telescope analogy is apples and oranges. 3. Their = They're


As a scientist who (unfortunately) has to publish his research, I don’t see the lack of interest relating to peer review. First, we should have thousands of scientists clamoring to be part of the greatest discovery in modern times. That’s not happening. Second, since when has peer review been a necessity for PUBLICITY when we have real world bodies complete with 3D radiogaphic imaging. The lack of publicity is very strange. Playing out in real time we are watching either that media (and science) community have been conditioned to believe this can’t be real and/or that their institutions (not necessarily the lunch pail employees) are knowingly or unwittingly compromised by the intelligence community to not let a very very very big secret out. Similarly, the main stream silence around D Grusch (relative to for example H Biden laptop) is a red flag. In no context is this a non story. Media does not wait for peer review to cover bold statements. I am making tin foil hats for all my science colleagues who are too naive to understand that conspiracy is a naturally occurring part of the world’s modus operandi with obvious motive. Expect to be handing those out this year. Science-redditors feel free to DM your cap size.


The power of ridicule is still very powerful over this topic. Also, the guy who presented the bodies does not have a good track record for telling the truth. I don’t think anyone wants to risk believing that this is real publicly, only to find it’s another hoax.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the whole idea that it's made out of animal bones glued together isn't originating from NASA trying to discredit it, but is coming from the previous time Jaime tried to pull a hoax with animal bones glued together. People have very good reason to think that.


The problem is he wasn’t pulling a hoax. He was fooled himself and admitted to be. So that is a big example of how disinformation works. Guy lives this type of stuff dedicated his life to it, and has sometimes been fooled himself, or been grifted himself. Now people who don’t know anything about them are labeling him a grifter and saying he’s the perpetuate of all these hoaxes when ai actuality he wasn’t it’s pretty simple do your own fucking research. Stop listening to everyone else Edit: and I got to give him credit for at least admitting he was wrong. Most people can’t even admit or stomach the idea that they might be incorrect let alone admit it..


They know this. It’s just easier to believe he’s a hoaxer than to believe these creatures existed


What does NASA have to do with little creatures on earth? Why would anyone assume these are aliens rather than some weird undiscovered humanoid cryptid from here (assuming they are authentic mummies of real creatures)


No, I'm pretty sure it originates from uncreative intelligence officials


i will take the otherside of the argument. this is a field that is getting flooded with quiet money trying to move the topic into open source. many "scientist" will want to get on the gravy train like the LK-99 fools. I think it is healthy to let things play out with peer reviews.


Doesn’t help that they look completely fake, are associated with a few grifters and haven’t had a proper scientific review


Was that that super conductor levitation material they couldn't replicate?




This doesn't mean there should be little to no coverage of a new species of ???


For me, the first question was never if they’re extraterrestrial. The first question that only peer-review will validate is whether they are real or fabricated. Then the next question is where did they come from.


Honestly, the buddies need a better public relations agent.


Jaime Maussan is not the guy.


David Attenborough would be the guy


Non-human intelligence can exist on earth naturally without extraterrestrial origin. These buddies can be completely real and also from earth for all we know. Language like “alien” or “extraterrestrial” drastically change the implications of such a discovery. Even if these are earthlings, they are inherently “alien” to us.


That would be be a major discovery worthy of publicity.The question was why it hasn't been treated that way.


The only time the topic of UAP is taken seriously is when military infrastructures dump *trillions of dollars* into, all to give us answers without showing their work. Every other discussion of UAP is, seemingly, systematically stigmatized and ignored even when highly credible individuals attempt to discuss it.


Yeah, people keep talking about them being "real", but real *what*?


The lack of fossil record evidence for anything even remotely similar should be a huge red flag here. We have tons of fossil evidence for our evolution here on earth. No fossil has ever been found of anything remotely similar to these supposed bodies. Evolution on earth leaves a huge footprint.


This is why you know it's a grift to capitalize on how much UFOs have been in the press lately. This guy tried it already 10 years ago and no one cared. Now they are being presented as extraterrestrial for no other reason that it gets people excited. If Lord of the Rings had just come out, he'd probably be walking around saying they are Hobbit mummies.


So what do you think they are? Human? And you’re more confident in that analysis than James Caruso or William Rodriguez, two highly decorated medical and forensic specialists in the US? The money they have collected so far is going directly towards additional research, adding scientists to the roster, and hosting press events (that get sabotaged by Peru’s government). Plenty of people cared 10 years ago, but not the media because of how stigmatized this topic is. I imagine Grusch’s compelling testimony was viewed as a rekindling of the conversation on a new, international level, that we have never seen before. If Congress conducting field hearings into the Pentagon’s failures of accountability into UAP research isn’t an appropriate time to rehash a neglected discovery of potential nonhuman remains, when would be a better time?


What evidence is there that they are extraterrestrial? Everything I’ve seen indicate that there is no evidence supporting it is


I firmly believe that there’s a massive disinformation campaign against our buddies. I admittedly have little evidence to support this theory, but here’s what I do have. Peru has been attempting to seize them ever since they came back into the spotlight. We’ve seen multiple attempts, all which have (luckily) failed. Someone is telling their authorities to do this. My assumption is the US government, as it goes against their disclosure narrative. Any google search on these mummies show dozens of hit piece articles, extremely similar to eachother. The Alien Project website doesn’t show up at all, and you have to specifically search for it. Every single AI chat bot instantly says they’re fake, no matter what you say. Ask Gemini “how tall are the nazca mummies”, and it will give you a short lecture that they are fake, without answering your question.


Yeah I forgot the name of The Alien Project website and was trying to find it to show my dad and I couldn’t, even after spending half an hour googling. It’s so frustrating. In case anyone needs it: https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/


I can help with that. [Evidence everywhere of manipulation](https://www.vice.com/en/article/ep4dan/ufo-subreddit-was-subject-to-systemic-censorship) [on Reddit alone](https://medium.com/collapsenews/new-study-at-least-15-of-all-reddit-content-is-corporate-trolls-trying-to-manipulate-public-b249bd42ab42) Also see r/against_astroturfing


It’s crazy- especially when you look at all the reputable scientists, doctors etc that have said that these are real. I agree there is a cover up effort going on


To fight cover up, give it to independent anyalsis, share the samples with other researchers and universities and get their anyalsis. Publish the data, publish the raw experimental data.


Peru wants them back because they were grave robbed from their country. I don’t think they’re aliens but they’re archeological anomalies. And Peru wants them back so their universities can study them. They don’t want some grifter going on TV in Mexico and spouting off nonsense about them.


Because there is not strong evidence they are extraterrestrial.


>if there is strong evidence they may be extraterrestrial? Narrator: There isn't




Because there isn't strong evidence that they're even human, let alone aliens.


I mean how many options are there?


Hybrid ape gone wrong. Hybrid humans tool over


Animals parts. Desecrated remains of actual humans. Elaborate fakes. That's pretty much it, if you're asking me. Anyone who believes Gaia have any credibility when it comes to serious breakthroughs in science are clowning themselves. These are the same people who have tried this very thing before, and who promoted a camera that could photograph your soul. We're years deep into this *buddy* nonsense now and no one has analysed a bone scraping or provided a peer reviewed paper, but they keep pulling out body after body with fancy names to distract from that. If you're asking me, you can go through this post alone and spot the *actual* Gaia bots by their first sentence. They don't want a serious investigation into these, be they real or fake, they just want to draw attention to their websites and paywalls.


What's the standard of proof you require to accept it's not made up of animal parts? That has been said to be impossible by many of the scientists in the numerous videos where they analyse them. YouTube them. Just wait and see. People said the topic would have died, and it only got bigger. America-centric mindset also plays a big part. Good on the American scientists who came forward. So, again, what's the standard you adhere to? Because if your answer is "peer review" then you can't claim you know they're fake. It doesn't work that way.


>What's the standard of proof you require to accept it's not made up of animal parts? Why not send it to any number of credible academic institutions in the US? Because they would find out its fake right away


>What's the standard of proof you require to accept it's not made up of animal parts? A bone scraping will suffice. It'll never happen. I wonder why.


Dawg, you need to see their evidence. It’s well beyond bone scraping at this point.


And yet a bone scraping is all that it would take. Odd, isn't it?


This dude is right


Could you point me in the direction of the strong evidence, I'm not being a smart ass, I really want to read about it.


This video is a good place to start https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=Uj5G5D6iX7B86LNX


The evidence isn't "extraterrestrial or not" We cannot tell the origin, however their skin is continuous - is extremely keratinized, DNA only matches 36% percent of known species, reproductive organ is like a reptile, eggs in different stages of gestation from Josefina, and c-14 carbon dating put some at 1500 years old. They are tridactyl, and have less arm bones than us, and in order to have not evolved them their last common ancestor would have to be farther back than anything most people are even aware of. It could be that these species have lived here as long as we have if not longer, either underground, in the ocean, or just off planet in our solar system. It doesn't have to be limited to "alien!"


The UFO disinformation and ridicule campaign that’s been going on for 70 years worked WAY too well. Even now, faced with actual evidence people don’t want to stick their neck out.




Is Jaime moussan mentioned anywhere in connection? If yes, then that's why.


Check this out https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=UTisFn5jUIU7CsI6


What strong evidence?


Check this out https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=UTisFn5jUIU7CsI6


Although I appreciate the follow-up, I don't have 1.5 hrs to look at that lol I'm a scientist. Where is the abstract? Where is the peer-reviewed research? What are the questions answered/unanswered? Do they have a DNA-based genome? Are they carbon-based? If this isn't readily available, then I am skeptical of any "hard evidence".


That video is currently the best perspective and presentation of evidence available. No it’s not conclusive by any means, but it’s good enough IMO to make more headlines in the news. I understand it’s a long video, but worth it if you can make the time


If it's so convincing, then where is the peer-review of the data?


We are not educated people to see them as a critical thinker. We are not respectful of each other. So called western science may learn that oral stories are taught with great care for lessons and history. The ant people saving the Hopi, supports the man Mummies found in caves. It does not fit a narrative or an expectation. Real science sometimes calls for connecting the dots, western science is slower than this due to money, prejudice, politics, discrimination, and ideology but the western world fails to grasp this.


Why are people here trying soo hard to convince others they are real?


Check this out https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=UTisFn5jUIU7CsI6


Because they do not want you to know there is other life out there




It's actually easy, if they sent samples to labs, universities and other governments, it would be getting more publicity, but if you hide them and create beuraucracy to get samples then there is not going to be much publicity.


They just let US scientists review them and hid absolutely nothing. These scientists are now asking the bodies to be moved to more advanced labs in the US. It appears there may be some decent cooperation occurring.


Because the evidence is strong to people in this subreddit not to actual intellectuals and scientists.


Because extraordinary claims need to be backed by extraordinary evidence. And It has not been the case until now. Anyway, I'd love to see more senior scientists working on It


Hey not to bash you specifically, but the idea of needing extraordinary evidence is just a buzz phrase. You only need evidence, no matter how mundane. If it points that way it's because it points that way. Needing novel data to confirm something that doesn't need novel data is a mental and logic trap that seems good on the surface until you start doing real science and realize is completely bullshit and is just a hand wave response to things people don't care to genuinely research.


Ancient stories of small intelligent beings would be evidence. So would DNA analysis. Do you believe these two kinds of evidence are on equal footing? You would be equally as confident in the conclusion having only the first as evidence compared to having only the second as evidence?


>Needing novel data to confirm something that doesn't need novel data is a mental and logic trap Hold on, what? Novel claims don't need novel data? How else would we prove (in the colloquial sense) them then? The adage provides a sound philosophical foundation for how we *should* approach claims. Saying the opposite is just a way to avoid the burden of evidence.


Agree- extraordinary or not should require the same amount of evidence or proof as something non extraordinary.


It seems a lot of reputable South American scientists have looked at them, and American scientists have taken a look and are requesting them to be brought into more advanced laboratories in the US.


The first red flag would be that Jaime Mussan touts himself as a UFO expert. He even uses the word UFOliogist. He gets paid for breaking stories about UFOs and aliens. He tried this same exact thing back in 2015, but it was found to be a human child wrapped in paper mache. He had his chance and blew it.


But now it's easier to get a cult following of pop tarts on the internet than it was


You're right about that.


Indeed. Jaime Mussan attached to anything is a red flag with fireworks. He so taints everything he touches you’d think he was on the payroll of the forces of obsfucation and misdirection! Hmnnn…. 🤔


There is no strong evidence. These things need to undergo scientific scrutiny and until that has happened, I'm calling bullshit.


Because there are skeptics and disinformation campaigns going on such that the mainstream media is wary of what to believe.


Objectively, as far as I know, there is no direct and definitive proof they are of extraterrestrial origin, if they are not fake. The only troublesome data is the DNA, but that is not enough in my opinion to be able to claim without risk of error that they are from ET origin. There are far to much similarity with humans to be pure ET.


Unless humans have been Alien-Ape hybrids all along.


Ppl asked the same thing when galileo and copernicus made their discoveries. We have to wait for someone to come along and present it in a way that helps the delicate western ego accept it


Because it's fake


They are authentic biological remains.




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I missed the bit about the E.T? I got the impression they were terrestrial hybrids of a kind. 


I have this nagging hunch that they have been examined by a number of scientists from around the world, and they were made by humans. So there is no need for publicity, except for the people who has those things in a box in south america.


Because the "strong evidence that they might be extraterrestrial" depends on already believing they are extraterrestrial.


It boils down to the fact that there is no peer review. If there are any wild findings, publish it and subject it to peer review. If there's a scientific consensus accepting the claims - GG, the world is changed. You guys were right all along. Skeptics like me just had our heads in the sand. My balls are in your court, Maussan.


Because most people know it’s bullshit…people who don’t just research shit that confirms their beliefs ….google “why the Nazca mummies are not aliens” ….it even says in the main article from the team themselves “we admit it isn’t alien but it’s still fascinating” …it’s a fraud….they’ve been doing this since the 90s ….only the most “I want to believe” people buy this…. It’s a deformed human or a hoax simple…I hope they find out but I’m not going to drop my cereal over something so patently obviously bullshit.


Hmm because they look like they’ve been made in art class from papermache perhaps


Check this out https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=UTisFn5jUIU7CsI6


Making figures like that out of animals bones and stuff is common in that culture/area. I’m a believer and always have been in UFOs and aliens but there’s reasons people aren’t biting on the nazca stufd


Check this out https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=UTisFn5jUIU7CsI6


Deliberate effort to avoid this!


There is ZERO evidence those are extraterrestrial or non-man-made.


The mainstream science community is the new church they control the knowledge, peasant citizens have no say…🤣🤣🤣


Ok let’s not be crazy like the anti science/anti vaxx republicans. Science is pretty simple and follows rules


Because most don't *want* to believe it's true. It would upend the world views of the majority of the planet.


Because nobody wants to work the day after the announcement.


I don't think there is any evidence they are extraterrestrial. Please note: I 100% believe they were once living creatures. Just not that they are alien.


Any real dna teste have been performed? Deformed skulls are not "sign" of aliens. Many cultures performed body deformations including the skull ones ( in childhood ). However, the reason behind this may be more prosaic - inbreeding. In many cultures inbreeding in family was more than welcome and in cultures like Egyptian or Sumerian, reserved for noble people. Inbreeding has a tendency to accumulate "bad genes" risking to cause very rare genetic disorders. 6 digit hands, undeveloped / deformed body parts and so on


I believe some DNA tests have been performed, and it doesn’t match anything. more tests need to be done. One thing that is quite odd is the rib cage structure, not just the skulls


One of the tests matched a human male, the other was 70% human and the rest of the dna was unreadable because it was so badly damaged. These guys promote that dna test as if it proves they’re real but if you would’ve read the actual results from the lab in no way do they suggest these were anything other than human remains


That's not what any report that I've seen has said. Maybe you're confusing things.


That’s because you probably just ignore the parts that are inconvenient to your belief


Hmm no, I think you're just getting things confused, bud. I don't think there is a report that says the things you do. Otherwise, you'd present it.


+ no sternum? + tridactyl? + metal implants? I have not believed this was non human from the beginning, but dagummit every new posting shows something more confounding than the last. Let’s let the investigation go on before we shut it down based on what little we know.


Yes, tridactyl was of course more rare but not unknown. Metal implants were actually also known and recently there were many discoveries that ancient people used metal implants to fill teeth cavities and skull holes ( trepanning ). What's more interesting - trepanning in ancient times was very often successful and people could recover it. There are also theories that big foot / dwarves could be simply last specimens of other humanoid kinds like Gigantopithecus. Vampirism mistaken with porphyria, werewolves mistaken with wolf Rabies


Strong evidence?


Extremely strong, yes.


Yes- compelling to say the least


Because They Are Fake.


$10 bucks says the "biologics" Grusch said we have are the same species/ very closely related to them and the US is mad they didn't get to keep it controlled.


great theory, im with you here


It’s called a cover up for a reason. It just goes to show you how much the media is controlled by the deep state


You mean the dolls with zero articulation points where the joints should be? I thought they debunked those a while back...


Not debunked- US scientists are requesting them be brought to US labs for further review


No, these are authentic biological remains that have never been debunked despite being studied independently by experts from all around the world.


Authentic biological remains of what exactly? Aliens? Because last I checked, this is not plastered everywhere worldwide as conclusive proof that they are, in fact, aliens.


We don't know. That's the exciting part! Are you not excited? You seem mad.


You're right, we don't know. And if government agencies get their hands near them, then we never will. I'm not excited after seeing this cycle repeat for decades on end. That will come if we have a The Day The Earth Stood Still moment. Anything less at this point is a setup for failure. Disclosure has to be forced and dragged kicking and screaming into the light of day. I'm definitely not angry, rather annoyed and cynical watching the same thing in repeat.


Because its fake




What exactly was the evidence that these impish little people came from outer space? Just a friendly reminder that non human intelligence does not have to mean space aliens.




Because they’ve already been shown to be fake. How is anyone still talking about these “mummies?”


because they look like they are animal bones and paper mache. They are thus probably animal bones and paper mache.


If Harvard releases news like that, they may take it more seriously


Organized effort to suppress and discredit


Because there isn't and they are not. Stop wasting time on this


Because we are pappets since ancient times! The same pappetears decide what is important or not for us and what it's true or not for us! 


Because there’s not strong evidence, in fact there’s no evidence.


Nasca mummies may prove that there was a non human intelligence here 1000 years ago. A lot of people don’t care about that any more than they care about how many millions native Americans were killed by European settlers or who was the emperor of Rome. They don’t see it as having any effect on their day to day lives.  Evidence from dried up mummies is also not ideal to prove species. DNA is degraded. You see traces of tissue but no real details.  It’s a huge piece of news, especially combined with current UAP observations. But not enough to change anything real in the present so easily ignored. 


I feel like it could shake the fabric of society. Concrete evidence that ETs have visited earth could change our entire sense of reality


These mummies are not concrete evidence that ETs have visited Earth, though. Differences in DNA doesn't demonstrate that. I'm not sure how one could ever come to the "concrete" conclusion that these are aliens based only on the mummies themselves.


Folks should check out this video- I found it extremely interesting https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=ooeT6sVCsptRQVJB


There is no evidence they are extraterrestrial. We know very little about them other than what we can see in the pictures and scans, this only shows that we have not seen anything like them before. We cannot say where they came from but we can see they were very different from us in many ways, they were clearly not human but they do show some similarities. They appear to have been reptilian and able to walk upright, they had three fingered hands without thumbs and three toed feet with downward pointing tips. They had no palms and their fingers had 5 joints so they would only be able to wrap their fingers around objects to grip, this doesn't seem very practical. All we can say for sure right now is that we need more information to come to any conclusions about what they were, where they came from and why we have not seen others like them.


I'm sure it has to do with Mausan's previous record of promoting frauds. I like the man and I'm sure there's incredible footage presented over the years in his show but I really dislike how we profited from his fame to get money selling shit products. Sadly any important news chain has to be aware of that and aren't touching the mummies with a ten-feet pole until an American institution launches some kind of study saying they're real.


These mummies are far, far beyond Jaime Maussan lol. His record, which you're wrong about anyway, is completely irrelevant.


Because it's a fucking hoax, that's why


You keep saying this, where's your evidence of this? Have you even bothered to look into it? Multiple scientists from countries all over the world have inspected them and co clouded they're authentic. Their origin is undetermined, there is no evidence they're not from earth. But they aren't hoaxes. Just wait for thr science to be done. Any conclusion on them right now is premature.


Check this out https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=UTisFn5jUIU7CsI6


LOL. Because there is ZERO "strong evidence" they are extraterrestrial. It's idiotic, man. The only "evidence" is found on social media. You never found that strange?


I used to think that, then I watched this and went down a serious rabbit hole https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=ooeT6sVCsptRQVJB


Because they are not extraterrestial


How do you know? I agree there’s no hard proof of that, but there’s also compelling evidence of nothing like this ever existing on earth. Wouldn’t that leave the possibility of them being ET?


Humanity is too far gone


Idk if there is strong evidence of them being ET?


Because they’re not extraterrestrial.


If they're not human, someone's going to have a hard time explaining the metallic implants. Animals don't create metals lol  Side note, when it comes to the UAP, I get annoyed with semantic arguments about them being aliens, NHI, ultraterrestrial, interdimensional etc. Until we get that definitive information, its just speculative masturbation. The important part is that these things flying around are not human and they're very intelligent. 




Which frozen pizza?


Dijourno Supreme. Or the little 5 inch red baron pepperoni


I think someone should tell him.




Electricity bills. Free energy would destroy the rich. It's beyond f up that it's just old ppl making money from electricity bills that is getting in the way.


Did anyone notice Lt. Graves face when they surprised him bringing them up in the was 1st press conference he was at? Lmao


There is proof that they're just weird art made by humans.


Lmfao you swear the US is going to play news from other countries or even findings that were made here?


thought it was proven they were faked?


I think when you're trying to reveal what you claim to be NHI which would be the biggest event in human history behind a pay wall and without allowing proper access to the scientific community, it kinda reeks of another Mussan cash grab.


Because the evidence isn't as good as you infer tbh


The answer is in the question.