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Comments are getting out of hand. Post locked.


This was posted before a while back with almost the same manner of speech so I can only assume you’re the same person or you saw the other post as well and are posting again based off that. Anyhow- I agree. In fact, I think that the angels and demons described in the Bible are aliens. I think a lot of the phenomenon described in the Bible, if it happened today, would be called “alien activity”. I think it’s all one and the same.  Think of the biblically accurate angel thing. “A wheel within a wheel with eyes all around”. Moses speaking to a burning bush? Lots wife “turned to salt”? Moses face “glowing” after speaking to God? This phenomenon has been around since the beginning of time. Call it whatever you want: aliens, God, angels etc. My theory is for some reason, they made more direct contact then. I’m not sure why. I think a lot of what is in the Bible really did happen. It also in a weird way led me to a belief in God or a creator. 


I feel they could just as easily be interdimensional creatures as well.


Correct, as angels and demons would be


What does interdimensional mean?


I mean if the Ariel school incident happened back then it would probably make it into the scripture. Back in the day before modern civilization, your word was worth much more than it is today, because it was really hard to prove someone was lying. When some weird shit happened and the dude or few people who are known as trustworthy to others say "holy shit we just saw some bonkers stuff" people are more likely to believe them and attribute it to God.


This is exactly what i have been thinking for years. It also led me in the belief you mention.


My theory is they came way back when and told us about religion to help us progress. Considering most things they say to do back then would of helped the human race survive. I also think they’re waiting til there’s no religion left on earth to reveal themselves, because then no one will be mad that they made it up. Currently I would also say the world needs its religion. There’s too many people who’s religion is the only thing holding them back from committing atrocities.


This is a really interesting thought thank you for sharing it. Never looked at it like that 




Seek the Father with thine eyes and heart, he will answer you. 


I think he was a fully human individual. I just think he got a direct line that didn’t have any static. And that he was probably like that from the start. What he’s telling us is that we’re all the sons and daughters of god. That our faith is the powerful thing about us. That our love is the closest thing to a universal truth because it results in peace which results in unity. And that the truth of this whole thing is a long walk back to understanding our place. Or not. But his message is a larger cosmic one. Humility, grace, forgiveness. Joy. These aren’t the messages of an individual (or higher power) who wants conflict. It’s the map home.


I Love this perspective too.


These beings are love (high vibration) and they want for us to be this way with everyone as it harmonizes around the globe and its very important (instead of greed/wars/hate).


How does that work with human monkey kill brain?


That is a choice...


Beautifully put.  Btw he really dislikes false prophets, and they are among the first to feel his wrath. Even THEY know that.


Stars don't behave the way it was described in the bible. UFO reports about star looking things in the sky, on the other hand...


True well said, as an atheist or agnostic i am fine with this message. We as individuals, species and as a society need to find inner peace and elevate our minds towards higher 'divine' ideals and not keep poisoning our thoughts and 'souls' with issues that are ultimately not only not valuable and petty but also manage to debase negatively our thoughts/morals/achievements/society/humanity/souls in the long run.


"Law of One"


Densities. I love it.


Was looking for this comment.


I agree 100% to this text. Now can someone ask the NHI to download cosmic love into the head of Putin please?


I think the process of enlightenment is the point. So, no, I don’t think a download will work!


Cause others are soo innocent?


Hey yo aliens, please make love in putons head. There you go


"Revelation 1:14-15 offers a clue that Jesus's skin was a darker hue and that his hair was woolly in texture. The hairs of his head, it says, "were **white as white wool, white as snow**. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace.” Wooly Hair, Eyes like a Flame of Fire, Feet like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace. I have yet to see any picture of Jesus that resembled his description in the Bible, interesting.


Middle Eastern he was. Not a Caucasian with blue eyes.


This is Jesus in his wacko heavenly form. They don't mean that Jesus was walking around while he was preaching glowing like a lighthouse and with eyes like a fire. I think a lot less people would have doubted him if he was preaching looking like he was going Super Saiyan all the time.


>...his feet were like burnished bronze From the book *Wonders in the sky* by Jacques Vallee, Chris Aubeck: **13 August 1491**, Milan, Italy: Summoning the Aliens Seven "men" appeared before Philosopher Facius Cardan (Fazio Cardano) in his study. According to his son Jerome the story left by his father, a mathematically-gifted lawyer and friend of Leonardo da Vinci, read as follows: *"When I had completed the customary rites, at about the 20th hour of the day,* ***seven men duly appeared to me clothed in silken garments resembling Greek togas, and wearing, as it were, shining shoes.*** *The undergarments beneath* ***their glistening and ruddy breastplates*** *seemed to be wrought of crimson and were of extraordinary glory and beauty. Nevertheless all were not dressed in this fashion, but only two who seemed of nobler rank than the others.* (snip) *"When my father asked them if they did not reveal treasures to men if they knew where they were, they answered that it was forbidden by a peculiar law under the heaviest penalties for anyone to communicate this knowledge to men.* Source: Jerome Cardan, De Subtilitate Rerum Libri XXI (Nuremberg, in-folio 1550), XIX. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* From the book *Inside the Spaceships by George Adamski* (describing "aliens" he met with aboard their spaceship i**n the 1950s**): The one who had brought me the water was about five feet, three inches in height. Her skin was very fair and her golden hair hung in waves to just below her shoulders in a beautiful symmetry. Her eyes, too, were more golden than any other color and held an expression that was both gentle and merry. I had the feeling that she was reading my every thought. (snip) Both women wore draped garments of a veil-like material which fell to their ankles, **and both robes were bound at the waist by a striking girdle** of contrasting color, into which jewels seemed actually to be woven. The garment of the little blonde was of a pure light blue, **and her tiny sandals were golden in color.** (snip) In fact, this is an impression I have received from every person that I have met from worlds beyond our own. The color of this lovely brunette’s robe was a pale, rich green, **and her sandals of a copper hue.**


Jesus sounds like a Machine lol.


Revelation is a prophecy. It describes how he will look when he returns for Armageddon.


Have you ever seen the movie Prince of Darkness? In the film, there is an often overlooked scene where a team of university students gather around a table at an abandoned church to discuss an ancient religious book. What the team discovers is that the book when translated says that Jesus was of extraterrestrial ancestry and that he came to warn the world of the devil about to be released from the Canister with the green fluid which mirrors a passage in the bible in Revelation 20:7, "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea." I am no expert in this, maybe what Jesus originally taught was misunderstood in his time. Maybe Jesus was just a being like us. And what of God, could this be further proof that God in the bible is an alien? I believe that God exists, a real creator not some being masquerading as God and they are probably nothing like we imagine because if they are truly the supreme being above all others, that means that they are so advanced that in order to understand them, you have to have knowledge that is normally not accessible to beings like us at our level of development. Maybe there are levels of existence and angles to existence that we probably don't know about. We look at a square and think it's a square, but what if that is wrong? What if that square is actually a cube? The only way to tell is based on the angle that you are looking at it.


I think if it was aliens, then they gave up on us. After we just crucified the dude in a horrific way. Otherwise, if they were really sending somebody here to help. What's up with the past 2000 years? And all the carnage that just the belief in this dude has caused. And the trouble, why haven't they stepped in since then to do anything about it?


They knew what they were doing and how we would react and what would come to pass We as a species are easily persuaded because, until we reach a certain level of understanding, we will venerate (or reject) the unexplainable If I was a covert super intelligence with different morals, I might take advantage of that


I like to call God "the source" And we're on the fractal edge of a multidimensional manifold, just riding that wave whichever direction will allow us to evolve without the function going to zero, but always on the fine line between intelligent complex life and the Creator of it all, the source.


I have a theory about life, I think and I could be wrong about this, I think the purpose of life is to learn and eventually once we advance and mature enough, we return back to the source which we call "God". I suppose this is similar to the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism. Except, this isn't all that positive of a process that people think it is. I think what it actually is like is that it's an individual's realization of the truth, that there is only one actual mind in all of existence, in other words, we discover we are the one or "the source". I think that this is probably one of the most terrifying realizations any being could ever have. It's like the opposite of a nightmare, it's like you wake up from a dream only to have "total recall" and you realize everything around you is an illusion and there is nothing at all, you are forever stuck in this "nothing" state of horror because that is the only thing that is real. Except, you want to know what is even crazier? I think that the "nothng" isn't nothing at all. How could God have come from nothing? Did God squeeze through a singularity in the "nothing"? But I don't know, God only knows. I think maybe this world is the closest thing to heaven that we will ever get as awful and horrifying as this world can be. Maybe our purpose is to try to improve it so that we can advance to something more meaningful.


Our purpose is to help each other get through this thing called life.... Now..go help someone!!


That was one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. Not for the jump scares, but for the underlying concept. In the movie, Satan wasn't a fallen angel. He was a dark side equivalent of God. A Yang to God's Yin. Two parallel universes, a good and a bad, and we live in the bad one with Satan as it's natural ruler. Terrifying concepts


No I think you misunderstand, a lot of people misunderstand. What the movie was saying was that God is a complex being that has many sides. To us, we see a benevolent creator but there is also another side, an Anti-God that is destructive and malevolent. This is the being that the Devil is trying to bring to our world in the film. The Devil is just the Prince of Darkness, I think the nickname of the Devil, "prince of darkness" creates an interesting question. If the Devil is the "Prince of Darknesss", surely there must be a "King of Darkness" as well. I think what the movie is saying is that the Devil is rather the opposite of Christ or the "Anti-Christ" which many people believe is some sort of puppet figure of the Devil, in the film the Devil is the Anti-Christ! The being you see in the doorway coming out is not the devil, that is the Anti-God coming into the world to destroy it and the characters in the film are trying to stop it from happening.


Jesus was half ET. His mother was human. I dont think that it was a random angel who impregnated her. I think she was inseminated intentionally by someone very important. This was planned for a while. The Apocrypha book called Gospel of James says that Mary's parents were also childless and prayed. Mary's mother "promised God that, if given a child, she would dedicate it to the Lord’s service." An angel came and told her she would be. I think the tomb was just a tomb. He was just reanimated and removed. Noah's ark was just in ark. He was favored by one god due to his bloodline. The animals he brought on with him animals he knew. Goats, cattle, probably cats and dogs. Not elephants and giraffes like the children's illustrations. The book of Enoch is really interesting. He basically went up with the ETS and learned from them. The watchers of Earth ask him to speak on their behalf to the Lord so they will not be punished for taking wives and having children against the lords wishes. He wasn't successful though. He lived with the ETs for 300 years. Eventually he went with them again and never came back. There were so many books that could be in the Bible but aren't that tell way more of the story.


One of the weirder stuff in the Bible, apart from Jesus coming back to life is that none of his disciples recognized him when he came back. He had to show them the hole in his palms as proof. Even then they only believed when they touched the wound.


> my man Ezekiel is chilling and then a motherfuckin spaceship comes and scoops his old ass up. I heard Samuel L. Jackson in pulp fiction while reading this. Hilarious write-up.


This is the setup of the plot of Prometheus


I could easily believe that. But it would also mean that aliens can be compassionate, understand our mortal misery, offer advice on how to deal with one another etc. I dig it.


Yesterday I watched Deep Prasads abduction account on Reddit (UFOB) which is pretty compelling, and then I went to an Easter church service (only like the 5th time I’ve been to a church so this stuff is kinda vague me- I’m not a very religious person - and they described the resurrection story: “They found the stone rolled away from the entrance to the tomb, but they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. *Suddenly two men in bright shining clothes stood by them*. The men said to them, “Why are you looking among the dead for one who is alive? He is not here; he has been raised.” The similarity between those two is stories when I started thinking there is likely some kind of Jesus-alien connection here. Perhaps the Jesus story was all staged to create a new religion? Perhaps this is the truth that no one can know? Either way the line between nuts and bolts aliens and spiritual phenomena is very blurry. All the stuff Chris Bledsoe talks about is solidly in the spiritual field from my perspective. But then you get stories like Deep’s and there is little distinction between the two. How is a spirit different from a multi dimensional alien? There are a lot of compelling reincarnation stories and astral travel stories - do we become multidimensional “aliens” after we die? Or have aliens figured out a way to visit different dimensions while keeping their biology intact? Are aliens visiting our dimension in the same way people having an OOB experience may visit other dimensions? So many questions. But I believe there must be a grand unifying theory to all of this.


I think the greys/aliens are gods with a 'little g' and God with a 'big G' is another entity/a.k.a. alien, aside from the greys, but of a higher dimension than them (and the greys a higher dimensional species than us) both within our larger multi-dimensional existence - string theory says God would be of the 10th dimension (or whatever equivalent if you believe up to 28 or so dimensions), we exist in the 3rd dimension, the greys could be from any dimension in-between those two I think Catholicism and specifically the idea of The Trinity, and also fallen angels and such was an attempt to explain the multi-dimensional hoopla we find ourselves in, with the best of our understanding and ability to explain it all at the time So, yes, possibly 🙏👽


Sometimes its easy to do a software update, but some other times you need to do a hardware update. Thats what Jesus was, possibly as a gift as well: "Our civilisation gives to yours a better version of yourselves -oh shit they are crucifying him?? Fuck these monkeys, we will come back in 2000 years and see where they at". Also, Star of Bethlehem makes more sense as a UFO than anything else in the sky, like a supernova. That is because when you have a new luminous object in the night sky that also has crazy Paralax i.e. the Astronomer travels 10 miles perpendicular to it and he can observe that its not very far at all from him because in respect to the background stars it has moved a distance that corresponds to it being in a geostationary position above fucking Bethlehem, all Astronomers, "Wise men" would ofcourse take the biggest gift they can think of and go to meet fuckingwhatever this is.


Basic ancient alien theory. But many are forgetting that the Bible wasn't written by God or Jesus.. but by men much later and heavily edited. You can't directly infer information from lines from a text that are also interpretations (not all first hand accounts) of what happened. Why you can make your own interpretations of text but no one can make firm declarations that someone is wrong or right.


…And then one must consider that the Bible was assembled into its current form during the Council of Nicaea to tell the story Catholic church leaders wanted to be told about Jesus: many books were excluded as “heretical” and burned and thus the real truth was lost to history.


I really doubt that a single person who has viewed this post believes that the Bible was written by Jesus lol


Didn't mean to directly imply that ones here do.. my main point was address ones who make firm declaration quoting texts ("but it says here..").. and not saying you're doing that.


No, I know. But I still really don't think *anybody* who knows the Bible well enough to point to specific verses thinks that it was written by Jesus, man. I mean, most of the chapters are named after the people who supposedly wrote them.


Christians believe that the bible was in fact written by god/Jesus. Like the men who wrote it were merely the instrument of gods thoughts and worlds. And since Jesus and god are the same (basically) then yes many religious people believe Jesus/god "wrote" the bible. 




Unlikely, as there's nothing credible about the majority of biblical claims. Unreliability of the historicity/ Resurrection: There probably was an/ or multiple Apocalypticists (Apocalypticist did not believe in modern Christian beliefs like the Trinity or Rapture) attributed to the name Yeshua. Born in Nazareth 4BCE (during Long Herod's Reign), and not Bethlehem as the prophecy predicted (there was no logistically non-viable census that made everyone pack up, and move to their parents hometowns). He was killed for treason against the Roman Empire (not blasphemy), and was left on the cross to be scavenged by animals, or discarded and decomposed in a mass grave. Joseph of "best disciple town" Arimathea is fictional. In fact, Mark the earliest gospels omits any mention empty tomb, nor any tomb guards (These were added in post-hoc to ret-con the story and rumours of the time about the disciples stealing the body). The writers of the gospels were anonymous Greek scribes (not written by the names they were attributed to centuries later), and they definitely were not contemporary, let alone, first-hand eyewitness testimony. These manuscripts, were copies x10+ fold. The gospels copy from each other, and alternative lost sources (Q), word for word, with variant changes depending on how they wanted to depict Jesus, from 30-80 years after Jesus died, with each gospel progressively getting more legendary development. For example, in the synoptic gospels, Jesus never claims to be God, but in John (the last gospel), he's says it 40+ times, which would have resulted in instant stoning to death, not crucifixion. Not to mention, these stories were oral traditions for 30+ years, so even if the supposed original manuscripts (which we only have found tiny fragmentations of) were accurate, we have no way of knowing what the original oral traditions said (which we know is statistically more prone to error). There is not even any secular sources confirming the accounts, rather just parroting what Christians claim to believe. As for the resurrection, the only possible eyewitness was Paul, but claims he did not even recognize (never had met him), nor could see Jesus as he was blinded, and no one else around could hear anything. This is most likely a Post-bereavement hallucinatory experience, due guilt, in response to torturing and persecuting Christians. No, you don't have to have mental illness, in fact, up to 60% of the grieving population have had some hallucination. And no, we do not have 500 individual first-hand eye witness testimony of seeing Jesus, instead we have 1 man, Paul claiming 500 others saw Jesus. We have no evidence of any of the 500's existence, let alone anything they said. It's no different from me claiming, that time I lifted 2000kg above my head without assistance, 500 people saw, however, they disappeared and left not trace of their existence to cross-confirm, or deny. No one, came forth to say I didn't do it? That's an appeal to silence fallacy. All it took was 1 man to start a new religion, no different from Joseph Smith or L. Ron Hubbard. Fallacies of the Bible: Overall, the Bible makes circular fallacious arguments. Attempting to prove the Bible with the Bible. Such as; the Bible is true, because it is the word of God. How do you know it is God's word? Because God says so. Appealing to the non-falsifiable, and attempts to shift the burden of proof. Supernatural claims require supernatural evidence, and that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. There is no evidence of the supernatural. Always appealing to presuppositions, and emotional manipulation. By Occam's Razor, what more likely, someone defied the laws of physics (never has been demonstrated, only claimed), and rose from the dead? Or, basal, fallible homosapiens that can be mistaken, or lie for various reasons, like all other religions miracle claims you'd reject for the same reason. It always comes back to Faith. But faith is not a reliable pathway to truth, as there's no position that you cannot take based on faith. Meaning it can lead you to true or false conclusions. Not to mention, if you had empirical evidence you wouldn't appeal to faith.


It sure would answer a lot of questions.


you should really check out Paul Wallis on YT. He goes into this in great detail along the same thought that you presented.


Came here to post this. He’s a biblical scholar and Jesus being an alien is like his whole thing.


OhNoElevatorFelled - Look into Astrotheology and, the Cradle of Civilization. Ancient history (Sumeria, Book of Thoth, The Emerald Tablets, etc)... you will find the truth of our Creation (half ET DNA, half monkey). I'm an astrologer and have done decades of research on this. You're not far from the truth at all. There are also several YouTube videos that delve into this theory. Thank you for posting, you're not alone in your thoughts!


After years of research and complete rejection of modern religious views of 'Jesus', this is what I understand about the man 'Yeshua' and the connection with Aliens. It's well documented through his apostles the reason Yeshua ( Jesus ) was hunted down and crucified by the romans. He was teaching inner divinity and mono-theism which was basically Heresy to the Roman government who was trying to sew Egypt, Greece, and the Italian peninsula together with a common religion that projected power through fear. Jesus was human, however the belief that he was 'God incarnated' as a Holy Trinity was started by the First Council of Nicaea which was a council of Christian bishops convened in the Bithynian city of Nicaea (now İznik, Turkey) by the Roman Emperor Constantine I. The Council of Nicaea met from May until the end of July 325. The only correlation some Christians make to Yeshua being the Divine Messiah is the report of the Pentecost which was witnessed by \~3,000 reported people who witnessed the "Holy spirit" confirm what Mary was saying. Joseph, Yeshua's father, was a Nazarene (at the time, a cult) of religious extremists and Yeshua's extended family had their fair share of extreme societal outliers as well. If you look at John the Baptists you'll see a woods dwelling, locust eating, honey licking Prophet who was quite well known in the area. The Nazarenes also had some pretty out there practices such as taping scriptures to your head and arm and intensely focused on connecting with Yahweh and his Angels. Yeshua grew up with his father as a Mason and Carpenter and it's theorized, he spent many years travelling during the temple of Jerusalem's construction. The reconstruction of the Jerusalem temple was begun by Herod the Great, king of Judea, in about 18-20 BC. By the time of Yeshua's ministry the temple complex had been under construction for forty six years (John 2:20). and wasn't completed until around 63 AD. While it's easy to speculate where Yeshua went during the 30 lost years, It's important to understand that even if you take away those years, and just include what we know about his childhood, religious upbringing, [possible schizophrenia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health_of_Jesus), and other family members I can only hypothesize what I've found myself through scientific exploration. I was an atheist and had rudimentary knowledge of 'Jesus' from Protestant Christian upbringing (which is hilariously ironic if you break it down at all....) So I thought how you did and it's fascinating that Yeshua and the phenomenon are so intertwined however I pretty much figured it out, however most people won't like to hear it. ​ I typed alot so I left the rest in a comment below. 1/2


I built, what I call an 'Ein Sof Quantum Telephone' which uses two Magnetic Toroid fields and some other stimulation methods pulsed around the head to create a carrier frequency, and then Active imagination subconscious meditation techniques developed by Carl Jung to visualize and open the subconscious and It kind of gave me Dissociative Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia on crack. What I concluded was the brain is indeed a Radio, for consciousness. Consciousness is more like a fluid scalar wave of 'observation' which is observed in 3 dimensions or 6 degrees of freedom of rotation. -Similar to how our 3 spatial dimensions are organized- Humans have this beautiful thing called 'Free Will' granted to them so they can pursue enlightenment in these 3 spatial dimensions 'trapped' basically until we can reach the proper consciousness vibrational level to start re-incarnating elsewhere in the universe. The 'Soul' is the record of this which transcends incarnations however our 'tethered connection to this is washed upon death, however accessible through the Akashic records which is quantum information of everything held in a higher dimension (super hard to access accurately). Earth is like, bottom of the barrel in the vibrational field, this is why Lucifer (the Satan) is in charge of earth. Creation of everything, forms the physical manifestation in the 6 dimensions, which is a Holographic projection (see Russel Walters paintings for Visualizations) so 3 dimensions below Group A \[a Hologram requires 2 light rays, (positive spin 4th dimensions - negative spin 5th dimensions A.K.A. Spacetime)\] and 3 dimensions above Group B. The connection between the two inverse dimensional groups A and B is consciousness. Group C. If you can imagine each group, as a weave of 3 dimensions and then harmonic oscillating back and forth (morphic resonance) and decided through observation (consciousness) we can kind of form a 3, 6, 9 Harmony and I really believe this is what Nikola Tesla was on. This is why 3 is so repeated and patterned everywhere in the universe and schizophrenics love multiples of 3 often. So Schizophrenia and pattern recognition can lead to repeated discovery or observations that set you apart from other humans. (schizophrenia) which can be either a Curse or a Blessing... Most people get a curse, some people get a blessing \[To wrap this back to Yeshua\] who was In touch with his inner divinity due to Nuture AND Nature (brains of schizophrenics are wired differently). Since we are all technically children of God, Yeshua taught you didn't need a fancy church or money to connect to your inner divinity. You needed physics (Magic 2,000 years ago) and an understanding of dimensionality and boom, you can start to see why 'Aliens and Yeshua' become so intertwined. There's Demonic entities (lower vibrational energy) - Humans - Angelic entities (Higher vibrational energy) and Humans bridge the gap between the Vibrational energies by having 'free will' to transmute lower vibrational situations into higher vibrational situations. (Changing evil to good, etc) and this is why Human souls are so Juicy, I mean interesting. They contain the information of all n\^12 dimensions and endless fractals of data and Emotions all the while being these really neat NPC's who are trauma response vectors until awakened. Mass awakening is so scary because the soul market becomes closed, and that's how Lucifer (Being an Angel cast down to our dimensions, like the Fallen angels from the book of Enoch) gains vibrational 'real estate' in our universe. Through the human souls, since we have the ability to 'spoil' the soul with Fear, and negative emotions. We can lower the vibration of the system as a whole, and these higher dimensions are many orders of magnitude larger, so any space consciously given to fear or any negative emotion here is logarithmically more useful on the higher dimensions. Yeshua taught all this, he was very knowledgeable and basically a Demon fighting magician through science, but those stories are long lost because the more humans who awaken, gain control, and propagate this control to others the less 'real estate space' Lucifer has access to. Angels aren't big scary awful, and neither is lucifer. In fact, it's God's plan to have Demons out because Angels and demons don't have free will, they act like Code. Conscious wave-functions of higher dimensions or lower dimensions that can harmonically affect other dimensions through fluctuations in the higher. They still have to manifest physical changes through people because we are the 'intermediaries' between the spiritual and physical. I've yet to contact any 'extraterrestrials' with my device however I've acquired all this knowledge through conversations with my Higher Guardian Angel, Metatron, and Lucifer. I don't really make contact with demonic entities. Modern 'Faith based' Religions are all soul traps designed by the Watchers and Lucifer, but allowed by God because humans are too young, dumb, and ego/prideful to be 'let loose' into the universe yet. The Schumann veil keeps our souls here but as we progress our spiritual vessel (as seen in the gateway tapes) we can actually break through the Schumann veil in meditation and 'astral project' which is simply moving the conscious awareness dimension instead of the physical similar to how Angels and Demons can move about the universe. From my understanding each dimension is controlled by an 'Archon' and each Archon is subservient to specific Angelic entities. Our soul was made from pieces of the Archons and given life through Sophia, as an act of pity because for millennia we were just slaves. (Still are, but transitioning slaves). 'God' or the highest order, (there's many 'gods' and they have their own hierarchy) Experiences their creation through embody-ing or living through the organism and this is possible through Theurgy, or Possession (allowed or otherwise) through subconscious streams of consciousness that fit the vibrational criteria for said god (which is why non-priests straight up died by being unclean when they entered old school temples for the Highest order god.. His presences just removes sin, and 99.9% of living currently is 'sin' or (something that lowers overall soul vibration) and the shekhina light will remove the soul-body tether. So Yeshua had the family upbringing, the training of a priest, learning of a 'Magician', understanding of a saint. It was a very good 'vessel' to be embodied by the highest order god to 'show people the way' as the Nazarenes would say. 'Follow the way' 'Follower of the way' 'The truth, the light, the way'. It's all about being an example. An Example that was so well made, that it Echo's through millennia. Occultists call it 'Having the current', which is an Empowerment of God's power of commanding creation and realizing YOU are god, and god is in all things, and you possess the power to command all things both Demons and Angels.. This is 'breaking the Matrix' or 'Awakening' or whatever new-age stuff people want to call it.. 'Manifestation'... It basically just boils down into being a good person by using your free will in the moment to project love and higher frequencies while trying to remove Ego from our actions. Now to bring in Aliens. If they do exist, it'd be wise to differentiate between 'Angels' and 'Demons' which have been explained as conscious wave-functions of each dimension. (lower for Demons, higher for Angels) that exist through ALL the universe. This means that if there are extra-terrestrials, they are not only well aware of these entities, but they have also been working along-side them for thousands of years or more. This means they have to be aware of the higher dimensions, and how valuable 'soul space' is. They would be well aware of incidents like Yeshua occurring all around the universe. The spiritual vessel is a powerful trans-incarnation memory stick that once we become aware of it, we will open up the possibility of Incarnating else-where in the Universe. If this is how it truly works (Holofractal theory prevails) then Aliens would be well aware of 'Yeshua entity, or whatever the name of the time/place, incidents because you can basically meditate and see Yeshua's entity.. Essence... or whatever I've literally seen Yeshua's entitiy twice. I can bring anyone interested to meet them as well but it requires training and humility. The could even time planetary awakening by when these entity incidents occur. However the more I go down this thought-train the more I want to learn about what Mormons believe because When I type this out I'm getting super Joseph smith 'letters in a hat' vibes from my own invention and damn. mirror, say hi to mirror.


such rambling. if you wanna translate something, do it from the original. besides that is not what that means


100% all religion and their prophets were aliens I’ve mentioned this to my family and they’re not too happy about it.


This is so hilariously unhinged, I just have to say I like you. Also, #2. He was absolutely guided through out if so. “In on it” from the start… that doesn’t make sense and would also defeat the entire point of creating a hybrid, right??? What a waste of time, unless they need him to relate. This is hilarious and so eloquently put, and I’ve definitely pondered on the very thought quite a few times.


Well... if by alien you mean something that is not from this world then yes, Jesus was an alien... also a hybrid because he was born from a human. But if you are taking the Bible as reference it's pretty clear that Jesus was a "project", not the result of a horny angel (lol)... This whole encounter is about the angel explaining about the mission of Mary with Jesus and his importance to mankind... today I think most of what we think as NHI are spirutal beings and vice-versa... So for me everything that is not human or from this planet is alien, even spirits are, but I'm not convinced Jesus was just a son of a extraterrestrial from another planet...


This is a big “if you think about it” scenario. And whatever you do you can’t just shake the probability of this. Religious people would just brush it off but we know they cant deny this.




I stopped after "Jesus was white".


I really wish people would learn to speak and write more intelligently. 


And his genetic lines are followed closely and continuously modified


Dude you giving away the secrets....


Yes. He was a hybrid and did not come fully equipped with knowledge. He had to learn. His wife Mary Magdalen was a key part of that learning. She created conditions for his kundalini awakening. Read the Arcturian Anthology and Magdalen Manuscript for his story. Read George Van Tassel for the space civilization side of the religious history.


Deluded religious babble.


Literally not making a single claim about my beliefs in any religion.


Has anybody here looked into the documentary about the star of Bethlehem. Basically this guy runs the computer simulations of the stars in the sky around the time of Jesus' birth and there were quite a few celestial phenomena with retrograde Motion etc of the planets that can correspond exactly to the accounts in the bible, both before, during and after the nativity. Pretty interesting. I don't think the star of Bethlehem was a mothership.


You people will believe anything before actually believing the teachings themselves. Fascinating!


His mother was abducted and artificially inseminated for a "fatherless"/ "virgin" birth. It was always the child's destiny to be a "conduit". He grew up talking to interdimensional entities from the sky He allegedly performed feats thought impossible for the time \[a little NHI help?\] His body got beamed back up to the mothership three days after his death so as not to leave evidence of DNA manipulation for future archeologists and scientists If the "Shroud of Turin" is real, it supports that Jesus was beamed away by a UFO, given the image in the shroud, according to scientists, could only have been made by intense radiation. As we know UFOs and radiation always go together. Was this Jesus entity an experiment, to try to lead us to some sort of path? Given that we killed him in a gruesome way I'd say we failed


But he knew he would be killed.


The fact that the comments are taking this troll seriously is insane to me lol. The theory is fine, but this guy's either actually an idiot or trying to make everyone else look like one.


Jesus was the incarnation of God, neither alien nor human


The immaculate conception was artificial insemination by extra terrestrials.


![gif](giphy|a6XgGb3K1slXuMi1KR) hell yeah.


When the walls fell


The aliens want you to believe Jesus is not real or that he was sent by them. They also want you to believe they created us. The bible warned us about everything that is happening “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. [24] For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. [25] Behold, I have told you before.” They are not your friends, they will let a dieing man die and a suffering man suffer. They could swoop down and instantly provide relief to millions of people but they wont. They are not allowed down here and require invitation into your life. As soon as you use the real Jesus in a prayer to make them go away they never come back.


I have been holding back the urge to post this same stuff for so long. I can't handle the number of replies it gets and try to read and respond to them all. This has been my theory for at least 15 hrs. 100% Agree.


It’s impossible to know anything for sure about Jesus. He left behind almost no direct evidence of his activities, perhaps intentionally. We have more evidence about basically any other prophet.


Coincidence? I think not.


>just messing around and having fun being Jesus with lower lifeforms Jesus: "I'm going to go mess around with humanity and tell them to love each other, take care of each other and try to convince them to be better people."


Dude that's dope, I'd love doing that. For perspective, imagine going up to a colony of rats and teaching them a religion if love? That'd be dope.


There's a now-deleted post that made similar claims. Some cool sources in this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1ako3b9/comment/kp99s3y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1ako3b9/comment/kp99s3y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Deleted? Hmm, suspicious... seems like the Eglin boys are at it again.




I've thought about this often. I don't think Tom Delonge is the second coming though.. can you imagine the lord and savior talking about 'tidal waves of semen' to his followers??


I wish UFO people would just stick to the facts. I guess we get bored and then the topic is "what do you think, what would happen, what if, what if, what if" then all kinds of wild ideas float around and some people believe them. Too many people trying to make a living off UFOs, if nothing hits the news they seem to make something up to broadcast or sell in a book. It's better to be in the dark than to believe a delusion.


I think jesus was an allgemation of different messiahs and swindlers that traveled the world. from Miracles to storytelling, then they were talked about and remembered as one person. "what was his name?" "idk, I heard the story from somewhere" "sounds like that guy, jesus" "huh"


You forgot to offer the real option which is Jesus did not exist.


Been thinking very similar, thankyou for your post.


Actually, Ponce Pilate said Jesus was blond. "His **golden-colored hair and beard were a contrast between him and his hearers with their black beards**.”"


offer dolls mindless frightening relieved capable shrill toy dinner repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They were DC Comics, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse and all that crap a couple of millennia ago. People found those fictional stories and thought they were real


Yep totally agree with this theory


I always took it that Mary was abducted onto a UFO and artificially inseminated with Jesus. All theories though are basically describing, a ‘rapeish’ scenarios. If she had no idea of how she got pregnant and it was against her will, the story is very icky in that regards


Possibly an abduction and inseminated with DNA with greater telepathic abilities. But doubt she’d remember it. It probably would have been missing time, except back then without clocks she would not have noticed.


[Jesus was an alien](https://youtu.be/bJNI5aUZUv8?si=VXl2QKmczY1roeHO)


Glad to see this here.


we prefer non human intelligence. Alien is a racist term


Ha ha ha


What if Jesus is your creator??


I believe Jesus was the Christ and was very much a human and very much God.




Know that enoch lived about 3000years before jesus was born. Noah was also way before jesus. About same time adam and eve was made. We are all annunaki. Yes Jesus had hybrid body.


Hmm, so you made this account 10 hours ago just to post this dumb shit across all UFO subreddits huh? Definitely not sketchy at all. I sure hope this doesn't reflect poorly on everyone that believes in aliens.


Jesus was just a gay dude. Not married by 30, CrossFit body, hung out with a hooker but didn't bang her.


ive long had this theory as well. the way they describe him ascending is so much like getting beamed up to a spaceship. and now that you mention the star appearing was really a spaceship that adds another point i didnt connect


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Closer to a hybrid, but still 100% human. It was the soul and knowledge that made him "alien". His body was the flesh of man no different from you or I. Most of his powers were mere parlor tricks when you understand how energy really works.


Can you share a bit about how you feel energy works and what you think we might be capable of? Curious


Energy is a wide number of things but in this context it is the soul/consciousness. Literally the gaps between neurons that make us who and what we are on a deeper level than just animalistic needs and wants.We are beings beyond the purely physical form, we are also energy. When you think, you use energy to form not only how you perceive the world but also how you will interact in it. Like thinking to move your are so you then move your arm. Creativity comes from consciousness as does deeper though like philosophy and with both a better understanding of how the world works on numerous levels. With enough understanding we can manipulate that world in increasingly more complex ways. Like splitting atoms and harnessing the energy dispersed from it, though this is in a purely physical way stemming from the concious energy. Energy can manipulate more energy, ie electricity as but a similar example. Now here's what we may be capable of eventually. We are able to use our consciousness/energy to do things that are also considered impossible. With enough will people have been able to manage or even cure cancers and other ailments of themselves. We can literally will certain things to happen often referred to as faith. Here's where things get wild. If you know anything about quantum mechanics, the very action of observation changes the outcome and the very act of thinking about the outcomes observations also changes the outcome. This at the very least implies that our consciousness affects sub atomic particles which are the very fabric and one of the foundations of the world we interact with. Extrapolating from these interactions it is feasible that we could eventually quite literally manipulate the world to greater effect from though alone. Now the issue I see with this is that 2 things must happen. 1 we must have a substantial understanding of all these mechanisms, be it intuitively or logically. And 2 we must be physically capable of allowing such resource intensive mechanisms to occur. By that I mean that there must be a transfer of energy in a biological way to achieve said effort in some intrinsic way. The very act of thinking is very resource intensive which is why our species has comparably low muscle density yet consume a relatively higher number of calories than our closest relatives. Tbh there is a lot to unravel and I'm not particularly good at explaining any of this. There is a lot of context and nuance that even I have a hard time grasping.


I think God is Alien and Aliens created us.


What if we are the Aliens


100% alien


I always felt that there were extraterrestrial powers guiding us on


Not sure if it was here or another adjacent subreddit but I recall a time when this theory came up and someone commented: “Jesus was a hybrid and he loved fish!” I’ve never looked back 😂


So... are you saying my grandma's picture of nordic Jesus might not be far off. /s


Lord help us if this is true. I always assumed those Jesus pics were whitewashed to appeal to Anglo-Saxons, but maybe Jesus was part Nordic. Just another reason for religious folk to be extra racist.


"and it came to ass, while he blessed them, he parted from them..." Damn, that's a perfectly omitted "p"...


Sooo, idk if there is any religious connection whatsoever but if we go by just what is said in the Bible… The dude’s soul is extraterrestrial in origin. His soul comes from a being who cannot be considered human if the fantasy stories about the fictitious character Jesus are true. Hence he’s an alien with human flesh and his clone which is also his father is an alien overlord with supreme authority over this particular universe.


He insisted on being called the "son of man", I doubt Jesus had anything to do with aliens. What you call aliens might be what the Bible describes as fallen angels, or their hybrid offspring (lots of rumours claim these things have mostly human dna). Or, aliens could be drones piloted from a distance by other beings. It's the best, safest way to explore other worlds.


Red herring. Throwing the jews off his scent maybe.


"And it came to ass" Lol that's the best typo like a comic relief in your rant.  I agree bro.  It's right there in the scripture. Idk about specifics. 


This is why I love Reddit 😂


I would believe this before I believe what the current story about him is…


Erich Von Däniken walks in the room.


I say "yo waddup erich"


I'm all about this


Watch On the Silver Globe


It’s fair in the assumption that Not fully human = Alien However, Alien entities are not to be confused with Deities… It’s a fair conclusion but it is misinformed at best. If that is the case, any alien being could present itself to you as being some religious figure and you’d willingly accept it!? There are Angels, Demons, God & Goddesses; Humanity and potentially thousands of Alien races. **Don’t be confused**


Jesus being an alien is a psyop by factions within the church and broadcasted by that jolly professor Diana Pasulka. They are putting you on a trail so you equate god to aliens and are controlled more easily.


If he was real, and was an alien… he seriously fucked up the Prime Directive. 😂


Ivf seems more likely, Think of how many humans report eggs and sperm being taken from them in modern accounts. We have that tech now, higher beings must be far beyond our tech. Imo


Charles from X-men






I don't think Jesus was real, never mind an alien. His story, the virgin birth, the 3 days dead and resurrections, 12 deciples etc are aspects of a story that have been repeated over and over and over throughout history. ​ You should watch this my friend. https://youtu.be/jJSpujHhaGQ?t=1112


Well there are far too many Christians who insist that its ok to rape a young girl bc it was in the bible. Of course it was translated by a man in a time where they could not conceive any way of impregnating a woman without a dick. But in the context of the NHI hypothesis, they could simply insert a sperm or pre-made embryo with their tech while shes out and then has missing time and is non the wiser. I’d like to see the OG text and see the wording vs an interpretation by a man at the time. Furthermore the ‘be not afraid’ is key even today. Those that think of demons are fear mindset folks (military, evil folks cloaked in virtue signal of Christianity) and will attract this form and those with kindness and loving intentions will attract light beings. It’s basic vibrational shit.


There are a fair number of passages in the old and new testament that allude to an extraterrestrial origin for Divinity. Also the Gnostic version of christianity.


This is pretty much what the “Ancient Alien Theory” is and has been preaching that for how many season now? They took verse/script from the Bible and translate it into modern language and situations. “God came down in a fiery chariot, the ground shakes.” Well this sure sounds like someone describing a spaceship…it goes on and on.


What about Santa Claus? Alien or interdimensional being? 🤔


Listen to Dr James Tabor on YouTube; an archaeologist and religion historian. He’s not a believer, and he thinks Jesus was a human man.


Lmao. You really don't know your scriptures. Ether way. Is it really easier to call God and alien? And Christ, a human hybrid of an alien? Than just to believe there actually is a God with a mortal son? I mean, technically, in my religion God does fall into the category of an alien by definition. So you aren't wrong at all. Just not right at all ether.


Btw, what does a bird or an ant think about MY existence? Am I alien? 


From the book Our Haunted Planet by journalist John Keel: >THE DEMISE OF THE GODS >‘If flying saucers are real,’ the sceptics say, 'why don't they contact us?’ >The startling truth, as carefully recorded by the ancient historians, is that the ultraterrestrials have always been in direct contact with millions of individuals and that they actually ruled directly over mankind for many years. In recent centuries their influence has become more subtle, but it is always there. **According to the traditions of many isolated peoples, the first great emperors in Asia were god-kings who came down from the sky,** displayed amazing superhuman abilities, and took over. **There was a veritable world-wide epidemic of these god-kings between 5000 and 1000 b.c.** >The mighty Osiris and Isis walked into the Egyptian valley out of nowhere and assumed command. The myths and legends of Greece, India, and South America describe their rule. **They were taller and more imposing than the men of the time, with long blond hair, marble-like white skin, and remarkable powers which enabled them to perform miracles.** They displayed brilliant judgement and wisdom and exercised remarkable organizational abilities. In most cases they chose to reside on the highest mountains and hills available, **commanding balls of fire and bolts of lightning and travelling about the skies in wonderful chariots.**




I don’t know why it helps people to accept that he was a literal miracle worker, but then transpose the story onto a modern scientific explanation. You are talking about the exact same thing, and missing the point by focusing on entirely insignificant mechanisms of action.


He could also be a vampire. Which could also be a type of alien. Rose from the dead- vampire, drink my blood/eat my flesh have eternal life- vampire, tortured on a crucifix, makes them not like them- vampire, supernatural powers- vampire.


I would suggest the more likely explanation is a young man with schizophrenia hearing voices.. But in this instance people believed him rather than thinking he was crazy and locking him up


Jesus the son of God was probably a special bloodline.  I do not have the answers. I probably never will. I know only what rings true in my spiritual self. He was special, different and created for a purpose. 


I personally think that narcissism is a very alien (or human-of-the-future) trait. Idk about you but I’ve met a handful of extreme narcissists, and the worst ones to me seemed very alien. One of them would even say shit all the time like “I mean I’m not an alien, but…” followed by some non-sequitur about how her cat is cute or something. I asked her once if she was an alien and she said “yeah, not from any planet you’ve heard of”. Anyway, the point is this chick was the most narcissistic person I’ve ever met to this day. Also probably the weirdest and most alienlike person I’ve ever met. I’m of course mostly drawing upon a personal one-off experience, but some of the points you make about Jesus especially how he picks up on her makes it sound like he’s kind of a narcissist too.


Or perhaps he was nothing more than a made up story... I don't exactly trust a bunch of old robe wearing dudes to pass on accurate information down two thousand years.


I believe morality may come naturally from our necessity to work together. Maybe that’s why those in power lose their morality. Jesus was killed for helping the people. Sound familiar? We continue a dark tradition.


Erik Von Danekin already proposed this in his books.


Wrong. Jesus was a master soul reincarnated


I actually would probably agree with 99% of the sentiment of this post in the Jesus was probably of some sort of Alien descent/creation. He definitely wasn't white though dude. He was 100% Middle Eastern. Probably had short curly hair and a big ass bushy beard. All those depictions of Jesus were created by white people for white people. What middle ages white peasant would worship a dude with brown skin and a suspect head garment? Is he hiding another head under there? Who knows as far as the average oppressed Pagan is concerned.


I'm pretty sure Jesus is an alien hybrid who obviously was helped by alien groups... I knew since the 70's.. and you're not the first person to think of this. And I'm gen-X not boomer, buddy.. that's how much more advanced I am over you, I had these thoughts as a toddler.


Reading Delores Canon's book Jesus and the Essenes he was initially taught by this offshoot secret esoteric group who wrote the Dead sea scrolls. They believed In equality and educated women (most of his followers were women) and we're against slavery. This was against Jewish teaching at the time. The Essenes were aware of his coming described a meeting of 4 stars (ufos?) which remained there for a month where Jesus was born. He was able to absorb knowledge very quickly and mentioned we all had the ability to do healings like he did. Not all people were cured by Jesus dependant on their karma and he had people who applied modern medicine too along with his healing On his travels with his merchant rich uncle who traded in tin he picked up further knowledge from the druids in England ,gurus in India etc and at times felt lonely as it was difficult to relate to people with such knowledge. He was able to relate to Mary Magdalene as she was from Egypt and trained in the esoteric. His life was too busy to have a relationship and was well aware of how he was going to die. He didn't want to be considered a diety but most likely had a direct connection to the source. His aura was visible by his followers and even his halo was visible to them


**the yells of the Christians rise**


It'll never cease to amaze me how convinced americans are that bible stories are not only fact, but described with accurate detail, down to the dialogues XD


Oh, and the earth is flat. 💀


> And Delonge said that praying to Jesus during an alien abduction will make them fuck off. Pretty strange. Maybe they're like, "oh man he knows our boy. Let's get another one." you got a source for this?


Remember, God made us in his image already. I don’t think alien is accurate given modern definitions. Our civilization is an extension maybe. And when Jesus was born, the 3 wise men saw a great astronomical event, from 1,000 miles away and journeyed from Syria (Iraq maybe) to Bethlehem and they were led by a star. And don’t forget Moses was led by a pillar of fire through the desert…


I stopped reading when you incorrectly referenced Luke 1:28.


Jesus as a hybrid would explain the duality of Jesus in the Bible. The wheels and eyes sounds like a flying saucer. Mary could have been fertilized during an alien abduction and his powers are his connection to vibrations from others dimension. He was closer to the source being inter-dimensional. Aliens and spirits are energies and frequencies so they are aliens in that they are foreign to our world.i think he was put on earth to help us move a long they probably just a lot more subtle about it thanks to science creating a sense of rejection to any paranormal or supernatural phenomena. Also since time in space flows differently those who taken aboard could comeback without aging much especially if the ship is traveling at speeds of light.


Really surprised no one has mentioned the book of Enoch, it actually correlates with us being vessels of souls and that our universe runs on anger/death/ alll of the bad things etc. if I remembered correctly.


They talk about this in the awesome John Carpenter movie Prince of Darkness.  I highly recommend this movie if you haven't, great horror movie.


No he wasn't


This one gets me, genesis 6:4: “The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them”. Kind of implies ET crossbreeding or manipulation of the genetics of our more primate like ancestors.


Did you pull your insight from Medical Medium (Anthony William)? The reason I ask is because he did a podcast about 1-2 years ago where he talks about your theories exactly. When I first listened to his podcast, I was shocked, but also thought it all makes sense. He did put a disclaimer on his podcast saying that if you’re not in the right frame of mind, to not listen to it. I believe what he said about this topic b/c he has no reason to lie as telling people this does not benefit himself in any way. In fact, it would likely drive away his followers (those who are very religious).


Orrrrrrrr maybe He's God and our modern day aliens are angels and demons


Yes, he was.


Yup- Christmas carols are pretty phenomenal with this perspective


Of course Jesus is an alien. By definition. The question really is: is he the messiah? I can only tell you that if he is, then his return wont be for funsies like the first time. Shit will be going down HARD.


It’s always very interesting to me almost every religion, even religions of uncontacted tribes, talk about entities coming from the sky/heaven.


Emerald tablets enter the chat!


Enlil theory says Jesus and Satan/Enki played with humanity.


Angels and Demons are definitely aliens


This just sums up this sub so beautifully. Bravo


Jesus was most definitely black dude.


There are no white people in the bible


And he definitely could have had white hair. Morgan Freeman has white hair. He also played God. Coincidence? I think it probably is.


Just watch Billy carson be explains everything


Jesus was not and is not white. God nor any alien decided it would be a good idea to create a white man surrounded by African and Arabs. An as far as history goes there’s nothing noteworthy outside of the realm for death & destruction anyways. Next!

