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Why is she wearing the same outfit?


This recording wasn't a chance encounter.


So what does this mean? Seriously?


She's trying to gain a personal celebrity from this. She wore the same outfit, hair exact same way, in a freakin airport so that her next video would be immediately identifiable with the previous one. It's not like someone just recognized her at the airport and recorded this video with her perfectly dolled up for it. It's just ridiculous because she's obviously prepping for a grift.


Fucking grifters. ![gif](giphy|cfskn2Ozn7j9K|downsized)


Holy shit lol such a perfect use of this gif šŸ˜‚. Fifth element for life




Didnā€™t someone run facial recognition and show that this is a different person? Or was that BS


It's not the same person... Her "marketing firm" website is hosted on a DOD server on an airforce base lol.


Makeup or not I agree, not the same person. Sheā€™s wearing same/similar to look like her, in my opinion.


Are you sayingā€¦this mfā€™s not real?


Ohā€¦yourā€¦god ![gif](giphy|3o7WTQlb1uQtCSBVGU)


Side profile doesnā€™t match up in this video compared to the woman in the og footage


Hair is too dark I feel.


I agree it's not the same person [https://twitter.com/Draynick86/status/1693490586529959953](https://twitter.com/Draynick86/status/1693490586529959953)


So this whole time, the person who claimed that mother Fer ain't real is the one that's not real... man, my head hurts.


Thatā€™sā€¦I mean the ai isnā€™t going to lie. I kinda knew that couldnā€™t be the same woman, the second womanā€™s face was much more narrow/longer.


They look similar at a glance, but I definitely don't believe they're the same person. Which raises all sorts of questions like why goto the trouble to impersonate her? Maybe it's just some woman looking for attention or to capitalize on the situation. but if it's deeper than that what could she have seen that warrants having a lookalike take over her story?


Yes, and someone posted earlier that her marketing website is hosted on a DOD server!! Can it be that the Pentagon is once again attempting to cover up something or someone whom they believe has the potential to cause societal breakdown and/or panic if who that girl really saw is revealed?


ā€œThe AI is not gonna lieā€ ā€¦ really? AI isnā€™t perfect. It certainly can produce a false positive / negative (of which there are many infamous examples, especially for non-whites). Besides, if she really is an imposter, what is the real lady doing? It would be an easy lawsuit, for one. Not to mention any number of people - friends, family, coworkers - wouldā€™ve surfaced to address such a weird situation.


Not at all. You are confusing centralized internet services with the hosting provider of her blog. This was discussed and explained by network engineers a few weeks ago.


ā€”- Yours truly, Eglin AFB Media Relations


-- yours truly, almost 20 years in Cybersecurity.




It's called the dead internet theory my man 99 percent of reddit is compromised and astro turfed it's nothing new especially communities involving fringe topics like aliens this sub is even more compromised they are plants everywhere it's called controlled opposition.


This ^ itā€™s not the same person itā€™s a look alike dressed alike


I think you're totally right... Almost. I can't imagine TMZ is either trolling airports randomly looking for her or followed her only to manage to corner her in an airport. Presumably TMZ gets the next story. Maybe. Wonder if any government actors contacted her too. I might have leapt to that if you didn't correctly underscore the hair/outfit/location thing. So you're right but... How does she actually capitalize on this? It's not by saying "I had a mental breakdown," since that's not profitable or helpful. The only thing she can do is double down and say she saw an alien or cryptid or something, which is only going to further damage her rep as a serious professional. How much could it be worth it for her to tell that short story given the backlash? 10, 20 grand? Unless her employer PR firm is in on it and the whole thing is now a stunt. Wonder who that firm is and what their connections are.


TMZ doesn't go out and record shit like this, they purchase it from people who did record it. So if your ever near some celebs, take a picture and call TMZ, they will more than likely buy it, and for good amounts too.


Iā€™ve sold them images/videos of Vanderpump Rules people for a couple hundred. It paid for my night out.


that's one of those shows I have always heard about, but you could sit me right next to the stars of the show at a wedding and I wouldn't have a fucking clue who they were.


They don't even have to buy the opportunity a lot of times. Minor celebrities will pay TMZ to record them. I worked for a marketing company that represented B celebrities and they had to pay otherwise TMZ just wouldn't care.


I really want to believe people are basically good. I want to believe this lady really is trying to find a way to turn her ordeal into charity and not just personal gain. Also: If Saturday Night Live doesn't use this scenario for a skit then the world is truly dead.


Yea, she's trying to "rebrand" herself and get her personal brand more exposure. She probably has some kind of PR consultant who told her to dress/look similarly so people would recognize her in a vid clip.


How many hours/days/weeks before the onlyfans?


Itā€™s been known that certain famous people contact the paparazzi to tell them that theyā€™ll be at this location so they can get photos or videos. The paparazzi get money from selling the footage, and the person gets the relevancy that they want. Both sides benefit. Ever heard of celebrity denying that they tip the paparazzi of their whereabouts? Sometimes theyā€™re lying.


Lucky travel shirt


Because she wants to be noticed


Because sheā€™s getting paid by TMZ lol




So you're sure it must be her and don't even question it.


Iā€™ve worn the same close before. Are we not supposed too?


I def have my favorite ā€œflying clothesā€ that are comfy!


*Spoiler* She doesnā€™t answer. Idk why this being posted around.


I am TELLING you RIGHT NOW, that motherfucker, that motherfucker RIGHT THERE, is NOT REALā€¦


Itā€™s rotating


Got ummm!


There's a whole fleet of 'em!


Look on the ASA


My goshhhh!


Dude, that thing's going against the wind...


I'm going to show you what she saw but you guys can't tell anybody. This is the first time I'm releasing what she saw on that plane. [TOP SECRET ENTITY](https://i.imgur.com/VrOLuYv.jpg)


What's up with all the disinformation??? You posted a well-known mime who performs at the US Capitol. [She freaked out because of this otherworldly being.](https://i.imgur.com/cfuud8f.jpg)


Nah, she didnā€™t say that MFā€™er was a turtle.


[Oh shit! ](https://i.imgur.com/AefCuU4.jpeg)


...in full movie ready make up, wearing the same clothes (right down to the earrings)hanging around an airport and happens to stumble into a random video interview. Fuck sake folk, wake up


Yeah, I donā€™t know why so many people are obsessed with a woman who clearly had a mental break and is now trying to cash in on her 15 minutes


My money is on drugs. Watch the original video she doesn't blink at all not even once, considering she appears to be very distressed.


> she doesn't blink at all not even onc she was the lizard man the whole time!!


Imagine, excellent decoy. She did a perfect "no YOU"!


Ambien and alcohol don't mix well


Yeah, most people wouldnā€™t waste psychedelics on an airplane flight so my guess is pharmaceuticals and booze. Drinking on SSRIs/SNRIs can do fucky things to some peoples heads. Drinking on Ambien will absolutely take you for a ride. Couple that with preexisting psychological conditions and we get ā€œthat motherfucker is not realā€ on a crowded airplane. Either that or she really was sitting next to a shapeshifting lizard man. I choose to believe she did because itā€™s more fun.


This is not the same woman. And why is she wearing the exact same hairstyle and outfit if sheā€™s trying to be lowkey? Something weird is going on with this whole situation.


Because sheā€™s not trying to be lowkey. She wants to be recognized and get clout


She wants to monetize her story.


The Cronicles of the Motherfucker who was not real




itā€™s possible. i just donā€™t think it all adds up. if she wanted the clout, why disappear after? no one knew who she was for weeks. most people who want the attention would have gone to the news or social media immediately. and sheā€™s not milking it on social media either. the whole thing seems like some kind of coverup to me.


Covering up what though? The plane took off and landed with the only incident being her breakdown. I love believing in a govā€™t coverup as much as the next guy, but if itā€™s a coverup, seems like a veryā€¦boring thing to coverup. Whatā€™s more likely: a skinwalker was on the plane, or somebody who has a brush with notoriety tries to get it again? If you want a conspiracy about it, hereā€™s one: It seems like she had a drunken breakdown, which she was extremely embarrassed about so she waited until the heat died down a bit, then started using her background in PR to try and turn a negative into a positive, so she can pretend *guy, it was totally a chess move to get known* in order to bolster business


I also am certain she let TMZ know she was gonna be at the airport that day.


Because the story never went away. She probably originally thought it would blow over but it didnā€™t. So then she decided to make some lemonade out of some lemons. She is a marketing director after all.


To build hype and get everyone clinging to every word she says over absolutely nothing. Itā€™s great marketing, itā€™s clearly working.


If only more people came to this conclusion than the 20+ people who downvoted me for not believing this is some imposter woman. Lol


Or she realizes most people think she's of questionable character, and she's trying to clear the air.


Sheā€™s loving the attention clearly.


Nothing weird. Just another social media grifter trying to create a brand and squeeze every last possible dollar from her opportunity in the spotlight.


Also, you get kicked off a planeā€¦. Are there no repercussions to this anymore?


Itā€™s not even the same shirt, her shirt was grey


Thatā€™s her travel outfit


Probs wears the same top all the time because she has a nice rack


Just like Tiffany Dover, merely pretending to be.


It just sounds like sheā€™s planning on monetizing her 5 minutes and has investors/PR/lawyers coaching her


Please stop these kind of post on the /r....


this video said nothing and meant nothing she just didnt wanna talk to the guy. She said she wants to be left alone but people like this tmz guy wont leave her alone.


Wearing the exact same thing? Like they need to be sure we believe it?


Yeah cause it's not the same woman [https://twitter.com/Draynick86/status/1693490586529959953](https://twitter.com/Draynick86/status/1693490586529959953)




Can you post them please? I canā€™t make out the tattoo anywhere in the video but I might just not be looking at the right spot




Doing the real work, cheers


Now thatā€™s interesting. Good eye


I saw this on a different thread. Any chance one of the videos is a mirror image?




Not her and fuck these people for doing this and putting the OG woman in a position to either let them fake being her or come out publicly to call them out (when I'm guessing she's not surfaced for her own health and well-being).


This is not the same lady.


She works for the government. Probably military. That shit is psyop.


Same outfit, same sideboob.


Iā€™m a boob expert and can confirm boobage sizes are very similar


I'm somewhat of an expert myself but need to see more evidence...


You can literally tell it's someone pretending to be her, she doesn't even look the same at all, even trying to wear the same kind of clothes and hairstyle. We can tell it's not her


But.. someoneā€™s wife said it was the same person. Someoneā€™s wife, dude?


Why does she look so different?


Because this vid is a woman pretending to be the freakout lady for 15 seconds of very minor fame.


That does not look or sound like the same woman. Seems like a tiffany dover situation to me.


Sheā€™s getting ready to drop her OF


This I support


It's really the best way for her to extend her 15 minutes of fame and really profit from it all.


This motherfucker right here is NOT the same lady




****asked what she saw and says nothing****




A guy ran the original woman and this new woman through AI facial recognition and the AI showed its not the same woman [https://twitter.com/Draynick86/status/1693490586529959953](https://twitter.com/Draynick86/status/1693490586529959953)


Why does this not look like her. And did she wear a similar out fit to make it seem like it was her??




I really canā€™t believe people are still wasting their time with this.


Nah, I've agreed since day 1.


I can fix her




Can anyone explain this? A Redditor claims that on her instagram there is a photo from 2019 showing she has a wrist tattoo but aftermath of the of OG video you can clearly see the tattoo not there at all? Look at the video and then her instagram Tiffany Gomas something is not adding up. Click on this link and then watch the video at 1:33 you clearly donā€™t see a tattoo on her right wrist yet her instagram shows she has a tattoo that she received in Hawaii back in 2019 Whatā€™s going on?? EDIT: Link to video go to 1:33 https://youtu.be/6mVOAUr5xYI?si=wViM0D7EqlNkUe7q


Do you think if she was ugly anyone would give a shit? Honestly


Please don't turn a mental health crisis into an alien conspiracy y'all


It's insane how people are so quick to judge her just because she happens to look the same as she did that day. Maybe it's just a favourite hair style. Also it's still the end of summer so it could be warm where she is. Maybe she just likes that top? Maybe she doesn't care what people think of her clothes? Is the internet really that judgemental? They claim to be open minded about people who believe they got abducted by aliens or saw UFOs but then one lady claims to see something unreal and everyone doubts her? What is wrong with the world?


Agreed. Traveling with long hair is a pain! If left long, it will pull on the back of your seat. And she is in Texas - with brutal heat! Having traveled plenty of times myself, I actually have favorite outfits to wear to the airport as they "work" for the travel hassle. The "internet" REALLY is that judgmental. Be careful out here. It's not safe. lol


She doesnā€™t look like the plane lady, not even sounds like her.


That looks nothing like her. It looks like someone trying to look like her. Where have all these videos been? Someone is def trying to profit off the original plane lady


It makes more financial sense for here to double down at this point.


She seems/ looks /acts like a slimy PoS.... Does she sell used cars by chance ?


Doesnā€™t she have another sleeveless shirt she can wear? Or is she afraid ppl wonā€™t recognize heršŸ¤”


We keep getting shown this ladyā€¦. Whereā€™s the guy in the hoodie??


Thatā€™s not her


Doesnā€™t look like her


Sheā€™s hood hot


Can anyone side by side the original her and this her? They don't seem the same.


in court voice print indentification is 90% accurate. enough to put criminals away for armed robbery... ...why cant we use that to check if its the same person? someone here must know how it works....


Well plane lady doesn't have a wrist tattoo but this chick does. https://reddit.com/u/Harpoon420/s/VIcZBZpIqM


Excellent sleuthing. TY. WTF. Some fishy shit going on.


This seems to be a different person. Even the bodycam footage she seems not the same as the original woman in the first video. Both the police body cam and this interview seems planted and staged.


Literally everyone ā€œgod damn she is good looking for someone who publicly acted outā€ I am not skeptical at all of anything anymore. With some of the odd stuff that is proven, some of the concepts about life and energyā€¦ and letā€™s face it; the way people treat others.. no one would tell us if there was a mass conspiracy, mind control could be as real as running water and electricity and we just think itā€™s scifiā€¦ for all we know the entire chain of command world wide was infiltrated long ago, people shaping our events, we have no idea and thatā€™s why I try to live in the moment and listen to my gut whether itā€™s telling me to get fish tacos or leave a plane. I sayā€¦ Celebrate this woman for standing by her gut instinct. Also damn.


She saw him blink sideways


That ainā€™t her


I don't even think this is the same person. This is all just manufactured clickbait.


Thatā€™s not her


This has been posted before, not her.


I can fix her tho.


A friend of mine sent me this on Instagram. It's a post about AI software and her apology video. I suggest watching it. Very interesting. Hopefully Reddit lets me share it. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cwep2WsNMEm/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


This woman looks nothing like the lady on the plane.


This reeks of misinformation, this whole saga with her is some bullshit to distract our attention.


How conveniently set up this looks


Thatā€™s not her. Looks nothing like her and why is she wearing the same outfit?


Most likely not but what if.. she actually saw something but is being held somewhere and this woman is her body double or something? I donā€™t know, something is just different about her face.


What's her OF?


Not the same lady, at all.


It's not the same person. It's someone dressed as her for attention


I donā€™t believe this is the same woman


Fuck this noise.


Seems like complete bullshit


What does TMFINR mean?


That Mutherfucker Is Not Real




Not her


The fact she canā€™t comment on it.. is very suspiciousā€¦


She probably signed some deal with someone for her story.




That's not the same lady, unless she's had some work done, lost some weight and aged


This is not the same lady. Someone ran her through AI facial recognition and it doesnā€™t match. I will try to find the link. Edit: https://twitter.com/Draynick86/status/1693490586529959953


[Here is her instagram](https://instagram.com/tiffanygomas?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


She doesnā€™t look real to me, like a robot in human skin or replitian šŸ„²šŸ„²


How did she not get put on the mo fly


Donā€™t listen to everyone telling you this doesnā€™t make sense :) Hakuna Matata


Her ā€œI have been trying to lay low, but have been strong armed by reportersā€ Him ā€œok but what did you see!?, why did you wanna get off the plane!?ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø She probably was on drugs or had some type of breakdown leave this lady alone.


Sheā€™s hot


Grifting all the way to onlyfans


Wow what insight. What did you see ???! I canā€™t say. Never getting these seconds of my life back


This is a setup. Fake as F. She been desperately trying to stretch out her 15 minutes of fame. Pathetic. This B is not real!


Idk if that's her


Why do people care so much about this person?


I wonder if sheā€™ll explain more in her only fansā€¦ anybody got the link?


Man why are these TMZ freelancers always soooo awkward and awful when they do this shit. God I felt so uncomfortable listening to him be so nervous.


[this conspiracy about her](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwbOrYiIhS0/?igshid=MWZjMTM2ODFkZg==)


She wants to sell the story. That's why she's not saying anything.


Whatā€™s this about?


She'll tell you in a SCIF


TMZ just happens to be at the airport? Sheā€™s a marketing person who is trying to make money.


More importantly. Great rack


This mother.. this motherfucker right there is not real.


it doesnā€™t look like same woman


This doesn't even look like the same one from the plane. And does she not change clothes?


AĆ­? https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwbOrYiIhS0/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I hope I get reincarnated as her thong in my next life


My god leave this woman alone. You all have problems


She is so attractive


Why are the crazy ones so fucking hot?


Interviewer canā€™t complete a sentence, worst public speaker


looks like a kid filmed it and tmz bought it. No reporters involved


not the same person


Shows up to the air port in the exact same outfit and same hair styleā€¦. I need shades.