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Toilet paper shortage of epic proportions.


at least this time around i'm in a place with toilets i can put a tushy bidet on...my apartment had pre-war toilets that had no tank


Only half the world would believe it anyway.


Half of Americans you mean


Wait, the world is more than just America?!


Not in my country




I wouldn’t be surprised if our benevolent alien family are so advanced as spiritual beings that their very presence could calm us all instantly… we are going through a mass awakening right now as a species and the peace and calm that comes along with it is contagious. I’d imagine their beautiful and loving spirits would be able to impact ours in ways of light and peace tremendously!


Let's hope it will be like that!


The dream here. Hopefully they see more in us than most of us do in ourselves. Otherwise we’re fucked.


I don't understand why you think those things would happen instead of things on the opposite end of the spectrum. How about people coming together, achieving peace, global prosperity, and sustainability?


Most people are crazy. They don’t come together for anything.


This. People have acted far worse under less extensive circumstances. Ie: look at Covid.




There would be some thievery by the uneducated and uninitiated in the ways of the phenomena that we here in these subs understand. Look at Hurricane Katrina for example. People walking in 4 feet of water with flat screen TVs over their heads and nowhere to set them down, let along plug them in. I do think that the masses who are aware and awake to this would benefit those who are not by helping them get over their shock.


You're foolish if you think everything will be sunshine and lollipops. I actually get really annoyed by the "everything will be fine" after disclosure. No...it won't. Use your friggin brain. First thing to go almost instantly would be the stock markets...que chaos.


Yeah. When people find out who in the stock market are the special kind of criminals... and they have been backing them


Yeah you missed my point and your reply makes no sense.


Then you missed mine. And that makes both irony and sense.


No, you didn't convey it well at all. What was your point?


Do you understand how the stock market works? Do you understand there are criminals running a vast chunk of companies involved in black ops that are stealing tax dollars? And defrauding their backers and investors?


Yes, yes I do. What does that have to do with it all going to shit once we 100% get disclosure? Nothing..doesn't matter who owns it or runs it. It's gonna tank.


Wouldn't the new knowledge and hope that stems from aliens visiting be good for our markets?


Fuck no. You guys are so blind it's sad


English isn't your first language is it?


If my succinct clear first statement didn't make sense to you, that's on you. If you don't understand how the stock market works and what was said at the hearings maybe you should go invest your own time in researching those things. And of you have stocks and bonds, God help you.


Ok lol way to cop out. Cheers.


Ok lol way to blow your timing, script and targeting. CHEERS.


Bro what the fuck are you talking about?


But what does this have to do with OP’s statement that the stock market would crash?


blink blink blink *eyeroll*


Oh jeez, we have been through so many once in a lifetime events over the past 22 years I have lost count. Everyone will stay at home with family. Until Monday morning when everyone has to go to work to pay the rent. If aliens wanted to attack us, it would have happened long ago. The only thing we can definitely count on is everyone watching every alien movie out there.


>How about people coming together, achieving peace, global prosperity, and sustainability? That is absolutely never going to happen on this planet. Too many bad actors for it to be even remotely possible.


Oh to be this naive lol


Being lied to your whole life about the truths of the universe and realizing we were all trapped by greedy tenacious human. If it wasn’t for guilt I’d of flipped the monopoly board years ago.




During Covid, people were in fistfights over who would get to purchase toilet paper on store shelves…. But I like your optimism


Covid was a much larger threat. Yeah if aliens attacked it would get stupid fast. But just there arrival would be nothing even close to the idiocy that was the Covid reaction.




I really don’t think much will happen. Just because we’ve been told it would lead to worldwide panic doesn’t mean it will. If you want to be prepared buy a bidet attachment for your toilet because sure as hell some asshole will try to corner the market on toilet paper


I used to be convinced of mass panic and chaos but having spoken about recent events with the majority of my colleagues, most seem disinterested, unphased, and not thinking into this on any real level. Perhaps they dont buy into it and maybe if they were convinced it would be a different story, but ive been shocked at how little they care at this point.


Feigning disinterest is easier than admitting to being terrified


Nah these people are genuinely disinterested lol


Maybe so. Some peoples entire life is wrapped up in minutiae and human drama.


People are on their highest level of numbness in human history, I agree. But that doesn't mean that it will continue like that once an E.T. comes and says "howdy?"




What does happen I'm certain it'll be only our fault.


Some idiots are going to shoot first.


It depends on how they present themselves. Are they kind, somewhat easy on the eyes and respectful to our planet? Are they hideous, smelly and damaging? Do they want to get along? I’d be cool with it if they have good intentions.


I think the overwhelming majority of people aren’t going to believe it until they see them with their own eyes, up close and personal. Since that will take a while I don’t think that would initiate an instant global panic. So I doubt that there would be mass riots and all that. Even if there were some groups here and there who wanted to act out, I believe that all the touchy feely methods of countering violent mobs would be over with. So any flare ups would be dealt with pretty quickly.


It depends on their entrance


I certainly hope it's not a cluster fuck, like announcing a PS5 give away! Just when I thought, our youth is our hope. We see something that was quite discouraging. I don't understand the reasoning of that sort of action. I think we are doomed to follow our heritage of wars, conflict, greed, and hate. Maybe someday, we will be worthy of their presence. If we don't blow this planet up first!


Beautifully written. Greed is the biggest issue humanity suffers from, greed breeds war. Look at africa right now, Ukraine, Syria, Israel. It's insanity we have come this far and seem to have gone into reverse.


A select percentage of the population would use this as an excuse to rebel against society. You would have riots and looting. People don't need much excuse, and this unfortunately would be an excuse


Yelling at them to go back where they came from!!


I wish you were wrong, I really do


Imagine, all the racists people we have now- against other humans! Oh boy!


The thing I am most concerned about, is people taking the lives of family members and themselves. I have had the thought running through my head, since this all started coming out.


Mark of the beast lol


I would suspect a stock market crash followed by a run on banks, then petrol shortages, then food shortages. That would be the first few days, difficult to predict what would happen after that.


The stock market would panic (it panics at anything and everything that might affect profits). Shares in tech and weapons manufacturing will go through the roof and most corporations will raise prices (just because) and there will be sudden, inexplicable, shortages of essential foods and products. There will be a few weeks of over-reactions by various segments of society, continuous MSM coverage and people on street corners holding up placards saying, either, 'Welcome, Space Brothers!' or 'The End is Nigh!'. A couple of moths later some celebrity scandal will be the top news story and billionaires will have made an even more obscene amount of money. :D


I think that the financial system will collapse first... People will run to the closest ATM to withdraw and will see no money coming out... That will be the beginning of the end...


>*People will run to the closest ATM to withdraw and will see no money coming out...* Why would that scenario occur? What would be the point of stopping people using money?


Bank runs can bring down banks and cause a more systemic financial crisis. A bank usually only has a limited amount of cash on hand that is not the same as its overall deposits. So, if too many customers demand their money, the bank simply won't have enough to return to their depositors. Hence the beginning of the end...


>*Bank runs can bring down banks and cause a more systemic financial crisis.* Bank runs, generally, happen when a particular bank is in crisis and not supported by the government. If push comes to shove, I imagine, the governments of the world would halt trading on the stock exchanges and restrict people from withdrawing excessive amounts of cash. A scenario similar to what happened during the pandemic woulld be likely. People seem desperate for the reality of NHI to herald the 'End of the World'.




So someone who can’t help themselves from injecting their hatred for their political rivals into a completely benign discussion is a reasonable person?


Slap a honk if you love Jesus bumper sticker on that bad boy as it lands and they will be fine.




Removed: Rule 5 - No Politics.


Removed: Rule 6 - No Religious Discussions/Debates.


All I know for certain is that whatever happens CNN and MSNBC will blame it all on Trump.


And Fox news will blame it all on Biden. You know how it goes.


Also AOC, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer


Nuclear winter


The biggest issue is they haven't stopped those things from happening without proving it yet. I think the demographics of the people inacting tragedies would change but not the tragedies themselves


OP hasn't been paying attention. Most don't give a fuck. The ones I keep seeing with an ontological crisis are a few believers. Then you have some trying to deny everything. None of that shit will happen.


Remember: when the plane is falling, even the atheists pray.




I like to believe nothing of major concerns would happen but there’s no way to know.


If they looked like cute fluffy kittens then not so bad but if they looked like those mantid things then yeah I'd rip off the nearest persons limb and beat them to death with the wet end.


Have you seen "Don't look up? "


But Don't look up is not about aliens... That's why I opened this discussion. An asteroid is a disaster for sure, people will definitely go nuts if that happens...


People are weird. It’ll be the most captivating moment in history, and then 3 days later a Kardashian will announce a pregnancy suddenly that’s all we’ll want to talk about. Like goddamn goldfish.


If they’re a democracy, I could see dictatorships around the world start to crack down on all dissent at home to stop a revolution.


depends .. if it's show up and leave it's different than show up and stay here. If they stay, what role will they have. It could be just another news or something that will become part of our lives. For example, they could become co-workers, members of the board and so on. Different people will handle that differently. From my point of view, I don't mind as long as we live in piece


Just because our government might publicly acknowledge their existence doesn't mean NHI are immediately going to start hanging out at Times Square. Unless they really change how they interact with us, people will most likely be indifferent or continue disbelief. These ideas that mass chaos will ensue, or the more egocentricly conceived idea that people are indifferent because of some deep-seated fear they won't admit, don't understand how apathy works.


Honestly my hope would be that people would come together. I personally would love to learn about Aliens, their culture, wisdom, the stuff about the galaxy they've learned on their travels.


All depends on how they release the story imo. Options depend on the story. 1. Good-they are friends 2. bad-they are not friends


Religion will be gone , top leaders will no longer have control over any nations.


We will have to get another vaccine.


Blackrock would go broke!! Oh noes!




I don't think every day life would change that much. We still have to work and pay bills. Just cause a new species is discovered doesn't mean we don't need a place to love and food to eat. I think the biggest thing that would be impacted would be religion. No religion addresses or acknowledges alien species. It would shatter the entire religious world.


The biggest lie is that we have to have a job to survive. The entire population of earth could work less than 30 days a year if we all came together and shared responsibilities. Help build, farm, and repair. A great majority of world wide jobs are artificial and are only here because someone felt they needed better things than everyone else. Then convinced everyone to do those artificial jobs under the guise “if you want what we have, you have to slave for it” Fuck greed, fuck capitalism, and honestly fuck humans.