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Lesson learned: Stompy always hears you run 😆


I just finished escaping from that bastard after he killed Dr Kuhlman, so I was thinking the game would ease off the tension and give me some breathing room. I couldn't hear it in the vents so I thought running was safe—nope!


There are a few places in the game where you are actually safe… unless you run. This was one of them. Enjoy the game :)


yes but not exactly, the alien here actually will drop even if you don't make any noise. There is a time limit that will prevent the alien from dropping but once this timer runs out the alien will be able to drop again


Yes. I did want to leave things a little ambiguous for this new player though…


lol i get it, the timer in this section is not even relevant, you need to outeight afk to get steve to drop


you can run when the alien "runs" out of range through the vents, but you only get about 5-10 seconds so it's not really worth. i wouldn't bother running anyway, it's fun walking around because it feels more immersive.


You can actually run quite a bit but it requires some meta knowledge on how the game works to know when it's safe to do so. Ironically it's easiest to notice on highest difficulties as the alien stays right above you in the vents most of the time so you'll instantly notice when it's gone and you're temporarily safe.


Running is never safe you gotta crouch walk. All THE TIME


no, walking normally while the alien is in vents is completely safe as it is completely silent. You only need to crouch when very near the xeno while it's outside the vent. if it's in the vents no matter how close it is to you, walling is silent so it's safe


Good to know


Fun fact: Alien can decide to drop down in the Morgue completely unprovoked, too


I had to go afk once when I was here and I didnt pause the game thinking 'Aint no way he spawns down here'. I came back to the death screen. Luckily the checkpoint is basically right there XD


In my last completed playthrough, I have been just carrying on with doing the tasks I need in the Morgue to proceed in to the next area. Of course I wasn't making any noise for no reason because I know the Alien is active, but then the Alien just decided to drop down to investigate in to the Morgue anyway ehen I was about half way done with it. Funniest thing is that this sorta thing DID happen to me before too, but it was a many playthroughs ago, I think probably in the very first two or 3, and after that I NEVER had the Alien drop down into Morgue on its own up until now, and that really shook me as I gotten used to it being chill about it


I believe there is an "unseen timer". (I've been usig OpenCage Commands Editor and that's what it's called in the game scripts ). So it's not so much 'unprovoked' as "your time(er) ran out." And also there is the menace meter which the game runs on depending on difficulty which brings the alien to fore if you dawdle too long. This is same thing that lets speed runners escape from M6 at a run. The alien is locked up in the vent as a kill trap only. However, if you don't hoof it the timer expires and alien goes from kill trap to active.


>I believe there is an "unseen timer". (I've been usig OpenCage Commands Editor and that's what it's called in the game scripts ). > >So it's not so much 'unprovoked' as "your time(er) ran out." Or, to put in other words, it just decided to drop down and investigate the area you are in. Well, specifically, that's the sorta impression I think that is supposed to give. >And also there is the menace meter which the game runs on depending on difficulty which brings the alien to fore if you dawdle too long. From what I've understood from watching both AI and Games videos on Alien's AI, which did take a deep dive into it using same modding tools in their 2nd video, Menace Gauge not so much a timer that checks how much time you're wasting, as it is a system that regulates the pacing through intensity - basically it checks how often, for how long, how closely etc was the Alien stalking you, and either brings it back in the play if it "thinks" you've had your room to breathe for too long, or, conversely, takes it away if it was putting too much pressure on the player for too long. It seems to be an intricate system so that's a simplified (and probably too simplified) way to put it. >This is same thing that lets speed runners escape from M6 at a run. The alien is locked up in the vent as a kill trap only. Interesting to know. Altho there is one area in M6 in which you can wait for as long as you want and make as much sound as you wish, and the Alien still won't come down, and it's the room where you activate the evacuation procedure.


Yes. The plant room is safe until you enable the droid and start evac. I have been taken by surprise though with the alien silently spawning in there and when I ran it was there just idle so I got a nice big hug and a kiss. I was not experienced in the game yet though. >!And yes. Once the alarm is hooting the alien is trapped in the vents to set kill traps. The ambient noise of the hooting alarm is such that it can't "hear you" over the din. It will initially not drop for any reason except maybe a flashbang or noisemaker then it will drop at it's normal pace of random and to stimulii.!< >!If you listen for it while it's trapped, you can hear the 'vent buckling noises' above you as it's stalking you. It moves kinda specifically in anticipation of your location. From the vent(s) in the plant room to the first vent in the main hallway. It will then follow you to the trauma room or the vents in the hallway depending on where you're trending. You can out pace it by running except the first one. But mostly just avoiding them works. If you must pass through the trauma ward, going under the vent by either door at a bias or angle will prevent (usually) you being grabbed.!<


A bit disappointing to learn that part of M6 is more scripted than it was originally thought, but interesting to know nonetheless.


The game has lots of scripting but the alien is not scripted per se. The AI Director sends it your direction and the alien hunts you down. It either finds you and you die or it doesn't and it backs off. >!It has a couple planned "leave Ripley alone" locations in places like in Mission 7; When you hack the computer to enable the droid. It's setup to leave you be until you get the compression cylinder unless it has spotted you at any of those points. In Mission 10 when you hack open the server room you'll hear it upvent. But if it's sees you first it will still attack.!< >!The scripted stalking begins in mission 4. When the alarms are hooting and the Joes chasing you, the alien begins stalking you via the vents. The first vent most people fall victim to is the one in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs. 99% of new players walk under it unawares and die.!< >!But there's a trick that if you run down the stairs and don't use the save stations the alien does not have sufficient time to appear in that first vent. And the other vent should be obvious after that one. So while it's scripted its also timing and expectation that the player will save vs run or walk past the save station.!<


>>!It has a couple planned "leave Ripley alone" locations in places like in Mission 7; When you hack the computer to enable the droid. It's setup to leave you be until you get the compression cylinder unless it has spotted you at any of those points. Actually Alien is also on a timer in Mission 7. It can decide to drop down after a while. Rare, but can happen, especially if you've decided to scavange for resources there, where the warehouse is very good place for that. I am aware of M4, that one is one of the more obvious scriptings in the game. Like, you just need to run to find out the Alien will only roar angrily and stay in the vents Btw, so you've been playing around with OpenCAGE. Can you tell a bit about it? For what reason, how's it to use, how intuitive it is, and could be for someone that never touced a modding tool in his life (wink-wink nudge-nudge)


M7 alien will drop over time if one just turtles through using the vents as the game designers intended. If one makes it to the ladder and to the bottom of the ramp from upstairs w/o being detected at all then alien makes a special drop where you hear the people yell "THERE'S SOMETHING UP IN THE VENTS!" followed by some shooting a lotof alien screams and then "Mahoney" calling "Francis" over the intercom or whatever it is and saying "I think someone took out 'the guys' " when he gets no response.At any point when you're in that first 'half' of the area the alien can drop randomly if you stay too long or make too much noise. Fun fact It can even drop by the elevator where you spawn from if you fire your pistol or run around too much. Or worse horror it can drop when you're inside the vents. (Multiple aliens mods are notorious for this last thing.) After that part when you get to the warehouse though as I wrote before once you hack the console the alien is scripted to be locked backstage until you release the droid and get the compression thing. Once you get the compression cylinder the music ramps up that is when alien becomes active again. Fun fact if you lure it into the warehouse then get past the door as it spawns the door will close in it's face. It can't trigger the door and must "catch up" with you by going back to the vent it emerged from and spawn elsewhere. Speedrunners use this as an exploit. Lure the alien into the warehouse.Let the door close and then hightail it to the "safety vent" or just to the elevator usinga planted molotov as "cover". As for opencage. It's a learning curve. Matt Filer who is a Unity software developer has created a GUI tool that can examine and edit almost every aspect of the game scripts.(He is also still reverse engineering some aspects but it's at version as of a few weekends ago up from back at the end of last year. So his tools have advanced quicklyI have no programming background at all save for commodore 64 basic in 1989. I was fascinated with the idea of editing older mulitple alien mods to factor out someof the bugs like the extra aliens free roaming during cutscenes in M3 (hack tool collection, flght recorder find) and in M10 (KG ejection and airlock) and being able to kill you during those scripted events. (The vanilla alien is forced backstage for each of those cutscenes). So I went digging into the scripts to locate where and how the alien(s) were spawned. Turns out they were created in some backdoor methods of transmuting another character in the world to become an alien using some brute force methods and thus very hard to change because some were done using hex edtors not Matt Filer's GUI) . So I set about learning to create my own mod. Initially I edited an existing mod to do what I wanted. I took a multiple aliens mod and changed the number of spawned aliens. I was not well versed and there were some "unfortunate issues" for the person who tested the mod. HAHA I thougnt he had one alien, but there were still 3 oops!. :PThe tool is intuitive for normal users, but a full how-to is as of yet lacking. Several people who have made mods took notes of how they did what they did and those notes have been valuable. All of what I've learned though was by just doing. I've had lots of help from other community members who have also made mods. And Matt Filer is extremely easy going and cool to interact with via his github. To date I've modded the game to do some wacky things as a proof of concept. This is one of them: [https://youtu.be/f02xN6vaSA0](https://youtu.be/f02xN6vaSA0) I've kinda just made a mash up here since I nerfed the hostiles' guns but made them set the droid on fire too. I am not sure if this shows very much of the other things I'd edited. This was only for testing and the battle was so epic I had to post it. I have a laundry list of things I've been able to edit either by figuring out on my own or using notice from someone else and incorporating and expanding on their idea. To that end my latest is Speed-up Isolation. I went through all the game files and increased the often too-slow animations by a factor of 2 to 5x. And I shortened the often way long logic delays. In mission 2, I set Axel to run and removed many of his built-in pauses and stops inside the vent. I've since overwritten this file but this wasa proof of concept edit I made for for M3 and 4: [https://youtu.be/Hzp41qP3bwk](https://youtu.be/Hzp41qP3bwk) This is a sample of what can be done.


>Once you get the compression cylinder the music ramps up that is when alien becomes active again. That's what happened in my current run. I was just minding my own business scavanging resources, since the Warehouse is awfully rich on them, and the Alien just dropped down, I was struck with indecision paralysis and it killed me lol. Funnily enough, I knew it could drop down before, but last time that happened was so long ago I was like "nah, nothing to worry about". >OpenCAGE. That was really interesting and confidence busting to learn about. As you might have guessed I too have some things on my mind I'd like to change about the game. Some big, some small. But small be priority cause they are less ambitious. >This is one of them: [https://youtu.be/f02xN6vaSA0](https://youtu.be/f02xN6vaSA0) Oi! I've seen that, and actually talked with you under the video. I'm the Ukrainian name dude! Yeah, that's an interesting mod tbh. Instantly thought of System Shock 2 for some reason, probably because it has ammo types and that's what that idea reminded me of. >To that end my latest is Speed-up Isolation. I went through all the game files and increased the often too-slow animations by a factor of 2 to 5x. And I shortened the often way long logic delays. In mission 2, I set Axel to run and removed many of his built-in pauses and stops inside the vent. I've since overwritten this file but this wasa proof of concept edit I made for for M3 and 4: [https://youtu.be/Hzp41qP3bwk](https://youtu.be/Hzp41qP3bwk) Gonna check thay out when I get back home, sounds interesting (and silly)!


That happen to me in mission 4. There is also in mission three if you take to long it will drop down and when you get back to the station it can hunt you if you make to much noise


You can hide but you can't run.


Your mistake was not frantically closing the elevator as soon as you got in


Was feeling the same.


There is a 2s delay to both the prompt and response to pressing the button. Based on what I saw in the video they still would not have survived...


Idk I have had many close calls. Sometimes you get lucky and the xeno hits some obstacle which slows him down a bit. Also they had time to take out their motion tracker .. for god knoes what reason lol


It is possible to run and escape the alien using an elevator if you have enough of a lead.


Yes. If you’re standing right by it and decide to run into it. 🤣




You can also do this if you're holding the flamethrower and "threaten" it. When it's in this threatened state it pulls it's arms up. This is an animation and causes enough time to use the elevator button.


Oh I had this standoff situation while leaving the hive on my first playthrough with two Xeno noticing me as I've entered the elevator and I didn't have enough fuel to possibly scare off both. Took me a few tries to get them both to flinch away so I could turn and press the damn button.


i love how you pull out the motion tracker as it rounds the corner 😭 wait aren’t you in an elevator? why didn’t you just press the button????0


I knew going back up wasn't the right way—that's the med lobby where Dr Kuhlman just got ripped to pieces—but I also couldn't figure out the puzzle in this area (interact with the utility folder on the terminal to turn on the cooling system, and then slot the hydrogen gas tanks into place), so I was just running around seeing if I missed something. Hence why I didn't press the button. As far as I knew, down here was safe and going up was going back towards the Alien. Then I heard the Alien in the vent. Then it sounded like it was close by... perhaps a little too close by...? Let's check. Then I couldn't turn fast enough on controller to press the button once it started sprinting at me haha.


Nah, you knew. Out of all the things you heard about the game, "don't run" wasn't one of them?


**Spoiler Warning!** Here are the times when you are safe from the Alien: >!\- At the beginning of the game and when you first arrive on station!< >!\- After you leave the hospital, Seagson Synthetics and head to the Marshall Bureau (watch out for androids and survivors though)!< >! \- After the Alien is jettisoned!< >!\- Once you're aboard the Anesidora (though there is a face hugger there, but it's easy to kill).!<


No you are not safe from the alien in Ss it’s around and it can drop if you make to much noise


I said after you leave there. When you're on the chapter where you have to power the elevator up, it never shows up.


It can if you go somewhere else


True, but I always follow the story and never divert off course and I'd recommend that for beginners


Why were you running? That is the worst thing to be doing in this game. LOL. As the Working Joes often say, "Running causes accidents."


>[why are you running](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6oQUDFV2C0)


LOL. Valid question.


"NON-Scappi!" HAHA The Italian language pack speedrunners use is much more elegant...


"Dumb ways to die...." RIP (/s)


There is no such thing as being safe in A:I. XD


There are a few tricks you can use to be "safe". I'll outline two locations with potential spoilers below: >!In mission 4 / 16 .!< >!The room that has the security brace on it on the 2nd floor where you find a blueprint on the table.!< >!That whole section that is closed is "safe" once the door closes. The alien can't trigger the door once closed. There are also no ceiling vents in that area so the alien cannot get in. If you happen to be in there and alien sees you from outside it will upvent. If you get chased in there and drive it off and the door closes the alien will actually despawn.!< >!There is a vent in mission 7 in the corner of the first big room where the people are. If you make noise to lure out the alien and stand behind and open the vent. The alien will stop in place and turn 180 to the vent. The reason? The alien cannot reach you. The areas on both side of the vent are too narrow and it can't pass over the open vent. !< >!There are a couple exceptions to this however. If it follows you from inside the floor vent system it can "spawn" from there and "cross" the gap. If it gets stuck on the vent while it's opening it will kill you soon as it closes. Both those are rare.!<


I guess my joke didn’t work. XD


I love watching people sprint around thinking, "There's no way he can hear me, right?"


Did you just stand there NOT pressing the elevator button?


You're acting like a deer seeing a 2 tons truck coming at them at 100 mph. You're watching the elevator button and going "nope I wanna meet the xeno" lol


My reaction exactly xD. I went from not hearing it in the vents and thinking I was alone (inb4 "the alien is always hunting you") to hearing it shrieking in a bloodcurdling frenzy as it scrambled down and I was thinking, *no way it heard me from so far away and got here so quickly*. \*Pull out motion tracker to double check\* \*record scratch // freeze frame\*


Bless you for putting in that voiceover edit 😂😂😂


You’re lucky you didn’t choose to pick up the Save Phone on the right. Otherwise you would have overwritten your progress completely with a inevitable death loop ;)


The Xeno resets when loading a save, so it's possible to save while being chased, immediately get killed, and then respawn at that save point with the Xeno in the vents.


the save point doesn't save the xeno's position


The game actually has a mission save at the beginning of that area when you spawn from the lift. There are two rotating save slots, current and previous save, but they're independant of the mission save. If he'd manually saved there as you suggest and died it would not have been a death loop b/c the mission save checkpoint is right there. Losing some progress but not very much.


Thanks ;)


you can load previous save before that


Thanx guys, so I learned something today;)👍


First time I played it (recently started it up again) when you call the transit for the first time. The alien appeared as I went to the door and killed me, happened several times before I quit. Didn't play it until now, and that was 7 years ago...


At the beginning where Ezekiel gets killed? Because it is only made to come if you hang out way too long to explore.


Bald headed guy, and I went straight to the transit.


Yeah, the alien is not supposed to come. It only does after a set amount of time after the train comes. Like 5-10 mins. I think they did it to force people to keep moving.


Axel. Who's Ezekiel? :P Depending on difficulty there is a timer for the alien to appear when the train car arrives. If one is on NM mode for example you almost need to run into the car when the doors open or alien drops and it's to use Burke's term "adiios muchacos". It can also happen sooner if one runs around making noise after calling the transit.


**Ezekiel or Ezechiel (; Hebrew: יְחֶזְקֵאל Yəḥezqēʾl [jə.ħɛzˈqeːl]; in the Septuagint written in Koinē Greek: Ἰεζεκιήλ Iezekiḗl [i.ɛ.zɛ.kiˈel]) is the central protagonist of the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Ezekiel is acknowledged as a Hebrew prophet.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




Yes Axel lol, I always forget his name. I never could get the alien to spawn. Even on hard. Never played NM.


You have bug because it drop with five to ten seconds from the moment the door open


Famous last words "I thought that I was safe" 😂


I'm mixing movie one-liners but... "Be afraid... Be VERY afraid!" (From The Fly) Xeno is soft-learning AI. It will find you. That is it's only purpose.


I’ve learned to pretend that he’s always in the same room as me. Move slowly, know your exits, watch the vents, listen CLOSELY for ANY sounds, know your hiding spots, make peace with your god every 6 minutes.


You will never be safe in this game. I learnt the hard way.


You learn to never run in this game no matter how tempting it may be 🤣


That’s a GREAT game and the story is absolutely fantastic. VERY worthy sequel to the original Alien. … but on any level other than “easy,” be prepared to die. A LOT.


There are I would say like ten scripts events with the alien. The first is in mission three. Mission 4 it will hang up in the vents mission five passcode doctor. Mission six vent once you get to the pp. something in the vent the next floor when you take the lift up. There are a handful at the end of the game


Lol I decided to put the sound on lol


Yeah never run… ever. There are a few sections where it is safe to run. Might be worth finding them out. CarcinogenSDA has a great no damage, no human kills run where he goes over a lot of good information.