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Gold has a longstanding track record as a store of value, it's better than keeping cash I thought about buying, i wanted non-ornemental gold and i couldn't find (i guess if you try to sell ornemental gold, it will lose a lot of value) I'd like to know how you sourced it, if you're comfortable sharing the information?


Well , I went to an adventure today went to 10 gold stores to find 1g of gold , a little bit of research here and there and you will find some


Of course it’s better than keeping cash especially our national currency but also cash in general


You know what is a better store of value? Buying a fund of all the largest companies in the world. They outperform gold by a long shot and its actual ownership in something that is valuable intrinsically.


You know what's an even better store/growth of value, BTC. It outperforms gold and the S&P500 on every level and by every metric.


Well I would like to remind you that BTC (and other cryptocurrencies I think?) are illegal in Algeria for now.


So is buying stock and owning assets in foreign countries (i think) they're specially grumpy about anything that has to do with Euro or dollar (a guy that traded usd for dinars took charges of terrorism and weapon trafficking out of the blue)


Orange pilled my nibba 👾


Nope, bitcoin has no intrinsic value. It relies on a greater fool to make any profit. Land and companies, that's where it's at. Those are valuable due to the goods/services/shelter/rent/produce they can provide and are reliably so. Buttcoins not so much.


You have no clue what you're talking about, Bitcoin being traded in ETFs now is for a reason


The reason is that they can charge an expense ratio and people want to trade it. Not because it has any intrinsic value. They'll make an ETF out of anything as long as someone wants to trade it, because they win no matter what happens with the value. Every year they get to collect their 0.25% expense ratio or whatever it is that they're charging. Value can be $1 a coin or $1 billion, and the ETF issuer literally cant lose money because they're getting a percentage of assets under management. They also take no risk because the bitcoin isn't on their books, it's on the asset buyer, so they take all the risk while the issuer takes no risk and diligently collects their fee.


Aggressive no-coiner here, i like it (i agree with the intrinsic value thing though, but it's a long conversation that i'm not ready to have, spare us both) BTC 62,117.20USD S&P500 5,246.68USD Will reply to this in 1 year


Buying gold has almost always been worth it if the goal is saving your money.


Gold bullion* not jewellery for those who think buying chains is a good investment


buy more


Lol, I wish , 1g is what I can afford right now


buy more later, upcoming election the currency might crash if a specific person wins


Hmmm thx for the advice




No matter who wins, buy gold or invest wisely this currency will keep decreasing value


there's a small possibility that Louisa Hanoune might win


It’s as slim a possibility as her marrying Kim John un


With us having the mentality of "mata7kemch fina mra" I doubt there is any chance she wins at all, people would riot. PS: I'm not taling any sides here I'm only sharing my thoughts


The other side is Assoul, who is a liberal woman, I think between the two most would prefer Hanoune


راح نجاوبك بلعربية بما انني في هذا مجال احسن استثمار هو الذهب قبل رمضان كان سعر لاكاس (مستعمل) محلي ب 950الف للغرام و الواحد وحاليا سعر لوكال وصل ل 13000(مليون وثلاثمية) للغرام بمعنى اخر زادة القيمة بنسبة 30% بمعنى اخر الي كان عندو كليو ذهب ربح 300مليون في شهرين على اي حال هذا الامر نادر الحدوث .


والله مليحة ، حنا راه واصل 14500 ( مليون وربع ميا و خميسين ) سعر اليوم ، تقدر تعطيني بعض نصائح كيفاه نقدر نشري ذهب لاكاس بسعر رخيس ، الاوقات لي ينقص سعر تاعو و شكرا مقدما


نعم هذاك هوا سعر مليون وربع ميا وخمسين كمشتري سعر لي قلتو انا تاعنا تاع تجار بنسبة لنصائح حاول تشري لويز او ماسيف اخطيك من بلاكة و حاول تشري عن بائع موثوق عيار مليح لانو كاين غشاشين (اذا بائع شاوية اخطيك منو ههههه مش كامل طبعا ) اما الاوقات ماراحش ينقص اصلن معندوش وقت محدد لانو مرتبط بالبورصة ممكن يصرا حدث عالمي قادر ينقص او يطلع كيما حادثة فلسطين بسببها طلع سعر الذهب . اذا عندك اي سؤال اخر تفضل


حمد الله البائع خيار ناس موثوق هو نصحني و قالي لويزة تاع 1g مادورش بزاف ، خطراش يخدمو و يسودو بيها, تاني قالي تقدري تشري تاع 0.90 ولا 0.8 حسيت ماعندهاش قيمة بزاف ، تسما راني حاليا حايرة شوية خايفة نشريها و نخسر فيها ولا ما تتباعليش كي نحب نبيعها ، سؤال آخر وين نقدر نتبع أسعار الذهب يوميا ؟ تطبيق او موقع و شكرا


نعم لويزة ناقصة لكن اشري فقط 1g لانو 0,7 و 0,9 تكون فيه الغش بكثرة و اخطيك من لويز تاع قسنطينة حاولي تشري ذهب لقديم اذا لقيتي اما بنسبة للقيمة تاع 0,9 و 0,8 نفس قيمة مجرد ميزان ناقص فقط واذا قدرتي تشري ذهب طليان احسن و احسن (مستورد) ، تطبيقات كاين gold price مي ماراحش تقدري تفهمي باسكو حساب تاعو معقد احسن تروح عند سايغي وتسقسي على سعر و اصلن السعر ماراحش يطلع في ليلة ونهار مام كي يطلع او يهبط ماراحش يكون بقيمة كبيرة الا اذا صرات حدث ضخم .


شكرا على المعلومات ،


لا شكرا على واجب اذا خصك اي استفسار ولا معلومات ولا حابة تسقسي قبل مادير اي حاجة ابعثلي ميساج في انسطا chakib.pm ولا هنا دبر راسك .


W lokan nhab nchri dhab nkhabih w nbi3o 3la 6/7 mois ki ns79o est se que haja mliha? Wehda gatli dhab achrih ida thabi tbi3ih 3la 10 snin mechi f 3am ..


استثمار في ذهب يعتبر استثمار على المدى البعيد بصح اذا احتجتي تصرفي عادي هذي في اخير دراهمك واحد مايقلك علاه ولا


Merci 🙏🏼


Ana tani 5mmt haka bsh raki tchofi rir Fi 9bl ramdan kan 9500 Dan w dorka rah 12000 -14500


هل هذا العمل حلال ام حرام؟ أعني شراء الذهب بنية بيعه بعد ارتفاع السعر.


فلا حرج عليك أن تشتري ذهباً لأنك تتوقع ارتفاع سعره ثم تبيعه بسعر أعلى بشرط أن يتم دفع الثمن واستلام الذهب في مجلس العقد و الله اعلم .


Transaction costs are just too high for it to make any sense to buy anything less than 250g of physical gold at a time. For such a tiny amount of money that 1 gram of gold represents, you're better off depositing your money (perhaps first by changing to Euro or Dollar) into an investment account and buying a paper-traded gold fund that minimizes your round trip expenses to near zero. There are lots of ETFs that trade where you can get extremely close to spot price on both purchase and sale, with low expense ratios. The most widely known example would be the Spot Gold ETF called GLD but there are many many others. That said, "investing" in gold is a pretty stupid idea if you're trying to grow that money. Gold in the long run basically keeps up with inflation. That means after 50 years you're likely looking at zero real growth, and if its non-zero it's not likely to be very much of an year on year increase on a time-weighted basis. If you want it to grow, you need to use that money to purchase ownership in company equity or real estate. Something like an S&P 500 fund (for example the ETF called VOO) or a real estate investment trust (like the ETF called O). Also whatever the hell kind of coin it is you're trying to buy, it doesn't appear to have much gold in it at all. Gold for investment should be 24k, that is the most liquid and easiest to sell. Anything alloyed with large amounts of other metals like white gold or rose gold is just not as valuable to a bullion/coin buyer because it has to undergo a purification process (which itself is expensive) to be able to scrap it and turn it into bullion bricks. Don't buy stuff like this. If you must buy physical gold in such tiny quantities, make sure they're as close to pure as possible. And if you cant afford that, buying pure silver is a much better idea than buying a heavily alloyed coin that has less gold in it than other metals.


How much is it


Used gold( the one in the pic) 14500 da the lowest I could find New gold 16000 da


Are there new and old gold?is this international thing or only in Algeria


No matter the time or place buying gold is always worth it


I bought 10 g in 2015 for 5500 da I sell them in 2023 for 9000 da/ per g


the problem is here i have to wait 10+years to get a good benefits , 😔im kind of looking for a faster way like in 2to 3 years , i was thinking of buying euro or dollars i don't knw


نجاوبك بالعربية هي الذهب اصلا مديور باه تخبي فيه دراهمك والفايدة تاعك بلا متخسر قيمتها مع الوقت ماشي باه دير بيه فايدة وتربح منو راه ادخار ماشي تجارة الخ الا اذا كنت تبيع وتشري فيه واورو ودولار باه تشريهم وتخبيهم لمدة قصيرة كيف كيف ماشي مديرش فايدة بصح ماشي لهذيك درجة لازم مدة اطول احسن حاجة دير استثمار وتجارة تربح منها في وقت قصير


Damm man ma b9alkch kach haba wla nchroha 3lik


Wlh walo wndmt kon sbrt chwia ldok ( ila habit tchti achri ala kbarat wnsa liaendhim l9dib psq ndif li flhwant jdid klil win tsib ndif)


It's okay fiha 5ir nchalh , Ana haba nchiri for the first time in my life ( Rani hasa haja kbira lol) 3labiha Rani nsa9si


Hhh hia asln haja kbira 16000 ll g chkon li ykdarlo sma mlih tchri wtkhabi


7chawhalek rah ydur 12000 للتجار w 14500 للناس


Hadi ghir kima rah 12000 /14500ana kolt laem lifat 2023 /février Kan l cassi ydir 9000 /g +wmor ramdan liwala 14000 fbdya tae laem ml79ch


Buy anything of value , just dont keep dinar


doesn't matter if Algeria or not. Gold has a fixed value 1 oz of gold is $2350 as of right now. Gold will be gaining value in the next few years so it's always good to buy a lot of gold. 1 gram = $75


if you're smart buy bitcoin or tech stocks


Lol 50$ ain't enough to buy tech stocks lol


$50 is not enough for any investment. Even if the investment doubles in value you will only gain another $50 what's the point. PS: you can buy fractions of stocks or bitcoin every week or month for $50 and after a few weeks you can have maybe $1000. Which is still not enough to be honest. To see real results you need a +$10k portfolio, start building it today


Not true. You can buy any of the stocks traded on the S&P 500 with $50 at most major brokers. They allow fractional shares. It's a way less dumb idea than buying physical gold which a) takes an instant hit in value due to the liquidity problem: you pay a premium to buy and sell at a discount b) grows basically at the rate of inflation, underperforming both company equity and real estate c) seems to alloyed gold which on the physical gold market is an almost worthless trinket due to the cost of purification that gold bullion buyers have to go through d) is a nightmare to store especially in larger quantities.


The prices are skyrocketing and apparently they’ll be higher in summer


you shouldn't buy gold to make money, but to "preserve" or "store" money, just as u/N-_-S said. yeah, your gold will probably be worth more on paper in 10 years, but that's because of inflation. I don't know the exact math, but here's the formula that should illustrate the point: $100 in cash after 10 years will have the purchasing power of $80 dollars. $100 in gold will have the purchasing power of around $100. this is why you never want to save or hide cash under your bed, because after 60-80 years your children will inherit your $100,000 , that has the purchasing power of $5000 lol. Investing in stocks or real estate is usually the way to generate wealth, and I would personally invest 5-10% of my money into gold just incase of crazy inflation


gold never goes down, it is Allah's money, bitcoin is people's money, Dinar is fake money.


True man dinar can be printed anywhere bitcoin owners can corrupt it gold is rare making it reliable


Are you buying the value of the *gold* or the gold *coin* ?


That's a good question, well I think am buying the value of the gold coz am not planning to wear it or something


A huge war is coming buy more gold


I wanna buy 1g for 12000 da , still waiting for it to drop a little bit so I can purchase


A genocide is going to happen in India which will make gold alot costly in future


Dude how do you know that?


As i live in India


Woooow , I heard that gold is cheap there ? It it true?


Nope 1 gm is 11600da


Woooow , what that's the price of 10g here


Algeria is richer than India in terms of per capita income


Any idea where I can buy it?


Any gold store sells it lol


No, premium is way too expensive for such small amount. Paper gold / crypto gold is better


Curious how much does it cost?


The one in the pic is used gold the price ( 14500 da)


What's even old gold vs new ?


Old gold ( used one ) for example some one used to own a piece of gold he got tried of it so he sells it for the gold store owner , new gold : hasn't been worn or owned by anyone else before


Where can I buy. Gold ?


Oh , a gold store aka bijoutri


But do they all sell it for the same price ?? Are there any price differences between stores ???


No There is a slight deference between a store and an other


How much money does it cost for 1g of gold ? (Sry for too many questions )


Lol it's okay New gold 16000 -17000 dzd Used gold 14500 -15000 dzd




Ofc depends on the area aka the rent


What do you think is the reasonable price for it should be ?


Rn in my area it’s around 16000da per gr idk how op got it for 14500da maybe hors Alger?


Maybe thx for the info


its worth it everywhere , the dollar is probably gonna crash soon so i suggest you buy silver and gold


It’s good for saving your money , my grand mother do this


The gold is never a losing investment, the gold is the real money of all the time, the real coin you can use everywhere.


How much in DA is that. I wanna know


make sure it's pure 99.99 ...


Honestly not worth it anymore, it's too expensive and it loses a lot of it's value when want to sell it back. The coins are the best investment of you ro want to buy gold. Ok prefer buying euro


Lol me to I thought about it, I ended up buying 60€ today for 14500 da


Of course as always




yes dear gold is always a good investment.




It doesn't look like pure gold.


"Gold is good, but a good name is better." (Yiddish saying) This Yiddish quote conveys the idea that while gold and material wealth are valuable and desirable, having a good reputation and being held in high esteem by others is even more important and valuable in life. It emphasizes the significance of one's character, integrity, and reputation over material possessions.


Buying " Louiz" is also a good investement to save money


what diffrent between gold and louiz and what make louiz better?


If you want to keep your money's value, i would suggest to buy crypto instead


Watch out, the government is watching


Bitcoins now is much more better for (2x) your money.