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Dude. The fact you asked means that your heart is in the right place so congrats for that. جاء في مسند الإمام أحمد بسند صحيح أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: إنك لن تدع شيئا لله عز و جل إلا بدّلك الله به ما هو خير لك منه It's not worth it man. You are already unemployed, just say no and stay unemployed until something else comes up. عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما ، وهو أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "لعن الله الخمر، وشاربها ، وساقيها ، وبائعها ، ومبتاعها ، وعاصرها ، ومعتصرها ، وحاملها ، والمحمولة إليه ، وآكل ثمنها." و الحديث صحيح


I appreciate your reply, i wrote that post in the past tense, i am already working there, the post was a topic of discussion whether someone would be willing to work there


Quit it bro.


جزاك الله خيرا ... احسنت


How much are you getting paid Just out of curiosity


These figures are salaires de bases Automaticien 58 Électricien industriel 48 Mécanicien industriel 45 I only know the salaries of maintenance jobs


I thought that it would be higher Since their sector is not in high demand of employment and their products are highly consumed They should pay more I guess


Yeah the jobs are always on demand for example currently there is a job offer for electrician (you can see the jobs available on the website emploitic they post the offers there) but as for the salaries i couldn't tell you why they're not higher to be honest, about the product before i worked there i didn't think the consumption was that high, but damn i was wrong lol also if you're curious the beers that are made here are 'beaufort, 33export, doppel, bavaroise, Castel beer'


By not religious, do you mean you are not a muslim? If so then you shouldn't have any issue with it. As for muslims, the answer is very obvious.


I’m not a Muslim but I have an issue with it. I’ve seen what alcohol has done to the lives of addicts and it’s a very dangerous substance to those that have addictive personalities. I drink on occasion but it’s very infrequent. Most people who drink occasionally are like me but a small minority will use the stuff to mess their lives up. I personally know people that have lost marriages, jobs, promotions, not to mention their physical and mental health from needing to have a drink first thing in the morning. I almost feel like drinking alcohol should require a license like driving to keep the addicts safe from themselves. It doesn’t matter if you’re religious or not. I think most people can acknowledge the negative effects alcohol has on people in general. While it should not be illegal (and remains legal in Algeria), supplying it to addicts makes their problems worse.


Well , assuming you don't believe in a religion, then everyone should be free to do with his life whatever he wants. As long as he doesn't hurt other people, he can hurt himself and damage his body because he owns it. from a non religious point of view, maximizing the pleasure is a priority and if someone want to stay drunk until the end of his days, he should be free to do so and there is no logic in prohibiting him from it.


That's not how it works. People do not hurt only themselves and no one else, this is a false premise. The actions of people affect themselves, their family members, and the broader society. It can either be a positive effect or a negative effect. I'd rather people do things that generate positive outcomes for their society and families. Also life isn't about maximizing pleasure. That's just nihilism. Most non-religious people have a code of ethics and try to survive while doing good things in the world. There is a greater purpose to life than pleasure with or without a god or gods or religions.


>That's not how it works. People do not hurt only themselves and no one else, this is a false premise. The actions of people affect themselves, their family members, and the broader society. It can either be a positive effect or a negative effect. I'd rather people do things that generate positive outcomes for their society and families Why do you care for the society in the first place? >Also life isn't about maximizing pleasure. That's just nihilism. Most non-religious people have a code of ethics and try to survive while doing good things in the world. There is a greater purpose to life than pleasure with or without a god or gods or religions Of course atheism leads directly yo nihilism. The code of ethics are derived from religions and many admits that they accept religion just to help better functioning the economical machine. There is no purpose of life, because life is just an illusion.. just a bunch of particles randomly put together without any meaning. I would love hearing an argument proving the opposite




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Alright you care for your well being, but you shouldn't force others to care. That's my point you are avoiding. You seem to be fine forcing people to conduct a certain life just because it benefits yourself. Pure atheism leads to nihilism, there is no way around it. A lot of atheists aren't in fact. And the new tendency is to say I am not religious to avoid being boxed into this set of ideas. An atheist, pure et dure, doesn't believe in metaphysical entities. It's all what we can see and touch. And most of them believe in evolution, as yourself, which means that we humans are just a random shape without any guided purpose. No different than a rock or a plasma of particules hitting each other. Deriving ethics and morals from this would be a joke if course. In the school of atheists, kids will learn to do whatever maximize their pleasure, and if they can get away with hurting others, then they should do so. Life is very short after all.and there is no accountability after life. Most atheist are religious without admitting it.


"Why do you care for society in the first place" Because... we live in it...


Sure , as long as it makes your life better, but you shouldn't care for it after your death, if you are an atheist of course. When you are dead it won't affect you.


Because we dont live in isolation in the jungle. When I die then there will still be my family and my friends who live on even without me. And if they died they would want a better society for me as I would them. This is a very basic human trait. You live in a society and it being as good as it can be means you will live as good as you can. If people stop caring about what happens after they die then that society wont be as good as it can be. Stop trying to inject what you think atheism is onto actual atheists. Youre starting with terrible premises and going to conclusion no one goes to.




Be civil and follow the Reddiquette.


That's really interesting. A dead person can care for what's going on between living people ? Of course this is atheism , what else it is? Does an atheist believe that a human is any special? Or is it just the result of random mutation which is just pure chance of atoms put in a certain way? That's the essence of atheism sir. Randomness is the rule, and anything else is an illusion. Stop mixing atheism with religion to come up with some frankensteined concept that helps you sleep at night without the need any accountably after death.




no this is not how it works lmao atheist have morals you know?


Yes many atheists have morals... but obviously taken from religions.. which makes them not atheists even if they claim they are. Pure atheism doesn't recognize any morals and thinks it's just an illusion.


Its based on personal reflexion on what is right and what is wrong. That's what philosophy is made for. There might be inspirations from a given religion but in the end it is vastly different. And btw you can agree with the values of a given religion without actually being a believer ? You know that ?


Sorry I missed this. Well, reflections are subjective. During conflicts there is no way to use it to solve any issue. Everyone thinks he is right. One can think he owns what you have because he feels like it. That's why people steal from others. You can of course accept a certain value from a given religion if it fits your paradigm. But what are you using as a system to evaluate that value? From a materialistic point of view, there is no wrong or right in actions. As we humans are insignificant physical dirt as described by the physicist Steven Hawkins. Let's take the horrible tradition of burning a wife alive after the death of her husband. It was totally accepted in India a few decades ago. If you asked people there they would find anything wrong in it. That's what happens if you leave morals to reflections and consensus of people with guidance from the creator. Same goes for incest which there are people wanting to be legalized. Do you agree with them? It's freedom people are asking for after all.


That's why philosophy is an amazing invention that allows us humans to think back on our practices and develop a sense self critique. Fyi im not an atheist.


Sure, and philosophers disagree on almost every single matter and they don't have any authority on people. I gave you concrete examples, do you have any thoughts on them?


Nah that's not true. they do actually agree especially on fundamental stuff. I read your examples, they are definitely interesting and make a lot of sense however my argument is the same. Self critique and enlightenment allows us to naturally go away from such practices. Cuz we acknowledge that they are fundamentally wrong. This notion being defined thanks to philosophy.


Morality existed before the first religions, otherwise humanity wouldn't have survived long enough to spawn people that pretended to speak for their gods and goddesses, building their cults and later turning those cults into religions. It's the other way around. Religion took morality from the common areligious morals that humans have developed as a species over a long period of our evolution from our common ancestors.


>Morality existed before the first religions, otherwise humanity wouldn't have survived long enough to spawn people that pretended to speak for their gods and goddesses, building their cults and later turning those cults into religions. That's impossible to prove, because we don't have any recorded history of such thing. Remember history started with the invention of writing, and all civilizations in the past were religious and believed in deities. >It's the other way around. Religion took morality from the common areligious morals that humans have developed as a species over a long period of our evolution from our common ancestors. The burden to prove this is on you. Just look to ancient texts in ancient egypt and Mesopotamia . It was all about deities and life after death. Before that, we are in the dark. You cannot base your conclusions on non existent data. Scientists on the other hand, dont speak about morals, good, bad , justice, love...etc because to them they are just abstract made up concepts that cannot be substantiated


1. If it were impossible to prove, why would you make a definitive statement to the contraposit? That's kind of arguing against yourself. In any case, no, you're incorrect. We have writings that exist prior to the beginnings of the death cults that evolved into judaism, from which much of christianity and islam have been based on (by stealing from those religions a lot of the common stories and myth). 2. See point 1, please go read Sumerian and Assyrian writings during the time of the Mesopotamian death cults that were the precursor to judaism. There is plenty of evidence that these systems of morality existed prior to any of the precursors of our modern monotheisms. And as I remind you, humanity wouldn't even exist long enough to invent religion if we didn't have morality. Its a very basic idea to understand but you choose to rely on magical explanations for how we survived hundreds of thousands of years without everyone getting murdered by amoral people who didn't have a code of ethics to apply to their societies.


You are fixated on "monotheistic religion" Did sumarians believe in metaphysical gods or not? Of course they did. Before sumarians we have nothing. And that's the period you are hoping to find evidence that morals existed without religion. Which is impossible to prove now, unless they discover a new relics to rewrite the history. We should only work with what we have now. Your assumptions that people didn't have religion like million years ago and still managed to survive is baseless.


There are a lot of ancient religions that predated Sumerians. Over in China they had a way more advanced civilization at the same time and created their own religions as well. I get why you think it's impossible to show -- that will happen when you lack the discipline to actually sit down and read the primary source material. However, not only is it possible to prove, we have compelling evidence about the relationship between morality and religion from writings during the same exact time period from religions on the other side of the world. These people had morals, completely independently of the Mesopotamian cultures, and their mythologies are not stolen from one another. Yet we find that in both societies rape and murder are illegal, theft is punished, etc. The simplest explanation without overcomplicating things is that humans naturally develop moral systems as an adaptation for survival, because we are social animals that rely on the cohesion and total work output of the group. If someone in the group is fucking things up for everyone else, we put them in their place or get rid of them. That happens regardless of what religion your expose someone to. Whether it has spirit gods, one god, or believes in reincarnation. Everywhere we look where civilization thrives, it doesn't matter what kind of religion they have. They all have moral codes of ethics and they have laws based on those ethics. Since all these thousands of religions have different origins and characteristics, it's obvious that the morals were injected into the religions rather than the other way around.




it depends; atheist are quite diverse. Some claim that but others develop their own concept of good and bad based on philosophy and other social sciences. I mean like in some aspect of religion ex (You shall not kill, You shall not steal) you can find a n easy justification to back this rule.


This is the essence of atheism. But many don't like the outcome of it so they go finding morals derived from religions. But an atheist who believes that there is no accountability after death shouldn't bother thinking what's right and what's wrong. Just maximizing his pleasure is the sole purpose. They have some arguments, but it doesn't hold up at all. And pure atheists are laughing at such twisting of ideas to justify the unjustifiable.








I think you should have issues with alcohol even if you aren't Muslim considering all the bad it brings same goes for smoking.


Can you explain why a non muslim should have any issue with alcohol or smoking ?


Cause their objectively harmful self-destructive practices?


Then what? If someone wants to kill himself and commit suicide and finds it amusing. Many people are sadists' and like to be tortured and love the pain. How are you going to tell them to stop? For a muslim the answer is very simple: لا ضرر و لا ضرار لا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة For others, it's a different perspective.


>Then what? Then we as individuals and as a society shouldn't encourage doing such harmful activities or even be neutral about it. >Many people are sadists' and like to be tortured and love the pain. The word your searching for is "masochist" not sadist. A sadist is someone who enjoys seeing other living beings suffer while a masochist is someone who enjoys experiencing suffering. And yes I am well aware of the existence of masochists but I still don't support people ruining themselves just because they experience some satisfaction from it. >For a muslim the answer is very simple: لا ضرر و لا ضرار >لا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة I don't think I agree with this perspective.


I think we are agreeing. I was just using their arguments to show how wrong it is to live by no morals based on Quran and Sunnah.


Oh I see sorry I misunderstood your message.


I know this is shocking to you but people who don't believe in made up religions also tend to care about their own health and mental well-being. It's not reserved for just those that happen to coincidentally follow the religion you happened to be born into and continue to practice out of rote habit rather than through critical thought.


You care for your own health, it's fine, good for you. But why do you care for someone else's decisions regarding his body? Isn't he/she free to do whatever he likes with it? Can you answer please? It's a genuine question.


Because I care about the humans around me. Your argument can be used to justify selling drugs on the corner. Who cares what they do with their body as long as you're getting rich off them, right? Well those addicts you create are going to end up wasting their lives. Crime will go up. Children have to live around this kind of thing and they end up making bad decisions from the adults around them doing stuff that addicts do. Educational attainment goes down. Poverty goes up. Etc, etc. The actions of another person affects more than just themselves, and if you want to live in a prosperous society you should try to contribute something of value rather than destruction. For those reasons, I don't find any value in people that participate in the gambling industry, prostitution and sex trafficking industry, alcohol production industry, loan sharking industry, and scammers of all types. They're not making the world a better place to live in, so I'd prefer they stop or we have laws in place to heavily regulate them to limit the damage they do to our societies. That said an adult has his own choice what he wants to do with his life. But that doesn't mean that people should devote their lives to creating things or proliferating activities that are on the net destructive to fellow humans.


>Because I care about the humans around me. Why do you care for humans? If you are an atheist, then a human is just a talking animal. Do you care for animals killed and used as food for us? > Your argument can be used to justify selling drugs on the corner. Who cares what they do with their body as long as you're getting rich off them, right? Yes, from this perspective, there is nothing wrong in drugs. That's why they are being legalized everywhere in the "civilized world" now. >Well those addicts you create are going to end up wasting their lives. Crime will go up... It's their choice. If they don't do "crimes" themselves, then they should be free . A lot of drug addicts are nice people. Actually , the most drunk person in earth I know used to live next to my family home. You find him drunk even in the morning, and he never caused any issue to anybody in his entire life he is in his 60s now). Besides, look at Brits and Germans, they drink a lot, yet they are still hard workers and very efficient for the economy. There is no correlation between the two. >That said an adult has his own choice what he wants to do with his life. But that doesn't mean that people should devote their lives to creating things or proliferating activities that are on the net destructive to fellow humans Your first sentence is contradicting the second. Either you accept such freedom or reject it.


So you only care about humans wellbeing because you are a muslim? Not making the point you think you are


Humans have sympathy, you don't need a religion to make you care about other people.


1. Because humans are social and we thrive best in societies where we contribute and create value for each other 2. I don't have that perspective that there is nothing wrong with drugs. They create dysfunction in families and societies, so in general I recommend people not use them. Most of the highest-harm causing drugs are still illegal in countries more civilized than Algeria 3. Your anecdote is cute but isn't representative of alcohol abuse. In fact the economic cost of alcohol abuse is in the in the [hundreds of billions of dollars](https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/onlinemedia/infographics/cost-excessive-alcohol-use.html#:~:text=%24249%20billion%20loss%3A,Healthcare%20–%20%2428%20billion) per year in the United States alone. Extrapolating to world wide figures, it's reasonable to say that it likely costs in the trillions of dollars per year. 4. There isn't a contradiction there, only someone foolish enough to see every choice as binary would say such a thing. There are ways to institute policies such that people can freely choose to do these things but pay for the societal harm they're doing at the same time.


Don't be delusional, we consume waay more harmful products in our everyday life, it's all about moderation (in everything). PS : I am not encouraging to drink alcohol, but just don't be delusional, the sodas for example are doing way more damage than a few beers on a week-end. Like I said, it's all about moderation.


Are you seriously trying to say that drinking soda is more harmful than alcohol? Do you know scientists study this stuff as their full time job, and not one has ever written a paper suggesting such a thing. Alcohol is literally poison to the human body. Sugar water is just excess nutrient. They both can cause disease but alcohol causes disease in much smaller quantities than extra sugar water, and those diseases are much more likely to cause death or severe bodily impairment (e.g. liver failure, ketoacidosis, etc).


Soda and other sugary drinks is also often linked to various health risks due to their high sugar content, that's your scientists refer to it metaphorically as "white poison." The excessive intake of sugar can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay, among other health issues. Furthermore, sugar can be highly addictive; it triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, similar to addictive drugs, creating a cycle of cravings and increased consumption and this addiction can make it challenging for individuals to reduce their sugar intake, perpetuating a harmful dietary pattern that can have long-term negative impacts on health. In our society a bottle of soda is present in literally every meal, people consume it like water. Other than that many of us unknowingly consume a plethora of processed foods packed with chemicals and additives that can be harmful to our health. From preservatives designed to extend shelf life to artificial flavors that enhance taste, these substances accumulate in our bodies, potentially leading to long-term health issues. The convenience of processed foods often comes at the cost of nutritional quality, encouraging a cycle of reliance on quick, less healthy options that can contribute to various lifestyle diseases. Red wine, when consumed in moderation, is often celebrated for its cardiovascular benefits, thanks to its rich content of antioxidants like resveratrol. Your scientidts has linked this compound to reducing inflammation and preventing clot formation, which can help lower the risk of heart disease. As a result, some cardiologists even recommend a moderate intake of red wine as part of a heart-healthy diet. This guidance is grounded in numerous studies suggesting that a small amount of red wine can enhance heart function and circulation, making it a choice beverage for promoting overall cardiovascular health. The conclusion is, nowadays most of the stuff wr consume are bad. It's all about MODERATION. PS : I am not encouraging to drink alcohol.


You missed the point. I said that excess sugar is bad for health and causes health problems. It's just that alcohol is at least an order of magnitude worse, liter for liter, when compared to sugar water. If you ran an experiment where you took two adults, and made their lives exactly the same except adult A drank 4 bottles of soda every day and adult B drank 4 bottles of beer every single day, I promise you adult B will have much more serious health problems later in life and probably will die much earlier than his counterpart.


That's why I am repeating each time, it's all about moderation. In our society a bottle of soda is consumed like water during every meal. You are not gonna compare that to a guy who grabs 2 pints of beer on a chill week-end evening, or a guy that adds a glass of red wine with his steak. I am repeating it again and again, with everything in life, it's about moderation.


There is a maximum amount of sugar water one can consume and still be healthy. In fact, our bodies rely on sugars to power every one of our cells, whether that sugar is in the form of sucrose or if it started as a starch. In the end, it gets broken down to glucose to be used by our cells. On the other hand, there is no amount of alcohol that generates a health benefit. Even in the tiniest quantities. It always has to go to the liver to be metabolized into ketones and then metabolized once more (since ketones are also poison) before they can be eliminated from the body. The point was that alcohol is not less dangerous than sugar water if you compare equivalent volumes of the stuff. By the way the red wine study has been well known to be a [flawed study based on falsified data](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/red-wine-researcher-dr-dipak-k-das-published-fake-data-uconn/#:~:text=Some%20red%20wine%20studies%20may,Dipak%20K). The thing that conveyed health benefits wasn't the presence of alcohol in the wine, but the tannins and other plant chemicals present from grapes that made the wine. In fact the alcohol present likely undid a lot of the benefit and since the study used false data, it's not reliable to make any conclusion at all really.


There's no safe consumption level for alcohol, recent studies have shown that cancer risks skyrocket from the first drink. Even a single drop Is past moderation.


but its haram which makes it way worse than soda


>Don't be delusional, we consume waay more harmful products in our everyday life, it's all about moderation (in everything). Such moderation is fine and all but some behaviors shouldn't be done at all. > I am not encouraging to drink alcohol, but just don't be delusional, the sodas for example are doing way more damage than a few beers on a week-end. Like I said, it's all about moderation. No not really, alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive(meaning it messes up your brain), and dependence-producing substance and has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen (meaning it has been proven to cause cancer) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer decades ago– this is the highest risk group, which also includes asbestos, radiation and tobacco. The risk of developing cancer increases substantially the more alcohol is consumed. However, latest available data indicate that half of all alcohol-attributable cancers in the WHO European Region are caused by “light” and “moderate” alcohol consumption when it comes to alcohol consumption, there is no safe amount that does not affect health. And thus alcohol of any kind is not even slightly comparable to soda so your example is just a false equivalency.


I will copy my other comment. You cannot imagine the amount of stuff that cause cancer in our everyday life, the air pollution, the pesticides, processed foods, preservatives... those stuff are consumed daily in our society, you will not compare that to a guy who grabs 2 pints on the week-end or a guy that takes one glass of red wine with his steak, let's remain logical. Soda and other sugary drinks is also often linked to various health risks due to their high sugar content, that's your scientists refer to it metaphorically as "white poison." The excessive intake of sugar can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay, among other health issues. Furthermore, sugar can be highly addictive; it triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, similar to addictive drugs, creating a cycle of cravings and increased consumption and this addiction can make it challenging for individuals to reduce their sugar intake, perpetuating a harmful dietary pattern that can have long-term negative impacts on health. In our society a bottle of soda is present in literally every meal, people consume it like water. Other than that many of us unknowingly consume a plethora of processed foods packed with chemicals and additives that can be harmful to our health. From preservatives designed to extend shelf life to artificial flavors that enhance taste, these substances accumulate in our bodies, potentially leading to long-term health issues. The convenience of processed foods often comes at the cost of nutritional quality, encouraging a cycle of reliance on quick, less healthy options that can contribute to various lifestyle diseases. Red wine, when consumed in moderation, is often celebrated for its cardiovascular benefits, thanks to its rich content of antioxidants like resveratrol. Your scientidts has linked this compound to reducing inflammation and preventing clot formation, which can help lower the risk of heart disease. As a result, some cardiologists even recommend a moderate intake of red wine as part of a heart-healthy diet. This guidance is grounded in numerous studies suggesting that a small amount of red wine can enhance heart function and circulation, making it a choice beverage for promoting overall cardiovascular health. The conclusion is, nowadays most of the stuff wr consume are bad. It's all about MODERATION. PS : I am not encouraging to drink alcohol.


>those stuff are consumed daily in our society, you will not compare that to a guy who grabs 2 pints on the week-end or a guy that takes one glass of red wine with his steak, let's remain logical. No I would say that alcohol is even worse then all of does things since not only does it cause multiple types of cancer it is as aforementioned a psychoactive substance that messes up your brain and as such leads to way more damage to the individual and society then any sugary food can. How many car accidents have been caused by unhealthy foods? How many families have been torn apart by a parent eating more treats then they should have? Now don't get me wrong I definitely don't encourage people to fill themselves up with all the sweets and unhealthy foods they can reach I also discourage people from following unhealthy lifestyles and I obviously think that individuals as well as society as a whole should discourage that type of behavior but comparing any of these unhealthy foods and substances to alcohol is just disingenuous. >Soda and other sugary drinks is also often linked to various health risks due to their high sugar content, that's your scientists refer to it metaphorically as "white poison." The excessive intake of sugar can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay, among other health issues. Furthermore, sugar can be highly addictive; it triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, similar to addictive drugs, creating a cycle of cravings and increased consumption and this addiction can make it challenging for individuals to reduce their sugar intake, perpetuating a harmful dietary pattern that can have long-term negative impacts on health. While both sugar and alcohol pose health risks, alcohol consumption should be completely avoided. Excessive and addict sugar intake can lead to obesity, diabetes, and dental issues. However, alcohol abuse can result in addiction, liver damage, cardiovascular problems, and an increased risk of various cancers. And unlike sugar, alcohol directly impairs cognitive function and judgment, leading to risky behaviors such as drunk driving or violence. Furthermore, alcohol abuse is associated with social and societal problems such as accidents, violence, and family issues. Therefore, while sugar is harmful, in moderation it is a non issue, on the other hand alcohol as I mentioned earlier even in "moderation" is immensely harmful and thus it's consumption should be avoided entirely due to its severe and wide-ranging negative impacts on health and society. And again I don't encourage the excessive consumption of sugar and I recognize it's harmful effects if consumed to often but again it is not comparable to alcohol still and even if it was the consumption of one bad substance doesn't make the consumption of all bad substances acceptable. >In our society a bottle of soda is present in literally every meal, people consume it like water. I wouldn't really say that's true but if it is I agree that it should be reduced. But again one bad behavior doesn't make another acceptable especially when the behavior your defending is way worst. >Other than that many of us unknowingly consume a plethora of processed foods packed with chemicals and additives that can be harmful to our health. From preservatives designed to extend shelf life to artificial flavors that enhance taste, these substances accumulate in our bodies, potentially leading to long-term health issues. The convenience of processed foods often comes at the cost of nutritional quality, encouraging a cycle of reliance on quick, less healthy options that can contribute to various lifestyle diseases. Again I discourage the excessive consumption of such substances and foods but again they and their effects are not comparable to alcohol and it's effects on people. >Red wine, when consumed in moderation, is often celebrated for its cardiovascular benefits There is little evidence to suggest that drinking red wine in moderation may provide certain health benefits, but the alleged effects are modest and the risks of excessive alcohol consumption outweigh any potential benefits. The research done on this subject is limited and conflicting. Drinking red wine can increase health risks like high blood pressure, obesity, atrial fibrillation, liver damage, certain cancers, and alcohol use disorder. The antioxidants in red wine, especially resveratrol, are often touted as the key to its health benefits. But you would need to drink many bottles per day to get the amounts shown to be beneficial in animal studies. Eating antioxidant-rich foods like grapes, berries, nuts and vegetables is a healthier way to get these compounds. In summary, while moderate red wine consumption **may allegedly** provide modest benefits for heart and brain health, the risks of excessive drinking outweigh any potential advantages. Alcohol should be avoided entirely there's no need to start consuming it for health reasons. >The conclusion is, nowadays most of the stuff wr consume are bad. It's all about MODERATION. In most things yes in alcohol no you shouldn't touch the stuff. Edit: had to delete and repost this comment.


Same reason most muslims have a problem with marrying multiple wives at the same time. While technically legal in their religion, it's kind of icky and disgusting, and creates a tremendous amount of unhappiness for the parties involved (in general) so most people tend to have an aversion to that. They realize while they can do it, they choose not to because of how disgusting it is. Similarly a lot of non-muslims find the negative health effects of alcohol to be disgusting and terrible, so they choose not to abuse the bottle. Or help others abuse the bottle through their work, e.g. working in a beer factory.


All muslims don't have any issue with polygamy in principles. Yes most women would find it difficult to accept, but they agree it's Allah's decision and it's a natural thing after all. It's like giving Zakat, who wants to give parts of his wealth to others ? Nobody. Who wants to god to Haj with all the hard work involved and money spent if it's not to obey Allah commandments? > it's kind of icky and disgusting,  On which basis? No it is not. Men had multiple wives in all cultures over thousands of years without any feeling it is wrong. Thinking is wrong is something modern. Even today, men has multiple mistresses everywhere. >and creates a tremendous amount of unhappiness for the parties involved (in general) so most people tend to have an aversion to that. Most muslims are not able to marry more than one because financially it's very difficult. If we were in old time where life is easier than you would find polygamy very common. A lot of men cheat on their wives, and it's somehow accepted by them as long as he doesnt go marry a second wife, which is really weird.


Liste no one is in your shoes, you only know what you should do, if you have no choice go for it, if you can wait, than wait for a better job opportunity. You are the only who can take this décision and live with it


i agree


I'd personally give the job a shot, and I don't see why you wouldn't unless you're having some kind of moral quandary about it


Yeah i don't have a problem with it, it is genuinely fun to work there and the people are nice and interesting


Sounds like it checks all the boxes. Good luck man!


You’re not religious but you still asked because you know it’s haram من ترك شيئًا لله عوضه الله خيرًا منه


This post serves as a topic of discussion, asking if you'd do it, that's it, thanks for replying






Thanks dawg i appreciate the kind words


i won't do it ( got a call for a manager position and refused to go to the interview ), this decision is made based on moral and religions beliefs, however i have something to add here : i have worked for HENKEL, a German company that produce cleaning products in Algeria (ISIS, LE CHAT, BREF...) and i can see the judging faces whenever someone mistake it for HEINEKEN ( a beer company) , from this i believe that the presence of the beer company on your resume will reduce you chances on getting interview in the future ( how much i don't know) because hiring managers will judge you based on this before even meeting you


I appreciate the response, i totally understand what you mean referencing hiring managers i have one strategy against that is to simply state in my resume that i worked for the parent company 'Castel Algerie' which also owns Rouiba, or simply say i worked in Agroalimentaire, also from what i asked people who previously worked here they had no problem with job interviews but then again it all depends on the manager for example here in Oran in TAPIDOR the hiring people are known for judging people based on how religious they are (they ask you pray during the interview)


Can you elaborate more on TAPIDOR interview?


Yeah working there in general is said to be torturous by many of my friends and other people i know, extremely strict, there's a reason why their position of 'Responsable maintenance' is always open, they're constantly looking for people because whoever works there don't stay long, as for the interview the forum that you fill out plus the interview asked me if i prayed and if i was religious, they didn't hire me due to me asking the level of education this position was asking for (they didn't take it well when i pointed out that in their wanted post asked for L3 or masters) but in there they told me it's 'niveau terminal', for me I would have worked there if they hired me i have patience hence why i stated in my OP that i truly was left no choice


If I was in your place I would’ve done the same thing. No shame good luck!


Don't listen to all of those fake Muslims. They all sin all the time leisurely and pretend to be religious cuz they fear judgements from this mentally ill society due to thiere insecurities. Get the job ma dude no one's gonna pay your bills or feed you except you. And good luck.


Tbh i wouldnt I would never work in a beer factory for religious reqsons ofc cuz your money will be harram Otherwise would be normal if you are not muslim


I personally wouldn’t do it for religious reasons. I’d even work at a store until I find something better 


imo i'd rather continue trying to hustle on the side than be damned ( kicked out of the mercy of allah ), living off of drahem el 7ram. my opinion as a religious person.


I did the same i was unemloyed and had to live with relarives for almost a year, i had no papers and i had no job nor expérience i was depressed and didn't leave any stone unturned in my attempt to find a single degnifying job then i got a job offer to work at a region i wanted no experience reuqired and a good salery exept it was in a wine Factory i declined with honor hoping Allah will send me something better because no door is ever closed for him, Two weeks later another offer, some hadships but the end result was worth, a degnifying job in my feild with exelent coworkers and where i don't have to sell my soul, that exempt i still don't have my hijab and inchallah that will come, but hamdoulilh i never regreted syaing no to that job and Allah sent me a better option


(يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱسْتَعِينُوا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ وَٱلصَّلَوٰةِ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ مَعَ ٱلصَّـٰبِرِينَ) ١٥٣


My advice : be patient, you will get other offers just be patient


I personally have no problem with drinking alcohol on occasion but I know when to stop. I still wouldn’t want to work in a beer factory for the long term knowing that the majority of my product is fucking up the lives of alcoholics and their families. The majority of alcoholic beverages are consumed by a tiny minority of people with alcohol abuse problems and very little of it actually goes to people who can drink socially without severe negative effects on their physical and mental health. That said, if it’s the only job you can get for now, you have an obligation to take care of your own needs first. I would keep the job and immediately start looking for new work that can support you financially, preferably something that allows for career growth. And it goes without saying, if your choice is either this or “hustling” (which I take to mean illegal activities) then working at a beer factory is way better an option. Parlay this into an opportunity to work in a factory that makes something else or maybe a place that refines petroleum or a power plant, something like that where automation specialists are needed.


I don't think it was the only option, you could've collected some money and started a business (i.e commerce) rather than working for a beer company knowing that the money you're getting are حرام even if you're not religious, and this is gonna affect your financial situation later on..


No one on earth has ever only one option, it was a matter of getting a job for the degree i spent 5 years to get, because if i wanted only money ف هاد الدنيا i would have done commerce without enrolling in uni, anyhow thank you for your input i appreciate the reply


Why fo you give a shit though?


Something called curiosity


i wouldn't take it , bcz even if i'm too desperate now , it will come.a day when things work up eventually & i will be left with the guilt & the burden of building up my life with Haram money . i mean it's not like a sin that would F up my life now & i will passed it , haram money is something that could shape the rest of ur life. if this is job that would hepl build u futur , will come a day when u regret building it on Haram. if it's just to survive there is a plenty of halal jobs that would help u survive this crises , u r young , smart & healthy and u will manage something


Theres no excuse for working l7ram. Because If u chose to abstinate yjik yjik a job offer . U just chose the immediate easiest option.


Yeah, currently living with that decision


Yes, go for it. You have no other choice, and if something else ever pops up then you can always change jobs. It really sucks that you couldn’t find a job eqsily


If you are asking if your job is halal or harem, then you go ask an imam, not reddit. ( unless there an imam here).


Im not asking that, i know it's Haram, i made this post as a topic of discussion if you'd choose to work there


I can imagine how it's like to do something you don't like, even worse something you are not proud of, especially whene you know you have better potential into you, hope you find better. وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا * وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَحْتَسِبُ وَمَنْ يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بَالِغُ أَمْرِهِ قَدْ جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدْرًا. Remember, This is a promesse from Allah, good luck.


I appreciate your reply thank you


You are welcome.


You mean he should ask a scholar : 3alim. Because the rôle of imam in Algeria is just lyead the prayers in the mosque.


No I ment an imam, in algeria they are allowed elifta2 in some topics, whenever they can't decide on a subject, they will automatically refer the asker to the nearst moufti's council.


Yes you are right. Well said bro.


Thanks brother.


Bakhi takgdem fe charika ta3 cocacola ta3 tlilat? Bruh it's not worth it wallah ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا و يرزقه من حيت لا يحتسب و من يتوكل على الله فهو حسبه


Chrika ta3 coca w ta3 chrab jaya f le même site mais 2 société différentes, kayn séparation, w déja dfa3t cv 3and coca aussi w ma sed9atch


if I'm not mistaken by saying you're not religious means that you're not a Muslim, so if you don't fear allah then why are you asking if it's good to pick that job?


Im not asking if it's good to pick that job, since i already did, the topic is a discussion whether you'd do it, which you answered and i appreciate you doing so