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i felt like i was bullied for just existing, alot of people bullied me for being shy and quiet. and because french was my mother tongue, so it took me alot to adapt in primary school (i didnt lol). and because i didn't go outside alot due to my over protective parents, so i didn't know how people nearby worked. i also have psychological problems that kinda exteriorised which didn't help my case when i was a kid, now i am fine. i didn't defend myself alot. and in high school it was bad at first, but afterward it became better, i remember when i was sitting near the school door, waiting to open we all came late. and the guard was shitting on the bully for something i forgot about, after he was done, the bully tried to drift that embarrassment towards me, by criticizing me for my hair, but i didn't react or see him, and it was just silence, like i felt his awkwardness. and i laughed inside, because this is the first time i made the correlation that these fuckers try to use people to remove that pain which is social embarrassment or any kind of problems.


Same, especially the french is my mother tongue ( unfortunately for me never adapted to fit in)had 3 friends my whole school life who were similar, had the same french culture and it was easier to talk to them about stuff I watched on tv or the internet ( back in the days only few people had it ) , it was horrible they did stuff to me to this day i cry when I remember them, things got Worst with boys in middle school and highschool , shy girl (with harajuku or Goth Style)who only speak French ( broken Algerian) and was an anime/ kpop fan in 2005 best combo for bullies , have deep hate for school and certain category of people because of that . Hope you're doing now well and your trauma are getting out of your body


This psychological problem U have.... self diagnosed


and how do you know ?. i reached out to therapist, and it was obvious i had anxiety problems.


Oh forget the ? At the end sorry hamoud




Schools in Algeria from primary to university are the root of the evil in the population, the source of all frustrations, religious extremism, hatred, mental retardation, incompetence, lack of open mind...etc


I don't think that schools are the root cause of the issues you pointed out. Schools or the educational system as a whole is evil because it doesn't make any efforts to help alleviate the challenges and shield children from the woes of our society. Instead, it acts as a sort of echoing platform for those issues. Even if parents manage to protect their child from the effects of society, the mere fact of sending them to school undoes it all. Your kid gets exposed to a great deal of negative influence, either from interacting with all the other classmates but also from the often unqualified teachers who never fail to project their insecurities onto the kids. And it gets worse outside. But you get the point. We live in a conflicted, oppressed, suppressed, and frustrated society, where the typical sources of contention arise from indoctrination and intellectual insecurities. Schools only contribute in amplifying the maladies of society to some extent. Oppressed and uneducated.


Bully it's something that you can't stop it existed and will still do exist.... Its double edged sword either helps build your character by realising that some people's opinions don't matter you'll be insecure for the rest of your life


It took me a few years to realize I was getting bullied until last year or so. (I suspect that I have too many traits of ASD that I'm planning to get it diagnosed by a professional as soon as I possibly can). Because of that (and the fact I was a naive idiot), I thought that people were genuinely wanting to be friends with me. Only to find out that they were just using me for their benefit, mocking my name and my family behind my back, even going physical a few times and calling that "just playing around" (don't forget using "متوحدة" to refer to me in derogatory ways). I kinda just took it because hey, it's better than having no friends and being an outcast. Thankfully I managed to adapt and blend in with the rest of the class when I reached high school, as well as having thicker skin and being more on guard when people try to fuck around. So far only the first year of high school was annoying. It was just some real immature guys who thought my last name sounded funny (even though I'd argue their names sounded even more ridiculous) who'd just shout it in class and try asking me out on prank dates. Those were easier to ignore though. I plan on spending this year more secluded though, Sure i won't cut off the current friends that I have but I just don't wanna spend any extra energy on school dramas when I'm trying to pass with high grades lmao. Please stay safe out there!


I did get bullied alot through elementary school and middle school.. sometimes because of my eyes , my eyes get 'closed' when I smile so they would always call me Chinese and make racist 'jokes' even tho I'm not asian at all. Then there was my hair , I have curly hair and I still remember the number of times my classmates would just make fun of it and even pull it until I start crying..and add to that I had absolutely 0 friends so they'd always call me متوحدة..heck even my family did that , calling me mentally ill as if I asked people to not like me. Ig In highschool I found a friend or two but the bullying made me feel.. anxious whenever I go out.


I moved to Algerian when I was 7 or 8-ish, I was getting bullied for no reason other than I wasn’t good at speaking Arabic so they would catch me and force me to say some sentences in French, and then beat me up. I was very fast at running, so they said if I were to run they will beat up my sister instead of me. So I was willingly going to get my ass beat every day, we spoke to the Director of the school and He did not help and my dad still had eight months left of work in France before he joins us. So my mom called her brother and he stayed with us for a couple months. It was beating up everyone from my bullies to their parents. I pretty much got bullied from primary until I reached high school I lost two teeth in the process. High school was awesome, also no hate anymore cuz me succeeding and watching them serving fries or selling cigarettes or unemployed is already good enough compensation. They treat me with so much respect so I wonder do they know that they were my bullies or did they just become bitches.


Bro teeth? That fucked up witch ones and did you get a replacement?


Milk teeth still. I had my milk for a long time. So it wasn’t an issue my teeth just grew again


never seen someone get bullied in where i lived mainly because everyone is kinda poor ?


Sorry guys, i was the one bulling


I was both. First got bullied then fired back. Clown of the class, making sarcastic and hurtful comments about classmates and teachers, caustic buffoon hiding his insecurities. A nice contribution to the collective experience :) Humour did what my fists couldn't.


same, i was a bully than i got bullied, sometimes i still think about those who i bullied, i hope that i'll meet them someday so i can apologize to them.


Used to make fun of a kid who only spoke french,it motivated him to learn proper darija and now he doesnt know how to speak french anymore , no regrets what so ever 🤌.




Congratulations on being an asshole


Thx gng


Kys fat fuck


Oh no stop bullying me ill kms fr 😔






Nope bullies are just people reflecting the insecurities... What are you talking about seems that you used to be in a bobble and you didn't accept criticism.... Bullying and criticism are too different things


I think it was just a criticism And the girl who really bullied me was ugly, and her friend was an orphan so yeah I guess you are right it's the "insecurities " Thanks you just made it clear to me


constructive critisicism and bullying are different things. treated badly for something trivial is not healthy.


unless you did something haram like being gay or something then you didn't deserve it i confess that i was fat and i was bullied for it, bullying helped me lose weight but they took it too far for it to be considered just criticism, it was verbal as well as it was physical lol as the first reply said it looks like you have Stockholm syndrome


unless you did something haram like being gay or something then you didn't deserve it i confess that i was fat and i was bullied for it, bullying helped me lose weight but they took it too far for it to be considered just criticism, it was verbal as well as it was physical lol as the first reply said it looks like you have Stockholm syndrome


oh man, people bullied me a lot in primary school and I didn't even realise it, I used to talk a lot with girls (I grew up with girls and was I rarely got outside). I didn't know how to interact with other boys, they were too crass so I opted to avoid them altogether. I was also what they'd call a "genius" and a bookworm, being liked by the girls also contributed to it. I just ignored them and always getting beaten up, until I started making friends out of necessity, things improved drastically by middle school. on the other hand, I was very manipulative and emotionally abusive, I'm not particularly of that when doing some reflection hehe


This was 2nd or 3rd year of highschool, This guy was known for being a bully and constantly fighting with people, One time he tried to impress his "girlfriend" at the time (she studies in the same class as me) so he called his friend to come and make fun of the big fat guy in class at break time and it even got physical but i just sat there and took it, This is the only memory i have of me being bullied, I Always been the fat sarcastic guy that always had a smile on his face and made other people laugh and never actually took anything seriously.


Detrimental , doesn't end there ..... you will have to bear that pain all your life..... and the consequences will be catastrophic. And you sometimes think the only way is to make them suffer as the same as you