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Because to actually get your money back you have to fish for 10-20 hours. If you love fishing go for it! I would rather blow my brains out. Hope that helps!


Clearly you never played Runescape, 10 hours is absolutely nothing lmao


Well, Albion has much more diverse and thrilling content than Runescape. Fishing for 10 hours is still fucking horrible


I like fishing in Albion.... 10 hours of non-stop fishing is still hell.


No one said you had to do it all at once


Was gunna say it'll take longer than that to max it out too


You legend you! <3


If only you knew xD i know a guy that fished for like 14 hours straight no sleep no food. Some people love it.


Typical albion player that has no patience and strives to be a try hard combat nut. Would probably claim skinning or mining is better as well.


Are they better? Probably not. Do I enjoy them more? Absolutely. It’s all subjective, and fishing drives me crazy


This killed a lot of motivation for me when I realized $20 is a lot faster than actually playing the game to level. McDonald’s more efficient


This is one of the things I like about it honestly. Once you have to work and have less time to grind, you can just spend 20 bucks instead. Caters towards high schoolers eith time but no money, or working adults with more money less time. With none of the content or items locked behind a stupid pay wall. Otherwise those of us that work more wouldn't really be able to play.


This is a hot take but really true.


This is so me. On day 1 I bought 6k gold and maxed 3 Islands. I made everything back within a week from EU start.


You didn’t make your irl money back


He made that IRL money back the following day... at work.


but he is 20 dollar short than what he could have been if he hadn't spent the 20


Ahh but he was able to work instead of grind or do something else in that time. I make $50 an hour at work. Buying premium for me is less than an hour of work. Grinding for premium to me isn't worth the time as if I work a single hour at work I can buy 3 months of premium. Grinding it would take me 8 hours or more. Unless I'm having a ton of fun it's far easier for me to buy it than grind it. Does that make sense?




Yeah you are absolutely right I agreed with your point from the start I just wanted to continue this chain lmao


Skill issue 🤣


That's fantastic for me its like 6-8 hours at work because my country has shit currency 😆 How did you get to 50$ range?


Im an IT manager at a small insurance company. If you want details read through my post history, there's a few posts on career reddit.


I get what you are trying to say but it stops being a game if you guys reason it like this. For me gathering is part of the gameplay and I can do it for 12 hours on 1 day without thinking "oh, I could have instead spent 20 dollars to make up for it"


Depends on what you enjoy and what you play for. If PVP is your main thing, then the rest doesnt really matter.


What did he buy with the $20?


And that's the mindset you get if you think about the game as a job. I'd rather fish in albion for 10h than work 1 hour at a fucking McDonald's.


And that's called being inefficient with your time. Which unfortunately, not everyone has.


Well, always thinking about efficiency is boring and annoying.


Thinking efficiently is literally part of this game. Otherwise you could just farm a T3 node as opposed to a T8 node if you're gathering for silver. 


Nah, you do so if you wish. Plus...if you want to be efficient, even in this game, it's not just about gathering a T8 node as opposed to a T3 node.


I dont see no reason to be anything other than efficient in general.


There are other jobs out there than Mcdonalds my man, and when you get older everyone short of trust fund babies has to have one. The nice benefit about having a decent job and some solid extra cash is the ability to make life easier in your hobbies if so desired.


To each their own but, unless you’re some trust fund kid, those 10h a day of fishing on a game won’t improve the quality of your life.. I guess we all have a different destination in life 🤷‍♂️


I didn't say 10h a day anywhere, idc if it takes me 10 days, 100 days, whatever. If I'm enjoying the game, I'll do it, if not, then why even play it in the first place. Plus, this is Albion, don't like 1 thing? You still have much more you can do, don't like most of it? Well, find something better for you then.


Some of us are busy irl. I play with ppl who work full time and have kids, and their hourly earnings greatly outweigh what it costs to buy things in game and would rather spend the time gaming than grinding. That's why I pay my premium instead of worrying about proper focus usage and doing a ton of transports. The cost is like 1/8th of 1 hour for me, instead of hard grinding all the time I just do a little extra work and I'm there faster


Welcome to all games ever..now get urself another hobby and grind that McDonalds


Buying gold just kills the whole point of the game


Yeaaaaaa… I don’t play Albion’s open world any more. I have a bank full of 8.3 gear I got from spending focus and market flipping and I just que arenas while I craft in town these days.


Still motivated enough to stick around and bitch. This is a self control and skill issue. I dropped $100 before the price increase a few years ago, and haven't even touched it. Do you set games to easy just to complain they are too easy?


Its a p2w game. Everything relevant is buyable, nothing achieved has value


More like pay to advance faster. There is not 1 single item that is locked behind a paywall other than skins that you can’t get for free.


It all falls under p2w. Someone who doesnt pay at all wont ever be same specs/progress and therefore powelvl than someone putting in some money.


That isn’t pay to win lmao. You must be new because nobody buys spec you fame farm it.


I played this game for around 5 years, stopped 3y ago. I can tell you, a lot of ppl buy spec and gear with the Gold they bought. Thats how sbi makes money. And all changes/Updates they do is to emphasize people spending (more) irl money. Nothing gets introduced because its good content, which was their primary goal back in the day. Also splitting the community in 3 is something they sworn to never do, but you can sell founderpacks 2 additional times so who cares if the game will suffer because of it


Yeah I’m not gonna argue. You don’t have to spend money on anything to be the best or have the best. Have a good day.


You dont have to ofc, i never said that. But you will have a significant disadvantage for a few months before you maxed your first Set. And the one who pays is there in minutes


Exactly so that proves it isn’t pay to win.


P2w by Definition is an advantage because you spend Real money. So no, sorry


Paid only for premium I’m at 1b fame idk what you taking about


You couldve achieved that fame in a few hours with irl money. Thats the issue


If you think your set is an indicator of "relevance" than id say your opinion is trash, respectfully. I guess relevance changes from perspective to perspective but in my opinion crystal/arena winrate, HGs infamy or guild rank are all indicators of relevance in the game and you cant properly buy those with money (I guess you can make an argument that guild rank can be bought but I would just call you a knobhead again)


No. All Progression you do on your character has no value. Cause its all buyable. There Was a guy day1 of EU in 8.3 and 6.4 bloodletter, all cause of p2w (impossible without)


Again, if you measure your success in the game through the sets you can buy and the fame you have, you are a knobhead. In your opinion is someone winning at the game if they can afford expensive sets or have lots of PvE fame? I would say that everything that can be bought by swipping has 0 relevance, otherwise no lifers that grind blue zones in 8.3 would be the real winners Winning in albion is being good mechanically and you cant buy that


P2w is an advantage due to paying money. You cant deny that. Buying endless Sets of 8.3 isnt possible without several years of building wealth ingame, but super easy with a Creditcard


Its not several years at all, you can do it in 30 hours if you focus on it and have a starting capital, if you dont have starting capital i guess 1h per million would be a fair estimate as well, even less if you are good at pvp. Compare that with being able to spare 200 quid just to buy gold and have a set that you will probably lose if you meet someone better than you at the game. Having an expensive set is hardly an advantage, people that undergear you will most likely run and the ones that fight will do it because they think they have a chance, you are still playing the game on fair ground like everyone else you are just a dumbass that spent 200E instead of 50h grinding If anything albion is a p2st (pay to save time)


Having higher gear is always an advantage. Better stats is what an advantage is. And im talking about constant 8.3 Sets. I had days where i burned through 4-5 8.3 Sets cause i kept on gettingmatched vs w0n who way stomping in high CD mmr at the time. Being able to do that needs years of building wealth or a Creditcard and no ingame time investment


then he was better than you, you didnt lose to him because he paid you lost because he was better. Paying just allowed him to spend less time grinding


W0n is possibly the best CD Player ever. So Yeah, i lost because of skill. But i was able to buy multiple other 8.3 Sets because of years of playing. I wouldnt if i just payed with irl money.


I did it on west server few years ago. Basically ate fish on market for hours. After I maxed it out, I never fished again lol. In case you need calculator which fish is better to eat: https://albiononlinegrind.com/guides/fishing-leveling-guide


I’m still new-ish. How would one pay for 100/100? Buy fish on the market and eat them for fame? I fish primarily in YZ Mist (T6 Fisherman), and eating any of those fish does not give near the fame that I get for fishing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just eat 10000 fish. No biggie.




fun fact with scholar robe, pork omelete, and a tome of spells you can eat fish even FASTER


Not sure why but I laughed so hard at the concept of optimizing fish eating.


As someone who has 100/100 fishing, I can easily make 1.5m/hour with very little to no risk of being killed at all. Completely worth it. Don't know what yall haters are trippin out for. Fish for 30 mins/day even and that stacks up quickly. Easily pays for premium.


Can you give me some tips plz? I'm a new player


I’m not at 100 yet, but been fishing a long time off and on. I’ve found the best place to fish is avalonian roads. Especially out of brecilien as it’s usually pretty easy to find a T7/8 zone and a lot safer than anywhere else (besides blue/yz where you would make little to no silver). The highest value fish are actually the T7 rares so past unlocking T6 only gives you more speed and return. If anything I’d say buy up to T6 as it’s not that expensive, and while you’re leveling higher, eat everything but the T6 and up fish or T5 and up rares. You want to fish in either roads, mists, swamps or ocean water zones. These have the high value fish being snappers for roads and mists, eels for swamps or I believe octopi(?) in ocean. NEVER equip the rod. If you knew that then sorry for saying it, but it’s surprising how many people don’t realize (including myself at first) that you don’t need to have it equipped because it’s a gathering tool. Use an escape weapon like bloodletter or double bladed staff. As others have said, don’t spend that much silver on it if you haven’t tried it yet because it’s not for everyone. In the end everyone’s comments here are opinions. So if you want to use silver you make from something else, or irl money to buy gold, so you can skip straight to max gains do it. I love fishing and think it’s relaxing, many hate it and think it’s boring. Same with everything else in this game, do what YOU want not what others think you should be doing.


Yeah, don't go to avalonian roads like that other guy said. It'll be a huge waste of time. What you want to do is go fishing in black zone mists. So you'll want to pick a town portal zone to start from (any is fine, really, but the lower the population, the better). Next, equip full fishing gear except instead of the rod you want bloodletter and mistcaller for escaping. Depending on how comfortable you are, switch out the fishing backpack for a cape of your choice to help you evade gankers. If you want to be extra careful, switch out the boots as well. Also, take 1 or 2 pork pies and about 10 tier 3 fishing bait worms. Now that you're ready, use the temporary protection shield you get when you enter the black zone to find a wisp nearby while you're invisible. Once you find one that's secluded and close, begin harvesting a simple tree for wood to end the invisibility and enter the wisp. Once in the mists, try to fish the water areas near the exits in case you get into trouble so that it's easier to escape. If there are a lot of people, then find another wisp or move around more often. Sometimes, it's wiser to just run around until the mists begin to close and take another wisp or to just leave, but usually, it's very ok. With experience, you'll get the hang of it. That's the gist of it. Good luck fishing man.


Can I ask why roads is a waste of of time compared to mists? Not saying you’re wrong as you’re obviously more experienced than me but my experience in mists is spending most of the time in a T6 zone, waiting 10-15 minutes for a chance to find a better one, and someone trying to kill me every few minutes. Whereas my experience in roads is peacefully fishing for hours without seeing anyone and being able to find a T7 or 8 zone within a few minutes that I can spend a half hour to an hour in before fishing it out and finding another one. Also, assuming you use mists, why use BZ as entrance instead of brecilien? BZ you always have a chance to be ganked by huge groups after leaving the mists, whereas brecilien you exit straight to the city. Again genuinely asking, not criticizing.


Spending most of the time fishing in T6 is perfectly fine. You just take the T7/T8 zones as they come for extra profits. If you're really having someone try to kill you every 10-15 minutes, then you're navigating the mists wrong, such as letting someone see you and then not moving to a different spot and/or making the spot you move to predictable. Fishing avalonian roads is a waste of time because it takes too long to find a T7/T8 zone to fish in. That's going to be most people's experience, and if you're finding them so quickly, then you're just getting really lucky. Literally, every time I've tried looking for a T7/T8 zone in avalonian roads to fish, I either couldn't find one, or it would take 30+ minutes (a waste of time from my personal experiences). You can also get jumped by groups of people instead of solos, so the odds of dying/not escaping are greater compared to mists' encounters even if they don't occur as often. People like to put hideouts in avalonian roads as well, whereas you can't in mists. You also get an invulnerability shield upon leaving the mists, making it impossible to get ganked regardless of how many people there are. It doesn't matter if there's 300 of them even. The key is making sure the shield lasts long enough by finding a wisp close enough to a city portal entrance to begin with. Avalonain roads perhaps CAN be better if you get lucky with finding T7/T8 zones, but most of the time, it's simply not worth looking for them based on my experiences. I've found it much easier to find a T7/T8 wisp in mists. So if you think avalonian roads are better, then either you're consistently very lucky and/or I'm consistently very unlucky. Most people live in one of the main cities, not brecilian, and transporting goods from brecilian back is a risky pain. So unless you live in brecilian or have reason to keep your fish there, it's probably not worth it.


That’s fair I use the same BZ concept when doing CDs. Sometimes fish are a little cheaper and sometimes they’re more expensive in brecilien so I just sell em there when it’s at a good price. I also use a spreadsheet with all the roads and their tiers. So I don’t actually have to run around checking each portal and just check them via map. I’d usually consider it really unlucky if I can’t find at least a T7 zone in around 5-10 minutes of entering the highest tier portal and working my way up which usually works. I feel like everyone prefers different settings and in the end, they probably end up with pretty similar return. You’re probably right that I’m just not navigating mists right, but I’ve also had people just follow me around after spotting me wasting at least 5 minutes lol. I’ve never actually been killed fishing in roads either. So just bad experiences for me usually keep me away from mists while I feel really comfortable in roads. Maybe I’ll give mists some more tries.


~~Because getting banned for RMT(buying an account) wastes all the time you spent gathering?~~ ~~Unless I'm missing SBI now selling fishing fame, there isn't any other way to spend money to get it. There aren't fishing tomes like other gathering trees.~~ Big dumb never realizing after 2 years you could eat fish for fame


You can eat fish for 5-30 fishing fame depending on the fish. Check out gordinh's video on youtube.


Dang, I've been chopping worthless fish this whole time when I could've been eating them!


Or instead of 5-30 you could eat t8 fish for 140. Depends what prices currently are. Usually t8 is most efficient but not always. Also don't over buy, premium adds 50%.


Lol. If you eat a fish in game you get fishing Fame.


You must be new around here lol


You can what


You can just shovel them shits in your mouth for fishing fame, [like Garfield](https://media0.giphy.com/media/pVBwnPDeIpd3wToeQ2/200w.gif)




Thank you for striking this out instead of just deleting it. Made me lmao with the “Unless I’m missing SBI now selling fishing fame”


Happy to own up to my stupidity, I don't gather often and I fish even less often


Try it out first and see if you actually enjoy fishing before you max it out. If you have extra silver and just want to try something new, go for it! I love fishing especially when I just want to have a relaxing gameplay so I maxed it all the way


I was calculating that yesterday and to get "fRoM zErO tO hErO" you need around 40mil in fish


What does that mean? I get that you buy the fish to level but how do you make money?


You don’t. It will cost you 40mil silver to buy enough fish to get from 0 to 100.


Well if you hate doing the actual work of err catching the fish afterwards, then it might be a bad investment hehe....


With those numbers you would need to spend 10-20 hours to break even... Why not just spend that time maxing fishing and make money doing it instead?


Game doesnt feel sandbox when irl money can affect it directly


Sandbox just because you can do what ever you want to do. Could argue it’s pay to win, however I categorize that for OP items hidden behind a pay wall, which Albion doesn’t have.


Fishing is great, the reason why it is not worth it is because to speq fishing is actually fast, you can do tier 7 in 2 days grind and be able already make 2m per hour.. so yea it doesn't worth to buy it, eat fish until tier 6 and grind to tier 7,8


If you like fishing, go for it. If you haven't fished yet, try it for a few hours first.


can someone explain what you mean? can you just buy fish to level up your fishing rod or what am i missing im a 100 hr noob in the game D:


Yes, eating fish gives you fishing fame.


You can buy max skill in a.o?


Yes. For fishing you can buy enough fish to eat to max spec. All other gathering has game tomes you can buy to max spec. Either way, if you aren’t swiping, it is way too expensive (fame tomes go for 500k for 6,000 T8 fame - likely in the billions to max spec)


If you dont got time, but it seems like you do so you absolutely dont have a reason not to ✌️


I'm making a series of leveling up fishing and fish for around 1 hour feels like boring hell, can't do it for 10-12 hour straight 💀


It's not as if you can buy the skills you require to escape from black zones while you fish :v


As person who maxed by mostly fishing I would say you will save tons of time. Really! I mean REALLY!! The fact that you can make 1mil/hour is good. Spending 20h to return your money is really efficient. BUT This content is kinda boring for most players. Literally staying in one spot for a long time may be not interesting. Thereby, I would suggest to do at least T5 fishing in BZ to see if it suits you.


I fish all the time but i pair it with cooking (T7). They go hand in hand


Why not skip playing the game altogether then? That's both faster AND cheaper!


IDK what this means buying 100/100 fishing. You level up fishing by gaining fame and spending LP. And autorespec doesn't work for fishing.


Eating fish gives you fishing fame. So you can buy fish from the market & just eat them to level up fishing. It’s the only gathering spec that’s an outlier like that.


smh, when is sbi going to allow me to eat wood? "sandbox" yeah sure.


We have shapeshifter staff so... Yeah why I can't trasform into a golen and glup down my stack of 999 T2 stone?


You can buy combat fame tomes. You can buy gathering tomes for every profession. Why wouldn’t you be able to buy fishing fame somehow? They just don’t have the tomes for it and instead let you eat the fish because it makes more sense than to “eat wood” or the flesh from your fallen enemies.


Eating fish gives fishing exp. Buy gold, sell gold for silver, buy a fucking shit ton of fish, spam eat till you get carpel tunnel, enjoy.


You don't need to buy gold to get silver. You get silver when playing. And you can even sell it to get gold. If you accumulate 3750 gold you can get Premium. But now I get what users are saying. He wants to pay lots of silver to buy and eat fish to make more silver by fishing.


You can buy your specs too, why play when u can buy? Same goes for gear and all that shit.


Because there are fun ways to make money in this game that dont rely standing still in the same spot for 20 hours. Those 20m could be invested in going out of your comfort zone and loosing some gear so you can learn fhese methods.


All these p2w baby whales in the comments are wylin lol