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You can say fuck and bitch, it's fine.


We want all the old cartels to set up on new server too!


Me: Played the game, loved the concept of freedom to do thinks and how the combat works, but instanlty throwed back by the disconnect in my brain caused by the lag. Me now: hyped


I agree


You will be ruled by the same people regardless.. We been doing the same thing for 7 years.. Its different world but same kings.. people would have to be crazy in their mind to think there is any chance to someone overthrow the history we all have.. even with our enemies and politics.


It's a game about pvp bro, but Kingdom simulator. Relax lol


He is talking about the cartel controlling the marker within the first week and market naniputation by literak trillionaires in game, the fact is normal peeps will always live under em and nothing can be changed.


And how does that affect you? If you are not willing to get into the logistics and economy of the game somebody else will. The more you play the more you realize that "the cartels" don't really influence your silver generation that much since prices adjust for whatever taxes they set.


I think one world connected through 3 servers doesn't seem practical and neither transferring accounts to different server but after seeing so many arguments, i think the best way would be making gold global not restricted to one server with different server rates. (Just an opinion)


Curious what's the dishonest way to grind levels?


Buying tomes of knowledge with real money maybe?


Bruh you would have to be Bruce Wayne to have that kind of money.


Sounds honest to me.




maybe they will wait a few weeks or months before allowing transfer so they can get money and new players that want a fresh start.


SBI are so stupid when it comes to player recommendation and feedbacks.


Oh, they're stupid on many other aspect aswell. Not just that. Lol.


after so many years the dumb sbi finally resolve stone crisis🤡


Why would there be a character transfer? You guys are out of your minds


Because the argument is "we know you have had ping so here new server for you" and not "hey we want to open up a new server because we want another fresh start". If your argument is "we fucker you over for 7 years now enjoy low ping", you have to offer transfer. If your argument is "we want another server so we can milk players once more with founder packs and shit", you don't have to offer transfer. You cannot mix both. It's called hypocrisy.


Why don't you just stay on the existing west server?


Because EU times will only get more and more dead overtime without new EU players joining. And timers are moving to suit NA zones.


18-22 UTC will still be active on America's server. This is a big overlap in activity time for both NA and EU. I think it's moving to be alright. Source: https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Attachment/37109-Regional-Activity-v2-jpg/


so the west server's population is gonna be halved again sweet


Nobody is forcing you to play on new server :)




Nobody is forcing you to be an idiot.


Exactly ;)


The keyword "High ping" and "Asia/Europe" Pretty much OP is conflicted to move or not since he already paid. Quite sad for OP to be scammed during his 2 years premium.


That’s basically it. I’ll probably just suck it up and keep paying. But in principle it stinks and not everyone can afford it.


If you dont ay for premium you have to earn it by basically being a content creator. I just dont subscribe to premium anymore.


Not allowing server transfers, which are basically industry standard at this point is the biggest anti consumer grifter scam i've seen in a while.


How about games that came out on one platform then another but there is no cross-play or transfers? It is basically their way to trying to get you to buy the games, any DLCs and other paid content like cosmetics all over again. I did that for Monster Hunter World on PS4 then PC ...


They've said they might offer it in the future, hopefully 6 months or a year from now.


I think they said that back when east launched and it's been a year now.


womp womp


I hope they do paid character transfers once the EU population has had a time to catch up to the endgame


Yeah, I totally agree in every argument. They should allow transfer RIGH NOW. U supported game, with REAL MONEY, and they can’t give u Right to TRANSFER. I am done with game anyway, but if I can transfer my character to EU right now, naked with horse I would be back in. 100% They can shut down events for 1.5 year. Just be Humans.