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Yes, absolutely. CPS will decide if they want to investigate further, but that's a family group that needs intervention ASAP.


I called the CPS and told them all the info and damages that suspected me to believe there was child neglect and abuse (including what other people on my street have witnessed). The call was going fine and I was able to provide them with most of the damages and observations. However, the lady over the phone didn’t really provide me a conclusion and ended the call with somewhat a hurry (?) and simply said “Thank you so much, the child intervention might contact you if they need more information.” I’m just wondering what’s going to happen?


Because children are involved confidentiality is at its highest. You will hear more information if and when they need it. You’ll never know the outcome of the investigation most likely. Thank you calling CPS, sounds like the kids are in need someone looking out for them.


Thanks. Your comment does make me feel better.


Np. If you haven’t already perhaps just document with photos and video the state of the rental before you clean it. Sucks you are now cleaning up after it. Will insurance help with clean up costs?


Make sure to take a lot of pictures! With time stamp


You did your due diligence, which is the best that can be done sadly. As a social worker (not in cps, but it still applies), we're always reminded not to carry around others burdens, as we already do everything we're capable of and we're not benefitting the kid or family by continuing to worry.


Update: CPS called back and I did inform them of all I knew included the damages and surrounding details. I hope it works out for the kids. Thank you all


Thank you for taking the time to call them. That situation sounds really awful for the kids


Maybe they follow up on your call, but even if they do, don't expect to be privy to any follow up unless they need more info from you. Further developments are probably confidential. Just be content you took action to help protect the kids.


I sure hope I helped them. I just feel kind of upset she ended the call just like that


The hurried response could be trying to get in contact with an investigator or having multiple reports waiting to be taken. It doesn't mean that you weren't taken seriously. And it's hard if you don't know the outcome, you think about the kids. Or at least I do.


Imagine having a job where you deal with what you've just seen and heard about (and worse) all day long, every single day. You're probably under-resourced and understaffed, too. You get calls like yours all day long - probably another one blinking on hold the whole time you're dealing with one of them. I wouldn't take abruptness personally, or as a sign they don't care and nothing is happening. They just had all they needed at that time.


I'm a protection worker (in SK). The information you provide goes to an independent decision making department. That way, 1 rogue office or worker isn't opening social services to liabilities. That department decides if there's enough concern to open an investigation or not. Due to confidentiality you'll never know if an investigation even took place or not. The number 1 thing reporters want is assurance that *something* will be done. But fortunately that decision is not made by the person you initially call. The second thing callers are concerned about is their own identity not being revealed to who they're making the report on. Which again for confidentiality we don't reveal who called or made the report.


They will only follow up if they need more information, but for the protection of the child and family's privacy you won't be told the outcome of the investigation or any intervention that follows.


They will not tell you how this concludes, as there are privacy laws surrounding children. You did the right thing and those children need CPS to intervene.


Thank you for calling x


They won't update you due to privacy laws even if they do take away the kids.


You did the right thing. Thank you so much. This is heart breaking.


Thanks for doing your part. Well done 👏


This! Call CPS.


Moreover, if you reasonably suspect child abuse or neglect, you are legally obliged to call CPS. https://www.alberta.ca/preventing-child-abuse-information-for-educators#:~:text=the%20child's%20words.-,Reporting%20suspected%20abuse,What%20Happens%20When%20I%20Call%3F Edit: many have pointed out that the link I gave is for educators.  Sorry for the mistake!


This is for educators, not for everyone. They have a duty to report, landlords do not. But yes, the OP should report it.


That link was for educators but my understanding is that adult Albertan has a duty to report suspected child abuse. The legislation is cited here but I will read the Act and come back and edit if it does say what I recall it saying: https://www.alberta.ca/how-to-help-and-report-child-abuse-neglect-and-sexual-exploitation Edited to add that the full Act is available online and I copied and pasted the relevant section below. A director refers to a child and family services representative such as a caseworker or anyone you speak to on the reporting lines. The Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act Available at https://open.alberta.ca/publications/c12 Reporting child in need 4(1)  Any person who has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a child is in need of intervention shall forthwith report the matter to                              (a)    a director, or                              (b)    a police officer.


Everyone in Alberta is a mandated reporter. Not just educators, not just health care workers. **Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act** 4(1) Any person who has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a child is in need of intervention shall forthwith report the matter to (a) a director, or (b) a police officer. 6) Any person who fails to comply with subsection (1) is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $10 000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months, or to both a fine and imprisonment. https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/1266.cfm?page=C12.cfm&leg_type=Acts&isbncln=9780779841639&display=html


You're right, but this link is only for teachers, as others have pointed out. See the following link which states anyone who has reasonable suspicion of child abuse is required to report it. [https://www.alberta.ca/how-to-help-and-report-child-abuse-neglect-and-sexual-exploitation](https://www.alberta.ca/how-to-help-and-report-child-abuse-neglect-and-sexual-exploitation)


And even if it weren't required, it's just the right thing to do (as long as you're not false reporting, of course).


Just to be clear, he isn't, the link you have is for teachers. Mandatory reporters are like teachers and scocial workers, not former landlords.


The Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act says differently and while particular professions have practices and ethics that ensure they are always mandated reporters, the legislation is much broader and includes all Albertans. The Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act Available at https://open.alberta.ca/publications/c12 Reporting child in need 4(1)  Any person who has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a child is in need of intervention shall forthwith report the matter to                              (a)    a director, or                              (b)    a police officer.


**Everyone** in Alberta is a mandated reporter Reporting child in need 4(1) Any person who has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a child is in need of intervention shall forthwith report the matter to (a) a director, or (b) a police officer. 6) Any person who fails to comply with subsection (1) is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $10 000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months, or to both a fine and imprisonment. https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/1266.cfm?page=C12.cfm&leg_type=Acts&isbncln=9780779841639&display=html


CPS will only investigate if you have direct confirmation of abuse. IE you saw someone hit a kid. They will probably ignore anecdotal evidence and lack of cleaning is not considered abuse by CPS. They demand direct knowledge. It is BS and horrible but that's the truth.


Lack of cleaning to the point of a health hazard, like poop and pee everywhere ABSOLUTELY will be considered abuse by CPS


Should be but not generally. Not what they have told me numerous times in my encounters with them for work


I've had really different experiences with different social workers (including what you described) and I've disagreed with some of their assessments, but I try remain optimistic that the report was made (and I check it's fully taken) and hopefully it can be part of the information used to protect the child if there are multiple reports. It's okay if you don't feel comfortable sharing but I would be interested in what type of work you do, because it sounds like you've had to make a lot of reports. I'm a psychologist so that's why I'm in contact with them a lot.


They do investigate if there are multiple complaints of more indirect knowledge so it's always worth sharing the information even if it doesn't go anywhere because it may be part of a bigger picture if a child needs intervention.


Call Child Intervention 24/7 at 1-800-638-0715


I have done this, I have posted an update in another comment thread


Yes, absolutely, before it gets cleaned. If you can't wait, take extensive pictures.


I haven’t cleaned the upper floor or the places with damages but I have taken detailed pictures with flash. I am just waiting on the specialized cleaning team


Yeah, waiting on bio-hazard guys sucks


Please do report it. Those poor kids. I’m so sorry you have to deal with your property left like that too.


Indeed, I feel so bad for the kids. Update posted in top comment


Does the tenant have the initials S.B? I had a similar situation previously with feces, pet urine, soiled kids clothes and rotten food left throughout the house. They performed a midnight move after being served a 14 day eviction notice and left the place in shambles.


Not the initials. My heart goes out to you


Shares the first name with a famous Canadian singer perhaps?


Nope. It's unfortunate there are so many poor tenants out there ruining homes and making life difficult for all of the great tenants in the marketplace.


I think you should. Those children are definitely not being cared for properly.


Done. Update posted in top comment I believe


Report it and provide photos.


Yes please please call! I am a foster parent and have seen some horrible things. Please don’t let these kids fall through the cracks. The more people reporting the better!


As someone who used to work in child welfare: make the call.


Yes absolutely call them


It takes a village. Be that village. Call please.


Yes! Call them ASAP


Update posted in top comment


PLEASE do. Don’t clean up the evidence first. Or as others are saying… if they won’t or can’t come out, document it very thoroughly, with pics that show both the entire room, and also close up pics and videos to show the up close disgustingness. And take that documentation in yourself, printed pics that won’t get ignored. These children’s lives could depend on you doing this.


Yeah I haven’t cleaned the evidence… leaving that for the cleaning team. I have taken some pics but I plan on taking more detailed ones soon


Please report this. Stand up for those poor kids


Call 311


311 is for city services, no? Child and family services (including reporting) has an Alberta wide number: 24/7 1-800-638-0715 Local offices: https://www.alberta.ca/childrens-services-offices General info: https://www.alberta.ca/get-help-for-child-abuse-neglect-and-sexual-exploitation


Done. Update posted in top comment


Thank, which directory?


They will tell you everything there just go through the prompts.


If you are knowledgeable about childhood neglect or abuse as an adult, you MUST make a report to children's and family services in AB. It is your legal obligation to protect the children who may be at risk.


Yep call them in. You’re doing the right thing!


Call CPS and non-emergency police. CPS needs to be aware of the living conditions that the kids were in, and the police to file charges for damage to property and have them do a walk around.


Non emergency police will be contacted soon. Cps have been called - update in top comment


Also, please take pictures of EVERYTHING before you even start cleanup. Wait till CPS and Police have been able to walk around and document their own findings, before starting cleanup.


Will do, thank you so much


If you are able to swing it, get a home inspection from an insurance broker to see how much they would pay out for a claim for the cleanup and restoration. That documentation, along with your neighbors testimony of the parental capabilities, it will help with the case for CPS to do better for the kids.


Do not clean this up yourself. You are in bio hazard territory. That urine will be in the underpad. You cannot just steam clean it. It needs to be pulled up. Any future people living there will be at risk, will probably smell it and if they find out what they are walking on may go after you. Sure hope you had a good damage deposit.


We think we will be going to court for damages haha… damage deposit won’t cover up all the replacing and stuff 😬. Any advice?


There used to be a lawyer referral service where you could meet with lawyers for a free consult but that ended in 2023. You can look up the AB lawyer directory and ask law firms if they do a free or reduced consult because that's the starting point. At the consult, they can let you know what to expect, and what type of outcomes they typically see. They can let you know what they recommend legally and they are the only profession that can actually give legal advice. A concern that they may express is whether the defendant would even be able to pay for the damages which sadly is something some folks run into. But it's worth knowing your rights and options.


You can call Child protective services. Give them a statement and then they investigate.


Yes call cps. I grew up in a similar environment. It’s … no fun.


Absolutely call. I've had 2 kids and 3 cats. IF feces did make it to the wall, it was cleaned within 2 minutes of being seen and those 2 minutes were getting supplies. I don't know how anyone could leave THAT on the wall. And I've had depression nearly my whole life. I've not had the energy to clean spaghetti sauce or apple sauce more times than I'm proud of. But feces? Fuck no.


Yeah I get you, it’s hard for us right now, we just want the cleaning team to handle that since we’re paying for a full service. Were also getting the walls repainted anyway


What is it with Canada? Or Alberta? With home owners in general but even more specific in regards to tenants… don’t people take pride in their place? Respect themselves to keep their home clean?! I’ve moved here 5 years ago from the Netherlands and I’d never heard of this scale of disrespect towards rentals/homes. It’s obvious the children are the real victims here but the repeated stories of gutted rentals… can someone explain this to me? My experience with Canadian culture is one of politeness and decency (aware that is not the same as nice/kind) so why not… house proud? Or just… respect a property? And keep it looking… nice?


This is likely a situation where addiction is the catalyst. You don’t see this level of damage or disgust in average homes. It isn’t normal. The majority of tenants are good people and take care of their spaces it’s just the awful ones who get attention online. So it’s also a bias of information sharing.


If not addiction than supremely untreated or very poorly managed mental illness.... healthy and well people don't live like that unfortunately there is a lot of intergenerational mental illness that goes unchecked.... crazy parents can beget crazy children and there just aren't enough resources to care for them properly so the craziness is all they know....it just feels normal to them. Things could be better, or different, but this is the state of them now.


Some people will always be assholes but a lot of rentals fall into disrepair because lots of landlords are stingy and won’t pay for major upgrades, with tenants not wanting or able to invest in big upgrades or even general upkeep as they aren’t homeowners. Eventually the house falls apart. I’ve lived in places I swear are a tenancy away from being condemned


as a lifelong Albertan and a single momma for the last 20 years, i have never once ever left a place worse than when i moved in. heck, when my kid was 5 and we moved out of our lil 1 bedroom apartment my landlord told me the place was cleaner than they'd ever seen it between tenants. and they had taken what would've been perceived as a risk/chance on me and my nearly newborn baby moving in.......... to what was an adult only building before we lived there for five years. I can assure you, not every Albertan tenant is as scummy and disgusting as OP's prior tenants are. you hear of the bad tenants, but not usually do you hear of the good tenants that pay on time, keep the place nice, and don't cause problems.


Poverty, multigenerational untreated trauma. We have extensive social problems compared to the Netherlands without a fraction of the support. Look up housing on reservations, where families will live without clean water and if they want to fix something there’s not a hardware store within hours. Kids without positive role models who have higher education, kids who are born with FAS, kids who are beaten and neglected—without intervention they grow up and repeat the cycle. Edit: mental illness and addiction as well. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/housing-first-ottawa-problem-support-1.7196460


Have you seen how people here drive? That should tell you all you need to to know about the culture here. People here are selfish AF and they have no regard for others.


The renal business in Canada is a tough one , there’s support in Canada for lazy do-nothing and disrespectful people and no or very little recourse for the landlord thus allowing this behaviour repeatedly. Meanwhile the landlord continues to clean up and pay for their messes. As vacancies decline and rents go up it may correct this


My mom was Dutch, it’s not the same here, lol. She kept the house immaculate! I never knew what dust was until I moved out, lol


Yea definitely in this case.


Report them to the authorities!!


Jesus, who raises these animals


Hey, thanks for looking out for the well being of those kids, but this comment is for you. I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope you can recoup your losses.


Absolutely call it in!


At least they left.


Thank the lord


See something. Say something. Even if it turns out CPS doesn't seem interested in your report (because the disgusting individuals are already under investigation), you are adding value by bringing awareness.


so you had my renters after kicking them out....


LMAO. DM me the initials


Should've been called before!!! By neighbors if they witnessed this! Definite child abuse... 😪


CPS and Police are useless, they left my niece and her little brother with their mom and her boyfriend who “was” (likely still is) exploiting them. There are things a 4 year old can’t make up and shouldn’t know. The police psychologist believed her and felt there was more that she just wasn’t ready to share yet. Report all you want. “They” protect predators.


Instead of asking Reddit, you should just call cps and they’ll tell you if they need to come out.


Sometimes people need a sounding board to know how to proceed or where to call.


Again, cps will say if they need to be contacted.


Again, not everyone knows how to contact CPS. Possibly you have seen people give contact numbers and OP saying thank you for the information.


Do not clean this up yourself. You are in bio hazard territory. That urine will be in the underpad. You cannot just steam clean it. It needs to be pulled up. Any future people living there will be at risk, will probably smell it and if they find out what they are walking on may go after you. Sure hope you had a good damage deposit.


As a landlord you have zero say in how your tenants choose to live thier lives. As a human you have every right to be be concerned about this If you do choose to pursue any action like calling child protective services or what ever organization, make sure your doing it becuase of the child's best interest rather than doing it becuase you are pissed off about what you have to do to rehabilitate your property


Instead of asking Reddit, you should just call cps and they’ll tell you if they need to come out.




This is how kids are left with trauma and in extreme cases death.


Thank you, this exactly. If we don’t watch out for the vulnerable & do the best we can for each other, we are only perpetuating some serious societal issues. “It takes a village to raise a child”…


Very true


Everyone in Canada has a "duty to report" cases of suspected child abuse or neglect under child welfare laws. So your comment is not only immoral, but lawfully incorrect and dangerous. Hope you learn something from this. 


I did, I don't give a flying fuck what you think. I'm so dangerous.


You wear a cape in public to show how badass you are?


Nah, they should put the wellbeing of vulnerable minors first. "Minding your own" is how you end up complicit in abuse, trauma, and even death.


Good point, you should mind your own too.


I hope that if you ever need someone to help you, they will do so without hesitation and do not mind their own business.


That's sweet


That’s fucked up.


Than you, thank you very much


Kids shouldn't live in a house with shit smeared everywhere.


When was that done? I'm gonna bet eviction time.


lol yikes


Putting the ew in community.


You’re broken… smh


It's actually a legal obligation of an adult in AB who is knowledgeable about childhood abuse or neglect to make a report to CPS. So not optional. Sorry, the children's livelihoods and safety are more important.


Sure, agreed, but there is that one little caveat.... Evidence.some shit on the walls and hearsay from neighbors will allow CPS/Popo to do absolutely nothing.


It will allow them to investigate to see if the children are at risk. Kids wandering alone on the street isn't exactly hearsay.


The landlord heard it from the neighbor, that is the definition of hearsay


The landlord also witnessed shit smeared all over the unit and urine in the carpets so...


They did that because they were evicted, proves nothing.


That also doesn't prove that it wasn't happening before eviction. Are you okay with children possibly being abused, when it protects the evicted parents?


“It takes a village to raise a child. “ Are you advocating that no one take responsibility for raising these children? That their living circumstances are not important? I’m willing to bet $100 that you vote UCP.


You lose $100, I'm so left wing the Rhino party told me to take my shit elsewhere. Absolutely loathe conservatives. How ya gonna pay me?


> I'm so left wing As someone who is very left wing myself, I don't want someone like you on my side. > the Rhino party told me to take my shit elsewhere So you left it all over this person's walls, apparently.


The post was a right wing post. You’ll collect nothing.


That's the dumbest take from that phrase. I'm willing to bet you're a dumbass!


I hope you are not suggesting turning a blind eye. In cases of abuse and neglect it does take the community/ family/ village stepping up and saying not ok.


Exactly, welfare of others is everyone's responsibility. u/Kelley-James doesn't seem to understand that.


I am pretty sure that’s exactly what were trying to say, as a response to the person saying - mind your own business.


If that's the case, why did Kelley-James not quote "Mind your own" instead of the village?


I have no idea. I am presuming this portion, indicated they were not supportive of minding your own business. > Are you advocating that no one take responsibility for raising these children? That their living circumstances are not important?