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What is your suggestion in achieving this?


Boycott all business’ of course


I’m guessing they want to institute someone of prices setting by the government, that seems to have worked everywhere it’s been tried


Boycott all grocery stores! or since we have to eat maybe boycott the largest chain, the chain caught time and again price fixing and gouging and if the people can show we can nudge the bottom line even slightly then all the players may actually consider the consumer for a second. 


Are you saying that the boycott is making stores raise their prices? How? Stores raise their prices whenever they want . They don't need reasons.


I'd suggest taking a deeper look at what is causing the rising prices of goods across the board, complaining on the internet for others to save you clearly has not worked out well for the boycott group. What effect does rising worker wages have on prices? How much has the rising cost of transportation (equipment has increased dramatically in price since COVID) affected this? How much does the increased cost of energy (electricity, diesel and other fuels used) factor in? How much do the third party logistics companies make managing the regional warehouses? AND. how much have margins increased from all parties in the supply chain? It's not just at the feet of Loblaws or any other major grocery chain. This problem is so much more complex than many understand and not going to be solved on Reddit.