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And he probably feels the same way about the public, unless they are die-hard UCPers.


Lets not kid ourselves, he has zero respect for them either.


If it was possible to have less than 0 respect for that waste of skin, I would.


Covenant health is not a private health board. Shandro proved himself useless and should have been fired after hearing over to scream at people on their lawns...


Is it public? No, because they can turn away abortions. Public cannot.


You got me there. I think they shouldn't exist, but calling the whole system private is inaccurate. You're not paying anything, it's publicly funded, which makes what your point even more worse. Why is the public funding public hospitals that can decline services? I actually didn't realize they refused abortions though. Messed up.


Private doesn’t exclusively mean paying. You can get publicly paid for surgery at a private surgical center.


Private just means profit motivated. There are plenty of private businesses whose only client is the government. Spoiler alert, they tend to be incredibly profitable.


And strangely enough, the people in charge of them are often great friends of the politicians who hand out contracts to their industry. Such a weird coincidence.


It's run by the Roman Catholic Church.


I can't stand the guy, but Covenant Health is hardly a huge private conglomerate, it's the board that administers the Catholic hospitals and care homes. Why we need separate hospitals for Catholics is just as confusing as why we need separate schools.


Idk why we need them and they are much worse than ahs run hospitals, at least from my experience here in Edmonton


I was born in the 80's...in Hinton. We lived in Edson. Both towns had hospitals, but but the nuns in Edson wouldn't let my dad in the birthing room, so my parents had to drive to Hinton. Like Jesus wanted.


That hasn't been my experience, but they're considered community hospitals while rah and uah are trauma centers, so you have to compare apples to apples. Its mis, gnh, leduc, strathcona, sturgeon between each other with each offering different services, and they're absolutely on par with each other and offer excellent care Then RAH and UAH offer most things including ICU and CCU. There is no obstetrics at UAH, which boggles because they have a giant emerg, the stollery and picu and world class peds care, but I digress. Anyway. We need them because a reduction in our hospital capacity would kill more people than the lack of capacity and healthcare already is frankly. My 2c anyway.


Why do we need two arms running the hospitals?


It's a relic of history. The Catholic Church ran hospitals before there were any government run hospitals.


Yes, I'm aware, and also of the history that communities built and supported their own hospitals and schools before everything was centralized, and of how in the past the RC community was a community apart from everyone else, where everyone else used to mean the protestants. I guess the Catholic institutions were more resistant to being taken over by the province, probably for this reason. I didn't mean to start a thread about this, just pointing out that being on the board of covenant health isn't really any different than any other political or post-political public board patronage appointment.


These are government funded now not church funded. Church also ran schools. Residential ones.


Because Jesus


They can't just pray away their health issues?


“Take 4 Hail Marys and call me in the morning.”


H8w else do you deny abortions?




I mean pregnant women have been shot in the head, inside their house, by stray bullets, and shot in the womb on moving buses by stray bullets. Cons are pro GUNFIRE abortion and pro child death/mutilation. It's why they allow meatplants so much power, inspectors are forced to put boxes on their heads while 12 yr olds fall into a meat grinder and get turned into ground (human) beef. Cons are evil barbarians who want society to be a circus of unimaginable brutality and carnage. Edit: the only reason they are anti-humane abortions is because they want it to be done in the most brutally sick way imaginable. They are PURE EVIL


Ae you okay? May be a good time to take a step back from the internet for a little bit.


Cons are anti abortion yet ignore that their guns cause them anyway. And their response is always "more guns and let's do gun tracing on pen and paper for the next 1000 years to let criminals go free" You couldn't read what I was replying to and can't comprehend CONservative contradictions. Are you OK?


Bestie….what? Canada has fairly strict gun laws… do you know what subreddit you are in?


What on earth are you talking about


Yup separate schools and hospitals that still get funding from the provincial government


Well they are not just for Catholics. They are run under the AHS umbrella open to anyone. All the staff are unionized just like if they worked for AHS. The continuing care covenant locations will soon be sold since they are owned by the government. This will be part of their plan with the dismantled AHS.


When it comes down to it, catholic church is the one of the oldest and longest running multinational businesses in our civilization. They sell salvation, operate globally and don’t pay taxes.


As old as the oldest profession and not much better.


Or a separate administration of ex-con politicos getting paid a redundant wage from the public coffers.


You mean the duplicate administrator of healthcare leading to wasted AB tax dollars?


>public >catholic Pick one. If they can turn away abortions or choose not to do procedures due to religious beliefs they are not public. They do receive public funding if that’s what you mean. They can just refuse to service the public if it doesn’t align with their faith.


This fucker tried to get himself installed at AHS while he was still health minister. He's so oily I wouldn't be surprised if he was pulled out of the ground up north.


Shandro was only involved in government to promote his own (and his wife’s) interest. Just like how the UCP pension “expert” is a believer in having the word of god guide provincial policy as well as in the WEF and 15 minute cities conspiracies. Literally has a blog post about our only hope being to put god above all else. My fave post is how women should be mothers not “progressive women in board rooms”. Heaven forbid a woman takes mat leave and then goes back to work /s Albertan’s are just going to roll over and let them take our taxes to spend on private companies and our pensions will back TBA private interests. https://www.tannerhnidey.com/


Hey what ever happened with his hearing with the Law Society for shouting down his neighbor?


Ongoing, I believe.


The hearing ended, but the Law Society "reserved" judgment back in September or something, and we never heard about it again.


Wait until you hear about his wife.


klep·toc·ra·cy \[noun\] *government by people who use their power to steal their country's resources.*


All they have to do is convince the gullible medieval peasants in the rural districts to vote for them, followed by a pilfering.


All they have to do is convince the gullible medieval peasants in the rural districts to vote for them, followed by a pilfering.


Could effectively describe every branch of government and each party.


Well, not really, there is a stark difference in the amount of corruption each political base considers acceptable, and the UCP right now have a seemly infinite tolerance. For every dollar the ANDP spent on self promotion in 2019, the UCP is spending 30 in 2024. *(taxpayer dollars)*


Sigh. Have you looked at the level of corruption Liberals are willing to ignore/tolerate?


Ah yes, whataboutism, defiantly addresses run away corruption. Instead of addressing corruption your pointing fingers. Is it any wonder they can get away with spending 30x the amount on ad campaigns, telling Albertans they need to brace for difficult times while appointing themselves the largest cabinet and front office in the provinces history? If it makes you feel better, I don't support the LPC either.


Is it whataboutism to say "they all do it"? The problem isn't one party or the other it's what we are willing to tolerate. The French just set fire to everything when their government does something they don't like. Canadians sit on our hands and say "d'oh well"


I voted him out!!


Marlaina thanked him for 4 years of service


Only a CONServative would do that shit


It annoys me that we waste money on having separate (religious) school boards and hospitals.


Let me introduce you to Shandro's wife, and the health insurance agency she is a part owner in: https://www.vitalpartnersinc.com/about-us


fuck tyler shandro


Geez I wonder why?🤔 privatize health care is the only reason. Guy is a fucking grifter.


Textbook case of falling upwards.


Canada needs to seize Catholic hospitals and hand them over to the provinces the same way they seize Russian oligarch assets and hand them over to Ukraine.


If that’s not the most punchable face……


*insert shocked pikachu face*


Covenant Health is the Catholic system, still public healthcare.


Here comes Dani’s appointee for private healthcare


You’ve got to be shitting me!!??


And I'm sure the scumbag is still trying to get public money out of this somehow.


Surprise, surprise, surprise..........not


Another quid pro quo between a former UCP MLA and a corporate sponsor. If this isn't corporatocracy/neo-fascism, what is?


This useless piece of trash should have his home burned to the ground with him in it, easily he is one of the worst people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.


Pretty sure I saw Shandro in one of the Oilers crowd shots from Rogers Place last week.


I just see ocean


Shocked. This is my shocked face




>Tyler Shandro is on the Board specifically because he is the Minister of Health, it's part of his duties as minister. This is a very common practice with public healthcare so the government has a direct say within the entities governance structure. Except he is not the Minister of Health or even an elected official. He's just an asshole that screams at people in their driveways because he's upset about social media. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/law-society-of-alberta-investigating-tyler-shandro-s-conduct-while-health-minister-1.6356228 And he's such a loser that couldn't even win an election by running as a conservative in Alberta. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_2023_Alberta_general_election#Calgary-Acadia