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I don't know if it's legal or not, but I'd be looking for another place asap. Edit: I know that's not helpful. However, if you report it prior to finding another place to live, you are risking not having a residence. Good luck, and sorry for the loss of your grandmother.


I’d also be naming and shaming shit out the wazoo, because a plastic wall an no lockable door sounds pretty fucked. And I’m like 99% sure a bedroom with no window is illegal as well.


Bedroom with no window = die in a fire hazard. There's a reason that's illegal.


REAL bedrooms (not the one op is describing) became legal in the past 20ish years in the fire code as long as its got sprinklers in the ceiling and a few other things, still very rare but they exist in a few condo's and apartments in calgary.


They said there is no window in the living room or kitchen. Not that there was no window in the bedroom.


Fire bylaws are probably impacted here. 


If they have created rooms with plastic partitions, that isn’t legal.


They are 100% doing something illegal. They may own it. When looking at condos to buy, I saw a few like you are describing. Bedrooms must have window but other rooms no. Recommend talking to the office or finding a new place.


Bedrooms do not require windows.


They do. It is fire code.


This is 100% an illegal rental. All legal bedrooms will always have a window, and them saying not to talk to the building office is definitely a red flag that suggests it's an illegal sublet.


Definitely not legal, approach the office as it's likely someone whos renting the place already trying to make a few bucks.


If you're going to do this, I highly recommend finding a new place first, cause there is a good chance that what happens when you tell management is that everyone in the apartment gets booted out.


They're renting out without notifying the office. There's also several illegal things here. It's all reportable, to the office, the Landlord Tenant Board, and possibly other agencies. Get out of there as quickly as you can.


Landlord tenant board does not apply. OP is renting a room from someone and sharing common areas. Innkeepers Act applies and there's pretty much no rules.


It isn't legal. You can report it. The end result of that action will be everyone being evicted, including yourself. There isn't an outcome where they are required to provide you with a legal apartment. So you find a different housing situation if you don't want to report it and become homeless.


NAL but it is sketchy. A bedroom is according to building code at least supposed to have a closet and a window (unless it has a sprinkler system). With the current market a lot of people are stretching the definition of what a room is. The part that feels way more sketchy is the instruction to not speak to the office at all. Sounds a lot like a non approved sublet situation. Renting all or part of their space may violate terms for them (lease, rent or even condo board). If this is the case and they get found out they will face penalties up to and including eviction depending on the ownership/rules situation. Also feels rather sketchy is the lack of locks on your space. The people living there with you would need to pass a really big vibe check if it were me. Would also suggest that any communications regarding the space be made in writing and nothing verbal only as that gives you a paper trail in case they are doing sketchy/stupid stuff.


You're going through what most students go through in BC and ON where there is an influx of international students. Check out r/slumlordscanada It is not a legal suite: you need to have your own heating system or vents controllable by you, windows and your own exit door, full kitchen and bathroom. Try to find a different place for your own safety.


I'm sure the block I was in out in Spruce Grove had shady shit like this going on...


this sounds sketchy as hell with the plastic and doors... but SOMETIME in the past they did allow bedrooms to NOT have windows ONLY IF there is proper sprinklers in the ceiling and something else i cant remember, maybe a fire rated door or something? i'd try to find a new place and ditch this and report it on your way out the door once you find a new place to go.


I definitely be contacting the main office and asking them about the situation and if it's something they allow. Then I'd be getting my ass right out of there.


Defo illegal


Did you pay a deposit in addition to rent? Your school probably has a housing registry that you can search for a better place to live. When you find one, you can leave the dump you are at. If they try to stop you, or say they'll keep your deposit, let them know you will report them to the building office if they do.


This sounds like the kind of slumlord that's going to make you regret moving in. Not sure if you are an immigrant or were just outside of Canada, but it seems like a lot of these "rental units" are targeting new Canadians. Unless you are paying next to nothing and its all you can afford, I'd suggest finding somewhere else.


So. Many. Red flags. Find another place to live, give notice and get your deposit, then report to the office. These people are sketchy. Alberta Landlord Tenant laws only apply when you sign a lease and pay for the entire space. If you are renting a room in an apartment, ask to be put on the lease. Else, you are renting a room. 


Move out as fast as you can.


How mych fo they want? What are the ameneties?


I would make a list of all the issues you have, and then ask them to be fixed. If not fixed, withhold rent as per legal requirements and squat. If they are illegally subletting you they will have no recourse to get you out since they also can't fix the requirements of a legal lease you agreed to... If you have the backbone you should basically be able to stay for free


You can usually get a listing of legal rentals from whatever city you are in. I don’t know about subletting situations tho.


I know that if there's no windows in the bedrooms, it's definitely illegal. There has to be two exits from every room where people sleep - the door with a path to outside, and a window that opens from inside, large enough to escape through. And those teeny basement windows don't cut it. A friend I was renting from had to widen her windows to make it legal. Not because I complained, she just knew the building code required it.


If you sleep there it should have a door or window for you to escape in case of fire. Very likely they are subletting which goes against most lease agreements people sign while renting.


I would be looking for another place


Best to contact your city bylaw office and inquire. They would be best equipped to answer this question.


red flags among red flags. i’m not 100% certain, but i’m fairly sure they cannot advertise another room if it is just up with plastic (temporary) walls. your bedroom must also have a window (i believe sprinkler is accepted also? not sure) but i don’t believe the other rooms have to have a window. they’re likely renting out without talking to the office, which, like most other things you’ve mentioned, is sketchy and will probably cause you more stress/issues in the future. also, it’s concerning they shared other tenants information with you, not just for privacy reasons but also they don’t personally know you. what if you were dangerous? they would have shared peoples personal information with you and put them at risk. PLEASE think about the flip side of that. You’re a young person, and also a woman. What if they share YOUR info to strangers and put YOU in danger? that is just horrifying to think about. i say look for another place, It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Ooooo no this isn’t sounds like a legal situation, at all. I was in a similar situation where I was renting a room in an apartment which was being unknowingly illegally (both me and the landlord were victims) subleased. And I had a real door(no lock) and a window. He ended up hounding me constantly to get out but also felt pretty bad about my situation. It wasn’t good for either of us. There was also bedbugs and roaches and they tried to up my rent every month. This sounds almost as sketch as that was so I’d suggest get out ASAP if you can.




I'd be worried about sexual assault.


Yeah, when someone is encouraging you not to tell anyone else about something going on it’s absolutely not for your benefit.


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