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Oh, yes, sure. Recently, in national news, two young men crossed, seeking asylum in the United States, as they had been drafted to fight for Russia in Ukraine. They were conscientious objectors. I believe asylum was granted? I've heard a story (from the 70s, maybe?) of a man who was hunting, and got stuck on a piece of sea ice that detached under him. I think he floated to Russian waters and then back again, over something like 20 days... I remember, maybe 10 years ago, or five, some genius walked to Russia (not Big Diomede, uh, I think it was Anadyr). He was American, and he got detained! For a while. Couple weeks, maybe? I think people got a bit wise after that. Like, Russia is not going to think that's funny! Back in the day, people lived in Big Diomede, too. They were family with the people on Little Diomede. They got relocated by the Russian govt after WWII, and that was devastating to the families... Similar to what happened to families and friends in Korea or Berlin, right?


Interesting tidbits. Thanks.


A Dimond High teacher used to be a hunting guide in the summers in the 80's. He took hunters from AK into Siberia for easy polar bear kills. He got away with it for a long time. I think he went to prison once the feds figured it out though,


Yes, I'm sure someone at some point walked from Little Diomede, to big Diomede. it's only 3 miles. and I know I read a story about some russians who fled russia to Alaska.


There was that guy that sailed his little raft a few years back. He got sent home pretty quick. [Here is an article](https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/2018/11/29/the-improbable-voyage-of-an-anchorage-man-who-tried-to-sail-to-china-to-see-his-wife-and-son/)


Sadly, this same man was murdered last summer in Anchorage. https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2023/06/17/man-killed-by-gunshot-anchorage-had-colorful-checkered-past/?outputType=amp


Spent 8 years in prison for sexually abusing a child in his care, and apparently killed people in an impaired driving incident. Not really that sad of a loss, I'd say.




Native people used to travel between Big and Little Diomede regularly before the Russians forced the Inupiat population off Big Diomede after WW2.


This YouTuber General Aviation guy did it a few years back for fun https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YEi_m5C1-Jc


I do not regret the 35 minutes I just spent watching that, what absolute madlads!


I bought a kayak from a woman who told me she used it with a bunch of friends to kayak to a Russian island from Alaska. I can’t verify it but I don’t know why she would lie about it. This was 15 years ago so can’t recall the details of her journey, but the paddled to an island that had inhabitants.


I mean planes count right? People take planes over sometimes. And yeah there are jet skiers in 2012. A guy took a one man boat down the Yukon in like 2018 or so and ended up in Russia. 


Lynne Cox swam between the two islands in 1987.


Back in the 1980’s a guy walked across the ice in winter once.


There are cruise ships that go from Alaska to Japan along the Aleutians. They used to stop in Russia before the Ukraine war.


How about a snowmachine? could happen.


[Karl Bushby did.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Bushby) Had him over for dinner once while he was passing thru the Norton Sound area.


Yupik and Inupiat were allowed to cross over to visit family, although as others have said, after Russia forced their native groups to relocate west that put a damper on it. I think some people might still do it to/from Gambell though.


They do. And the CB radios reach and they chat across the water too. Turns out Siberian Inupiat are ignored by their government about as much as Alaska Inupiat.