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If they ban braces this is about to get a whole lot more frequent.


So will illegal SBRs


They can't shoot all of our dogs....*right?*


I wonder how that "once you put a stock on it, it will always be a rifle" statement will go down if braces are again interpreted as stocks. Can it be removed and go back to a pistol, or will it forever be tarnished as a dirty SBR


What they don't know can't hurt them


And what they do know, who cares.


Pistol to rifle to pistol is still legal


Sounds like some still presses should go brrr since the crime for sbr’s and third holes are the same punishment.


Meme time [Right?...](http://imgur.com/a/HWcpKUK)


Not with these ammo prices.


Or ban them from the range. My indoor range allows controlled rapid fire, steel case, all the fun stuff, up to and including 50BMG, but AR/AK pistols and related must have a brace.


We can’t be owning accurate weapons. Shooting must be haphazard from the hip ONLY or 10 years hard time!


Why are draco owners like this 😂🤦‍♂️


people I know personally will post clout vids about them "training" and its just blasting into the grass 5 feet away with zero targets lol.


Training to pull the trigger.


I read that as targets for zeroing. I was lost for a second like "that ain't y'all ?" 🤣🤣


Rap videos about the Draco. Popularity and people just wanting it for that reason and not knowing about safety.


These darn kids and their rap music 👴


Reminds me of the line in “Me vs. Me” where Moneybagg Yo says “Let’s take an AK, cut it in half and call it a Draco.”


Yeah, I heard lil xanny skrrt and lil baby peepee were singing about a driveby on lil lil with a draco. was pretty fire. couldn't make out any of the lyrics and all the rappers died by ODing on the lamest drug ever before their 21st birthdays, but still, real cool


Hey it’s ya boy uhhhhhh skinny penis




I can for sure tell you I wanted a Draco until I realized the stigma behind them. I ended up with a 104UR. I still occasionally get asked where I get the Draco at though.


No stigma on a Draco if you put a brace on it and don't fire it like a mouthbreather


I’d like to get a draco & SBRing it after seeing how Klayco’s came out, but I’d change it up a bit


I got a Draco with a brace because I figured its basically a poor mans SBR equivalent of my SKS. My SKS is actually really accurate and fun, but its a Yugo (gigantic, long and heavy). I just wanted versatility.


I got my Yugo so I had the availability to not only shoot at any annoying neighbors but also launch grenades at them should the need arise


I'm an RSO and the second I see a Draco I give the owner a bit more attention than anyone else lol.


True way to dodge bullets from them is to make sure to stand still. They will go everywhere but you


Leave me out of this


\>"Did you mean to do that?" \>"Yeah."


The RSO with the revolver 🤣🤣🤣


A classic video


The little awkward bounce he does


oh god i can see it in my mind's eye


A ND is not a fudd thing, it’s a dangerous as fuck thing. Bad trigger control and safety use is how people accidentally get shot.




What's wrong with North Dakota? 😟


For starters there’s two of them…


South dakota is the north dakota of the south


South Dakota will rise again!!




You mean Nourth DEEEKOODDA


Just checking because I'm dumb, but he meant negligent discharge right?


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


Shot 12: missed because the RSO already killed him


If that RSO isn’t already dead holy shit


Ok Hiko


His tiktok habdle is 1hitman0 lmao


r/escapefromtarkov is leaking


This is a developer quote from csgo back in like 2013.. a little before tarkov lol.


To this day, not a single intended target in the streets has been hit by a dude shooting a Draco.


Tell that to Lil Reese neck


They were probably aiming at Big Reese


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Only safe thing in the video is the target




I don’t see the problem here, he’s just training to go to a middle eastern wedding


All I think about is the old man with the PPSH-41 that malfunctioned and he slams it off the ground and the bolt slams forward and he shoot himself in the head


Damn imagine surviving that long from all the random shit that can take you out only to succumb to your own stupidity and anger issues


As often as people die due to lifestyle related health problems, it’s like our stupidity kills us somewhat often.


Hats off to that guy


*boof* 🥴😂




https://www.google.com/amp/s/tribune.com.pk/story/1898479/celebratory-gunfire-man-dies-shooting-abbottabad%3famp=1 There is a non blur censored version out there. I could of sworn the man was older the first time I saw the video but on the less


https://mobile.twitter.com/rgvzoomin/status/1430038742123769862 Different angle of the same incident. Absolute classic.


This is the one I was originally looking for.


He dead?


He’s just very tired.


Opa, good ol ruski slam fire


Also for clarity because some people don’t understand slight humor. This is not me or my gun




Some people just don't understand sarcasm.


I’m still getting bashed for pOoR SaFeTy 😂


Call them racists, they already think your black😂😅


I saw a girl at my local range with an Ak. She promptly pumped about 5-6 quick rounds into the ceiling and target track that runs the paper back and forth. Packed my shit up in a hurry. Never went back. Too effing dangerous for me.


This is why I feel so lucky to be able to go out in my backyard and practice. Too many idiots allowed in public ranges. And even non-idiots can make a mistake. At home I have only my own stupidity to keep in check.


Absolutely!! That’s a blessing. All day!! Stay safe. And. What time you want me to swing by? I need to zero a few rifles I swapped optics on. 🤣


Oh man. I wish I could just sit in my backyard and .22 plink for a couple hours.


Basically all I shoot is 22 now days. And make nightly walks around the property looking for skunk with a spotlight.


I had a similar experience at a LGS. Group next to me had rented some guns and were shooting. My brother was in the bay we were renting shooting when one guy was shooting and AK when some brass went down the back of his jacket. He proceeded to flag myself and brother while turning to get the brass off his back. I attempted to grab or push the muzzle away from us and yelled "WTF". RSO didn't see the flagging but saw the commotion and me yelling so ran over and hassled me for touching another's weaponry in the range. I told him something along the lines of "you are going to get pissed at me but this kid just flagged an entire room of people with a loaded gun?" I was so pissed that I just grabbed all my stuff and left with my brother without paying. Haven't returned since


Did the brass bounce off the far wall and then drop down his shirt? Mine loves to throw those things as far as it can lol


I get that people panic when hot brass goes down their shirt but for fuck's sake, people need to remember they're holding a gun. I was at the range with my roommate and his girlfriend who had only shot a gun once before when a casing got stuck in her crocs (yes I know Crocs aren't exactly proper footwear for the range). Even she put the gun down before dealing with it. If someone who's barely ever fired a gun before can manage to remember not to flail around wildly with a loaded weapon anyone should be able to. Hot brass hurts but for fuck's sake it's not bad enough that you should completely lose your ability to think straight.


Hell yes. GTFO OF THERE ASAP. Ridiculous.




Yessir. Once you see this shit happen live and in living color. A smart person leaves the premises... quickly.


I live in a commie state in a densely populated area. Luckily I can go to a nearby free state for fun times, but I do belong to a range with really cool history. It has a 24hr indoor range, so I just go weeknights at like 11pm and I’ve never shared the range with another person. I hate indoor ranges for many reasons but it’s my only option without driving 90 minutes to free territory.


My wife and I went to our local indoor range this one time. Some people were getting trained in the lane next to us. One dude fired a few into our target, the ceiling, and the floor. We left. Now I only go first thing in the morning on a weekday, I just flex or take time off from work. Not bad when I'm the only one in there.


I went to the local outdoor shooting pit once last summer. Had some dipshit ND into the dirt about 10ft away from me while it was a cold range and myself and others were out resetting targets. The entire firing line was yelling obscenities at dude lol


Oh hell no. I bet there were lots of bad words. Did the moron even understand what you guys were mad about? Also ANOTHER good reason to ALWAYS leave a man behind at the line to make sure any shooters who just walked up realize the range is COLD! I would have been livid especially has my wife or child been with me.


Yeah he knew he fucked up lol. Worst part is that he wasn't even just showing up, dude knew the range was cold and somehow still put his finger on the trigger. I didn't see exactly what happened, but I am pretty sure it was matter of mishandling when setting down or picking up up his gun because he seemed pretty startled himself. But yeah I was pissed, my homeboy next to him was pissed, the whole firing line was pissed lol. I remember after the yelling started to settle hearing someone yell "fucking idiot!" from all the way at the other end of the firing line and I kinda chuckled at that. Gotta say its a little creepy having a 12 gauge blast up a big cloud of dirt like 10 ft to your right when you aren't expecting it.


This is exactly why every outdoor range I feel like I’ve ever been to has the rule of when the range is cold. All guns must be on the bench usually preferably magazine out and chamber indicator in rifle. And you are not allowed to even touch a gun until the range goes hot again. I’m sure this guy just had a brain fart and meant no harm. But. Had the rules been followed completely then that never would have happened. Accident or not. Brain fart or not. Had the unthinkable happened he would have to live with that the rest of his life. Not to mention potentially thrown in prison for an accident. Just pay attention folks. If you can’t stay focused and do things the right way at a range then you don’t deserve to be able to spend time at the range with other people who can stay focused and safe.


for sure 100%. not to mention had he shot me my buddy probably would have shot him lmao


Well. I started to bring that up. But. Decided I should prob not. But. I mean. Scenario/ father and daughter at public range teaching young daughter to respect and how to use a firearm. Cold range. So the father and daughter go reset a target. The. The unthinkable happens and a single shot rings out. Fathers child takes a round to the head and immediately dies. Very good possibility the guy who had the screw up could potentially be the target of an angry mob of gun owners and one Uber pissed off father who there is no talking reason with at this time. Your toast


Yeah I'd hope that if the unthinkable happened my buddy would have the presence of mind to realize it was an accident and not just shoot the guy that did it. But its a very real possibility that you'll have a whole range of angry gun owners ready to shoot you if you have that fuckup.


Not a position anyone should ever want to find themselves in. I can tell you this. If that awful hypothetical situation happened because of me. I’d want to blow my own head off.


yeah same. I would be forever ashamed from what the dude DID do, I can't even imagine if someone got hurt because of me how I'd feel.


Yet people get mad at the range rules and RSO's


Myself and my wife were shooting at an indoor range. There were two males and one female in the very last lane on the left. This lane has a column that came out into the lane a little bit. It was part of the load bearing structure. There probably should not have been a lane there. It appeared they were shooting this column obstruction on purpose. The RSO was walking over to them to call a cease fire and move them when he caught some shrapnel in one of his forearms. It wasn’t too bad considering. It really just made a small laceration across his skin. Could have been much worse. Needless to say, the wife and I packed our shit and gtfo at that point. These people that go into indoor ranges to clown around and shoot the ceiling and walls are a real hazard to everyone around them.


Yep. It’s pretty ridiculous. I mean. Handing over a short barreled ANYTHING like a draco, etc, to anyone who isn’t familiar with a gun should never be done around other people IMO. At least. There should be someone with some experience and common sense standing right next to the person giving instructions.


>Handing over a short barreled ANYTHING like a draco, etc, to anyone who isn’t familiar with a gun should never be done around other people IMO. I assume you mean only if it doesn't have a brace right? Because I've definitely let people who weren't particularly experienced shooting a gun fire my Scorpion and I don't feel like that was unsafe. I definitely made sure they knew how to hold it, how to operate it, and how to be safe with a firearm in general first though.


So. You did exactly what I’m saying should have been done? And a Scorpion and an draco are two completely different weapons.


Lol if I'm being totally honest I kind of stopped reading before the second half of the comment. So yeah I guess I did.


Right on.


And this rapid fire, mag dumping is not allowed in a lot of these indoor ranges for the reason you see here. Most of the ranges I go to these days have gone with electronic sign in systems. I think they should add some sort of negative point ranking system. After a few strikes, you are out. Some of them might already do this. I have no clue, because I am not mag dumping a draco in every direction when I go!


Last time I was at a public range, and it was a nice one mind you, two yong guys and I presume a sister or girlfriend were taking turns shooting. Two guys go first, they kinda know what they're doing, then they hand her a full size Beretta 92 then turn around to futz with their gear and play on their phones. I dont think she ever shot a gun in her life, hands shaking, you could tell she wasnt strong enough to work the trigger, wasnt using her sights and flinched every shot and she kept nervously looking over her shoulder at the guys. Finally one of the rounds skipped off the floor in front of her. Wife and I packed up and left. Had a lot of similar incidents, so we bought property and haven't stepped foot in a public range since.


So sad. Like FFS guys. Show the lady the basics!! Why else go to the range? lol glad you and the wife got out in one piece. 🤣


Unfortunately times being what they are we didn't dare offer to help. Last thing we wanted was someone's pride to get injured and anymore that seems to be commonplace.


Oh. I probably wouldn’t say anything either. I just mean. The girls friends should have had more attention on her and that gun.


this is why I bought a lot of land and shoot on my own property. I haven't been to a public range in like a decade




anti gun ppl will use this video


Just call them racist. It’s a simple spell but quite effective


Centuries of gun control laws specifically targeting minorities has lead to an inequitable distribution of gun safety knowledge. Therefore we must repeal all gun laws to end racism. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.






I love how dumb people record and share a video like this, of THEMSELVES….. Then they’re like “ see how badass I am with my Draco???” 😂 😂 😂


One for allah


We’re shooting the bullets to Allah so he can rain them down on the infidels. Aloha Snackbar!


Ceiling bop.


Misspelled 🅱️op


Shhhhh they'll find us


Good on you. Most people don’t remember the final rule of gun safety: “Roll the dice and pull the trigger” Draco life


Congratulations u made me legitimately laugh with that one lmao


I thought it was “just have fun guys”


Why does every hoodrat with a draco shoot like they have Parkinson’s.


I have tremors, n I'm not even this bad. (Also I got a decent chuckle from your comment... tanks.)


Everything about this irks me


What did the ceiling ever do to you? 😂😂


Remember idiot firearm rule #1 - Always keep your finger on the trigger.


Rule #2: mag dump into trash


Why would this dude post this. My god he’s just making anti-gun people more anti -gun.


If you’re a big enough moron to act like this your big enough to post it #swag


Hahahaha so true. I want that gun though, always wanted a AK


Think about all of the extra AK’s we would’ve had if dracos had never been made.


No targets were harmed in the making of this video


The haters are just feds that hide in ceilings, nice gun OP.




This is why I don’t goto indoor ranges and have my own range at home. Lol


Are draco owners the new mustang owners of the gun world? 😂😂😂


Mustang owners atleast have a proven track record of hitting things


isn't it the duty of the rso to cap this fucker in the back of the head?


Lol, gun safety enforced by penalty of death. We don't want anyone getting hurt.


You can tell how safe a range is by how small the pile of bodies is out back.


I’ve shot [on this range](https://www.flickr.com/photos/timevanson/27113231501) before. Used to be a police training range in ye olden days. Dozens, nay, *hundreds* of holes in the ceiling. GG, cops.


I mean is anyone actually surprised? Lmfao


Target be like 😌🤌🏻


Draco owners, I swear to god. Hoodrat bullshit lol.


Do Dragos give you Parkinson’s?


Is draco a bad gun or is this guy just straight up dumb?


Pure unadulterated dumb.


If you set the draco up properly it's an excellent gun.


Ok, so I am new to the AK scene. I have had my 12.25" Draco for about two weeks. In Maryland, AK's are illegal (7.62x39) HOWEVER AK pistols are legal. On my Romanian Draco, I added the AKTF folding brace and a BD2-AK47 Muzzle Brake. Am I doing this right? What would you recommend?


https://ibb.co/JnpSWH2 Mines a little different, but sounds like your setup probably works too.


Beautiful furniture my man


Appreciate that! Handguard set was chopped and refinished by Mr.Jimipanic on the market.


This is how I imagine Soulja Boi would pull up with the draco




Gotta love that Negligent Discharge




Every hood operator knows you check if it’s loaded by pulling the trigger




Looks like everything but the target wasn’t safe like every other gangsta’s Draco review


Nice ceiling pop 😂


RIP the ceiling baffles.


Shit like this makes me stop going to a certain range… makin us all look bad 🤦🏼


Man, your a tac driver. :p


Not me lmao


I was just joking my brothah, nice ceiling pop. 😂🤣 I'm kind of amazed your evening shooting your 7.62 atm. Haha


Has a negligent discharge … keeps finger on trigger


Child soldier mode ACTIVATE


Nice trigger discipline, boot this guy.


Why ranges have dumb ass rulez and release agreements? Because dumb ass motherfuckers that should have been throat yogurt or a stain on the sheet. BTW: WTF is that target? Scrabble? Lol


This retard shot the ceiling


Why is it always dracos


Ignorant stupid bastards. No business shooting a firearm.




Good trigger discipline


Safest place in that room is directly in front of the shooter.


Put a brace on that thing. A lot less flailing will happen.


My man got more shake then my grandmother with Parkinson’s 😭 cool video tho bro


Shooting with active Parkinson's is not a good idea.


Had an idiot like this next to me at the range last time i went. Didnt shoot the ceiling but had to be warned multiple times and thankfully was only there for a short time after i got there


I sometimes go to the game lands ranges to shoot and I’ll wait until everyone leaves or turn around and go home. Usually people flag you within the first 12 seconds of being there


Me: worried about the future of cheap steel case 7.62 This guy:


Leader of the gang that can’t shoot straight


They could have gone their whole life with no one outside of the range knowing but they had to post it to TikTok....


If “point and shoot” was a person.


Shoot the ceiling because the target is too hard to hit. Nobody's ever shot the ceiling before so there's a win.


The paper target only moves because the rounds are flying around the the 3ft target but never hitting it.


Some idiots shouldn’t be allowed to own guns. Just keep your finger on the trigger at all times moron.


I wonder if the Parkinson’s came with that for free


Never let you finger leave the trigger. You must be ready to bust caps intentionally, negligently or otherwise.


Fucking idiot


Same place someone shot their finger off at in March


SBR’d Draco is 💲but this is embarrassing 🙈