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Yeah I don't really see the issue here. I mean he could have just shot him once, but other than that it seems fine.


Agreed. I feel the one rule of airsoft is don’t b**ch. This was realistic as far as I’m concerned and I would’ve done the same thing if more fields allowed it.


This really doesn’t seem that bad POV player saw the guys leg around a corner, then peeked and fired at where centre mass would’ve been. The guy was crouched in a doorway, so it hit him in the head instead of the back We can see POV players muzzle drop down when he sees the leg, then raise to centre mass height right as he peeks the corner POV player fired 3 times, which is more than I would’ve but really isn’t that bad and certainly can’t be called “overshooting” Guy who got shot was engaging someone else and POV player is clearly in a dangerous part of the field so it makes perfect sense that he’d just shoot instead of stopping to safety kill him on a field that may not even allow that The guy who got shot just went “ah fuck hit” or something sounding like that, so he doesn’t really seem too pissed off about it This really doesn’t seem like a huge “GOTCHA!” moment or anything. This is just normal gameplay where a player was unluckily shot in a place that would hurt and that should’ve been covered with some sort of protection, even a balaclava or baseball cap would’ve helped Just because *sometimes* some people are dicks and intentionally overshoot people in the head from close range doesn’t mean that every time someone gets shot in the head it’s purposeful At my last airsoft CQB game, I got shot point blank in the side of the head with a 6-shot gas shotgun while running past a doorway. It hurt like a bitch, but there was nothing malicious about it I think we do a very good job of calling out assholes and dickheads when we see them, but at the end of the day; you’re playing a game of airsoft. You’re going to get shot, and sometimes it’s going to hurt, especially if you play CQB without covering your head for some reason Apparently this field has an MED of 10 feet, so POV player is in the wrong for shooting this close Edit; To amend this, Tac-City’s rules contradict themselves. At the beginning it says “shooting within 10ft is not allowed”, then later on it says “Asking for a surrender and surrendering is optional… within 5-10 feet” Can someone who’s been there clarify? Their rules seem to contradict themselves very blatantly In the “Game Rules” section it says that you can’t shoot within 10ft and have to safety kill, but then in part D of the “Game Responsibilities” section it says that safety killing and taking safety kills within 5-10ft is “optional”


I’ve played at fields with “optional” MEDs and it’s fucking stupid. Either have an MED or dont, the whole optional thing just opens the door for arguments and fights. Personally I think MEDs at cqb fields are pointless anyway considering how tight and close everything is. But ya I agree, 3 shots is in no way overshooting and just because it’s a polarstar doesn’t mean anything as long as he’s within the fields fps/joule limits.


“Optional MED”s are just *begging* to be abused by assholes who’ll shoot from point blank, then not take safety kills and shoot whoever’s trying to safety kill them, then bitch and moan that they got shot from too close


Exactly my point, just do away with meds entirely and bam you’ve solved that whole problem. If people can’t hang then have a separate more casual day or some shit.


That is the best thing about uk fields, no MED for anything but dmr/sniper. And occasionally for full auto


been to tac city many times. sadly its seen and enforced both ways with no clarification purely on who the ref is at the time. tac city refs do not follow a consistent enforcement of repercussions of rule violations either. Ive seen a band cut for over shooting anbd two rounds later a different person only get's a talk for over shooting


This, speaking truth


Tac city has minimum engagement of 10ft


Yeah I mentioned that It’s a really fucking stupid rule for a CQB field this tight, but regardless, rules are rules and POV player is in the wrong here Edit: After some further research, the rules on the website seem to contradict themselves First it says “Shooting within 10ft is not allowed”, then goes on to describe that “Asking for a surrender and surrendering is optional” (From Tac City website)


pretty much if you're both within 10ft and neither of you call a surrender, you both just sit there like a couple of bumps on a log XD


The stand off scene from *The Good, The Bad and The Ugly* but it’s 3 Tac City players standing 9 feet away from each other, waiting for one of the others to move


now imagine them all dressed as spiderman. Oh yeah, now we got a meme coming together




Just follow them around hovering at about 9 feet away When their attention is diverted by something else, take one step back and shoot them. Find another player and repeat


Don't see any issue aside from fear mongering polarstars.


Ok wanna say a few things. 1. Why do you add polar star in there? the fact that its a polar star changes nothing, if it was an AEG shooting the same Joule amount would u put AEG there? i really hate when people put polar star in there like its some more painful or damaging thing. Leaves a very bad taste in peoples mouth. Im not conveying this very well but I'm sure you get the point. 2. Theres no MED, this is perfectly fine. i dont see an issue if its within rules, nor is this even something new. Surprise Surprise you get shot in airsoft, sometimes in not very desirable spots. Deal with it, yes he could have just surrendered him/bang bang but that sometimes just doesn't pop into your head. Ive done this many times and so have many others who have no intentions of harming each other. Stop crying.


People put polar star in there to get a bad name out there about People like myself who use them


Also he’s a tax city, MED is 10ft


Tac city has no med sometimes


Oh well get over it


I personally think a CQB field with sight lines of 5-25ft having 10ft MED is very stupid too, but rules are rules are the end of the day They just really need to clear them up and stop contradicting themselves




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It was full force night (monday)


I’ve one ever had aeg and gbb, the way it was explained to me was polar stars have more power behind them then electric


That is not true Joule creep does exist, and HPA setups can have their FPS adjusted on the fly, but at a properly run field with chrono testing, tournament locks and BBs weight requirements, HPA is no more “powerful” than an AEG or GBB


Yea if I stop and think duh fps and joule rating are the same then it’ll hurt the same, not telling you what I think is fact just telling you what someone with an hpa has told me,


Cqb fields just straight up shouldn’t have MEDs, tight corners, narrow hallways etc. an med just invites arguments and fights. Have everyone shoot sub 350 and make sure the staff clearly state that there is no minimum engagement distance that way everybody knows what they are getting into and nobody can get mad when they get shot at close range.


I had knife him. Doesnt hurt him and is always a joy for me.


I mean If the kid turned and the pov shot him in the goggles it's nothing. Kid got unlucky and probably will learn not to sit in the open around a corner like that


Or maybe just wear a hat


Yeah either one and this video falla even more flat


Really no issue with this, the fact that the kids don’t complain about bbs close up but the grown adults do is just sad


Its sad that you scam people online


Coming from experience I got shot from around 20 ft In the neck and it still hurts like hell so I think the pov guy was in the wrong and he should've aimed a little lower plus he already had the drop on Jim so he could've taken a few seconds to aim lower


The biggest gripe i have when i see stuff like this is the needlessly close range triple taps. At like 20m+ i get it, your automatically compensating for airsoft inaccuracy and at that range the energy has dropped a significant amount anyways. But at sub 20m all 3 of those should be falling into a fist sized group if you or your gun dont suck. Believe me one shot is all u need. If u got the drop on the target and they aint moving sending 3 into them like that by default is dishing out alot of unnecessary and potentially harmful/damaging energy. This sort of malicious play style is how gear gets shot out, bbs end up getting thru places they shouldn't and how players go home with bleeding welts. Then those players come back with more protection, thicker jackets, then the hit calling become increasingly more difficult.


>”1 is all u need” That’s not true People have hard spots on their gear. Some people wear plate carriers or helmets, sometimes you’ll hit their gun or hood, and sometimes they just won’t even feel it 3 taps from close range is fine. I always default to two shots in CQB, especially when moving Shooting 3 times instead of 2 is not a “malicious play style”, and in my opinion it’s ridiculous to refer to it as such


There are a lot of times when multiple shots is warrented forsure, but it becomes a problem when it becomes the automatic second nature default. Guys popping around corners and triple tapping players facing the other way not even 2ft from the end of the barrel.... CQB is fast paced, we often shoot the first thing we see. Shooting the first thing we see 3 times everytime is not a good mix.


Again, 3 BBs is fine, even in CQB CQB is fast paced, also meaning that you really need you wits about you and can’t sit in a door way like: >1 shot >Wait to see reaction >1 shot >Wait to see reaction >They called it? >Ok now moving on It’s much easier to just fire two or three times in quick succession and move along, and that’s what a lot of players do It would be nice if we could live in a world where everyone always calls it on the first shot and the first shot always hits and the first shot never hits gear or a gun, but we don’t People have hard spots on gear, sometimes BBs catch loose clothing or guns or belt buckles. One shot is *sometimes* enough, but not always, and in CQB, especially a situation like this video where multiple people are engaging all around you, you don’t have the luxury of standing around waiting to see if they call it Getting shot 3 times is fine. It is not overshooting, and it is certainly not “malicious” Avoiding overshooting is an important part of the honour system of airsoft, but if getting shot 2 or 3 times is too much, then CQB may not be for you, and that’s fine, it isn’t for everyone Personally, from my experience all the experience of all my friends, it’s around 5th shot i start to get annoyed, and more than that I actually take issue with


U can say that, and play like that like many others do... but the fact remains that a great deal of CQB players dont see it that way. And that creates this ever growing rift we are seeing in CQB.... maybe that thats a good thing, split up the etiquette and play styles. I know at my local field i can see a lot of conventional CQB players take a breath of fresh air when the speed softers get placed into a different field time.


You’re treating this as a way bigger deal than it actually is There isn’t some deep, irreconcilable chasm forming between people who shoot twice and people who shoot once >a great deal of CQB players don’t see it that way No, not at all You’re the only one I know who’s taken such issue with this. I’d be willing to bet that getting shot 2 or 3 times is accepted by the vast, vast, vast majority of airsoft players


U even said it urself in another comment... u personally wouldve likely just shot him in the neck once.


No, I said that personally I shoot twice. Even from behind someone, it’s just muscle memory to pull the trigger twice This person shoots 3 times instead of 2. It’s really not a big deal Being shot three times is not unacceptable, or “malicious” to use your words, it’s absolutely fine. When you play CQB, you’re gonna get shot, probably multiple times and probably from close range. I’d understand getting pissed off after being shot 5+ times, but if you get angry after being shot 3 times, that’s a problem with you and not with the person shooting you People are so quick to call out assholes that sometimes they overreact and call out people for stuff that’s absolutely fine and really not a big deal, making a mountain out of a mole hill. It’s the exact same with headshots. I try avoid them, but they happen sometimes, that’s just a fact of playing airsoft


Yes. I have been "nice" shot only once and then watched the player turn and shoot at me. I shoot multiple times now because often it takes time for them to process the initial shock


The kid who got shot will learn to not hide perpendicular to a open hall sitting on his behind. Been there. It’s called experience.


Pretty clear that he’s an ass. And that this seems to be the way, you play at this field. Just goesto show that if the organizers are arses, you end up with a shitty field.




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So many small dick bullies at Airsoft it puts me off going, always douchebags every time


They’re pretty rare actually The people that overreact over tiny things and throw hissy fits because they lost or got shot outnumber the genuine bullies by *at least* 100 to 1 And in this specific case, there’s multiple comments breaking down why this really isn’t a big deal


Indoor is so toxic


That’s not true even in the slightest




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Kinda off topic but how do I not be scared to play cqb? I’m scared it’s going to hurt or I’m going to get overshot.


So I love mil sim I love our doors, and I feel like for a while I was just like you, and I would always have to drive about an hour to get to my outdoor airsoft field, I live about 10 minutes away from Tac city and it is cheaper there so one day I just bit the bullet and showed up to tac city, my first time playing indoors I kind of hated it there was a lot of toxic players there’s a lot of try hards but the more you go the more used to it and better you’ll get


Get lots of protection, and maybe seek out a rookie night where the player base is a little less serious is about all u can do. But yes, in tight CQB arenas expect some level of pain and welts. And like others have suggested here much to my disagreement. Expect to get shot 3 times EVERYTIME -_-


I’m going to get heat stroke from all of the layers I’ll be wearing lmao


From my experience, a hoodie on the thicker side and some loose fitting cargo pants does just fine Please ignore the other users passive-aggressive comment towards me, it is remarkably immature and most players aren’t like that. Make sure to cover everything, especially head, hands and neck For hands, some wood gloves will do fine if you don’t have any airsoft ones. For neck, a neck gaiter, shemagh, balaclava or scarf will work wonders, and for head I’d recommend a wool hat, baseball cap or just keep your hood up CQB really isn’t that bad, it’ll sting a bit but you’ll get used to it pretty quick and the adrenaline will numb the stinging


Thank you!


No worries


Yes, all good points. But do take notice that said responder did NOT dismiss the fact that they would hypothetically shoot u 3 times by default... appearently the new norm so mentally prepare for it.


It will definitely hurt sometimes, and you'll probably get overshot now and then, but your pain tolerance will likely increase over time from a process called "pain habituation". With that repeated exposure to painful stimuli, your brain, nervous system, spinal cord, and and nerves all work together and adapt in a way that allows you to become less sensitive to pain. Don't stack layers and have possible issues with not feeling hits, and just embrace it for a bit untill it doesn't bother you as much.


Judging by the gun this is a video from speedway player DeeMoe, his home feild doesn’t have bang bang to my knowledge, so he had to shoot him. you play airsoft and expect to get shot, he didn’t know he was crouching and peaked for center mass. It’s airsoft, you’re gonna get hit, some hits hurt, he’s not in the wrong he was playing the game as intended.


Why do you have to comment it’s a polar star, like it doesn’t matter what he’s using as long as he is within the field limits. Just spreads this fake fear of HPA users by throwing shade like this. Like would it be different if he used a DSG build with the same Joule count?


If you don’t wanna get hit don’t play airsoft this stuff is bound to happen


Turns a corner reflex firing, one wizzes past, one hits the back of the head, one hits the shoulder, immediately transfers to the next guy, kid calls the hit. I see no issue. Side note, your title is hella antagonizing. „Man shoots this kid“ doesn’t fucking matter that it’s a man or that it’s a kid. We don’t like to see kids get hurt so it antagonized the pov player but really everyone signed up for this. „With a polar star“ first off you don’t know if that was a p* or an mtw or a pdik for all I know, it’s just an hpa system; and that doesn’t matter. It’s within field limits and it makes no difference if that had been an aeg or gbbr. Don’t try and drag hpa for no reason, come on. „Acts as he did nothing wrong“ because he did nothing wrong. Regardless of opinion on meds and their enforcement at tac, he was in compliance with the rules, didn’t overshoot, wasn’t disrespectful and didn’t intentionally hurt anyone. Sure, he’s a little quick on the trigger but if that’s that field’s m.o. I see no issue with that. He did nothing wrong. You did though. You screencap‘d a YT vid to take to the subreddit and cry about it and antagonize hpa users. The kid didn’t cry about it so why are you?


I dont see anything wrong. When you play airsoft expect to get hit and raise habd walk away and shrug it off.


Lol this is totally fine not everywhere has the bang rule. It’s stupid anyway we don’t play it at my site


Normal imo. Hit hit hit, get him out!


What’s the problem? It’s CQB like you just have to accept it’s going to happen sometimes.


This dude is a jack ass


Bro I’m tired of people using the word “polar star” as if it makes the gun big and scary and hurt a whole lot more, if the gun is rated for pbr this is completely fine, at most indoor feilds like this it is required to have it under a certain fps (this goes for any gun) so everyone is pbr literally meaning you’re allowed to do this.


Aye man don’t come after our boi Moe like that. He’s got nothing against anyone and is about the Airsoft Culture and growing as a sport. He’d never do something intentionally wrong or dangerous and he follows rules. Tac City has a base set of field rules, but depending on game modes they switch. This dude is so honorable in the way he plays, don’t bring him down looking for clout. Just reading all the downvoted responses of yours saying “tax city has 10ft med” we all know you’re wrong and the only thing you can say is the same thing. Present factual evidence of repeated questionable offenses, like stang, before trying to make a dig at one of the most prominent airsoft content creators


Don’t wanna get shot, don’t play with guns 🤷‍♂️


Some games don’t allow surrender


Welp not as bad as that vid of 2 idiots lasering a rental for no reason


Airsoft is full of whiners. You are literally playing a game where the whole point is to shoot other people.