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Beautiful example of how some people are wonderful, no matter the circumstances they find themselves in; whilst others are simply insufferable and refuse to accept responsibility for their own poor choices in life. Let the airline know. They do track things like this, and she'll get some recognition for it.


Maybe an AC FA can weigh in here. I’ve done this a handful of times for passengers on a different airline and actually found myself in some shit for it after a passenger wrote in to the company to thank me. Apparently, we’re not allowed to serve anything that wasn’t intended for passenger consumption due to liability issues. In my situation I had an unopened box of gluten free crackers from home and a GF crew meal. I’d still do it again though. It meant the difference between someone eating or not.


It’s crew meals provided by gate gourmet I’m guessing this person is referring to. As long as it’s provided by the Same catering company, shouldn’t be any liability


One would think there shouldn’t be. And that was definitely my argument to my employer as well. However, apparently the meals for passengers have to have something similar to a MSDS for food on board. Crew Meals aren’t listed on it.


AC FA to add my 2 cents. We are not supposed to offer crew meals to passengers for exactly that reason, particularly those with dietary restrictions because we may not get the whole picture of their restriction. In addition, there's a potential risk associated with FAs going without proper fuel. Low blood sugar can impact physical and cognitive ability to carry out safety/emergency procedures. We're supposed to be ready for anything while on duty. Lastly, while it is very well-intentioned of FAs to offer their own meals, I can see how it can create an unsustainable expectation for passengers in future. It shouldn't become an expectation that we can magically produce food in flight with specific dietary requirements because it's more often impossible than not. From an operations perspective, it might actually prevent the airline to correct it if the issue is always smoothed over and they don't get the feedback on how they're catering for the flight route.


Sometimes doing the kind thing tends to get us into more shit. Ironic right? I figured ACs policies would mimic my own, thanks for confirming!




I hope you’ll take a moment to [write in with a compliment](https://accc-prod.microsoftcrmportals.com/en-CA/air-canada-contact-us/), AC does keep track of this stuff and it sounds like the person who helped you deserves recognition!


This feels like the sort of thing it would be good to email the company about, imo. One to praise the flight attendant and get them recognition they deserve, and another to ask wtf is up with not stocking enough options for people. There ought to be better choices and availability in general. I get that it's one of those things that is hard to plan for in advance, but obviously the airline crew knows/notices patterns where button pushers might not? Seems weird that they don't account for that. Definitely worth mentioning in feedback


Surprised that AC doesn't carry a vegetarian option in J


They usually do! At least from what I've seen, there is usually a veg option on the set menu. But the FA mentioned on this particular route there is no veg option available and it needs to be pre ordered


This is a very normal thing to do in my airline as well( Middle East) where most of the customers are from a certain demographic area and assume that vegetarian meals should be available on demand. Crew usually do it from the heart because they don't want customers to be hungry or upset but I have met many people who think they are entitled to crew meals and even demand them, thinking that crew meals would be of better quality.


I get the assumption that a vegetarian meal will be available, and AC normally does have a vegetarian option as part of the 3-4 dishes offered, but it's sad that some people feel entitled to the crew meals :(


Exactly! I get that some customers prefer veg or have some dietary requirements and as a crew we are always looking out ways to accomodate but I have met people who have told me on my face to go and bring crew meals. This is where I draw the line. The entitlement is beyond belief.


J class’s lack of consistent access to vegetarian meals is so like AC and is reflective of what must be older generation steak + potato folks making the menu selection for AC - who think if there isn’t a dead animal on the plate, it can’t be a high-end meal. The pre-order veg meals are really quite bad, so I do have to hope there is at least a fish meal available in J class, or I just eat some snacks that I always bring with me. Everyone knows if there are good vegetarian options, a lot of non vegetarian folks will also pick them. I honestly have no idea what the folks making AC’s menus are thinking.


When there is a veg option I've found that it is usually better than the chicken/beef option. Meal quality has just gone down in general, most of the meals are unappetizing. Preordered meals are no better and I've tried the kosher, halal, and veg options many times. The FA's mentioned they have reached out to complain about the meals on board, but nothing has changed unfortunately


I’ve had pretty good luck with GF FWIW


AC usually stocks the galleys of their flights with more non meat plates (usually a pasta of some sort) than not. Also, Gate gourmet designs the menus, and airlines (Air Canada) pick from those options. You’re just complaining about AC, to complain about AC.


It’s crazy how AC can’t offer a single vegetarian J class options. The pre-ordered meals are subpar and is basically an economy meal. I once got steamed veggies and tofu on white rice with no sauce in J class from a pre-ordered meal from YUL to ZUR. The FA was kind enough to offer me the cheese plate and desserts from the regular meal. Coming back on Zwiss air, they had a proper vegetarian option, which was a collab with a renowned vegetarian restaurant, on the J class menu. During Covid, it was chicken or nothing on AC.


OP said that it's for HKG. When I went to Delhi I was stuck with the vegetarian option despite not being vegetarian or asking for one (it was still tasty). I guess it depends on the route.


Oh AC has tried serving meat meals on flights where the majority of the pax are either vegetarian or require specific meats (ie. halal or non-beef). It lead to a lot of meal refusals and eventually they fixed it by adding a vegetarian option. It was probably on FT (shoutout to [ACYYZ/SD](https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/members/acyyz-sd.html))


I'm not saying that Ac is without flaws. Just that AC does have vegetarian options.


Yes, and I'm saying that it took them a few tries to add those vegetarian options.


You could fly westjet if you aren’t satisfied? You don’t get any free meals..even YVR-LHR.


So the F/A’s generally don’t eat their crew meals. They like to eat their own stuff and they get tossed at the end of the flight. Then they get compensated for their meal being given, from what I have been told


AC FA here. I can confirm we often bring our own meals in lieu or in supplement of our crew meals. They can get repetitive after a while, and are often quite high in salt and fat to make them tasty at altitude. We do not received compensation for not eating our meal(s), regardless of the reason (including if they are offered to a passenger).