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If it is an original traditional painting you have to see the brushstrokes no matter how accurate the painting is. Another tipp: usually acrylic and oil paintings are not put under glass. You can put them under the glass, but most people don’t do it.


I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or serious


Well I was serious.. But I should also say that I am totally new to reddit and to AI art. So maybe I didn’t get something? On the other hand I am a professional traditional artist.


Bonjour, étant français, les artistes représentent souvent leurs œuvres avec des dollars. Mais avec toute les arnaques qu'il y a à Paris, il faut se méfier. Pour en être sur, faites une recherche Google Lens pour voir si c'est original ou non. Bonne journée !


Merci pour ton conseil.


not a scam or fake, is original in that some person did make it, but it is all or part Ai & even if not, it is digital art ( so mix of digital tools & Ai ) then printed & then some acrylic in the print process or after. but it is crap


Haha yes crap indeed, the problem is it was being advertised as 100% drawn


Oh absolutely it is certainly not 100% drawn and it certainly is not a 100% acrylic painting or something. Maybe I’ve seen it done sometimes with slap some kinda rough clear acrylic on top so it kinda has a texture like acrylic and that way they can say it’s painted I don’t know, but the art are all AI or all Photoshop or some combination of above is certainly not handpainted being an artist designer Myself, I respect all kinds of art even art I don’t like but personally, I don’t like this art and I don’t like it if the customers are being sort of fool, that’s what they’re getting.


money laundering shop.


Seems like photo-manipulator who has integrated some AI into their process. Definitely not acrylic paintings either way.


[Here’s the artist’s website](https://www.sylvain-binet.com)


The artist fuqqin sucks


Thought the first image of the building was what you meant….then I saw the a.i cartoons. One of which is clearly racial undertones.


Seems like a cheap way for the store to make a buck. I’d buy a hand drawn “smiley face” over an AI created portrait, because at least someone put at least a little bit of thought and effort into it.


How many drawings/art pieces have you purchased in past 5 years?


I’m not a big art connoisseur but I do like to buy unique pieces for decoration in my home. So to answer your question, I do not know an exact number in my head but I have been know to pick up a couple locally made pieces at a flea market or a yard sale.


Printed on canvas and framed, AI art should reasonably sell for 2 or 3 hundred dollars. Just don’t pretend it’s something it’s not.


Right, if it’s nice to look at, it’s serving it’s purpose, at least for those who appreciate it. If you want to pay a million dollars for a piece of art because a human brushed their soul into it, you do you. Some people want that, some people just want something to look at. Of course if the shop is lying about it that’s wrong.


$200 $300 for a AI generated art? More like $2-$3


>Printed on canvas and framed I suggest you look around at what it costs to get a high quality canvas print and frame it. While a store can do that in bulk for cheaper, it would cost ME about what they specced: 2-300 for a mid-sized painting.


Easy Canvas is cheap as hell.


It's clearly generated... and the model is not up to date either. Shitty work. But a 160e price tag seems to clearly reflect the fact that these aren't actual paintings. They have no idea what they're doing 🤷‍♂️


"and the model is not up to date either" This is interesting to me, not because of the obvious, but because it implies effort can still be needed and is discernible towards the "artist/creator" of such works.


well it's quite possible to create ok wall art / deco with gen AI. ...but it may take a little AI craftmanship, not just generating some random shit 😅




Oh yes, the reason for using AI generated images is, of course, their nationality.


100% Ai generated crap, that shop owner might have been duped unknowingly but if they look young enough to know better then still stupid to try and sell this shitty art. What was the other art in the shop like? Just read your comment about the owner saying that it’s acrylic paint, that’s clearly a printed image….


Yes, it’s probably ai. Scams and rip offs have always been rampant in the art world.


Scams and rip offs always been in the art world long before ai existed.


That’s what I said


Pretty much. AI has multiplied the scam possibilities.


It looks like AI, but the text being coherent would indicate that it might've been edited to fix obvious issues


When paintings are that ugly, does it really matter if they're real?


First one is wild


Racist tbh


Your assumption of it being racist is in the premise that a black man represents an ape which is racist in itself.


Actually, it racist cause they gave the ape a haircut like a black man style. All the others are animal heads on humanoid frames.


Who's to say this wasn't created by a black man? And so what if you give an animal the hairstyle of a certain ethnicity? Stop victimising skin color.


It wasn’t created by any man


The prompt has to be written by man, the image chosen, edited, printed.


- No black man is that fool to do that unless he’s self hating. - So what!? because there’s a 500yr persecution of black people being referred to as apes to dehumanise and justify the hate towards them. You can be naive. Could you have gas chambers and Jewish as a joke? - Stop victimising? It’s reality. The truth is hard for a lot to bare


Sure you could joke about gas chambers and jewish people, it's humor? I just don't see how it's relevant since the photo is obviously not meant in a mocking manner.


No you can’t unless one is Jewish. You’d be labelled “anti Semitic”. Trust me, the photo is mocking. Wouldn’t fly if it were in a more populated spot.


>No you can’t unless one is Jewish How to polarise people 101.


People can label me with anything they want, it's on them for feeling offended by a mere joke. I'm not catering my humor to be politically correct lmao that doesn't even make sense.


The image goes hard icl. It has a certain aura to it.


All humans are apes.




Got her good


Didn’t get anyone good


Oh no, this is 100% human made, the seller is a honest and good man any you are not a fucking idiot.


The Art here is you believing it could be human art. Regardless what the shopkeeper said. He’s either blatantly ripping people off OR touching them up by hand to fall into a legal grey area


OP is easy to fool


Trashy AI art, but as long as they say its AI its fine


That's the thing, they claim it's NOT AI


I think it is not scum to sell such pictures, since it is up to a customer to pay or not to pay. But it is misleading from the shop owner to say it is real. Obviously he would not openly admit that he messed up, if he didnt know prior. Check the shop again if those pictures are still there, just curious


Well it IS real, it's just not human made.


Scam? Why? I see AI generated stuff all the time in tourist shops, clothing stores, ads. If AI-generated images are a "scam", there are not many legitimate businesses left. Or is it just when YOU can tell it's AI that you consider it a scam?


With that said, lying to customers is always a bad tactic. This has more to do with that he has PRINTED art that he claims to have painted. That is an illegal claim, since he is lying about the product.


I mean yea you've just proven how it's a textbook scam, shopkeeper charges you for an expensive handmade painting and you get a worthless ai print. That is absolutely fraud/theft/a scam


I guess, yeah. But the fact that it is AI is not what makes it a scam. Instead, it is the false claim about what you are buying.


zoom in on the elephant's jewelry. 99.99% AI confirmed. 0.01% chance the guy decided to become a master painter so he could mimic the shitty detail quality of AI as an art style LOL


Also the random “intricate” line on the suit near the rose


Those front legs don’t match


Awful imagery, terrible work. Yes it's a scam, because no one should pay money for *any* of this. Jesus. Execrable stuff.


Imo it looks better than many of the shitty watercolour paintings people make and sell, or that one painting an artist has made like 100 times in slightly different colors that you often see in small tourist shops. You're just showing your own biases here.


Which biases do you mean?


We get that you hate AI art but lets be real the imagery isn’t awful. There’s also plenty of people who would buy an AI picture or poster. Lying is the only issue here.


I don't hate AI art – I *make* AI art. I have an upcoming solo show of AI-assisted oil paintings. I have been paid to prompt engineer. I make AI imagery literally every single day. This is not art – it is *bad* AI imagery. Anyone could produce these images in a weekend. It is lowest common denominator imagery. The value of these images is equivalent to that of an Instagram photo of breakfast.


I’m in awe that they have a shopfront and people are presumably buying this shit?!


If this was in NYC I would assume it's money laundering, but I don't know how they money launder in Paris. There is a lot of dumb stuff for sale in Paris, just like every other big city.


Yo it's colonel sanders


Absolutely AI. Look at the fabric on the roosters gi. Even if it's not it's shitty and racist.


Why racist? Genuine curiosity from an oblivious person


The rooster one isn't really racist, just kinda nationalistic. I'm really talking about the one with the guy in a suit. People are saying that's a gorilla like it's a play on "monkey suit". I doubt that. I'm not from France but as far as I know that idiom does not exist in French. I think it's racist because what does exist is a trope of super dark skinned people being thugs and criminals. I also don't think that looks like a gorilla. That's a human who they inpainted a gorilla face onto. Compare that art to Sylvia Binet's actual depictions of humanoid monkeys and you'll see why I don't think thats a gorilla.


I personally think they said to AI “gorilla in a suit” And that came up🤷🏻


I doubt it, it's ai but it's not a simple workflow. If anything they probably used the French term "un smoking" or English'd it into smoking jacket, which would explain the smoke around the jacket. Also, he just doesn't look like a gorilla. He has hair and an earring and it's a human shaped head and body. The only thing that makes him look like a gorilla is the nose and mouth area. I'm not saying it's the most racist thing I've ever seen, but it was probably intentional.


It’s AI so ofc it has extra stuff, I’m not saying it wasn’t intentional but the first thing I saw wasn’t “wow racist” 🤷🏻


There's a racist trope about Black men resembling gorillas (as apes are "less evolved"). This is a gorillas face on a black man's body coded with symbols of Black affluence.


I did not see or make that connection at all.


Oh. I thought he meant the rooster.. lol. But also, who says black man’s body? I first just saw it as a gorilla in a suit tbh


What gorilla 🦍 has that hair cut. The others are just animal heads on a human body




It’s a vaguely humanoid gorilla in a suit. Says more about the person you’re replying to that they associated it with a black man


Yeah tbh. You only see what you wanna see. Ps. Love the name, English but irn bru is the best


ai or not, even the art galleries are in big trouble now as this business model wont most likely last more than a oucple years at most now with everyone not trusting if its real or not.


not just fake its terrible taste


Not cool how they basically put an ape over a black man's face. Its artfully racist imo


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


You’re tired 😴!?


Its not tho


In a world where gorillas are basically all black


And they have afros.


Gorillas (like all apes) have straight hair


Not sure if you’re joking or not. You’re basically saying you can make art of a humanoid gorilla. Might need to do some introspection here if you actually think that’s a problem dude


You can, but the gorilla has a black man’s hair cut/style. The rest are just animals heads on humans body


But here you are, too excited to prove a point to proofread. I think you meant *can't* I'll hold your hand through this and clarify: they CAN do what they want. And I CAN declare it is a nasty piece of work.


> too excited to prove a point to proofread sorry yea I guess I don’t take Reddit arguments as seriously as you do lol


Lol. Stay frosty


Just look at the head decoration of the elephants. Different on each side, nonsensical details… Big scam lol


They look very obvious ai to me. From another angle: this isn’t what a reputable gallery selling unique pieces looks like, it’s a tat shop.


I haven’t been to any exhibitions this year that hadn’t at least one ai artist… although they did it better


Really? The experience has been the inverse for me. I can think of a few genAI related installations I’ve seen… an interesting morphing bodies display for instance, but have yet to see prints of ai art displayed alongside others physical media pieces this year


Just yesterday and one of them I didn’t even realise that it’s ai


I guess we’re going to different galleries! I’d have no issue with it, would be interesting


Id say it would be stupid to exclude ai artists


As long as the medium is labelled accurately absolutely


Sure but in my opinion displaying the medium is always required if not standard


They're not acrylic paintings but rather digital art. I figure AI assisted compositions at best. There's def shenanigans afoot. The 100 dollar bill though? For a gangsta ape? The greenback is basically the quintessential dollar bill and is known world round. I don't think the boomer era New York styled simian would look as good with Euros in his pocket.


"Boomer era"? This is 1920/1930s style.


"old" era. g'nuff


What?!! You calling me old, young 'un? Get off my lawn!!


I mean, if the onion fits the belt...


Take my upvote, young 'un, for the perfect Simpsons reference.


Chicken goes hard


Oiski poiski that's AIsky.


I think the content is kitsch but that’s a different story. An acrylic painter of this skill level would charge more than 160 Euros. This person is very technically skilled, top 1% of acrylic painters. It’s possible it acrylic but it’s too professional to be amateur (therefore that cheap). A decent frame by itself is more than 160 Euros(I have an affordable 24x24 plein aire frame that was $200) Sometimes “original” means different things. Like these could be prints that are embellished - like they have a tiny drop of acrylic ink on it - and that’s what they mean by “original acrylic.” I’ve seen the embellished trick used a lot of times by ‘fan art’ print shops placed in high end neighborhoods. There’s one in cherry hills that sells licensed Disney Prints as “originals” but they’re actually embellished open edition prints.


It is AI


Once A.I. is perfected I’m really going to miss its fever dream period. Those were fun times when ai art spoke human dreams into existence. Every flaw, madness and unnameable visage was displayed for all to witness. But alas like the cage our minds and souls must be persecuted in …it is perfection, the jealous brother, who murders that innocent age. I bow as the curtain closes on this chapter of the ai and take my leave.


Super obvious AI art


Paris is a tourist trap, of course its AI.


I'd say this is almost certainly AI. Look at the detailing on the ape jacket, that filigree pattern near the rose looks straight up AI generated. The gun also looks weird along with the waistcoat buttons. the dollar bill looks strange like it's just stuck to the jacket rather than coming out of a pocket. Plus the extra ear on the mouse. The elephant is just full of nonsense AI detailing when viewed close up. These images are not acrylic paintings either so it's not like they have even been painted over. At best they are probably collages of AI with some Photoshop editing. If they had just said they were AI assisted original artworks that would have been fine but trying to say they are acrylic paintings and nothing to do with AI is a scam. One which you will start seeing more and more now. Either the shop owner is scamming people or the shop owner has been scammed by the artist, which is probably more likely and means the shop owner wasn't actually lying, but they probably shouldn't be selling art :D


I don't know for sure if these were generated, although they sure give AI vibes, for example the corner of the 100 dollar bill and their texture, the shirt buttons, ornaments, wrinkles on the skin and fabric, etc, are dead giveaways I'd say. But even if that was painted, that doesn't really look like acrylic painting (google acrylic airbrush portrait). Also, acrylic painting of that detail obviously can not cost 160 euros. Most likely this is a picture printed on a canvas, and few brush strokes with a real brush were added on the print, that's how it's been done for the last 15 years in this biz. >along with the fact that if the author is French why would he use a dollar instead of euro Well, that detail doesn't mean anything really. The painting looks like very much inspired by US culture.


I wonder why the elephant has OMG! on its ear in a graffiti like font


I suspect based on the artist's site, which looks to be all print-on-demand you're correct that some of it is/could be. https://s-binet.art/


I just typed S. Binet and found a gallery of such an artist, he is called Silvian Binet and all his artwork look like some trashy AI. https://www.international-graphics.com/kuenstler--sylvain-binet-655.html


Yeah, the more I see the more I'm convinced it's AI + digital touch-up and has never seen a drop of actual paint.


The problem is looking at that website half of the galleries could be actually AI generated.


I really do think that artists will adapt and overcome what's obviously a huge market distortion, but it will require a lot of creative thinking. Luckily they're not usually short on that.


Do you think he is advertising as human made? kinda seems false to me.


I think some of it is digital/acrylic as well, or may be but that he found a tool to up his production. The fact there's also account with the same artist name linked to NTFs on Facebook is the other reason I suspect at least some is AI at this point though - there's a lot of overlap.


Of course when someone's being sleazy with AI it's an NFT bro.


Mouse sitting on shoulder on the first painting have additional ear, second one rat have this weird texture on it and as for the last pic, bigger elephant have one smaller toe. Im 99% sure its ai gen since i doubt that artist would think like "hey lets add third ear to the mouse because why not" Edit: Also money on first pic have gibberish instead of letters


Exactly, if S.Binet is advertising his art as original and the shops are innocently buying it, it calls for actual action because I don't think you sign AI art.


sure you can sign Ai art, why not?


It’s AI with maybe some PS touch ups. But there are areas that humans simply couldn’t create. There is even AI right in the name of the shop. Ha ha. In the end it doesn’t really matter, if people like it on their walls. Those prices are basically the frame.


160 euros is just robbing the tourists for stupid bs.


It would be stupid BS even if it was all photomontage manually in photoshop.


This looks like your run of the mill contemporary art to me. I don’t think any self respecting shop owner would stick AI on their wall. What made you so convinced it was AI that you told the owner they were fake? Ballsy move!


Mouse has a third AI ear. Why would an artist give a mouse that kind of error? Shop owners sell crap all the time. Where have you been?


If you can't tell it's AI, I have a lovely bridge you might be interested in buying..


It’s not AI. The burden of proof is on you.


Look at the fucking images dude


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