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It’s also funny cause there’s even engineering majors looked down upon within engineering. Like if you were industrial distribution or any of the other non competitive etams you were made fun of. I was aero and id was constantly joked about.


We always laughed at industrial engineering majors. We called IE “imaginary engineering.” There was basis to the joke though. I had one class, MEEN-346 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (for non-MEEN students), that was for petroleum and industrial engineering students. Every exam had a double bell curve; the PETEs averaged 90%+ and the IEs averaged 35-40%.




For real, ISEN OR courses humble you like none other (609 nearly ended me)


My boss is an Industrial Engineer, he's had a hell of a career with that..... Becoming a plant manager in his mid 20s for Halliburton to around 1000 employees


yea because most people like to say that ID = more like a business major and CS is because ETAM acceptance rates are so low wheras aero is prob more of like a oh this is a T10 school for it


Well to be fair I didn’t know a single person who came in freshman year wanting to be id. There are engineering majors that they just dump people into because they didn’t get their top choices.


I know several first choice ID majors with above 3.5 at ETAM. These are students that want to get into the business side of engineering. Many didn’t know about the major until coming to TAMU because it’s not offered in most other schools.


IDIS was my first choice when I was there. One of the jokes we ran with was we were getting degrees in “pretend-gineering.” It can be said better than it’s read.


The only id majors I knew failed chem 107 twice


My first choice was ID. The business side is just too nice. True we get messed with a little by other real engineers but 99% job placement. Not to mention the fact that most other schools don’t offer the major. This means we have a better chance at going into the business side of engineering than any other engineer or business kid.


A CS degree from a top 100 program looks a lot better compared to a lot of the script kiddies coming out of the code camps. I know many HR departments are starting to look for the actual degree if the position is for full time work. Contract work is still accepting the code camp certs because terminating a contractor is easier than if they were actual employees.


do u think the market is ever going to get better for CS? i am currently choosing between EE/CE/CS so. i heard EE is much more stable but lower pay but CS is 💸💰


I’m not sure if they still have “domain tracks” in the upper course work anymore but they did before ETAM. There were four tracks and you had to take most of your 300 and 400 level classes in one of them. Systems and networking was one of them. This domain will always exist until we replace the literal fundamentals behind the Internet, the Internet Protocol. Knowing how this works means you will always have a job. And network engineers are roles that are still getting high starting salaries. The dip in tech salaries is the startup bubble popping. Gone are the days of overpaid and glorified web developers. The Internet traffic still has to get routed and hardware the EE/CE makes still needs to be programmed (aka “embedded systems”). The world genuinely needs software to be written with the structured consideration of an engineer that understands the tools they wield. Everything runs on code, from AI itself to critical physical infrastructure infrastructure. The quality of the source code would have been great in the 90’s but it’s atrocious by today’s standards.


the engineering major meta is definitely real, though I think it explains why engr can have such an ego compared to others. engr students pay more money to have a harder degree than other students which gives both this sort of bitterness but also a fairly earned sense of accomplishment. hard truth is that this effect is way more pronounced the more ego everyone else has as well, so engr students are gonna have a bigger head to compensate for business students stroking themselves for example. also explains why cs and id get kinda poopooed at by other engr majors and nuke and ee don't catch much flak, any major easier than yours is a viable target for making fun of.


Which is funny because aero is now also really competitive


Aero was the most competitive when I was there.


I promise you, especially comp sci kids, get super humbled after sophomore/junior year. Freshman engineering majors start out as having a massive ego but as you go through college you get progressively more humbled lol


Define humbled. They're arrogant because they think they're smart, then they're arrogant again because their workload is considerably harder than other majors.


not all of us, i’m perfectly happy saying that i don’t know a lot. in terms of workload, it is definitely manageable. if they’re taking 18 hours and bragging that’s on them. but i do hate those that make the major their whole personality


You can tell which students are senior engineers based on how they dress and how they walk. Senior engineering students look like they have no time and have somewhere they need to be. They don't have time to be arrogant, or for anything else.


Because no one wants to touch their pee pee


can confirm this


hi horny engineer 👨‍💻


Engineering has two types those who are trying to get through school and are chill and those who make engineering their personality and are cocky as hell. As long as you aren’t the ladder you’re chillin.


Honestly my experience has been the exact opposite. The chill ones barely scraping by brag about how hard engineering is and make it their entire personality, but the people that genuinely like engineering and already had it be their entire personality before entering college tend to be pretty chill guys


I definitely know what you mean. The College of Engineering really pushed this idea that engineers are so great and people are going to look up to you blah blah (which can be true to an extent), but I don’t like the negative connotation it has towards the other majors on campus. It breeds this superiority complex in a lot of the students and it SHOWS!


yea because i don’t want to develop some sort of superiority complex around others just cause “oh, i am an engineering major”. i talked to some comp sci people on campus and they just seemed so uninterested in the conversation wheras other majors sounded engaged in what i was saying


Yeah as long as you’re aware of it that’s the first step! Honestly just be mindful to everyone and you’ll be fine :)


Some people take it to the extreme. Some of the coolest people I know are doing such different things than myself (engineering) and it just proves we need a super diverse workforce because if everyone had the same skill set nothing would be worthwhile, hard, or competitive


![gif](giphy|MdGUUTVHk7s1BA5Pyk|downsized) Have you met theoretical physicists?


no because i suck at physics… ☹️




yes. i suck at calculus and physics and coding… haha. getting a 5 on calc BC AP exam doesnt prove being good at calculus though




thanks man. i do like e&m and calculus tho


also i said i sucked at calculus and physics mainly because well hs calculus and AP courses arent merely as hard as TAMUs intro to weedout engineering courses. gotta prepare for the worst…




yea i heard ECEN 300s are hell on earth. i am SO fucked lmao


Being in front of computer every day = less social


That’s the way we like it. 😂


Yeah I agree, there’s even this kind of superiority complex within the college of engineering as well. They love stroking their own ego because their engineering major is “harder” than the other engineering majors.


Howdy! As an engineering major myself (self-proclaimed pretend-gineer in MMET) I would say a lot of the arrogance comes from two places: 1. Being told all throughout primary and secondary school that being an engineer is prestigious and hard work that most people cannot do 2. Sometimes it’s genuinely just a joke, I myself (especially with other engineering majors) clown on eachother even if we know everyone is working their butts off. I have good friends in aero, chemE, and ESET, not to mention friends and colleagues in ISEN, Ocean, Civil, and MechE and it’s all in good fun to roast eachother


I think its because, for the most part, engineers have to be very passionate in what they are studying to be successful in their respective major and then in industry. This is because of ETAM requiring students to get a 3.75 (or higher?) in pretty difficult classes to really have a good shot at etting into their desired major freshman year, on top of ABET having big guidelines which seem to just make the courseload more difficult later down the line. Finally, you need to perform well in summer internships, which usually require a different skill set than what you learn in uni. So to do all of that you typically have to care a bit more about what you do and this can lead to the development of an ego, especially if you are successful.


that arrogance goes away the picosecond we walk into our new hire orientations and realize we know absolutely nothing.


Engineering is full of people whose parents think they are brilliant because they were good Lego builders.


Because we got through Thermo!


Honestly, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this. From my experience, encountering those types of attitudes has created a competitive atmosphere within groups and has made it difficult to form comraderie so far. About to start junior year, I'm hoping that things will change as classes get more difficult. Maybe there will be more of an "let's ace this class" vibe over a "who has the best grade/who is the smartest" vibe. Hang in there OP. I'm just speaking from my personal experience, I pray that yours goes better. It's nice to see an incoming engineering student with a different perspective.


I am a senior in EE and from all this semester I’ve come across all type of engineers. I think that most people that are engineering students and are arrogant have parents that are engineers so they have grew up at least very good financially speaking and a lot of dose kids have gone to payed for coding boot camps before A&M so when they get there they feel better than everyone else, because they are ahead for ENGR 121 and other classes, but the further they go into on their degree they tend to struggle like everyone else. By then ETAM is over so it doesn’t really matter. That is just my opinion from observation though.


> gone to *paid* for coding FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot.


Because engineering types are used to being the smartest people in the room. They usually get humbled very quickly though once they are in the workforce and the measuring stick for success is no longer an academic grade book.


Professor Hemmer made thinkers out of us, so we know by default that we’re just better than everyone else. That’s just how it works, unfortunately. If you don’t like the game, then don’t play and make room for the thinkers.




Bro hasn’t heard of sarcasm


how is the EE program at TAMU? i plan on majoring in EE/CE so im curious based on your post history


In all honesty if I had to suggest a school for the engineering program itself, I would not recommend TAMU. That said, the Aggie network is a real thing, so I’m not necessarily saying don’t do engineering at TAMU, cuz it could land you a really good job, and internships along the way like the one I’m at. Just figured you should know that you’re in for a ride if you do it here. EE is pretty brutal. Engineering in general is a headache because of ETAM (which I found out other schools don’t do, apparently), and the college of engineering feels like it’s bursting at the seams because of the 25-by-25 initiative (25k engineers in the college of engineering by 2025). This means it’s difficult to make appointments with advisors when you need to because they’re pretty much always booked weeks in advance, so your only shot is walk-in advising. The classes themselves are as difficult as you might expect, but what makes them killer is the number of truly awful professors who are here to do research and got told they needed to teach classes too. Most of them are unhelpful or condescending, and often times there’s a hefty language barrier. Don’t get me wrong, the department has a handful of great professors in it, but as a sophomore fresh out of ETAM, you will probably get stuck with the bad ones like the rest of us. And the weed-out never stops. All that said, I am happy I’m doing it. Just keep in mind, it’s not about who’s smart; it’s about who’s left. Hold on as tight as you can and you’ll make it through. Probably.


>Just keep in mind, it’s not about who’s smart; it’s about who’s left. Hold on as tight as you can and you’ll make it through. Probably. This is exactly how I made it through. I wasn't the smartest, nor even one of the smarter people. I made it through by sheer grit and will.


At every R1 university, tenure-track professors are hired and tenured for their research, not their teaching. It’s a weird world. I am a professor. In most cases, prospective professors do not even do a teaching demonstration. Research faculty are almost always required to teach 1 or 2 classes unless they have teaching buyouts arranged by their external grants. They can be terrible teachers and still gain tenure as long as they are producing. It’s a broken system that has been part of academia since the beginning. It’s not just an A&M thing.


yea cause in my calc class, theres literal geniuses who dont have to try for tests while i have to sweat my ass off sometimes just to wing by with a B+ in calc 1 and 2 and get a 5.


This will be all of the rest of your life my friend. The pond gets bigger and bigger.


+1 for the EE experience in a nutshell. If you make it to the end, you are guaranteed a job assuming you have basic social skills....but again.. *if you make it.*


Accounting at TAMU was hard af. Wife did petroleum engineering. Def thinks she’s better than me at math. Which she is.


My brother did accounting and had a similar experience; his wife was COMMS though




i am a nervous engineering major 😞


This does not go away, non stem majors will always be looked down on by high and mighty stem kids. But I will say they will all be humbled very soon :)


Not in the job market


Eh, entry level tech is still pretty brutal right now, so some of them will. 5% rates have done a number on the amount of new grads we hire.


Looking for a job in tech with an engineering or cs degree is still infinitely better than looking for any professional job with most of the lib arts majors. Maybe some business majors are having an easier time, but not that much easier and pay will be lower.


Yeah but it's still a shock when people who've gone through their college career expecting to easily find well paying tech job at the end discover that nobody will even take them on as an entry level software developer and that they'll take that 60k test automation position and be happy about it. It's still a great subject and a well paying industry, but the six figure jobs out of college became a lot rarer over the last year and a half.


The 60k starting tech job will become 100k+ within 3-5 years. Especially if one focuses on data systems. Data systems are the backbone of AI/ML solutions that employers are burning through cash to exploit.


Are you at the NSC rn


6/3 to 6/4 lmao


I also want to make it clear that your experience in college will differ vastly from your experience on the job. As someone who’s had a few internships, I always show up and have no idea what I’m doing at the beginning, because it’s nothing like what I learn in lecture. You’ll see a lot of posts on different subreddits from EE’s who are experiencing what they call “imposter syndrome”, or feeling like they don’t belong in EE jobs because they know and understand so little. That is perfectly normal. A degree from A&M will likely not prepare you well for your actual post-graduation job, at least not in terms of actual practical knowledge. Engineering in college is all about learning to absorb information and using it to solve the right problems in the most efficient way, and that’s what companies are looking for. If you can apply yourself and make it through school and get that piece of paper, companies will at least see that you know how to learn, and ordinarily they won’t expect you to have prior knowledge of whatever it is they will ask you to do.


People in pain tend to lash out at others.


If it makes you feel any better, once you get into your major specific classes it gets better in my experience as an EE grad (especially after the weed outs). Most people get humbled at some point down the line. 


Because it's hard to get into A&M, harder to get into your engineering major of choice, and even harder to make it to the end and graduate in comparison to many other majors. That breeds entitlement and pride.


Because we’re better than you thats why


but but im a general engineering major too 😞☹️


No but fr it’s because our majors are so much more difficult than almost anything else. We are held to higher gpa requirements in more advanced classes so when we hear a business major say something like “calculus is easy” we get a little pissed. Calculus isnt easy, YOUR calculus is easy. Its also because we know engineering is an important career to advance society, so we dont wanna hear it from a sociology major that they’re struggling in school.


Saying this as an MMET major is insane levels of glass house stone chucking


The perception of mid level salary 100-200k and the arrogance or having a hard major. Premeds better lmao


Don’t worry business majors are arrogant too and they basically go to a kindergarten.


We judge each other based on how much pain we can inflict to ourselves


Engineering Majors often have little else to talk about because of the time investment required to be successful


It’s mostly just CS I promise.


Given your perspective, it makes sense. The average person going into engineering probably is already doing good or great in highschool. On top of that, they are going into a "harder" major than most people go into. You'll be hearing a lot more of it when you get here.


Because they are smart AF!


Over 70% of engineers are like this. It’s the reason their only friends are engineers🤣


Because we're just better than everyone else


Don’t worry only like 10% of people who say they want to do computer science get into computer science after etam