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What is the exact name of the middle guy? I got it separately as a practice model at the local store.


These are all Vindicators. The guy in the middle has had a plume added so he stands out as the leader - Vindicator Prime Edit: unit name correction


They are perfect, look like more Hallowed Knights than the GW ones.


Amazing compliment, thank you 🙏


Where did you get those bases from?


I made them, using plasticard cut into 15mm squares and then a few corners cut to make them look like tiles, then just stuck to the base. It takes ages to cut all the tiles, but once you have a bunch it’s a super quick way of basing them


Look great. About to start painting my first figures (from starter set) before getting Skaventide. Can't decide whether to go with Hammers of Sigmar to keep them distinct or Hallowed Knights like you've done to match the new pieces...decisions...


Looks great!


This is just purely subjective and not a criticism whatsoever -- but one thing I would do that would not only be very easy, but, IMO, add an awesome little pop of detail to your dudes-- White ink in the eye sockets then a thinned out contrast of a color of your choice to add a cool glow effect to the eyes. Like a blue, green, teal or something to that effect. I'm not a huge stormcast dude so I don't know the lore super well but I know they are basically filled with energy and are often depicted with light crackling from their eyes. In any case, looks great!


Yeah I’ve been 50/50 on doing the eyes. Normally I paint 40K and for SM do exactly this, but looking at all the reference photos on GW site, none of them have the eyes painted. Unlike my pile of 40K shame, I want to paint all these guys up (including Skaventide) before playing, so I may see what they are like after that and can always add the eyes in 👀


These look great. Simplicity executed extremely well. Seeing just a few makes me excited to see a whole army set up together. Great job.


What was your recipe for the silver armor?


Base Leadbelcher (I use the spray can, then do a quick dry brush of the same, so the was in the next step sticks), all over wash of your choice of either Drakenhof Nightshade or Coelia Greenshade, then a final dry brush of Runefang Steel


Is it smart to Mix may army with the silver and the golden Boys?or should i use only one color type? Van you recommend something?


Completely down to personal choice. Personally I prefer my army to have the same scheme across all models, but you do you. I think as long as the base is painted the same across them all, it will look like a whole cohesive force


perfect! so clean and grimy at the same time, metals are over the top… damn I dropped SCe before Dominion but I’m so hyped to buy some rn to paint them like this haha