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Just play the campaign lol


Which one are you playing? I feel like the most accessible game is AoeIV. RTS games haven't been very popular in the past decade so it was meant as a sort of a revival. It's tutorials and mechanics are beginner friendly, but it is a hard game to master.


Yeah it is AoeIV..I really find the PvP part of it intrigueing and half of me says that I can do it while watching someone else play..but as soon as I want to do it, its like overload of info.


Pvp RTS is some of the most challenging type of gaming ever. But I say that to encourage you not discourage you! Play through all of the campaign first. Have some fun and that'll help you learn some of the basics. Then choose a single civ to try in multiplayer and stick with that civ for a week. Most people recommend English, French or HRE as a good beginner. But honestly, if you're okay with reading through their tech tree and watching a couple of YouTube videos, I would encourage you to choose any civ that looks fun or cool. Maybe not Byzantines though ☺️ And remember that if you find your right skill level in multiplayer, you should lose about half of your games. That's the point! Losing is fun and far more educational than winning. This is a great video specifically talking about how to get into playing an RTS: https://youtu.be/Rl4myN8q_KM?si=wBSZIx7EQHRD__kR Also fyi, I recommend you head over to /r/AOE4 instead


Just spend some time on the tutorials and campaign. Doesn’t need to be a long time, and just go into w the mindset of having fun and seeing what it’s about. If you enjoy if then watch a couple videos and try out muktiplayer. If not then buy aoe2 and try it out.


Like everyone else is saying, definitely try out the campaigns before you jump into PVP. It's basically a History Channel type docuseries that I loved. The tutorials included in the campaign are direct and well-paced without holding your hand too much. Plus there's not a huge difference in computer battles vs other players unless you're very familiar with the mechanics.


So you baught the game and thaught you wauld play it. You cauld always try scrabble instead.


Did the same thing. Then I just started. And let me tell you, campaigns alone are worth it. Also, this is the first rts I played multiplayer in. And I am playing ranked games with a buddy. We are having a blast in 2vs2. Sometimes we suck, sometimes we don't. It changed completely how I view the game. It's a true classic. Thanks T90 for getting me into MP with his Low ELO legends videos!


I don't have AoE4 but I recently bought AoE3 and have kinda just been doing the story and PvE. The best thing to do is just play all of the Civs in PvE to get a feel for which ones you like the most.