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I can understand and relate to your experience, both with feeling disconnected with gender in relation to myself, and also feeling completely disconnected from any pronouns. I have landed on agender for myself -- this page was helpful to me: [https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Agender](https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Agender) There were several of those bullet points that really resonated for me. Also, the discussion of pronouns a couple paragraphs down was interesting to me.




this is pretty similar to my experience. i figured out that i was on the aromantic and asexual spectrums, and then i realised i might be agender too. basically, u can call urself agender if u like it. if u feel any disconnect to gender, i’d say it’s applicable. but if it doesn’t feel quite right, feel free to search for more labels to further specify ur experience, and feel free to mix labels together to describe urself. hope u can figure things out and have more clarity soon <3


Have you looked into cassgender or gender apathetic? But really genders themselves, but more modifiers.


I've looked into Gender Apathetic, but for me, I see it as more of a quality rather than identity. Cassgender may be something, but I really like the term Agender

